Friday, April 20, 2012

A Teeny Bit of Trouble~ Let Us Pray She Has a Good Lawyer Pork Wraps!

Michael Lee West's new book a Teeny Bit of Trouble has been released.

ML is a fellow blogger, wonderful writer and gracious host of Foodie Friday.
I don't have the new book yet, which is a sequel to Gone With a Handsomer Man ,but I can't wait to read it.
To celebrate the release, ML is having a grand party.
Hop over to her blog to get the details!
She asked us to create something with a title that would match the main character.
Hence my...
Let Us  (Lettuce :)  )  Pray She Has a Good Lawyer Pork Wraps! 
Let's Dish 351
Now I know it isn't Southern like Teeny, but I am sure she would love a few!
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Start with a soft lettuce for the cup or wrap.
I used Red Leaf.
I used a few slices of loin of pork that I had brined for 10 mins in baking soda and cold water.
Then I rinsed them thoroughly.
Cut them into small pieces and season them, pepper, garlic. whatever you like.
In a scant amount of oil quickly fry them.
Add some minced onion, scallion, soy sauce and I added a little terriyaki and pineapple juice from the fresh pineapple.
Remove the mixture from the pan, and stir in some Duck Sauce, like Saucy Susan, add some sm pieces of pineapple.
Place on your lettuce leaf, add some carrots that I marinated in a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar and brown sugar, for another layer of flavor.
Serve with additional pineapple and duck sauce.
Roll it up and enjoy!
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Took longer to tell you HOW to make it, than to make it! Many recipes say to use ground pork, but I like it with the small tender pieces of pork.
Congratulations, ML, hope it makes the best seller list! It will on my  list!
Please come back over the weekend for Seasonal Sunday and the announcement of the winner of my give away from The Good Earth Table Challenge on Let's Dish! Let's Dish 355 Thanks so much for stopping by!
I am joining ML for  Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
 On The Menu Mon, at Yvonne's Stone Gable


  1. I am crazy for the lettuce wraps at P.F. Chang's. I will try making these. I have to get Michael's latest book, too.

  2. I am sure you can add what ever other veggies you like. I kept it simple. Never had a lettuce wrap, just felt like experimenting! Dh was happy to do a taste test for me. He said he'd like a tortilla under the lettuce!

  3. So Clever Kathleen~ Lettuce Pray She Has a Good Lawyer Pork Wraps~ LOL! These look delicious and easy...I'm a Teeny bit hungry right now :)

  4. Kathleen, Your "recipes" always make me smile--a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a handful, add whatever you want--reminds me of my various aunts trying to teach me to cook by looking at it and smelling for needed seasoning. These do look delicious! And I finished the book, but I won't give it away! Looking forward to hearing the theme for the next Let's Dish challenge! Linda

    1. I only use recipes to bake ,Linda! I just go with it! :)

      The next challenge is the Mother's Day Table Tribute. We'll set the table using something of mom's, or her favorite color or flower. Should be fun!

  5. Oh yum! Can't wait to try this, it looks and sounds delicious! I love your presentation, too!

  6. Hi lovely lady.
    This looks so delicious.. Thanks so much for your recipe!!! Sorry I miss your Earth Day just got it done going to post tonight some time. I have been painting walls. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  7. Awww, how accepted my suggestion for May's theme! Thanks!!

    I've also only tasted the lettuce wraps at P.F. Changs & although good, they certainly were messy to eat. I think your idea of pork PIECES not ground is a good idea.
    Does the baking soda and cold water make them tender? I've never heard of doing that before. I learn SO much from you, St. Kathleen! LOL

    Thanks for taking the time to tell us how you made these.

  8. Right up my alley, they look so good! I love pork with pineapple. Very pretty presentation.

  9. Boy that looks good K! Never heard of brining in baking soda before-interesting! Looks like we might ~finally~ get some much needed rain, shame it's on the weekend, but I'll take it! Happy Weekend:@)

  10. They sound delicious, Kathleen! I've never made lettuce wraps at home before and I'm not sure why - they're great.

    Cute title :)

  11. Kathleen, I love lettuce wraps! This is one of cleverest titles yet. Let Us Pray..... you are always one to come up with a bit of humor. ;-) You'll enjoy the book!
    Love the theme of next month's Let's Dish challenge. I'm going to see my mom this next week. I'll tell her what I plan to do. I have a few pieces of her china that I kept back for myself. I gave everything else to my niece. Just may have to borrow something for the table though. ;-)
    ~ sarah

  12. YUMMO, Kathleen! Let Us wrap up some of those babies and take them home. Peas save some leaves for me! xo Diana

  13. Kathleen this looks really good and I think I would like it with the tender pork pieces also. I have ordered my book but not received it yet...can't wait as I enjoyed the first one so much. That Teeny is a character! Hugs, Linda

  14. I have only had a lettuce wrap make it sound so easy and, tasty as always. These do sound delicious!

  15. What a clever name and a great lettuce wrap. Have a great weekend. Joni

  16. What a fun post and those wraps look so good! Thanks for your sweet comments!

  17. Lovely table and the lettuce wrap looks so yummy. I haven't read Michael's latest book yet either, but I'm dying to. This weekend I'm picking it up for sure.

  18. The lettuce wraps look so delicious and your presentation is wonderful with extra sauce in the spoon. Can't wait to try them.

  19. You got me with the title, Kathleen, and then the photo drew me in next! YUM!!

  20. What a great post! Those lettuce wraps sounds wonderful!!
    Thank You for stopping by Plum Perfect and for leaving a comment on my tablescape, I certainly appreciate that!

    Have a wonderful evening and I will see you on Wednesday!

  21. Fresh, simple and elegant. Please share this on my foodie friday linky today.

  22. I missed this post. These look fantastic and against the blue and white, just perfect!

    - The Tablescaper


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