Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Let's Dish # 4~ Pansy and Purple!

Welcome to Let's Dish!  Thanks so much for coming, and thanks a whole lot for visiting so many entries!  Please try to visit as many as you can. 

Reminder! Tablescape challenge, April 18th! The Good Earth is the theme.

In the last few posts I "pastelled "my self out.  :)  I love them, but didn't want to get in a rut, so today...PURPLE!  It is raining, so the light isn't very good!

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I dug these out of my planter and put them in a reticulated pedestal bowl.  They are at least 3 years old, and keep coming back!  So FREE!

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A pale green cloth is the base, it picks up the green in the pansy napkins. The purple toile pitcher was a gift

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A lavender charger, CTS, purple plate, part of my birthday gift from The Tablescaper, white reticulated salad, CTS, and purple soup from HG.

Let's Dish 264 The napkin ring is a soft purple flower from B B and B, in clearance for .99

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Light green swirl flatware from CTS, butter domes from WSonoma Outlet.

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Candlesticks are Mikassa, the  amethyst (pale purple, I used the dark purple stems last week , see HERE ) stems are handmade by Villeroy and Boch.  I bought them when they were closing their store here in Southampton, heavily discounted.

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I tried adding a green glass, but decided to go with just the purple.

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On to the Foodie Friday part!

I bought the cupcake cutters to hollow out the cupcake so you can fill it.

Let's Dish 291 The first one is from WSonoma, more money and not as good as the second which was 3.99 at BBB.  The WS doesn't go down deep enough.

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I used the white wedding cake recipe from  It is very good!

I changed it a bit, less sugar, and included the egg yolks.
I filled it with cherries, put the plug back in, dipped them in chocolate, and used the last bit of the whipped cream from Easter to top it.

Let's Dish 287 Yummy!

That concludes meeting 4 of Let's Dish!  Can't wait to see what you bring to the discussion this week!

Thanks so much for coming!

I am joining Susan at BNOTP for Tablescape Thursday

Gollum for Foodie Friday****Her new book, A Teeny Bit of Trouble is out! She is doing a big give away on Susan's blog, so hop over and enter!
Natasha's got G'day Saturday

***When you link up please use your blog name or your name .  You can add your post title if you wish, there's enough room!  It helps me to remember your post when you put your name.  THANKS!

Link up info...

One link please!  Please leave a comment, I love to hear your thoughts!  :)

Your post must  contain a link back to this party...thank you!


  1. Kathleen- How very, very pretty. I love those lavender chargers. I don't think I have ever seen that color chargers before. The whole table is just lovely- xo Diana

  2. I love purple and this is gorgeous! Your pansy napkins are so pretty. You need my purple glasses for this setting. LOL! I really like how you showed several different shades of purple in the setting. This is very inspirational for me because I am having a time finding the right shade of purple to match my new glasses. I love how you have shown that a combination of shades works beautifully! Gorgeous setting!

    1. I used my dark purple stems last week, but if you want to send me yours, I will email you my addy! :)

  3. Gorgeous & creative table Kathleen! I love purple, which is not easy to find for the table. You have some great pieces. Will you please pass me a cupcake? (I'm almost drooling on my keyboard, LOL!)

    Looking forward to joining in Let's Dish this week. Pam

  4. Kathleen, I love the purple! This is my first time joining the party. I'm looking forward to the links. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Welcome, Tammy! So glad to have you join in!

  5. I love your purple Kathleen! The pansy napkins are so much fun. Pansies always make me smile. Happy Week to you!

  6. I love the pansy and purple Kathleen!

    Thanks so much for hosting.

  7. I'm loving all of the purple. Glad that you like your birthday plates! Are those the pansy napkins from when we were at Century 21? Good for you to get 3 years out of the real pansies!

    - The Tablescaper

    1. Yes, from Century 21! Love them, lots of shades in them, and a very generous size in case we have something messy! :)

  8. Love your purples!!! oh my, those hollowed out cupcakes look fabulous! Thanks so much for hosting.. Love the napkins - pansies are one of my fav flowers! Got my fabulous cookbook earlier.. oh gosh.. love this. So much I want to make. Thank you so much. I can't wait to share it with our bloggy friends.. xo marlis - thanks for hosting!

  9. I love the pansies on the napkins & at the table! I hope ours will reseed and return next year. I picked up the $3.99 cupcake plunger from BB&B but haven't used it yet~ I'm glad to know it works :) Your filling looks delicious! Thanks for having me this week!

  10. I just love the colors and the napkins! Your cakes look so yummy. Love the idea of them dipped in chocolate. Your chocolate dipped Easter eggs look wonderful too! Yum, wish I had one.

  11. Love the pretty purples K! Can't believe you've gotten 3 years out of the pansies, that's neat! Your cupcakes look great, how fun to dip them in the chocolate:@)

  12. Lucky You to be getting RAIN down there on the Island! Our weatherman said, "YES it's raining BUT it's so dry that it's evaporating, so you can't see it". Hmmmm, that sounds like HIS STORY!
    Now for you! LOVE the purples and those napkins are GORGEOUS! What has WON my heart though "IS"... Those purple soups! LOVE,LOVE,LOVE! I'm in trouble because they are OPENING a HOMEGOODS as close as stores get to me, 12miles... AHHHHH!!!Your cupcake looks SOOOO YUMMMY! I bet it's gone,gone,gone!
    Have a wonderful week, and Thank you for the FUN PARTY!
    Hugs to our Host!

  13. Purple is not one of my colors but I love this table so just might have to look for some pretty purple dishes! The linens are very sweet. Thanks for hosting this fun party. I'm going on a trip so might miss a few weeks but I will be back! Hugs, Linda

  14. love the purples Kathleen! I think since this is so different it just really catches my eye!
    Love the flower centerpiece and the napkins too!
    and those cupcakes surely must be sinful!
    I am excited that I finally found time to come by and link up!

  15. I LOVE the pansy napkins, and they appear to be a generous size. I have very little purple in my dish collection, but I enjoy seeing what you put together with purples. My pansies come back each year, and I love that. Yours are such a pretty color! I'm on vacation, so I'm going to visit a few blogs tonight and then more on the weekend. I'm enjoying the inspiration and getting to know the other entrants. Thanks for hosting Kathleen!

    1. Thanks, Debbie, I appreciate you visiting so many blogs. It is a good way to get to know everyone!
      Enjoy your vacation!

  16. I'm crazy about your color scheme this week. I'm kind of pasteled out too, and I love purples, the deeper the better. Your napkins are beautiful, and your flowers are GORGEOUS.

    You have now made me want to buy a gizmo to fill cupcakes, too.

    I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I really like the way you do parties. THANKS!

    1. Use your 20 off coupon at BBB and it is quite reasonable! It is so much better than the WS model, unless you do tiny cupcakes! We like big cupcakes! :)

  17. Love the pansy theme, Kathleen! It's so great that your plants have come back for three years. Here in Texas, we grow them in the Winter months and have to pull them when the heat comes!! Thanks for hosting. xoxo

  18. Your pansies and that pansy fabric are gorgeous! If you find those amethyst pieces missing, they probably found their way to me.

    Thanks for the party! I now want a cupcake...

  19. Thanks for hosting, Kathleen. And thanks so
    Much for the door prize!! I love the articulated plates against the purple. So so beautiful and your cupcakes look amazing! I do love pansies too.

  20. Thanks again for hosting. I like your ever changing header! Those violet color transferware salad plates are sweet. Also enjoyed all the purple in your table settings... and the pansies. With our new cool weather, our pansies will live a bit longer.

  21. Hi Kathleen, I am happy to join in this evening. Thanks for hosting and thanks again for the dish towels from the drawing. Have to post soon. Your purple and pansy table pops and is pretty!! xo

  22. Your cupcakes look so pretty and delicious, Kathleen. But I am so in love with your napkins. So perfect for this tablescape. Your layers of dishes is just beautiful...Christine

  23. It's been almost too cold lately to put out the pansies here but I love seeing them on your table! My are inside too for now :) Your cupcakes look so delicious - love the filling!

  24. Love purple pansies!! What a fun and pretty table. Purple dishes are so pretty! Yummy cupcakes too! Love your table!
    Miss Bloomers

  25. I love your purple table...for some reason whenever I think of purple I think of you! I love those pansy napkins.
    Being behind times, as usual, I didn't know they made such a thing as a cupcake filling cutter...guess I'll be looking for one.
    Thanks for hosting each week, Kathleen.

  26. Your purple and pansies tablescape is so pretty. I love every element. I need to look for one of those cupcake cutters. That sounds neat.
    I especially love the table setting in your header.
    Thanks for hosting, Ginger

  27. First I have to say how much I like the setting in your header. I just love purple, so in addition to that the table you've got on this post is perfect for me! I love the pansies. Your cupcakes have made me realize that I've got to go dig around the pantry and find myself something sweet to eat right now!

    Thanks so much for hosting. I linked up a post but it's mainly rambling and only a tiny bit of dishes...hope that's okay. If not, just delete.

    Have a wonderful evening,


  28. I love the purple, so pretty! Great looking cupcake, now I'm hungry!

  29. Loving the purple! I've just begun collecting china with violets--I have no idea where that came from, but I just can't get enough of them. I love your pansy napkins! And, of course, I adore your blog!

  30. Hi!
    I am joining your party for the first time :)
    I just LOVE your pretty purple setting, purple is my favorite color! Those cupcakes looks so yummy!

    Thank You for hostessing and I'm off to browse the other blogs.
    Have a wonderful night!

  31. Welcome, Aledia! So happy you joined us!

  32. I am so happy to have a place to "hang out" on Wednesday evenings and visit some great tablescapes! Thank you so much for starting this link party. I adore those napkins! What a pretty print and now I know what to call those dishes with the cutout edges too! I miss my CTS but Ross has some really great things.

    Robin Flies South

  33. Kathleen, I can't imagine pansies coming back year after year here in TX. unfortunately it's already too hot for them here. Love the details of this purple table. Everything is rich and gorgeous! Filled cupcakes look delicious.
    Thanks for hosting! ~ Sarah

  34. What a gorgeous purple table with the pretty pansies. And those cupcakes are to die for. Thanks for the tip about where to get the inside cutter outer thingy. BBB is alot closer than WS so thats a plus. Great post as usual. Have linked up. Thanks for hosting another fun party!


    PS Would it be possible to extend it to two linky posts per person? That would be really helpful. N.

  35. I love all the dishes especially on the header. I didn't know Bordallo was made in purple also. It all makes me want to create a purple table. Thanks for hosting.

  36. I'm getting one of those cutters. I know three little people that are going to have a ball using it.

    I've always loved those dishes, both in red and purple. Quite jealous of you, actually.

    1. Denise, I think you mean the ones in the header?

  37. Kathleen, I love your pretty purple this week! And the cupcakes? Well, I'm always a sucker for those! I haven't tried making the filled ones, but you may have just succeeded in "pushing me over the edge." :-) Yours look delish!

  38. As always, Kathleen, I'm crazy about your creative efforts. I couldn't help but think of you as I browsed Round Top. It would have been fun to have you along.

  39. Kathleen I love your table. Purple is my fav color and I LOVE pansies!!! Love those little faces. Thank you for hosting.

  40. Well since purple is my favorite color, I LOVE this table! And pansies are one of my favorite flowers. Everything looks like a breath of Spring air. And some wonderful thrifty beauties on this table as well!

  41. I love blogging, because I learn things all of the time. I had never heard of cupcake cutters. What a wonderful idea and your cupcakes looked so delicious! I adore pansies, so I really enjoyed seeing your table. Thanks for hosting!

  42. Love the purple, Kathleen! It is so festive...your pansies are pretty too.
    Blessings My Friend,

  43. What a pretty pansy table setting. That cupcake looks delicious! Thank you for hosting!

  44. 1, 2, 3 things from CTS. The torture continues! :-) I demand that you send me those chargers immediately!!! They're gorgeous!!! They look really great with the whole table. Pansies are so pretty, and for yours to keep coming back (and with such strong color!) like that says you either have a very green thumb or that Mother Nature is smiling brightly upon you!

  45. Hi Kathleen! I Love your purple table, pansies are my fav! I also like your new party. Those cupcakes look sooooo yummy!

  46. Love your beautiful table and will follow "Let's Dish"

    Happy Easter! Mrs. S

  47. Congratulations on your very successful blog party, Kathleen! Your table scape looks as pretty as a pansy! Purple is my daughter's favorite color so I'm sending this link to her. She is very excited as they went to contract on a house in Colorado today. Looks like we may be taking another trip out there before we know

  48. I love love love all the pansies.

  49. What a love colour. Need to try this sometime when our weather give us a warmer days.

    Happy week-end.

  50. Exquisite... in every aspect.... love the pansies.. the florals ... the light is perfect... the food looks divine! An Amazing post!

  51. The lavendars are so wonderful, and the pansies are devine. I've made filled cupcakes before, but I had no idea that there was a tool that I could use. You teach me something new each time that I visit. Thanks! Cherry Kay

  52. How beautiful all your pretty purples look, Kathleen!! Both in your header AND today's tablescape...or should I say Wednesday's...sorry I'm late. We've had some health *issues* here at The Gazebo House & I completely forgot about the party.
    I'll be ready for the next one, I promise!


  53. How beautiful all your pretty purples look, Kathleen!! Both in your header AND today's tablescape...or should I say Wednesday's...sorry I'm late. We've had some health *issues* here at The Gazebo House & I completely forgot about the party.
    I'll be ready for the next one, I promise!


  54. Pretty table, love the pansies or Hearts Ease, as I like to call them. The butter dishes, tiny cloche and cupcake cutters are all charming. Nice post! Have a great weekend. Thanks for hosting :)

  55. Love your pansies and those most yummy looking filled cupcakes!

  56. Like Ala Carte, purple isn't my favorite color but this table is stunning. Only YOU could do it up so pretty.

  57. I love seeing the purple table don't see that color in tablescapes very much....and I always enjoy seeing your CTS the green silverware....I need to get back to tablescapes....I finally have more then one crappy table to set and I have more dishes then I know what to do would think I was get off my
    a-- and set the table!!

  58. How stunning Kathleen all these purple is! I definetely have to put it in my wish list..PURPLE, PURPLE!! I love the dishes and the flowers, just sooo beautiful. The cupcakes look so yummy, wish I could have one with coffee right now, lol!! We didn't have internet half of last Wed. to Thursday afternoon and so I was too late to enter my table and pies, so that's why I didn't and I was so sorry, as I love you and your party Kath. Not missing it next Wed. for sure! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!