Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's Raining Men~ Let's Dish! Shrimp & Crab Cakes

Oh, I meant, Man, is it raining!  Seems like every Wednesday, just in time to take pics!

JUNE 20th  At the Beach is the theme! Gift card give away too!

The table I had planned for outside got a rain delay.

Today, June showers brought lots of flowers!  In fact, when dh saw it he said it is very flowery! The man is so observant.  :)

Let's Dish 751
The topper is part of a lined panel I had left over from making curtains for the bathroom to match the bedroom drapes etc.
 It is by Ralph Lauren.
  You may have it on your bed right now, lol.

Let's Dish 772
I used a white lace placemat,from the .99 store.  The dishes my neighbor purged, Winchester by Johnson Bros. I used them HERE last year.

The glasses are by Gorham via Lenox Outlet.

Flatware from World Market.
Let's Dish 769
Wicker watering can with rosebud impatiens and some diamond frost.  It will go back on the front porch later.
Let's Dish 762
Old pink napkins folded.  First I did them like this...
Let's Dish 759
White alabaster napkin ring, but decided to go with the fold.Let's Dish 763
Let's Dish 760I have to start giving a tip so I can link up to Stone Gables new meme an hour after we meet here.

Sometimes I feel strange doing that, I don't think I know anymore than you do!

When I wash the napkins, I take them out of the washer, and press them out with my hands.

  Let them almost dry flat like that.
While slightly damp, fold them and smooth them, and leave them till they dry completely.

Earth shattering I know, LOL!

Let's EAT!

Augyst and dinner dance 403
Shrimp and crab cakes with a zesty horseradish mayo.

Served on my Crate and Barrel find at the Dollar Tree.

Augyst and dinner dance 396
I have only made them once, I needed a quick appy and I had some shrimp and imitation crab, so I whipped them up.

They were a hit, and I promised all those who asked I would make them again, and write down the ingredient measurements.

 I didn't , but I want to make them for Father's Day so I will.  You know, some of this, some of that !  :)

Please read!

Please link up ONE table related post. 

This meme is to show off your tables or collections, or table related bargains. 

  This party is all about the china, etc!  :) Showing food is fine, but please show the table setting , or collection of dishes you are using to serve it.

We don't aim to be the biggest party, just to have  fun!
Join us whenever you have something dishy to share, you are always welcome, no dues collected!  :)


Do  remember to link back to this party, one link, no word id.
Blog Name first, please.  :)

Let's see what you brought to the meeting tonight.

Thanks so much for attending for meeting of Let's Dish # 13 and for visiting so many entries. 
 I see you when I go to comment, and it is great to see everyone get  visits and comments. And of course, I so appreciate your comments!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Diann for Thrifty Things Friday
Bev for Pink Saturday
Gollum for Foodie Friday
Yvonne for On the Menu Monday


  1. I don't have that pattern of Ralph Lauren on my bed, but I definitely have a RL floral on my bed. The Johnson Brothers dinnerware is so beautiful Don't think that I've seen it before today. Perfect flowery table come rain or shine. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  2. Kathleen~ I had a good chuckle out of your title! I love your flower-filled table and I wish I had a neighbor that was purging dishes~ especially your Johnson Brothers pattern! LOVE that wicker watering can at your table and your crab cakes look delicious :)

  3. Oh the crab cakes made my tummy growl! I like the napkin fold better. And thanks for the tip! Such pretty dishes your neighbor purged! Lucky you to save them. I have been wanting to set a table outside but right now we have wind and cottonwood to contend with. Maybe in July. Thanks for hosting Kathleen! I don't have anything for this week but I love seeing what everyone shares.

  4. Beautiful Table Kathleen! Don't you just "LOVE" Johnson Bros and all the wonderful pretties they've given us? The sun is just starting to PEEK OUT at us up here in Connecticut. The gardens are VERY WELL watered!
    I'll be back to link up later.
    I want to know what your "Some of this and that is" In your shrimp crab cakes. They look YUMMMMY!
    Big Hugs,

  5. Your table is gorgeous Kathleen.

    I love shrimp and crab cakes. Yours look delicious.

  6. OK, two things. I got confused on the day for the beach table so I have it for today. Also, I have food and recipes as I always join more than one party. I won't add my link.

    1. No, BJ, you can have food in it, it just has to have a table related thing too! We love table settings, show us!

  7. Hi Kathleen, I am always happy to party cause I love you lots. I never have anything earth shattering to display but, it works for me! I am a student tablescaper, I like to play with the big girls.... Oops! no not what I meant, TALENTED ladies who party here. :) xo P

    1. And you are always welcome, Barbara, whether you have something to show or not! :}
      Some of us got to WW after the Let's Dish meeting. Some of us have dinner and dessert, lol!

  8. Lovin' the pinks and greens K! Cute little appy sized crab cakes! I look forward to seeing how you made them, love that serving dish too:@)

  9. Hi darling, what a beautiful table. I haven't made crab cakes in quite a while. guess I'm confused.. there's not linky party tonight?? then again I stay confused lol hugs ~lynne~

  10. That is one of my all time favorite Ralph Lauren patterns so to see it on a lovely table just makes my heart go a flutter!

    - The Tablescaper

  11. Very pretty tablescape! Those dishes are so lovely, (what a thoughtful neighbor)and I love your pretty green handled flatware.

    Your crab cakes look yummy! Thank You for hostessing and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  12. I love crab cakes, so you are making me very hungry!! I love your setting - it is flowery and wonderful! That wicker watering can is the tableware-envy item for me. I think it is adorable!

  13. Hi Kathleen...back again to link up. Having wine and cheese on the patio, this evening. Will return later to visit.:-)

  14. I forgot my name again but was able to delete and try again. Sometimes I wonder how I make it through a day in one piece! I love your fabric and it looks so nice with those beautiful dishes. We have sunshine here but it's so hot I think my candles will melt (last year I put them in the freezer first and then they had condensation all over them!). Looking forward to the beach next week-my kind of table!

    Robin Flies South

    1. You win, Robin! Elaine forgot! :)
      It is good people see the name and get to know your blog.
      Thanks for remembering! :)

  15. The table looks so pretty but, I have to confess, I love your hubby's comment! LOL And those crab cakes look great.Ii hope you are going to post the recipe soon! Thanks for hosting and have a great night!

  16. I love the folded napkins! as a novice at all this -I enjoyed your tip!! Thanks so much for passing on your wisdom!
    Beautiful table. I bet your neighbor is happy to see you use the dishes is such a fabulous way.

  17. Beautiful colors! Alabama has been in monsoon mode for a few days -- finally lifted for a bit. I was able to photo on the back porch this a.m. Thanks for the party! The crab and shrimp cakes look delish, especially since we had frozen pizza. I am off to watch Dallas.

  18. Kathleen, I loved your tablescape with the RL print, pretty dishes, lovely green flatware and the beautifully folded napkins. Loved hubby's comment, too!!! Thanks for hosting and for always commenting. xox

  19. Kathleen, You always have the best idea. I love that you could use leftover fabric to make a pretty tablecloth. I know just what you mean... it so often rains on the days I want to photograph tablescapes.
    Great tip... I hope you join me next week with it!
    Thanks for hosting!!!

  20. Kathleen- What a beautiful tablescape...even if you did have to do it inside rather than outside. Maybe next time you can do it in the "flowery" area!;>) Blessings-xo Diana

  21. What a sweet tablescape, Kathleen. Love the colors, adorable! Pretty plates. Shrimp and crab cakes are some of my favorites!...Christine

  22. What a beautiful china pattern, and what a lovely neighbor!

  23. Kathleen, I adore RL textiles. Gorgeous table, and not a bit too flowery. LOL
    Sharing a beach table tonight, but if all goes well, I'll have another for next week. Just back from my beach trip with my girl cousins, so had to share it this week. Thanks for hosting! ~ Sarah

  24. Great, Sarah! Can't wait to see it!
    Next week's challenge is optional, any table is welcome!

  25. How nice of your neighbor to purge the Johnson Brothers dishes and for you to "inherit" them! They are pretty & make for a sweet tablescape.

  26. Love all your pinks on the table and your June flowers. What pretty transferware and what a pretty fabric for your tablecloth!

  27. Yippee! Glad you got some rain. You did want rain in your neck of the woods...right? If not just ignore the first part of this comment. Love those dishes. I'm a real fan of Johnson Brothers! I'm gearing up for the beach theme next week. I wish I had a flag day table ready this week but it ain't happening...
    Have a wonderful rest of the week and great Father's day weekend!!

  28. Such a pretty flowery table! Love your Gorham glasses, oh that green, just gorgeous! Your neighbor "purged" those dishes? I want to move in next door! Thanks for hosting the party Kathleen. Looking forward to next week's beach theme party! Pam

  29. We've been having a ton of rain lately too, and we really need it. It did hold off for me to set an outside one. We ate our treats in warp speed though because it was hot by the time I set it.

    I love your pink table. Pink is my favorite color for everything, especially table settings. I love the way you did the napkins with the fold and the name card. There's something about a standing napkin that I'm really drawn to.

  30. Hi Kathleen, I'm having my doctor send you a note about my impaired short-term memory. And, Robin cheated.

    LOVE your explosion of flowers table! The green stemware and flatware were a great choice! I bet your curtains are gorgeous! Thanks again for hosting Let's Dish! Beach week will be a real challenge for me!

  31. I love how you matched up the flatware and the dishes. They match perfectly on my screen. Thanks for hosting!

  32. Your table is wonderful! Thanks for hosting it such a treat to visit each week.

    June 14 Flag Day---Fly those flags

    Cathy's Cupboard Calamity <;)

  33. I've always loved that floral print.. It's totally mahhh-ve-lus!!! The white placemats looks great with it, repeating the underskirt color. I still can't believe she "purged" those dishes.. Lucky you. The table is absolutely lovely. thanks so much for hosting this lovely party.. have a great week.. xo marlis

  34. Beautiful dishes! I love your pretty floral tabletopper with the white lace under it..very, very pretty. You were one lucky gal with those dishes! Thank you for hosting and having me.

  35. Pretty table! I'd love those crab cakes. Make mine with a side of Benadryl :) Enjoy the day, today it's gorgeous out!

  36. OH, those shrimp/crab cakes look delish!!! I will be anxious for the recipe!!! I FINALLY did a table so I could join you today. This moving stuff is HARD WORK:): Your table is SO pretty. I love that napkin fold too. Love all the flowers and the cute watering can. Have a beautiful weekend, kathleen. XO, pinky

  37. I love your tables...what a happy place to share a meal! Love the idea of mixing the crab and shrimp together to make the cakes...yum.

  38. Your flowery summer table is gorgous. And those crabcakes, you SO have me craving them now, yum yum yum!

    Thank you for hosting a wonderful linky party.

  39. Very pretty! Love the colors! I especially like the floral cloth over the Battenburg tablecloth!

    I don't care for crabcakes, but I love salmon patties!

    Hoping to get my beach tablescape together soon!


  40. You always set such a pretty table Kathleen! Someday I will have a post for this again.
    I am always amazed by your cooking skills, you rock friend!
    I think you're hubby quote was hilarious! You know men, hehehe!

  41. You always have the prettiest flatware!

  42. I'm sorry I couldn't join in this week, Kathleen, but I can't wait to visit so many beautiful posts!! Will join you next week "at the beach." The crab cakes look YUMMY, and the way you plated them is wonderful. ~Zuni

  43. We could sure some of the rain you got! It has been so dry here. Not complaining though because we haven't had any mosquitoes for over a week now. Pretty indoor table and the shrimp and crab cakes look delicious!

  44. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Tablescape is gorgeous !!! I love the colors you put together for this wonderful party. The crab cakes look Yummy also..
    XXOO Diane

  45. what a beautiful for a June birthday know a few ladies and some quiche....I love the folded napkin better then the one in the napkin ring....can it be done with paper napkins? :)

  46. Your table is as wonderful as ever! This idea is really fun and colorful because of those beautiful flowers! I love everything on top of your table. So nice to eat on that table together with your family.

    Satin Tablecloths

  47. We had some rain earlier in the week, but now a five day stretch of dry and sunny so the garden took right off! I just put some blooms in a vase so we can enjoy them indoors too. Pretty indoor table, and we would be delighted to eat some of that shrimp and the crab cakes.

  48. Soooo pretty, Kathleen. I remember when your neighbor gave you those J.B. plates. I loved them then and I love them now. I'm thinking that neighbor needs to move next door to me. That beautiful fabric is the perfect backdrop for those plates, and your flower-filled watering can is so pretty. I also wouldn't feel like I had a tip worth sharing, but I thought your tip was very good! I hate ironing napkins. laurie

  49. Beautiful table...I keep looking for a square salad plate in my travels...I will find one, one of these days. I have seen several of the round ones.

  50. Thanks, Kathleen...I hope your men have a nice Father's Day, too.

  51. You have a beautiful and yummy entry this week.

    Happy Pink Saturday. Come and take a peek at my PINK post when you get a chance. Enjoy Father's Day!

  52. Another great table and appetizer! yum! can't wait for that recipe!


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