Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Don't Bug Me! & Dollar Per Person Dinner

Welcome to Let's Dish #11, where we talk tablecloths and chat china!

I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and took time out to honor the fallen.
Sunday and Monday we enjoyed beautiful days at the beach with the gkids.  Lots of fun!

I did a little table in honor of our soldiers, here.

Last year, Diann from Thrifty Grove sent me some adorable fun napkin rings.
Let's Dish 663 I never got to use the Lady Bugs, so today was the day!
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The dilemma was would I finish before the skies opened up!
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I chanced it!
Black cloth, red charger from Pottery Barn Outlet after Cmas sale years ago.
Check plate, HG, square red plate, 1.00, Pfaltzgraff
Little red bowls from CTS
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Polka dot napkins , I made them, and a red cotton one from PB Outlet.
Flatware is Cambridge.
Those Pier One birds are planning their dinner, they EAT ladybugs!  :)
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Centerpiece is roses from my garden in a red CTS  lantern with some ribbon wrapped around it.
Votive holders from CTS too.
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Black bottomed ribbed stems were from Pfaltzgraff Outlet.
Let's Dish 667The guest of honor!  :)
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Diann also sent me some other napkin rings including these I used on my  BEE table. If you want to see more click HERE.

Augyst and dinner dance 320
Augyst and dinner dance 340
Thanks so much Diann!
Let's Eat!
A few months ago, the supermarket had a sale on whole boneless loins of pork, .99 a lb. I took several for the freezer/
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Cut into chops and pound.  Place in a bowl with cold water a heaping tablespoon of baking soda.  Let it sit for 15 min.  This tenderizes it, you can google it for more info.
Remove, rinse and place them in a bowl of cold water for 5 min.  Remove and pat dry.
Season, dip in milk, dredge in a mixture of seasoned panko and flour.
Heat your oil and brown on both sides.  Finish in the oven.
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Bag of Poppies Pierrogi .99, serves 4 .  Serve with carmelized onions.  Brocc crown .99 a lb.
6 oz boneless  pork chop  .38 
3 pierrogi and onions .30   serving of broccoli .20

You can throw in some applesauce for the chop, a dab of sour cream for the pierrogi  and a glass of iced tea and and you are still close to a buck!

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Easy, inexpensive , and delicious!

You gals are so good!  Thanks for putting your blog name first, and you can add the name of your post , there's plenty of room.

Let's see what you have!  Keep in mind that although we are done with Memorial Day you can get inspired from those posts for July 4th!

One link, blog name first, link back to this post, and no word id

Please leave a comment, I like to hear from you! Visit as many as you can.  :)

If anyone wants to know how many visits you got from last week, just email me!

Link has to be dish related, and if you show food, show us a setting used with it.

REMINDER~ June 20 Theme At the BEACH
I am joining Stone Gable for On the Menu Monday 
The Style Sisters for Centerpiece Wednesdays
Diann for Thrifty Friday


  1. Adorable~ I love the ladybugs! I think the birds should be at another table so they're not tempted to dine on the guests of honor :) Your meal looks delicious~ you're the Queen of Thrift~ thanks for hosting this week!

    1. Thanks, Mary! You passed the reading test! :)

  2. So you have recovered from your time with the grandchildren, huh? It takes me the better part of a week-and-a-half...and I just have one!!! :-) I really like the ribbon treatment you've done, Kathleen. The ribbon itself is a really cool pattern, and crossing it like that gives the table a lot of oomph! Not that the red didn't already do that, but it's a little extra something-something! I'm not going to rank on you about CTS this week. Isn't that a change? :-) Great dish match ups! Lookin' good! I'll see you later this evening for Let's Dish!!!

    1. LOL, yes they are active, but they love the water and we can walk back to the house when we have had enough!

  3. I'm headed to Chicago tomorrow and won't be able to join in the Let's Dish fun this week. I'm already looking forward to the beach theme on the 20th.
    Love your bug tables. The red and black is so striking and bold. Very cool. I'll see you again in June!

  4. What a fun table, Kathleen! Ladybugs and bees...great outdoor treatments. Maybe with a running start I can come through for the fourth of July!

  5. I also have bumble bee and ladybug napkin rings from Diann when she first started Thrifty Tablescapes, it was her 1st one with a giveaway. Your dinner sounds so good and can't believe how economical, too. The red and black is striking. xo

  6. Hi darling, oh my goodness this is just too cute for words. Ladybugs are my favorite bug in the whole world, if there is such a thing. The striking colors are so much fun. Thanks for sharing your yummy meal sounds delicious. Thanks so much for hosting each week. hugs ~lynne~

  7. I love the red, white and black tablescape, Kathleen!! The ladybugs just add the right touch. Your meal looks so good and so thrifty, too!

  8. Oh, Kathleen, I wish you could have heard me as I read your posts and looked at all your adorable pictures...twice!!!! "oh, how adorable!!!", "soooo cute", "oh my goodness, I love this".... and on and on. My husband asked me who I was talking too.
    I LOVE both of these tables so much. They are just done to perfection!!!!!! From the tablecloths to the flatware, the details make these tables so happy and fun to see!
    Do you know where Diane got those napkin rings? I would run right out and copy your precious tables!!!!
    All the cuteness in bloggland is here today!!!
    Thanks for hosting, dear friend!

    1. Yvonne, she got them in Christmas Tree Shops last year. We didn't have them in ours though! :)

  9. What a fun table!!! LOVE the ribbon with the dots! Everything looks great. I'm so glad you were able to squeeze it in between the rain drops! Amazingly, we didn't get any.

    - The Tablescaper

    1. I see you linked your fabulous birthday dinner party! I have been waiting for this!

  10. Love those LadyBugs. They look like you've dressed them for the PROM! I also LOVE your BEE TABLE! That's my favorite with the black and white striped tablecloth...
    Thank you for the "Delicious Dish"! What does the baking soda soak DO for the pork chop???
    Yes, it was a DODGE THE RAINDROPS kind of LONG WEEKEND. Even yesterday was incredibly stormy up here...
    Have a wonderful week,
    Big Hugs,

    1. It tenderizes them, Donna. Many Chinese restaurants use that method.
      It works, just be sure to rinse and soak for a few minutes after the baking soda soak.

  11. Your tables are SO sweet! I am a little afraid of lady bugs as the ones we have in Michigan bite(they are the type that farmers use to eat other bugs). But I do like the napkin rings and your design!

    I am also wondering why you soak the meat in cold water and baking soda. Do you do that with other meat? I'm at a loss!

    Thanks again for hosting Let's Dish. I am having so much fun playing!!


  12. Your tables are so pretty, bright and cheerful! I wish I could come across a pork loin for 99 cents a lb! I just had to pay $3 a lb for one! Thanks for hosting!

  13. I have to tell you that table setting was spectacular - I love lady bugs. sandie

  14. I too am wondering why you soak in baking soda and cold water -- does it tenderize or moisturize? Many times that lean loin is dry. Maybe that helps?

    I am really looking forward to doing up a table with the new flatware. This week has been weird.

  15. Kathleen, you've done it again! Another fab table. Love the black cloth with the dotted ribbon for the ladybug theme. Everything on the table is perfection. of course, dinner is, as always, making my mouth water. I'm going to have to stop reading blogs now, and go eat something. laurie

  16. Oh no, Kathleen, I forgot my name. Please forgive me. I rushed home from food shopping, after work, ran in and linked up. I guess there's no excuse for not adding my name. I will do better, promise!Your ladybug table is so adorable. I love the color combination. Thanks for hosting Let's Dish!

    Robin Flies South

  17. Ladybugs and bees ~ two very important and welcomed visitors to my garden! Your table is darling, Kathleen. You certainly know how to pull together a colorful, themed table. It's adorable! Thanks for hosting each week!
    ~ Sarah

  18. I LOVE BOTH your tables...but that ladybug one just really makes me smile. What a fun table setting and you made it before it rained! I am off to visit a couple of the blogs here-xo Diana

  19. This is so very cute and elegant at the same time. The black and red is so grown up and the ribbon and napkin rings make it fun. Very dramatic and I love it! Dianne

  20. Two of the cutest tables, ever! I love the red and black ones with those cute Lady Bug napkin rings. I love Lady Bugs, despite the fact that many years were are invaded with them - sort of like "The Birds"! Love those napkins you made!

  21. ADORABLE!!! Fun and fabulous! This is one of my all time favorites! I have to pin both your ladybug and your bee table!! So Cute

  22. Both tables are as cute as can be, and dinner sounds delicious, too! Your back yard is lovely.

  23. What a cute table! Love it :) Thanks for hosting.

  24. Both tables are really cheerful! I once did an insect-themed baby shower, and it was so much fun to plan!

  25. Isn't Diann nice? Those napkin rings are really nice especially for a garden setting. Both tables are lovely and your food always make me hungry....Christine

  26. Sounds like you had a great Memorial Day Weekend K! Our loins are usually on sale for $1.49 still not bad, and while I've seen Poppies for 99¢ I've always bought Mrs. T's, since you like them I'll give them a try:@)

  27. How sweet are the ladybugs! You are the bargain queen even with food. Even with my crazy schedule, I always look forward to Let's Dish each week. No table for me this week, but I might be able to squeeze one in for next week. Thanks for hosting!

  28. Love your tablescape. It's so creative. I can't believe all the bargains you find - I need to start looking so I can make some interesting tables. Thanks for hosting.

  29. Somehow I almost didn't find you this week. Kept getting the Memorial Day post...finally clicked on the Let's Dish button in your margin....and there you were! Whew! Those lady bugs are absolutely darling, and the bumble bees are precious, ,too. The ribbon punctuated your design perfectly. We were in Dallas last week, and when I realized that they had a CTS, I made a point to stop by to check out the landscape. Very cool store. I mostly bought stuff for my daughter-in-love. She had never been either. We found stuff for my older grandson's 8th birthday party. Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  30. Hi Kathleen
    We just arrived at the lake with Drew for a few days. After I got the water etc turned on and sort of unpacked a tad, I came right over here to link up my dishes for this week.

    Will be back in a bit to visit. We haven't been here in two months, the water was turned off so I am flushing out the lines and doing some laundry to clear everything out. We met one of our regular neighbors on our way in. He told us there were over 240 cars here in our little complex over Memorial Day weekend. We are happy we decided to wait until today to drive down. A tad quieter here this week.:-)

    See you soon!

  31. Love your ladybug table, it's so striking! Glad the weather held out for you to set it up. The bee table is great too. Polka dots are wonderful. Thanks for the tip about soaking the pork, I never knew that. Dinner looks wonderful, and what a bargain price per person. Thanks for hosting Let's Dish! Pam

  32. Oh how darling! I usually try to avoid having bugs on my tabletop....but your ladybugs and bees are adorable! I would "invite" them to dinner too!

  33. LOVE the ladybugs, that table is so bright and cheerful! So are the bumblebees but I'm much more partial to ladybugs :)

    Thanks for hostessing!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  34. What an adorable ladybug table! It's both cheerful & whimsical.

  35. This table is so cute and I love the ladybug theme! The red, black and white makes such an impact! Love your attention to details. xoxo Linda

  36. What a fun table Kathleen. Those great napkins just make it. What a lovely gift to receive in the napkin rings. This is just such a fantastic table, makes you like bugs! (The ladylike variety!)

  37. Always a delight to visit here!!! Thank you!!! Cathy

  38. Adorable table, Kathleen! Very creative, you come up with such pretty tables! No rain finally, enjoy the sunshine! And the tourists, LOL!

  39. The ladybugs and the bees are so cute!!! I love your sunny outdoor tables! I feel like I missed so much with my computer being in the shop! Your meal looks delish - hard to believe it is so inexpensive!

  40. Both tables are amazing and so cheerful! A look at them has brightened my day! I got my second issue ... am enjoying the mag!

  41. Ladybugs are my favorite so I love your table! Love the checked plates mixed in with the dots. Terrific visual interest. I think I linked up correctly this time. I waited until I got home from work instead of trying to do it while stuck in traffic on my iphone LOL! Have a wonderful weekend ♥

  42. Very cute and colorful! My favorite color too :) You are the queen of bargains table-wise and food-wise too! The pork chops look delicious. What is the reason for the baking soda? Tenderizer?

  43. Hi lovely lady.
    Your two Tablescaps are Beautiful love the Ladybugs and bees so sweet,
    and June is just around the corner you did a great job putting your tables together.. so darling sweet lady. I also love both napkins rings.. love your themed for your post. Thanks so much for hosting your linky party for us this week!
    XXOO Diane

  44. Kathleen....your tables are always the cutest and you always seem to find the greatest things at bargain prices...I so love the ladybugs...will have to do a table for my granddaughter in ladybugs as she loves gave me such great inspiration!!

  45. WE will be AT the beach on the 20th:(. But I doubt I could do a table anyway, this is such a crazy time for us. WE were supposed to go to the beach for 8 days and are only staying 4. Your table is adorable, LOVE the lady bugs and how clever with that criss crossed ribbon! Even though I am not participating, thanks for hosting this fun party! XO, Pinky

  46. Can't wait to get back to some dishing with you. It's fun and I miss it when I'm not at the table. I love both napkins rings and they inspired adorable tables. I love the use of polka dots so much.

    Both of my daughters love lady bugs. I'm going to show this table to the one I have home right now. She'll love it.

    So cute!

  47. There it is again, those cute, adorable, sassy tables with the napkin rings I love!!!!
    Stopping over from Michael Lee's.

  48. Love love this table.. My granddaughter is going to love this idea. She loves ladybugs. Great idea with the ribbon. Diann certainly sent you some goodies! I love the polka dot napkins.. and I totally love your meal. Must try the perogis.. thanks for hosting.. xo marlis

  49. I love the color combination and all of the polka dots! I have a mosaic table in the back of my car at this very moment, and I'm hoping I'll have something to post next week. (If I can get one of my boys to help me get it out of the car!)

  50. I love your deck; perfect; those ladybugs are so cute. That recipe really looks and sounds inviting.

  51. How cute your table is with those little lady bugs.
    Delicious sounding meal, too. :)

  52. Love your Lady Bugs napkins Ring! How cute.....
    Kathleen your tables are always great to see!
    Love from Brasil

  53. Love every thing on top of your table! You are so very creative and artistic when it comes to tablescaping! Actually, I am impressed with your Lady bug table napkin.. very cute and adorable! :)

    Polyester Tablecloths

  54. Wow Kathleen, you are a great tablescaper and a fabulous chef!! I don,t know how you do all this..or is it that playing MOTHER and I'm axausted!! Feeding them, doing homewroks with the, going to school for Children,s Day and masses for this and that...exaustingggg!!!!Thank you for hosting, just posted from my daughter's house and kinda late too!! Lots of hugs,

  55. I skimmed thru the comments but didnt see why you soaked your meat? Is it to tenderize I suppose. Does it work with all meats? First time Ive heard of it.


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