Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Wearin 'of the Green~Cabbage Fritters

Just got back from a fun trip to CTS and a delicious birthday dinner.  DH asked me where I wanted to go, so shopping it was.  He waited in the car!
I was there a loooong time!  It is 60 miles away, so good thing he didn't decide to leave me there!  He never would have waited that long if it wasn't my birthday!
Feb 2012 022
I started with a green and white check cloth.  The fabric is from the Duralee Outlet.
Next a dark green felt shamrock cut out mat from CTS.
The clover plates are from TJMaxx, 2 years ago.
Treble Clef flatware from the clearance in BBB.
Napkin is a bandana from ACMoore and Shamrock ceramic napkin rings are a gift from my sis many years ago.
Feb 2012 010
A big fat live shamrock stuffed in the leprechaun's pot for his gold is the centerpiece.  A few black top hat pics stuck in to pick up the black from the flatware and napkins.
Feb 2012 016
Green glass by Anthropologie via the .99 store, a recent treasure find.  I know, a few if you emailed me that you paid the 8.00 each for them there.  :(
A bubble glass stem ...don't remember where I got them.
Butter domes from WSonoma Outlet on sale.  They had the same one in CTS for 1.50.
Feb 2012 021I spray painted some cheapo brass candlesticks with orb, so they are black to match the flatware.
Feb 2012 029
Feb 2012 015
And that's the table for tonight.
Feb 2012 005
Cabbage is always on sale around here this time of year, so I tried a new recipe, Cabbage Fritters.
You can see the recipe and demo HERE
Feb 2012 002
I added fresh minced onion, salt and pepper, and crumbled bacon, and omitted the oregano.  I just didn't feel oregano went with cabbage.  So, the verdict?
They were good, but without the dip, not much.
If anyone tries them, let me know what you think.  I like potato latkes better !  Latkes, potato pancakes, my recipe here.

See you over the weekend, then the 13th for the 4th Annual St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl here.
table 1980leprechaun
Give aways include an Oreo Cake Pan from Wsonoma, cookbooks, napkins, napkin rings and a gift card.
Thanks so much for visiting!
Bunny Jean for the Bunny Hop
I am joining Susan for Tablecape Thursday
Gollum for Foodie Friday
Diann for Thrifty Friday
Bev for Pink Saturday, it's all about green this week!
Part 1.1Irish dancer


  1. What a festive table! Oh the power of ORB spray paint! Makes cheapo items look like a million bucks! Should we ever get a CTS here I plan to spend HOURS in there, thinking of you the whole time :) Looking forward to the 13th!

  2. Happy Birthday. I'm so happy you had a fun day. You do amaze me at how many St. Patrick's Day tables you can produce!

    - The Tablescaper

  3. I love cabbage and would love to try the fritters! Looks wonderful! Your table is so pretty and fun!
    Miss Bloomers

  4. Well, Happy Birthday, Kathleen!! How sweet of your hubby to wait while you shopped!! I love your tablescape and the cabbage fritters sound interesting!! See you on the 13th!!

  5. Happy birthday, Kathleen! Pretty tablescape! The fritters sound me some cabbage! See you at the crawl!...hugs...Debbie

  6. Hi Kathleen!

    First of all Happy Birthday!

    Now I might be just a little dingy since my hit to the head from that darn tile floor... but remind me what CTS is?

    Also You mentioned that you were sharing at my Bunny Hop, but I thought you shared potato soup... Of course you are most welcome to share all you want :)

    Btw... everything is so festive and Irish!

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  7. So you are a March baby, too. A very Happy Birthday to you. Love the Anthropologie glasses! Fabulous St. Pat's table!

  8. Happy Birthday, Kathleen. Your table and the cabbage fritters are great. Glad you had a fun shopping trip and birthday dinner. There should be something in the mail from me. ;-)
    See you at the party on Monday. ~ sarah

  9. I love it! Never heard of cabbage fritters, maybe will give it a try. See ya on the 13th! xo

  10. Happy Birthday, Kathleen! What's better than "dish shopping" for your bday??!! I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself though if DH was waiting in the car! What a patient man yours must be! Lovely Irish themed t'scape. Love the black with the green! Hope to get my St. Pat's one done this weekend - having a dinner party for 10!


  11. Cute table K, I love the centerpiece! Cabbage Fritters sound interesting, I'll pop back to check out the link. Happy Thursday:@)

  12. That's a cute table. I love the live shamrock centerpiece. I've never seen one before!

    Happy Birthday to you! I would have picked shopping for my birthday too. Glad you got to enjoy!

  13. Happy Birthday, Kathleen! Wow, I didn't realize cts was so far from you! Of course, the one I go to most often is in Maine because it is the best--huge and new. I love potato pancakes nice and crispy but without onions because I am so allergic. Cabbage, I don't know about that. I like mine cold in cole slaw. Linda

  14. Happy Birthday, Kathleen! You got some gorgeous weather today to celebrate! Table looks pretty, very festive. Sounds like a nice way to use cabbage, too bad it was disappointing.

  15. Happy Birthday Kathleen. Love your green decor for St Pat's. I think I would alos prefer the Latkes; so good and not made them in years.

  16. Oh,'re REALLY lucky he didn't leave your little hips there! He must have been napping really deeply! I would have had to come in there and snatched you right out! Listen to me...the person who spent an entire hour-and-a-half in a store yesterday doing nothing but browsing!!! Sales clerks probably hate people like me, but that's OK. I'm just doin' my thang! :-) GREAT ST. Patrick's Day table, Kathleen!!! That is one of the most lush shamrocks I have ever seen!!! It's beautiful! You found some really great items to celebrate the occasion...all because of your precious CTS that WE don't have here! Boo hoo hoo!!!!!! :-( I don't know about the cabbage fritters, although they probably taste a little like something you would get in a Chinese restaurant? I'm just guessing? Maybe like a fried moo shu?

  17. a VERY Happy Birthday to you! Hope it was grand! xoxoxo

  18. Happy Birthday! Your table looks fabulous!


  19. Your clover dishes are so cute...It is so hard to find any kind of dishes to really say St. Patricks sure have done a great job...beautiful..

  20. This looks great! I love the addition of the black to the table. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday! hugs, Linda

  21. Such an adorable table, as always, K.
    Happy happy Birthday to you....
    Glad Mr. K took you shopping. I know you had fun.

    I just read that Pioneer Woman made over 1 million dollars with her blog in the world do you do that. I mean, I know she is HUGE infamous and has tons of readers....
    I would be happy to make ANY money...
    and, I just noticed you are dot com....have you always been?

  22. Those fritters look wonderful! The table is fun and I love that tablecloth.

  23. A very, very happy green table ! I love it! Hope you have a great day!
    Blessings My Friend,

  24. I so wish there was a CTS near me. Seems everyone gets such great buys there. Your table is soooo pretty and quite festive!


  25. Happy birthday, Kathleen!!

    Did you visit the Staten Island CTS? I love your pretty table --you always come up with such wonderful new combinations!

    I'm looking forward to the blog crawl, Kathleen. In fact I may have my post up tonight as I'm working on it now :)

  26. I love your St. Patty's Day table. I can't wait for the 13th. Being a newbie blogger this is my first time to do something like this.

  27. Happy Birthday Kathleen!!!...and you set such a beautiful table...I really love every inch and shamrock! You created such a tribute to the Irish and I am sure the leprechauns are waiting to be served!

    St. Patrick's Day is so special to me as my dad was Irish and my precious granddaughter was born on St. Patrick's Day...go Irish...

  28. Great Irish tablescape! Love it! I will have to try those fritters -looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing your lovely scape with all of us! Happy Birthday and Happy St. Paddy's Day! Mrs. S

  29. So...I'm thinking that your hubby would wait for you to shop any time because he knows full well that he's going to be the recipient of an amazing meal served on whatever you decide to use to dress the table. Your table is wonderful. I love that tablecloth. Oh, there are some auctions for the Blue Quail on eBay right now. You might give it a look. There are Furnivals Blue Quail, as well as Mason's Blue quail. They'll both be the same. Masons bought the Furnivals molds when Furnivals went out of business. Cherry Kay

  30. A belated Happy Birthday Kathleen!

    I know we would love the cabbage fritters. They look wonderful.

    My table is almost finished. I need to pick up a shamrock. I love how you did yours in the pot 'o gold.

    Happy Weekend!

  31. Kathleen,
    What a charming St. Patrick's Day tablescape!! Beautiful!! Love everything that you used to create it!!


  32. I love your clover plates and that cute little creamer! Every time I read about your trips to CTS I want to take another road trip myself. I can forget my Mr. tagging along that won't happen. LOL! You find the best stuff! The little top hats in the greenery is the cutest idea. It's so full of whimsey! I am happy to tell you I will be able to make it to your party too! :))) Thanks always for so much fun and so much inspiration!

  33. ♫♫ Happy Belated Birthday to YOU, Happy Belated Birthday to Youuuuu! ♫♫ How appropriate that an Irish lass was born so close to THE HOLIDAY!!!
    (My DH will be 86 on Tues.)

    Your table is just DARLING! I'm lovin' all the black with the green & shamrocks everywhere! I have looked & looked for cute shamrock stuff this year & haven't found a single thing worth buying. I'm using my green depression glass again this year. :/

    Love those little butter domes & the pretty napkin rings, too. Why can't I ever see anything like that??? Phooey!

    Mega Birthday Hugs, Kathleen...may you have many, many more & And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead!


  34. Happy Belated Birthday! Thanks for visiting my blog. Love your tablescape and the cabbage recipe sounds wonderful. I love cabbage. I am one of your new followers. Please feel free to become a follower of my blog if you wish!

  35. forgot to say:

    "Going shopping with your husband is like going hunting with the game warden"

  36. Kathleen,
    Hi! I just love your St. Patrick's Day Table. & Love the table cloth. Your recipe with cabbage looks very good too. I think you have the perfect center piece, for the occasion.

  37. Happy birthday, Kathleen. What a fun way to spend your birthday. I love your table, so pretty. And what a haul! Love them all! If you et a chance, take a look at my tablescape (post before this)before it goes deeper, lol...Christine

  38. Love all the green...but you knew that when you set it, didn't you! I couldn't find a shamrock plant, guess there are no Irish around this year.
    Good thing Mike sat/napped in the car while you shopped!

  39. Happy Birthday, that was sweet of your hubby to sit and wait. Love the St P's day tablescape!

  40. Well, if that don't make ya want to dance a jig! Woohoo!!!

    What a festively beautiful St. Patties Day table!!!

    You have the best birthday ever Miss Kathleen.

    God bless and have a fun day celebratin' your special day! :o)

  41. Hi Kathleen! Oh, what a darling table - look at those cute napkins! Now those cabbage fritters look so good. I just may have to try these.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  42. What a great table Kathleen....I think it's the perfect St. Patty/s Day table...cause I'm lovin that tablecloth indeed!
    I am trying to get my Irish spirit going so I can join your party!
    Hugs friend and the recipes look fabulous too!

  43. Belated Happy Birthday, glad you had a splendid day of retail therapy. Hope your husband took something to read with him!
    Love your table, you have some fabulous pieces for the seasonal holiday, I especially liked the plates from TJ's and the little cloche butter dishes.
    bon weekend

  44. Happy Birthday, Kat'leen! And many returns o' the day! Now, tell the truth... Might ye have had a wee nip o' Jameson's to celebrate? ;~)

    What a gorgeous table! Every piece on it is St. Pat's Day perfection and I adore the live shamrock. It's the biggest one I've ever seen!

    Now, about the fritters. How do you think they'd be if you sort of merged the cabbage recipe with the potato recipe?? Maybe something like a Colcannon fritter? Just a thought...

    Anywhooo... Glad you got the chance to shop for as long as you liked for your special day. I'm happily looking forward to the 13th! ~Mary

  45. Spectacular detail in your table scape. I love the shamrock & wee leprechaun. One should feel VERY Irish sitting here ...

    Have a lovely PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

    ~ GIVEAWAY ends 3/15 ~

  46. I don't think you've ever had a Tablescape I didn't like! But I especially like this one..I think all the black accents really makes it pop.
    The fritters sure don't look like cabbage..I agree the potatoe ones I like!

  47. Everything is so beautiful. Thanks so much for hosting. Hugs, Marty

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Kathleen, sorry about the delete, I scrolled down too far and commented on the wrong post. Duh.. I'm hopeless.

  50. I know, I am just now catching up on last week's party! Warm weather here sent me outdoors to play for most of the week! Just can't help myself. this table is so cute Kathleen! I love all the details. and Happy Belated Birthday! How sweet that hubby took you for a long over due CTS shopping trip! Thank you for joining last week's TTF. I hope you are have a great day!

  51. Love love love this post, you are so talented! Beautiful table, and the cabbage fritters look wonderful. So many lovely details! Thanks for joining the party, I am pinning and tweeting this.

  52. It looks fantastic (as always)!

    Happy St Patrick's Day from N Ireland.


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