Saturday, April 21, 2012

Next Month's Challenge and a Winner!

I want to give you plenty of time to get ready for the next Let's Dish Tablescape  Challenge!

Several people, including dear Rett, suggested a Mother's Day theme, and several others agreed. 
So, being a people pleaser, lol, Mother's Day it is!

BUT,it has to  to be a tablescape, even if it just for 2, you and your mom. :)

Breakfast, lunch or dinner, your choice, fancy or not!  May 9th Wed, Let's Dish at 7 PM

My mom is gone , but I have so many wonderful memories that keep her alive in my heart.

It could include something table related your mom gave you, or a table dedicated to her in her favorite color or flower.

It would be fun to include a favorite recipe of hers, or a wonderful memory.  And of course, a picture would be wonderful!

This morning I made some cherry  Abelskivers , served with fresh pineapple, bananas and strawberries. 
Let's Dish 369
A little fresh whipped cream to top them off!
Let's Dish 374
You can fill them with apples, chocolate, anything you want, or nothing at all!
Let's Dish 373
Rootie Tootie, Fresh and Fruity!
I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday. The Tablescaper
And Kathe with an E's new party on Tuesday's. You're Gonna Love It

Ellen, Scribbler, is the winner of the surprise from the Good Earth challenge.  Ellen send me your addy!

See you Wed at 7 PM for Let's Dish, bring anything dish related to show us!


  1. This Let's Dish party sounds like fun! My mom is no longer here, but I hope I can come up with something. Your breakfast looks a lot better than my Rice Chex!


    1. So is mine Jane, as I said, but good memories last forever!

  2. I will be joining you, Kathleen. It will be "heavenly"! ;-) Your little donuts look good. Wish I had a couple to pop in my mouth! xo

  3. Replies
    1. Ellen, The Scribbler, all the way at the bottom

  4. These look so yummy! I like that you are giving us a theme to use and giving us enough notice to work on it. This keeps my mind from wandering in a million places!

    Robin Flies South

  5. Looks mighty tasty! I have the Abelskiver press but have yet to use it...I do love cherries.....

  6. Yum, breakfast looks wonderful! The Mother's Day theme sounds great, should be fun.

  7. Oh yum, the abelskivers look wonderful!

    I think a Mother's Day theme sounds like fun. I hope I will be able to join you.

  8. This is a good theme for May, Kathleen. I'll definitely try to be there. Congrats to the Scribbler. I only recently found out what abelskivers are and am looking forward to having them again--they are delicious! Linda

  9. Great looking breakfast! Mother's Day sounds fun.

  10. A yummy breakfast. I like Mother's Day theme. I still have my mom with me, she's fun and she entertains still..she's 82. I'm sorry you don't have your mom with you Kathleen. Thanks for the invite. Love,

  11. ooh now my mouth is watering.. Mother's day theme is great.. thanks for hosting that fun party. xo marlis

  12. Done and done! Now I have some time to 'play!'

  13. Yum, this looks a lot more interesting than the piece of turkey I quickly ate as I ran out the door this morning. ;-)
    Congratulations to the Scribbler. Thanks for the heads up on the May challenge. I love the idea of honoring our mothers. ~ sarah

  14. Today is my late mother's birthday, so I am looking forward to doing a table in her honor. Gotta run eat breakfast - your Abelskivers have made me hungry!!

  15. I wish I had some of those Abelskivers!! Mother's Day tablescape celebration sounds fun!

  16. I had to google Abelskivers~ they look delicious :) Congratulations to Scribbler~ looking forward to dishing with you for Mother's Day!

  17. Congratulations Ellen, on being a winner....along with those scrumptious Abelskivers!!!! I've never made them...need the special pan to do 'em.
    I love all the fresh fruit you served with them.

    Happy Earth Day, Kathleen!! I'm already working on the Mothers' Day table. ~~big smile~~


  18. Congrats to Ellen!! I' m wishing for an Ableskiver ( or two) right now, Kathleen!! I don't have a pan for them, but always debated on one. They sure sound delicious!

  19. Well, I slept in this morning -- after one of those nights of being up for a couple of hours prowling about the house, rearranging things, trying to be quiet -- and when I got a cup of coffee in my hand and checked the email, someone congratulated me on winning! What a great way to start the day!

    Thanks, Kathleen, I will send the address pronto. And thanks for the congrats to everyone else. This is the first time I have ever won anything!

  20. Looks yummy, Kathleen!

    A mom-inspired table will be lots of fun (and bittersweet) and I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with! Hopefully, my sister will be up for this and my mom will get TWO tribute tables!

  21. What a beautiful idea for your next tablescape linky, Kathleen. I'd love to join in as this will be my first Mother's Day without my Mom. Not sure I can keep the tears out of my eyes to write such a post but I'll try.
    I gave away all my Mom's dishes to a dear friend who has a second home and needed a second set of china. This friend helped me so much with clearing out my Mom's house, so I know my Mom would love her to have them.

    Your Abelskivers look so delicious! That is a fun pan to own.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!



  22. This is a great idea. I've been leery of joining any sort of tablescape party because I'm just learning and I don't think I'm good enough yet, but I'm going to try this. My mother has been gone 25 years, yet I can still hear her voice. I have her old china and I'm going to use that along with anything else I can find of hers. It should be so fun.

  23. Congrats to Ellen....the Abelskivers (what kind of word IS that?)look really good with all the fresh fruit.

  24. Kathleen...Those filled Abelskivers look so delicious. I have one of those pans and have never used it. I'm going to have to haul it out and try some. I know they're not hard.

    Also I wanted you to know that I actually understand and 'got' the May Challenge. Yes it will be a tablescape this time.LOL. Thanks for creating such a fun party on Wednesdays.


  25. Katleen,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!
    I was diagnosed in Feb. with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It took me about 3 months to get it under control. I am doing better but still have flare ups which just about incapacitate me. I took a 2 week break from posting but will be doing a post this week so stop by later on in the week if you can...


  26. Abelskivers. That is a totally new one on me! They look good, but I have never seen them on any menu around here in my life. This does, however, now make me want to go to Krispy Kreme for a warm glazed donut!!! As for the next challenge, you're just not EVEN gonna make this easy, are ya? I suppose I'd better get busy rattlin' some dishes around here to figure out what to do. My Mom's favorite colors are her sorority colors, crimson and cream, but I have absolutely no desire to do anything in those colors! Nothing personal....just not feelin' it! Maybe.....oh, heck, I don't know! You're just not makin' this easy, Miss Kathleen Hard Bargain Driver! :-) Have a great day!!!

  27. Hi Kathleen! Oh, those Abelskivers look wonderful! I have an Abelskivers iron baking pan but I've never made any. Maybe you could share your recipe.
    Love the idea of the Mother's Day tables!
    Thanks for popping in to see me and take care.
    Be a sweetie,

  28. Well, since I missed the first challenge, I'm all about the next one. Actually, my mom read this post before I did and told me all about it.
    A mother themed table ought to be easy for me since every tablescape has a little bit of my mom, The Duchess, in it.

    Can't wait.
    And I flatly refuse to miss it.

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  30. Thanks for your lovely and always appreciated visit. Those yummy little sweets look so great! See you wednesday.

  31. I am having a senior moment here...your Let's Dish is a monthly, right?
    I've been working on a Mothers Day post for your and realized MD is NEXT I am ahead of myself, which is rare, indeed.:)

  32. Congrats to the winner...Great theme Kathleen...just gotta get going on what I will be doing....

    Those abelskivers look terrific!...and as you know I love the Fiance Fruit china by Dansk...!!

  33. Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays. Be sure to check out my recent post and GIVEAWAY announcement.

    - The Tablescaper

  34. Hi..thanks for your visit...Can't believe M-C wouldn't allow you to take photos (even the main store allows it, so does NYC store!) Everything is on their website so it is not as if you are "stealing" ideas from them!! Your table is lovely - my favorite color combo - and those tulips are just stunning!


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