Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Serious Bunch of Ugly~ Any Ideas?

This thing has been getting uglier every year.  The time has come to take care of matters!
No, I am not talking about getting a face lift!  But this cart we use for storage and serving on the porch needs help!
Let's Dish 695 It wasn't made to be used outdoors, but I had no use for it in the kitchen so we moved it to the covered porch.
It is good storage for the things we keep out there, napkins, cups etc.  I guess this qualifies for where do you keep it!
Let's Dish 694
It will clean up a bit with the deck cleaner, but it won't be perfect.
So I thought I would paint the wood part , but I am not a painted furniture person, so I don't know where to start!
What color should I do?  All my porch furniture is white wicker, and the house is gray.  Suggestions?  What type of paint?
It is in a protected area, we keep a little frig out there in the summer and that is fine, but it is not entirely weatherproof.
If you wonder why this isn't all done and the porch set up, we have to wait till the pollen invasion is over or else we have to redo everything! 
A few projects to do out there before I can Sit and relax on the porch and enjoy the view!
Let's Dish 697
table 2808
table 2593
But not yet, still pollen to be cleaned and wicker to be sprayed!  And that cart to be transformed too!
table 2434
So what color?
And then there's the bike project!
Somehow, the projects get delayed, over and over.  There's just so many good days to take a walk here, and this trumps spray painting!  :)
I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.
Susan for Metamorp Monday
Shannon for COzy Home Party


  1. Why not paint it blue? Or, red? I can see both colors on your porch. Your flowers are doing very well. I am with you and painting furniture, I am afraid cause I am a little "accident-prone'. xo

  2. I'd remove the doors and drawers, paint it white
    and use it for a nice plant stand and a few
    garden tools... nice piece!

    1. I have a potting table around the other side, so I really want to keep this for storage. It also comes in handy when we cook out there.
      Thanks though! I am thinking white, but wonder if the dirt will show too much. I guess I could always poly it so it can be wiped off.

  3. Great piece, I vote for blue. I love the ocean view, I think I would opt for that too, paint later. Hugs, Marty

  4. Kathleen, I think the best post I ever read about using furniture outdoors is from Between Naps on the Porch. Susan painted a hutch she uses on her porch. Here is the link....

    Jocelyn @

    1. Thanks, I probably read it, but don't remember! I do recall the hutch.

    2. Ok, I read it. Her porch is a screened in, more protection. Plus Susan has a lot more patience than I do! :)

  5. Yellow would be cheerful or a sea green, I think either color would look very nice. As I think about it, there are too many choices! Good luck.

  6. I like Barbara's idea about painting the cart blue. I think it would like brights and cheerful. Not much to add about types of paint. I find it hard to do projects when the sunny weather is calling me.

  7. With that beautiful beach so close by, I'm afraid I'd have to scratch the porch and head straight for the beach!

    Looking at those beautiful blue cushions, a bit of farmhouse red stain would be really cute on your porch.

    When I'm trying to determine what paint to use I usually talk to the experts at the paint store.

  8. Kathleen, no experience with painting furniture except to spray paint some wicker on occasion many years ago and a child's metal chair and table. I do think a pretty blue would look nice.
    Your star gazer lilies are gorgeous. Good luck with your project. ~ Sarah

  9. If you are going to clean it anyway, why not strip it, stain it a natural wood color and then varnish it. It will take work but I don't like to paint wood if it can be salvaged. There is usually a nice wood grain that can be enhanced by the stain. Wishing you well. Cathy

  10. I think you should use white or black to make it the stand out piece. I would use marine paint as it will stand up to the weather. The opening make a wine rack.

    1. Marine paint is a good idea. I don't drink, so no wine rack. :) A door on it would be good though. maybe I can talk dh into making one.

  11. Hi Kathleen! Thank you for missing me--right now I am overwhelmed with personal stuff with kids and mother and house and sick dog and too many trips but I miss all my blogging buddies. I had to sign on to tell you I vote No on the blue/white unless you want it to stand out. And it will look too busy out there in blue with your blue cushions too. I would do a soft silvery gray to go with that stainless (?) top or even black to blend in with the cooker. Whatever you do just use exterior grade paint with a primer coat first or even eggshell finish rustoleum spray. But not shiny. Haha--it is so easy to give advice to others and I'm agonizing here about what color to paint my grandmother's old metal chairs. Hope to be back for let's dish this week. Linda

    1. Yes it is a stainless top. I thought about gray too! What to do, what to do? LOL!The grill is stainless, the thing with the black cover is a smoker which we don't keep there all the time .
      I do have gray stain already. Maybe!

  12. I think blue....maybe toward the greyish blues....You have the blue cushions...and gray would probably blend too much with the house. White wouldn't stand out from the other furniture...

    Head to the water!!

    1. Not sure I want it to stand out, lol. It isn't the prettiest thing around.
      Thanks Ceekay! Yes, the beach calls, the work waits! I always hope someone else may do it while I am gone. So far, no luck!

  13. I was thinking of something bright until I saw your porch furniture. So why not blue? Something other than white or gray would show less of the dirt/pollen. Your porch is so pretty! We too have to wait for the pollen to leave before we can officially open our screen porch. Yuck, it gets really thick and we have to scrub a lot. But it's worth it and I'm sure yours is too!

    1. Yes, it is a lot of work, but we spend a lot of time out there. Thanks for your thoughts!

  14. I will be anxiously awaiting the results, but I gave up refinishing furniture for the most part years ago, when I refinished many pieces at once and thought I would never be able to straighten up, again. Hard on the back - lol!! Good luck - just go to the beach, until the idea just "comes to you"!!

  15. Well, I am always odd one out- but I would probably do a grey and then poly it really good. Whatever you do it will be great- xo Diana

  16. Paint it white and kind of chippy. Marine paint sounds good. Or you could stain it with a white deck stain for outdoors. I did that to my railings and they have held up wonderfully!
    Someday I will have a lace cap hydrangea like the ones in your header...

  17. A beautiful blue to match the ocean....what a view!....I love that it would make a great potting table with all that great it...and love using Annie Sloan Chalk easy to use!

  18. Like so many others, I thought a blue or red might be nice. And...I don't blame you for not being in a hurry to paint, not while the beach is calling!

  19. That cart looks like it's very useful, I like the stainless top! Unfortunately I'm no help with the painting though. Love the shot of the water, such a beautiful weekend here:@)

  20. Why not a soft blue like your furniture and trim it in a soft yellow to match too. Anyway its neat. Your lillies are gorgeous, very pretty. I couldn't stay away from the beach.

  21. That's a nice piece and I'm sure you'd love it out there. Why not paint it a funky color - aqua or lime green, or just blue or red? I think would look great. Your plants look so nice.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  22. That's a great piece and I would like it painted a soft gray with chalk paint. I think Miss Mustard Seed has a great color and I'm sure you could get tons on ideas off her blog.

    Robin Flies South

  23. Beautiful porch Kathleen!
    I would paint it red for a pop of color!
    I think you would love it. Just spray prime it, spray paint it and be done. Take you about an hour or so.

  24. Gorgeous lilies...oh, and paint that little catch-all bright red!

  25. Hi Kathleen, I love you storage unit. I wish I had one for my porch. Since you asked, I would take off/out the doors and drawers. I would paint it gray, then white. Sand off a little white so the gray shows through. Poly it for a stable finish. Get colored fabric/drawers and place inside for storage. Maybe red and rich blue for a pop of color. You could change out the baskets for different looks but still have have your basic house color.
    Be sure to let us see what you do with it. xo Ginger

    1. Great ideas on the color, Granny. I think the fabric would get moldy. We are near the water and I have to clorox the pillows every few weeks. That would be really cute with the baskets. Thanks!

  26. This is a tough one because I would always opt for a walk to the beach instead of hauling out paint and brushes. Life is short.

  27. An undercoat of blue that is compatible with your blue chair....and overcoat in a creamy white. If you will take vaseline and swipe it where you want the thoroughly dried blue to show through ( usually in places that would normally get wear), then when you sand it, the white paint will come off in just the right places with no effort at all. It's a great painting trick that I've used many times. My next suggestion is to take your painted piece to a professional to give it a coat of marine varnish that will withstand the weather. That will definitely be worth the extra cost. I also take pieces that I'm going to paint to a professional to prime before I paint them. ALWAYS PRIME! You'll be sad if you don't. It'll be a great piece for a long time. I know that I'm really bossy, but it won't bother me at all if you don't do one single thing that I suggested. Cherry Kay

    1. Lol, Cherry Kay! I think it would cost twice as much as I paid for the cart to do that here! You could buy a lot of beautiful dishes on ebay with what that would cost! I wil prime it though.
      It is pretty big, would need a truck to take it anywhere!
      So I will prime, paint and poly.

  28. Love blue... Just like your furnitures!
    By the Way, love your Garden and the flowers!

  29. Kathleen, I'm not much help.:) If you don't want it to make a statement,then probably white or grey to match your house/porch furniture... but, if you do want it to be a statement piece, then a color that works with your porch cushions, flowers, etc. Exterior grade paint or even marine paint should do the trick. Can't wait to see what you choose.

  30. I'm trying to become a paint person. It's a slow rehabilitation for me since I spent the first 25 years of my marriage as a stripper. (ahem)
    Since I'm slowwwww here, I would just go white and be boring so do NOT listen to me. Listen to someone with taste.

    And then show us the makeover. I love stuff like that.

  31. As I have found out, when you have a porch there's always something to do whether it's sweep or paint! Your cabinet is a great idea for serving....why have I never thought of that? As for color, go for a bright just as you do on your tables plus it would suit what I determine to be your personality.

  32. Kathleen,
    Hi! I think you can't go wrong with a white painted surface. A natural wood look is nice as well. If you paint I would go with an exterior type and possibly an exterior primer first. I love the top of it.
    Have a great day.

  33. Paint it white...and be a little sloppy about it so it looks aged...and if the weather effects it, all the better to add to the patina and charm. I would add the door on the bottom and remove that ugly stainless from the top. Maybe leave the top a natural wood tone...or if easier, paint it all. Any type of paint from the hardware store will do as long as it's a matte finish. I've painted all the newer additions to our picket fences very sloppily so it immediately looks aged and blends with the rest of the fence. Of course being a fence, I used outdoor house paint. Charming porch!

    1. LOL, the stainless top is why I like it, it stands up to the weather here by the bay. Always looks clean to serve the food.
      Thanks for your thoughts. :)

  34. I've got a feeling with all these wonderful ideas posted here that you will come up with something brillant! Can't wait to see what? Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  35. Years ago I had such a project; I painted it blue with white decor, but this would be lovely in white. I know it will come out beautiful.

  36. Hi Kathleen, I wonder how Annie Sloan chalk paint would hold up on the porch? With it, you can avoid the priming, but still might need to seal it with the marine varnish which is a great suggestion. I vote shabby white, then no matter how you change up colors on the porch, it will so go with anything.

  37. Hmmmm......I don't know if there's a way to do it, but a slate facade on the wood part would look cool. Actual slate would make it way to heavy to puch around, but a late veneer of some sort would look really slick!

  38. Great piece, Kathleen! You could even do blue {besides white or grey}. You could do two colors - a grey on the main part and white in the inset {sides and door}, or blue and white. The chalk paint might work well here otherwise I might look to get an exterior paint. Even though it's in a covered area, every little bit helps when something is outside. A little tension rod with some fabric to cover the open bottom part. Actually, I think Christmas Tree Shop has some inexpensive window valances that might work for that spot. : ) I was there today, by the way. But since I left the house in a snit after hubby got me p.o'd I forgot my coupon! : (

  39. I can't wait to see what you do with it :-)

  40. Looks like a real project!

    - The Tablescaper

  41. I vote for painting it cobalt blue or red! Either one would be nice color and would hide dirt..white is nice ...but it is hard to keep clean outside as you mentioned. You could get some cool hardware to dress it up. Nice the possibilities!
    Miss Bloomers

  42. You probably have it all painted and are relaxing by now!! Your porch looks like a great place to do just that, relax! Hope your project comes out nice.

  43. What about a blue to match the cushions? Looks like it will be nice when you fix it up. I'm sure you'll make it so nice, you are very creative!

  44. The beach would triumph over projects in my book too! I actually like the weathered look of the cart. Maybe if you paint it, you can do a driftwood type look and seal it really well to protect from the elements.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  45. Hi Kathleen! It is a great piece - I am sure I would paint it white to go with your white wicker furniture -- maybe some new colorful hardware on it :)


    P.S. I am spending the weekend painting my wicker porch furniture black. Seems I keep *acquiring* more pieces :)

  46. I'd paint it a gray with blue tones, sort of the color of foam on the ocean. Wash it down with TSP first, then prime it and paint it with paint suitable for indoor/outdoor use.

  47. Kathleen, I'd probably leave it "as is" and go to the beach! It is a handy piece to have on the porch. laurie


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