Saturday, November 24, 2012

Let the Season Begin! Holiday Entertaining Ideas

Hello everyone, hope you have come out of your Thanksgiving food coma!
 As much as we eat on Thanksgiving, when you don't host it, you miss those leftovers the next day!

I know a lot of you have already started decorating for Christmas.  It is a daunting task!  Oh please, don't tell me you are all done!
 I started dragging out, and digging through  bins.

Do I need all this stuff? 
Am I decorating a Bed and Breakfast??

Nope, but every year I get rid of things and somehow new things sneak back into the house.  You do it too, I know!

These dinner plates hopped into my basket on my last trip to CTS, I had a 20 off the whole order, so I couldn't resist.
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It reminded me of Villeroy and Boch Naif.  I have a platter and plate in that pattern that were gifted to me.
I love that it has the Nativity scene in it.

  Can't wait to use it in a scape soon.

One of the desserts I made to bring to Tgiving was individual Black Forest Cakelets.

I think they would be good for Christmas entertaining, make them to look like a wreath.  I am going to try!

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I made them in the Wilton cakelet pan, it has an indentation, so you can fill with just about anything.

Picture 836
I got mine at BBB with a 20 off coupon.

I made a chocolate cake, and baked them in the pan.

After they cooled, I dipped them in chocolate, then filled them with cherry pie filling and piped on fresh whipped cream.  I use WHIP IT, it really helps the whipped cream hold its shape for hours.

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Pumpkin Trifle ...
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Layer of pumpkin raisin bread, soaked in a bit of apricot liqueur, layer of vanilla pudding, pumpkin pudding, cool whip.  Continue till bowl is full, then pipe with fresh whipped cream.
 Let's Dish 1682 I made a few individual ones for us.
Cupcakes for the kids...

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I used my Bundt pan to make the stuffing, much nicer presentation, easily sliced for serving.

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Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, and got whatever you planned to do done!  I never do, the energy runs out!

This is my 500th post, took me years to get here!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, and On the Menu Monday at Stone Gable.

See you Wednesday at 7 for Let's Dish!
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Yep- I am digging out this weekend, too. Daunting task, indeed. I love the idea of stuffing in a bunting pan! xo Diana

  2. I love the table setting in your header! Don't let the ACLU see your new dishes, you know how touchy certain people get with the Nativity! certainly not me!! And your desserts-one more scrumptious than the next. I love the molded stuffing, I know you don't do recipes, but what's in it? xo

    1. Bread, seasonings, onions, celery, broth, butter, and LOVE, LOL
      Sometimes I add sausage and apples. Pretty basic.
      And I won't invite any ACLU people for dinner, Bah humbug to them! :)

  3. The goodies all have my mouth watering. Will I never learn not read your blog late at night?

  4. Kathleen, your holiday setting in your header is gorgeous. Not digging out the bins just yet. We still have pumpkins sitting around! I may let November run it's course before putting out some Christmas.
    Your goodies look delicious! We had lots of left overs and will be eating on them for a few meals. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  5. Congrats on 500! Would love to take you out to celebrate!

  6. Cute plates! Love the molded stuffing, it's always nice to get another use out of our baking pans and I agree, it's very pretty:@)

  7. I really need to get Wilton cakelet pan; you mini Black Forest cakes are tempting me; my husband would love these. Of course you had to buy that plate. Every year i get rid of some of my Christmas stuff; you would be surprised what I still have for 50 years ago.

  8. Congratulations on 500; quite the achievement.You put so much work in your posts; loved them all.

  9. I absolutely love the idea of using a mold for your dressing! It does make it much more special. Congrats on your 500th post, Kathleen. I have lost a bit of mojo and have been so busy, have nothing to post about, and barely get time to visit. Hope I get the Christmas spirit soon!

  10. That pumpkin trifle looks wonderful. I think I just might try a mold for the dressing next time. Very creative. Love the plate and looking forward to your scaper. Enjoy preparing for Christmas. Hugs, Deb

  11. What a neat must have them all:) I gave the big cupcake to my daughter:)

    Not decorated yet..Wait till the first week of December..You are always super organized!

  12. Love the new header! I don't recall seeing that table. You'll have to repost it for us all to enjoy.

    You were a very busy beaver for Thanksgiving, even if you didn't host. No wonder you run out of energy for the decorating. I've never heard of WHIP IT but it sounds like a great idea. I always hesitate to make whip cream ahead of time, but it looks like you've solved the problem.

    Those little cakes look fabulous. Great idea to have a pumpkin trifle. Neat to see the stuffing in a bundt pan.

    Great to have you linking with Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  13. I love the idea of putting the stuffing in the bundt pan...what a great idea. Looking good, you need a test taster?

  14. Congrats on your 500th post! Love the new header! Great idea to put the stuffing in a bundt pan. I put up one tree today, and I am done until next weekend ;o)

  15. Always a wonderful treat to visit here!! Thanx! Cathy

  16. Wow, gorgeous desserts! Where do you buy the Whip It? I've never heard of it but sounds like an awesome product.

    Your Christmas table in the header is beautiful!

    1. Made by Oetker. Check in the baking aisle of your supermarket. has it, but it is a boatload quantity! :)

  17. Hi Kathleen,

    As usual, your post is entertaining and full of good information. I love the idea of doing stuffing in the bundt pan. Stuffing is my most FAVORITE thing of all to eat at Thanksgiving. All your desserts look festive and delicious.

    I've got to march myself back over to the CTS in Greensboro to look for seasonal goodies. I just LOVE the dinner plates you got; and I, too, love that it has the Nativity on it. It reminds me of a little German village.

    I definitely won't tell you that I'm through with Christmas decorating; we're just getting started. I laughed when I read that you get rid of things every year, but new things keep sneaking back in. The very same thing happens at our house -- so glad to know it's not just me. :D

    Have a wonderful week, Kathleen!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  18. Kathleen,
    Well I have started and want to get done early this year since we are traveling this year for the holidays. Your new header is so pretty!!! Love your new dishes! All those deserts look so delicious and yummy! I've done a little baking but not much so far. I've got bins in my entry hall so have to get busy this week! I am vowing not to buy anything (table related) this year. Hope I don't see anything really cute!!
    Miss Bloomers

  19. Oh, my, I could eat everything you are showing! I do love dessert, and these all look fabulous.
    The dressing in a Bundt pan is an inspiration. What a terrific idea!

  20. You are the master of amazing food...I am unworthy! I'm not sure that I would have thought of preparing even one of those glorious recipes. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. I think that I gained five pounds just reading about them. Your new plates are outstanding. I need to get back to Dallas ion. Cherry Kay

  21. Congratulations on your milestone in blogging. You know are a bright light in the blogging community.

    My husband would love the Black Forest Cakelets.♥

    Decorating is well under way here. I've finished everything with the exception of decorating the tree and the upstairs landing.

  22. Congratulation on 500! That's a lot of work. All your dishes look soooo good. I am pinning the cakelets for future refrence. Wow everything looks so good, I am hungry again.
    Blessings, Ginger

  23. BTW, The header is fantastic eye candy. Ginger

  24. Your Black Forest Cakelets look so good! I want to reach right through the screen and grad one!!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  25. Oh my goodness, my sweet tooth is aching!!! Yummy desserts. You always find the best pans to make your sweet treat! Thanks for letting me know about these fun cakelettes! I love anything that is individual serving! Now I will be looking for these too!

  26. Congratulations on your 500th post. That's quite an accomplishment and I might add a lot of work. Love these little pans. I like individual servings too.

  27. Wow, happy 500th post, Kathleen! I honestly don't even know how many I have - I'd have to look.

    Since I was exhausted after cooking and cleaning for several days, we didn't get any decorations up indoors yet. We did get a few lights up outdoors yesterday, though.

    Pretty plates with the holiday scene that you found and all of your goodies look delicious!

  28. I admit it. I'm still in the coma somewhat. I don't know how I manage to eat so much!

    Love the plates that you got, and yes... I try to eliminate and bring it back in too.

    I love the pumpkin trifle in the individual dishes. I need to try that.

  29. Yep, I am done decorating for Christmas and I still can't believe how I did it but I love the way it turned out. Hope you can come see if you have a chance. Yummy! Those desserts and other food are mouth watering and looks so pretty. I always get hungry coming here....Christine


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