Sunday, April 8, 2012

An Eggs cellent Easter! And the winner is...

Podso is the winner of the years subscription to Taste of Home! Podso, you have a no reply blogger email addy, so please email me your snail mail address. The deal ends Monday night.

I hope everyone who celebrated Easter had a good one. We celebrated at my dil's sister's house. The weather here on Long Island was perfect, and the Easter egg hunt went off without a hitch!

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I was a guest, but filled 120 eggs for the hunt, and goodie bags for the kids. Let's Dish 216 We also did a Guess the # of Jelly Beans Contest.

There were 17 adults and 10 kids.  The hostess did a wonderful job with the seating and setting.

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I made a whipped cream egg cake, cherry and whipped cream filling. I tinted the layers, pink and green, but didn't get a pic when it was cut. It did look pretty! Let's Dish 215 The traditional chocolate cake eggs dipped in chocolate. Let's Dish 223

I put the jelly beans on when we got there as they run into the whipped cream!

Let's Dish 226The little bristle bunny is from WSonoma Outlet.  I picked up a few bargains there Friday, he was 2 and change from 19.95

I will show you the other things I got in my next post.

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I had some extra chocolate batter and whipped cream left, so I made a few cupcakes, cut out the center, filled it with cream, and then dipped them in chocolate.  A few swirls of whipped cream.  It's Easter, you get to eat chocolate for breakfast!  :)

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Dig in, I'll pour the milk!

Hope your holiday was happy! 

Don't forget Wednesday night at 7 for Let's Dish, meeting 4!

I think I got to everyone, if I didn't I will!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.

Marty for Tabletop Tuesday

Shannon for Cozy Home Scenes Party


  1. Looks like everyone had a grand day and meal! We had some exceptional weather here in the Seattle area, too. By now I hope you are tucked in bed and enjoy a little rest! Blessings...

  2. "Happy Easter to you"!!! Looks like you had lots of Fun and lots of Goodies! LOVIN all the "GREEN OUTSIDE NOW"!!! All the flowering EVERYTHINGS are bursting out there too!!! They are PROMISING rain during the week, "I HOPE they are right"...
    Big Hugs to you,

  3. Looks like you had a great Easter K! The bristle bunnies are cute. All of the goodies look great and ya gotta love chocolate for breakfast:@)

  4. Glad you had such a beautiful day for your Easter celebration! You did a great job on the desserts as always!

  5. Every thing looks perfect glad you had a good time

  6. What a fun celebration and a beautiful table for a crowd!!

  7. Wow-That is quite a set up for a crowd. It looks lovely and I'll bet everyone had a ball. I love your cake and your chocolate cake eggs. What fun foods! God bless you this post-Easter week. Time to start packing it all away for next year now! xo Diana

  8. Impressive! You are an amazing hostess. The cake looks adorable!

    Ricki Jill

  9. You did an outstanding job - it is beautiful and that table is HUGE - that had to be lots of work. Hope you had a great Easter. sandie

  10. Yummy looking treats! What large decorated tables! She must of done a ton of work to seat that many so beautifully. BTW I received my PB napkins...thanks so much for hosting the giveaway! Glad you had a wonderful Easter!
    Miss Bloomers

  11. Looks like a fantastic time, a happy Easter for all! Congrats to Podso.

  12. It looks like a wonderful celebration and lots of fun. Oh I love cake for breakfast! Hugs, Linda

  13. Looks like a fun time was had by all...chocolate for breakfast sounds divine as long as it was one of your chocolate cake eggs. Congrats, Dotsie!

  14. Your cake looks so good, and yes, the hostess did a great job with the table. The weather was picture perfect! xo

  15. What a great Easter you had! The table is beautiful, and that is one delicious looking cake!

  16. Looks like a perfect day! I haven't been to an egg hunt since I retired, but I think egg hunts are a great fun. Who found the golden egg?
    It was a perfect day and evening here as well. We had dinner on the terrace and were back out this morning for breakfast. This is my favorite time of year for dining alfresco.
    Have a good week.........Sarah

  17. Wow that was quite the get together. So many yummy things. BTW I left a note on Podso's blog telling her you needed to contact her.

  18. Looks like a fun time, Kathleen! Your cake looks so pretty, as do the chocolate cake eggs!

  19. Looks like you had a waonderful Easter! The FOOD looks awesome. XO, Pinky

  20. Just love you, beautiful lady..We seem to be cut from the same cake mold
    ...I also was a guest, but did the centerpiece and Lamb cake in coconut for our gracious hostess. Never did find out how to be a complete guest. I ordered your swirl pan and managed to snag a six opening pineapple form
    pan as well....but never at your stunning that bristle
    bunny.....still learning.

  21. It looks like a fun time hunting the eggs. 120? oh my! The table setting is lovely and so are the delicious looking deserts.

  22. Your cake was gorgeous! I would have loved to have seen the middle. And the cupcakes...yum! Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter! Hurray for Podso! :)


  23. What a huge crowd you had!...Looks like there was a great time had by all!...The cakes look wonderful...I am sure it did not last very long!!...Glad you had great weather too!

  24. It all looks wonderful to me. We had a big crowd, but NOTHING like the crowd at your Easter. The larger cake and those little chocolate egg cakes both look delicious.

    And I got your wonderful card and gift in the mail this weekend! THANK YOU again, and I'll be sure to yak all about how I use it.

    Happy Easter!

  25. Kathleen, that's my kind of breakfast. My mouth is watering. Your cake is beautiful, but I do wish you had thought to take a photo when it was cut. I bet it was amazing! Looks like a fun Easter hunt. The weather was great here too. laurie

  26. Wow...great photos of the Easter egg hunt. And what good weather you had. The cake looks beautiful, but being a chocoholic, the chocolate eggs and the breakfast cupcake, which apparently you just "whipped up" look marvelous and something that would take me hours to accomplish. Looks like a good day. Thanks again for the magazine subscription ... I really can hardly take in that I was chosen!

  27. Looks like a wonderful day, Kathleen!

  28. What a beautiful Easter Day you had! I am a new blogger and truly enjoy reading yours! Nancy

  29. It looks like you had a beautiful Easter Sunday, Kathleen. It's rained here so much that most of the egg hunts around town were canceled this year. Your desserts are so pretty and festive.

  30. Looks like a wonderful day. That's a lot of people to host. Your eggs look amazing. Wonderful, as always, to have you at Seasonal Sundays this Easter.

    - The Tablescaper

  31. Pretty tablescape in your header, Kathleen!
    Looks like you had a fun filled Easter...loved seeing your pretty egg shaped cake (do you have a special pan or did you trim it that shape?) as well as those yummy looking chocolate treats. You always do such a nice job!
    I can't even imagine trying to feel 27 people!!!!!! Yikes!!! I hope they ALL helped with clean-up.


    1. It is a layer cake pan shaped like an egg. I have two of them. Had them for years! And those egg pans came over on Noah's Ark!

  32. Looks like a fun day! you did a terrific job!

    1. I only did the cakes, an appy and glazed carrots and a fruit salad, so I had it easy. The hosts had a lot to do, and they have 2 little ones and work full time!

  33. What a perfect Ester you had! You're good.

  34. Love the pics. How fun. The table looks amazing. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  35. That cake looks awesome.
    Looks like your family had a great Easter afternoon. The hostess did indeed set a great table.
    Blessings, Ginger

  36. What a cute table and such delicious food. I love the carrot napkins!...Christine

  37. Those chocolate eggs look delicious. Wish I had one now. I love the little lettuce plate with the bunnies on each side. Looks like a wonderful day with your family. Thanks for sharing it with us at Your Cozy Home Party.

  38. Hi Kathleen! Oh, looks like a wonderful Easter. The tables look so pretty too. Love all of the yummy looking food and your cake is lovely!
    Now if I could just reach through the screen and grab one of those chocolate eggs! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  39. Looks like everyone had lots of fun on Easter!

  40. It looked like a fun time for you and your family at Easter, Kathleen! This will be happy memories for all the children.

    We had a quiet holiday --went to chuch--went to brunch at a restaurant --and went home and rested. V & I have been working so hard at getting my Mom's house emptied that we were too exhausted to do much more. We are almost finished. Bless my Mom;s heart but she had a lot of stuff!


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