Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunny Sunday~ This and That

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Sunday!  The weather was perfect today, after a not so sunny yesterday.
Augyst and dinner dance 248
Yesterday we travelled to my sweet gdau's dance recital.  She was very good, this is her 8th year. I know all grandparents think that!  :)
3 and a half hours long!  Thank goodness for DSI's because her 3 little brothers would have been bouncing off the walls!
Let's Dish 732
I made her a little nosegay, as I do every year.  Well, except when the deer ate all the roses the night before!    :(

My hydrangeas need a few more days, only some of the white ones have started to open.
Let's Dish 730 Afterwards we went to dinner at the club, and saw the Belmont go off on TV.  My gkids were happy to see their classmates on tv, the winning jockey has children in their school.  They showed them after the race.

Are you starting to get ready for July 4th?  It will be here before we know it.  While the parade here in Southampton will be on the 4th, many of the parties will be the weekend before, June 30th.

I found these little resin Americana watering cans in CTS a few weeks ago.

Let's Dish 740

They are toothbrush holders!  But for .29 I pictured them down the middle of a table filled with flowers!
Let's Dish 748 I stuck some roses in just so you could get the idea!

I was solo in CTS, so of course I called Alma, The Tablescaper to see if she wanted a dozen too!

Of course she did, is the Pope Catholic, LOL!

I am getting my vintage watering can ready for the 4th too, gave it a coat of blue paint. I will fill it with flowers and a bow for the big day!
Let's Dish 746

I thought these would be good to keep the #%#! bugs out of the food.
Let's Dish 738
I found them at the .99 store, same brand as HG has for 4.99.  so I got 12 since I was saving 4.00 on each one, LOL!

We had a simple lunch out on the porch.

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Sausage bread.  I have posted the recipe , you can see it here.  It really is delicious, and with a green salad makes a great lunch or light supper.

Thanks to all who linked up or visited Let's Dish last Wed.  I have a few more to get to!
Thanks for stopping by!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Shannon  for the Cozy Home Scenes Party


  1. Sausage bread sounds scrumptious! I just love the beautiful nosegay you designed.

  2. It was gorgeous here too:)

    WE didn't head down to the lake though..just nested..

    I really like those little mesh domes:) I have bought the larger $1.00 store umbrellas..Like those too..8th recital!

    Where does the time go?
    Lulu will be 7
    Max just turned 5
    Noah will be 4
    Ollie will be 3!

    G 11 and A 13..Oh lala

    Love them all:)

  3. How cute are those watering can-toothbrush-holders-turned-vases? Adorable. Your sausage bread looks really delicious, I have not made it in years. xo

  4. Lovin' your new mesh domes and I agree about the bugs! The watering can looks good with a new coat of blue. Sunny but lots of humidity north of Philly today:@)

  5. I just looked at some mesh domes and passed them by, and now I wished I would have gotten at least one. Your flower images and beautiful. I do love dance recitals, my daughter was a dancer, started at age 3 then danced all the way through HS and into college.

  6. Your post brought back memories of sitting through my daughter's violin recitals years ago. Good thing everything sounds wonderful to parents and grandparents. Only you would think to use toothbrush holds for little vases. You always make the prettiest little bouquets, Kathleen.

  7. You always find such great bargains!

    The small town nearby will have a parade on the 4th of July. One year I walked in it with the float from our church.

    What a lovely nosegay for your granddaughter! She must really enjoy dance to keep at it for these many years! The recitals are so cute.

  8. Love all your this and that's. Congratualtions on your g-daughter's recital! So special. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. Another recital and another nosegay to honor that sweet little princess! You are a wonderfully thoughtful grandmother. Love the patriotic mini watering cans. They will make a fun centerpiece.

  10. I love your little watering can idea. your sasuage bread looks wonderful.

  11. Sounds like a great afternoon. I went upstate, and it took a lot less time than it for you, you have some ride so I'm not complaining about 2 hrs on the Taconic :) The nosegay is very pretty! The sausage bread looks delicious.

    1. An hour and a half each way Carol, we didn't hit traffic.

  12. Sounds like a perfect day. The flowers are beautiful!

  13. What a pretty nosegay grandma. I love the idea of a toothbrush holder. Who wiOuld ever have thought but the holes acts a frog. What fun bug domes. The colors are great.

  14. Great post! I will have to look for the nets at the Dollar store.

    Jocelyn @

  15. What a sweet nosegay. Congratulation on your granddaughter's recital! Maybe she will be on Broadway :-) We were at the lake with my entire family, and Sunday was nice. Today is gorgeous, but HOT. Sausage roll is very popular in our area, and my mom used to make it all the time. Like all your patriotic finds! No hydrangea blooms here yet, but we still have gorgeous peonies.

  16. What a nice friend you are to include Alma in your shopping trip, even though she was not there! I love dance recitals - I know you are so proud of your granddaughter. That sausage bread looks wonderful and your flower arrangement is so pretty!

  17. Is that a paper plate I see????? Hark!

    Love how you're getting ready for the 4th. The nose gay, as always, is beautiful. Sorry we didn't connect at the recital.

    Love those nets. I can't believe you got them for $1@. What a deal!

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Those bug guards are a good Idea, and those sandwiches look delicious. Richard

  19. That is such a good idea to use the toothbrush holders as vases!!!! I am going to CTS on Wed. so will check them and the domes out! XO, Pinky

  20. Your photos are so pretty. I know your granddaughter must have loved the nosegay. I totally agree about grandchildren. I think my grandson is wonderful, too.♥

    I have seen several mention the .99 store. We don't have those here. I love the screens. Such a great buy, I would have purchased some, too.

  21. Kathleen,that nosegay is just the sweetest thing. I know your granddaughter will always remember the nosegays you've made her for each recital, and what a special memory that will be. Who else would think to buy toothbrush holders for centerpieces? You are just so clever, and I'm loving the bargain on those red & blue food covers. Your comment on my wedding post had me laughing once again. You obviously come by your cleverness naturally. I LOVED your mother's sayings and wish I'd known them when my children were teens. laurie

  22. Beautiful photos. You are a great gma!! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Love those little repurposed watering cans! And such a sweet nosegay!

  24. Love your beautiful flowers and sweet table ideas. And wow does that sausage bread look delicious!

  25. Grandmas are always right.
    Those of us here in Vancouver, Canada were very crestfallen about the scratch of our home town darling I'll Have Another due to tendonitis. We were so hoping for the Triple Crown.
    You always find such cute things for the tables. We don't have that store here.

  26. How exciting for your grandkids to see their friends on TV. I am such a small town girl that I get very excited about stuff like that.

    I love the idea for the toothbrush holder and will never overlook on at the thrift or dollar store without considering it that way. WONDERFUL!

  27. Beautiful nosegay your put together Kathleen!And what a great dind on those little toothbrush holders! Perfect for a few flowers.

  28. Kathleen -- your g-daughter must have been thrilled with her flowers -- so pretty! That sausage bread looks wonderful too -- I love your painted water can -- blue was a perfect choice :)


  29. I'm sure your g'daughter had a wonderful recital! My older grandson was in an all boy dance group this year... my son and DIL sent me the video of him "dancing" 3 1/2 he did a good job, but he spent the first half of the dance looking for Mom and Dad in the!

    I was in your neck of the woods on my birthday -- a friend told me we were going on a surprise trip and took me to the WS outlet and told me to shop for my BD! I found a few grill items I've been coveting in the WS catalog. We even popped into the CTS in Deer Park on the way home. I hope you husband also had a wonderful birthday--I know you must have treated him with a yummy cake!

  30. Hello!

    How are you?? Life has been so busy but I am trying to catch up on my visiting!!

    I may be going to CTS on Saturday so I will be keeping my eyes peeled for some of your goodies that you have shared here!!

    What a lovely post!!

    Hope all is well with you!


  31. Your sausage bread looks delicious Kathleen. Your nosegay was beautiful...too bad about the deer. Sounds like your granddaughter is very dedicated and talented, so it's easy to see why you are so proud and want to honor her. Thanks for sharing a bit about your life with us at Your Cozy Home Party this week!

  32. Sounds like you had a great weekend. I wish we had a CTS. I get envious everytime someone talks about them.
    Does Tablescaper live near you? That must be fun.
    Hugs, Ginger

  33. Beautiful look at the bay! What a pretty nosegay you made for her recital. Those darned deer!


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