Sunday, January 22, 2012

Strawberry, Sweet HEART?

It's cold!
January 2012 076
But not frigid!
It's snowy!  Our first snowfall here in NY on L.I..  Pretty good for the end of January!
January 2012 049
But I can still find my car!  And it is supposed to warm up and rain by tomorrow.
January 2012 074
The snow peeps are happy!
We are cozy and warm, a blessing this Sunday.
A ♥ ty breakfast this morning.
January 2012 067
Blueberry pancakes with fresh strawberries.
Strawberries are a natural for hearts...
January 2012 063
Just make a little cut out in the top!
January 2012 069
Eat your heart out.  :)
Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!  Thanks for stopping in!
Joining Seasonal Sunday at The Tablescapers.
Shannon at Cozy Home Scenes


  1. I love the snowmen wreath! Did you make it?

  2. I love that house across the street too:) Your hearts are so cute..berry cute~

  3. If I could order one up, I would like 1 snowy day...just one. It's not likely though. We've got highs in the 60s this week!!!

  4. It looks like we had the same amount of snow and our temps are the same. We are warming up, too! it will be a sloppy mess!

    Love your door's darling. Your pancakes look delicious...I like mine with just powdered sugar...I'll be over soon! :-)


  5. Stopping by your place, Kathleen, is like receiving a nice warm hug each time. I would love a <3-ty breakfast like that. Your snowman wreath is adorable - CTS?? I have to drive out to your CTS, they have great stuff there. xo

  6. Love breakfast. It looks soooooooo good. Gorgeous tablescape. Hugs, Marty

  7. The strawberry in the pancake is such a cute idea!!

  8. Looks like a lovely breakfast! Yum.

  9. Love that cute red house across the street! Looks like a nice hearty breakfast! Still cold here too, I've had the wood stove burning since I got home Friday night. Happy Sunday:@)

  10. You KNOW how much I love blueberry pancakes and strawberries....:))

    We have had to eat lightly the last couple of days....not feeling very good...bwaaaaaa, mama......

  11. We had pancakes for breakfast today too. No snow though. :-( Enjoy staying cozy and snug indoors.

  12. Beautiful! I can tell that you love to make someone feel special! We have freezing rain here this afternoon- UGH- xo Diana

  13. Our snow is melting away here in the Northwest! Hopefully that will be it for this winter. Your breakfast plate is calling to me. Beautiful and yummy looking!

  14. Love the pics and the adorable pancakes too!
    I am always hungry when I'm blogging, hmmmm, wonder why!

  15. Oh yum, Kathleen. Breakfast looks great especially on my favorite dishes!!..It's cold here in NC, but no snow! A good thing...

  16. Just adore your snow photo and those snow peeps just to cute, Kathleen. Your hearty breakfast looks so yummy, blueberry pancakes are my favorite, I also make and can my on blueberry syrup! I know what we will be having one morning this week. ~smile~ Always a joy to visit you!
    Enjoy your week,

  17. Hi Kathleen! I can't imagine getting that much snow! Actually we get no snow! Now I would love to have some of those beautiful pancakes! :) Some of my favorite foods.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Those pancakes looks so good!! Your snow pictures are so beautiful...I love looking at snow as long as I'm inside! Stay cozy and warm. Love the strawberry heart!
    Miss Bloomers

  19. You got more than we did. Ours is a slushy mess. Yours looks very pretty! The pancakes look great.

  20. Pancakes seem the perfect way to celebrate a snowy day! Love the little strawberry hearts. Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. We only got about 2 inches of snow which was FINE with me! Tomorrow is supposed to warm up like near you. The pancakes and strawberries look DELISH! XO, Pinky

  22. Oh, yymmm!! What gorgeous pictures! It looks delicious, Kathleen! And your strawberry hearts are darling! ~Zuni

  23. This looks yummilicious Kathleen.

    No snow for us. There were tornadoes south of us last night. The wind blew here all night, but no storms. We have not had enough snow to talk about this winter!

    I did think of you the other night when we watched Royal Pains.:-)

  24. The blueberry pancakes look yummy, especially with the strawberries on top! Love your plates, too!!

  25. I think we got just enough snow to appreciate it and not enough to cause any problems - perfect in my book. The little one did go outside and play a bit, and we warmed her right up with hot cocoa.

  26. Yes, MUCH better than last year. Here also. We're having a slight thaw yesterday and today. Now the snow is just dirty.

    Delicious breakfast!

  27. Nothing like some pancakes after a morning of shoveling snow, looks great! Richard

  28. Oh baby, I want to!

    Pass a fork please...they look fabulous...Mmmmmmmm!

    Have a blessed week sweetie!!! :o)

  29. Wow, you did get a good snow. We got a dusting a few weeks ago, but nothing to make a grocery store run for toilet paprer and milk like we do in the South.....cause if the snow sticks, life shuts down here for days. Tee hee!

    Love your little snowman wreath and that stack of pancakes looks almost too pretty to eat....but I'd have no problem with it.

    Would love for you to share this or any post you have this week over at my party.

    Hope the weather gets better for you soon!

  30. That looks delicious, Kathleen! I love putting fresh berries on my gluten free waffles. I spoke to my son Sunday after reading about the snow. Unfortunately, it seems like ice is the deal here in Ohio more so than snow!

  31. We warmed up to 45 degrees today, and now it's just plain sloppy out.

    Love your door wreath, and I enjoy a plain pancake loaded up with fresh berries ;o) The strawberry hearts are perfect!

    Visiting from the Cozy Home Party.

  32. No snow here. I love your snowman wreath. I've never seen one like it. Your breakfast looks delicious. I like how you turned the strawberries into hearts.

  33. Hi Kathleen,

    I'm LOVING the low snow fall we've had this winter.

    Your heart strawberries are so cute!

    Hope you have a great week!!


  34. Hello again!

    I'm sitting here with sweet potato chips still wishing I had your pancakes! Just wanted to thank you for adding this to the party! I'd love to see you again next week or whenever you have something new to share.

  35. All our snow melted with yesterday's rain. Kathleen. Today is beautiful! We've been so lucky with the weather this winter, haven't we?

    I went out with friends for breakfast this morning, as we all needed cheering up for one reason or another, and we all had pancakes! There is something so comforting about a hot plate of pancakes with maple syrup.

  36. Cute snowman wreath and breakfast last yummy.

  37. That's exactly what I'm talkin' about! Oh, I would eat that stack of pancakes and strawberries so fast, you'd be blinking your eyes! Love the snowman wreath. laurie


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