Monday, March 5, 2012

MARCHing, Dancing and Eating

Here on Long Ireland, I mean Long Island in NY, the parades have already started. 
Yesterday, we went to an after the parade party at my son's church.
Feb 2012 028
A great Irish band, Step Dancers, and good food, made for a fun family party.
Feb 2012 021
It's amazing how so many things turn Irish in March.  In previous posts I expressed my dislike for fish, but when it wears a bit of the green, I had to go for it!
Filet O' Fish, Irish for sure!
Feb 2012 014
I saved the box from last year, and made my own version, complete with a fish plate!
Feb 2012 009
I smothered that baby with ketchup, and made it through another meatless Friday!table 3310
I hope you are collecting to green to show us for the 4th Annual St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl here on the 13th.
table 1993
Even if you are not Irish, St. Patrick's Day's arrival means we are that much closer to Spring.
table 3248
I am gathering up some prizes to make it more fun!  I'll show them in my TTH post, so come back for a preview!
Thanks for visiting!
I am joining
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Marty for Tabletop Tuesday
Shannon at Cozy Home Scenes Party

Sue at Sullivan and Murphy did a post explaining the importance of doing away with the blogger id.  It is now 2 words and almost impossible to read.  If you are not sure if you have it, or how to get rid of it, check here.  She also explains about the no reply blogger status.  Great tutorial!


  1. Hi Kathleen,
    I was just thinking it might be time for your St. Patricks Day festivities. I must dig out the green ...especially with the last name of Kelley.
    I haven't been around for a bit and my blog has a bit of a different look but it feels good to be blogging again.
    Enjoy your day!!

  2. Kathleen, I can hear the joy of those Irish step dancers. What a fun day! I'll eat your fish! I forget that you don't like fish. How can you in the Hamptons and not eat fish? LOL
    Sent a little green your way today.........Sarah

  3. I love to watch the step dancers.

  4. How fun! We love St. Paddy's day around here and the food and the little Irish step dancers.

    Great post- xo Diana

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing all the wonderful St. Patrick's Day decorations and ideas.

  6. How fun to live in Long Ireland! I'm going to be celebrating that we made it through all the wedding fun come St. Patrick's Day!!

  7. How cool that the community gets involved in the celebration!

  8. Wow, no idea what it is but sign me up for that dessert:@)

  9. My older brother's granddaughters have begun step dancing lessons this year --I can't wait to see them perform one day!

    I finally had a chance to put your crawl button up on my blog's sidebar this evening -- I'll be happily participating!!

    ☺ ♣ ☺ ♣

  10. Hi Kathleen, You probably have access to some excellent fish on LI and it is going to waste! Send it to me--I love fish. My dad was not a fan either, so my mom would make him baked stuffed shrimp during Lent. That, he liked! I don't know what he did back when every Friday was fish day. Charlotte was in Boston this weekend and the parties have begun there too. Those dancers are adorable. I'll be there for your Green party. Leprechauns and shamrocks are optional, right, as long as the post is green? Linda

  11. I did a St Pat's trayscape but now I've got to do a tablescape for your party! I'm getting inspired by looking at all your green! Hugs, Linda

  12. That really does look like a fun family event with a parade and party, I'm glad you could be there to enjoy it with the gkids.

    I'm looking forward to your party on the 13th you have shown so many beautiful green tablesettings lately I don't know what you are going to have left to share :)

    Seriously, do you really put ketchup on fish? Can't say I ever heard of that condiment on it before but then I wouldn't have guessed maple syrup on salmon before this weekend either and I had it and it was delicious.

  13. Looks like you had a lot of fun on Sunday. So glad you shared it with Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. What a fun post!

    Your "Irish" Filet O'Fish was hilarious, I love those things and love Wendy's fish sandwiches too.

    I understand meatless Fridays, for sure!

    Fun tablescape! Love green!

    Come by my blog, I am giving away a itty green teapot!


  15. Noooo, no fish for me....especially in a sandwich. WHOA.....
    but your table and dessert looks amazing.:))

  16. How fun! I remember my daughter dancing at lots of events like that! And I do love those Fish Fridays!

  17. You cracked me up Kathleen, but that's because I love fish sandwiches. I can't imagine putting ketchup on them. Yet I know a lot of people who dislike fish and try to mask it with other flavors.

    This looks like a fun event, and each of your tablescapes is pretty. I'll be joining your party, so I can't wait to see everyone's St. Patrick's Day ideas.

    Thank you for joining my party again. It's a delight to have you each week.

  18. Even though we are not Irish, I love a good Irish band and watching Step Dancers. Glad you enjoyed the day with your family! The fish sandwich looks quite good ;-)

    I love the green glassware in your blog header!

  19. Looks like it was great fun! Beautiful table setting!

  20. Oh I adore the step dancers. We too have meatless Fridays during lent. :)

    I hope you'll stop by my blog. I am hosting a giveaway for a $50 Kirklands gift card.

  21. I wanted Katie to take step dancing lessons but she just wouldn't do it. I barely got her to do a few years of regular dance. Barely. Oh well! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us as the festivities gear up!

  22. Very festive! Looks like a grand time with the family :) LOL, only you would save a fish box for a table display! Looks delicious.

  23. Its hard to believe spring is around the corner when I look out my window and see snow on the ground. I've started to plan my menu, Kathleen, and am looking forward to the party.

  24. Oh what a fun event. I love to see the dancers, they are always so fascinating and lovely. Your tablescape is super. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  25. A the "top of the morning to you", fun, event...and your table is the cutest!!...Looking forward to your Blog Crawl...Go Irish..

  26. How sweet those Irish step dancers look! Great sewing friend, Nicole's two daughters both step dance & she has made some AWESOME costumes for them.

    Your tablescape & that yummy dessert look fabulous. You have more green shamrock stuff than anyone I know. LOL. Mine is out & I've been taking photos whenever the sun peeks through. Tomorrow should be great for photos! Here comes SPRING!!!!


    p.s. Someday I'll post my Snapper Veracruz recipe. I guarantee you'll like it...the sauce is so good, you can't taste the fish! Ha!

  27. Hi, Kathleen. Great blog for us "new" to St. Patrick's tablescaping--inspiration and ideas! I failed to tell you that for years we lived in Dublin (Ohio), and as you can imagine St. Pat's Day is BIG there. Our son and his family still live there, so they'll be at the parade, etc. Maybe we'll go too! I've always loved the dancers.

  28. Ms. Kathleen, you are my first comment since eye surgery! Apologies for typos, still blurry, I think I had better start my table soon! xo

  29. you gave me many ideas for st patricks day! lovely decoration as always by the way that fish plate is lovely

  30. I have my St. Paddy's table ready for the party, Kathleen. How fun it is there that the celebration already started...Christine

  31. I love your St. Pat's tablescape. You've added so many special touches to make it festive.

    I posted a St. Pat's mantel today with vintage St. Pat's post cards that you may like seeing.

  32. Long Ireland - LOL. I dont' think I've heard that one before. What a fun event - I love those Irish dance costumes and I know how expensive they can be.

    Look forward to spring, St. Patrick's Day and other big events here :)

    Happy Birthday, my friend!

  33. Our local parade in Lee's Summit will be this Saturday, March 10. The BIG parade in Kansas City (39th annual) will be on the 17th. It is billed as one of the "largest and most notable parade celebrations of all things Irish in the United States." It's a pretty big deal around here. We also have what's called a "warm up parade" on the 10th in an area called Brookside where there are lots of swanky homes and shops and several Irish establishments. When we lived in that area, we always looked forward to walking a couple of blocks to the shopping area to watch all the revelry. My shop was was just a bit south of there, and there were LOTS of Irish pubs there. ALWAYS a party on St. Patrick's Day!!!

  34. What fun, Kathleen! Love me some filet o' fish...never realized it was Irish! lol Got my post ready for the crawl! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  35. I am gathering a wee bit of green this and that, Kathleen.

  36. Hi Kathleen!

    Oh what fun! Loved those little dancing kiddos. I bet you have a lot of Irish celebrations where you live.

    I need to get ready for the St. Patrick's Day Blog. Between my cough/cold/flu and the BIG BLACK EYE I just got... I am WAY behind!

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  37. Funny how much more attention is given to St. Patrick's Day in the northeast than in our part of they country, but, hey, I bet you don't do Go Texan Day.

  38. Beautiful Green Scenes!! Can't wait to see what you do for the big day. Blessings, Ginger

  39. Hi again Kathleen. Just a quick message today to let you know this post was included in my St. Patrick's Day features. Thanks for your participation in my party. Have a wonderful weekend!


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