Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh MY, It's Pie Day!

National Pie Day, eat all you want, calories don't count today!
October Witches 194Mile High Apple Pie
October Witches 099
October Witches 088Potato Cheese and Onion Pie from Cathy at Wives with Knives Recipe
table 1180 Chicken Pot Pietable 1309Little  Apple Crumb Pie
table 1350Meat Pies
table 1911
Recession Pie
Use up what you have in the frig!  Here's the recipe.
table 4255Cherry Pie
table 2898Spinach Pie
Picture 626
Baked Spaghetti Squash PiePicture 704
Shredded Crust Apple Pie
Picture 1454 Peaches and Cream Crumb Pie
Picture 1701 Shepherds Pie
Individual Pot Pies
ghost pie
Ghost Pie ( Cottage Pie)
Hope I haven't left you Pie Eyed!  :)


  1. I'll take the chicken pie, especially if it's served in that adorable chicken pan!! YUM!

  2. Well, I am not pie-eyed but I am drooling. I LOVE that cute little chicken pot pie...what a perfect pan. I wonder if there is actually a pan out there like that? Wouldn't that make a good "dish" to take to a neighbor or friend? Love this post- xo Diana

  3. Hmmm...may have to delay our celebration of this wonderfully inspired holiday until I shake this dang flu bug. I see a rhubarb pie in our future. I may finally try your shredded top crust this time!

  4. OMGoodness, I love making and eating pies! Now I'm too hungry for one, I'm on a diet, shoot, why did I visit you Kathleen, but I should have known, you're such a chef! Have a wonderful week.

  5. Oh yum, right now I'd pick the potato, cheese and onion pie! Gotta mark my calendar for next year, National Pie Day is something I can really support:@)

  6. What a great selection of pies!! Wow -some I've never heard of!! Now I'm hungry...thanks for sharing!
    Miss Bloomers

  7. Nice collection of pies, looks you've been celebrating for a while!
    I love the ghosts.

  8. I have to make a note of this date so I can bake me a pie next year! I love each pie shown here, and can remember drooling over each post, even before I had a blog of my own! xo

  9. Can I come live with you for a while? :0)

  10. Pie, please! They all look so good. If it wasn't 9:30 at night I would have to go out for a piece of pie. I'll be dreaming pies!

  11. I'll take a small piece of each.. They all look so good.

  12. A whole year has passed since Pie time flies when your eating....I remember I made pie last year...was it your blog that had the links or was it JoJo's Joys??....

  13. Now I'm wishing for a slice of pie. Think I'll have a piece of that cherry pie. Happy Pie Day, Kathleen! ~ Sarah

  14. They ALL look good. I want to click the recession pie first. I have a feeling that I'll be pinning to the point of spinning...

  15. Well, poo... I thought I was going to get to steal recipes easily. Now, I have to go on the hunt.

  16. Oh my! Such pie! Wow Kathleen - you have complete outdone yourself. My husband would love the potato onion and cheese pie if you're inclined to share.

  17. What a wonderful collection of *PIE* photos, Kathleen! You do cook up a storm at your house, don't you?

    I used your cut in the strawberries to top Ms. C's ♥ shaped pancakes but I'm saving them for Lauries party.

    Thanks for the review of some of your great food creations.


  18. no fair! We need for the potato/onion/cheese pie.....the depression pie....Would love to try that one. Hi are ya?? :)

  19. Thanks for dropping by and now I am catching up on your blog. the pies look wonderful. Didn't know about this special day, I'll make it a week. No wonder my husband suggested I make apple pies to take to a group meal this weekend, I doubt he knew, he'd just get one any time he could! Love your pretty tables! and your header!

  20. One of my friends gave me an electric mini pie maker as a Christmas gift, Kathleen, and I haven't had a chance to use it as yet. Now, after seeing all your wonderful assortment of pies, I'm inspired to make pie this even ing! :)

  21. What a fantastic post; you sure made the pie really tempting on this cold January day. Thank you Katheen!

  22. thank you Kathleen....copied and ready to make. My chickens have given me lots of eggs for the quiche. :)

  23. Let's all chant together, "We want recipes! We want recipes!" What a fun post, Kathleen! Some probably have the recipes, but I checked the ghost pie and none was that's why I'm asking. :) Love, love, love this fun post! Nothing new that you'd have a fun and creative post! ~Zuni

  24. When I think of pie I think of Pizza Pie:-)

  25. all of them look delicious but I have to say that the sheperd's pir is my favorite one

  26. I know, I just found out that it was National Pie Day the other day. I guess it isn't too late to make one just in honor. These all have my mouth watering. I just love savory pies too. Maybe for dinner this week!

    I agree, I love my cookies thick and half baked on the inside. I never liked anything Martha Stewart made in her magazine as they were all brown around the edges and thin and they looked overbaked to me. I won't waste the calories on cookies like those. Hope the altitude doesn't change them for you.

  27. National Pie Day is a cause for celebration. I would love to try them all. Savory pies are my new favorite foods. Thanks so much for the link, Kathleen.

  28. Each and every one of these pies is a masterpiece. Yummy!

    Thanks so much for coming by the Back Porch, Kathleen. I was dizzy when I had a sinus infection, last week. Was pretty sick for a couple of days until the antibiotic kicked in. Much better now. I didn't do anything for a few days, other than sleep.

  29. Yum-o! National pie day sounds wonderful Kathleen. I'm in! :)

  30. You need to come out of your shell a little more and not be so crusty, Kathleen :)

    Wow, what an array of pies! I've got to get my little chickie pot pie dishes out again soon. Love those.

  31. Mmmm, I am having a hard time picking which pie I want the best so I'll just take them all! I think that's how I handle dishes too, lol..Christine

  32. What a lovely assortment of delicious looking pies! They're all making me hungry!!

  33. You're so funny. My mouth is watering, and I am pie eyed! If I lived at your house, I would be huge, because I would eat everything that came out of your kitchen! laurie

  34. Unbelievable assortment of pies...They all look so incredibly delicious..I love the cute chicken pot pie dish!

  35. Kathleen, I love this post. Pies are a staple here in the south, and you have made some beauties! I love your mini Shepherd's Pie. I need to put this date on my calendar, so I can celebrate it next year. :-)

    Thanks for sharing.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  36. oops, I must have missed this pie-lovin' post...they all sure do look gooood.


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