Sunday, December 4, 2011

December Busy ness

Thank you to those who were willing to take part.  Plus I didn't realize that another blogger does a copycat party.  Mine was going to be just tablescapes, but close enough.
I know everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays.  All the cleaning that must happen before the decorations can be done, windows washed, curtains changed, etc.  It seems to take longer and longer each year.  Add to that 4 days that I was gone all day, and man, I am behind!
We have had such great weather, so today I spent the day out side dragging the outdoor decorations from the garage, testing lights, etc.  I would say I am 3/4 done out there.
Picture 1316
I don't know how people can get it all done in one day!  It would never happen here!
We got new doors last year, the side door got painted red, but it got too cold to do the front, so it had to wait.
October Witches 033
 Picture 1240The old door was blue, and last year the wreath looked so plain against the unpainted door.
You can't miss it this year!  Let's say it looks nothing like the color on the paint card!
December 2011 037
This year I got a battery operated wreath from QVC, and added some fresh greens.  The week before Christmas, I add fresh Baby's Breath.
You can set it to clear or colored lights, blinking or not.  Technology!
December 2011 028 
December 2011 039
A little more tweaking, too much plaid going on there, and some better pictures needed!
I wish you a good week, with lots of progress on your preparations.
I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Susan for Metamorphosis Monday


  1. All in good time, it will get done. That's my mantra :) xo

  2. Still working on my decorations, room by room. IF I get time I might even put some lights on the front porch this year.

  3. Thanks for reminding me I need to wash my windows!

    You can never have too much plaid!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. It all looks great...
    we put a few lights up outside and a wreath on the door and that's it.
    xxo bj

  5. Everything is looking very festive, Kathleen! Here, decorating is going very slowly! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  6. Your decor looks so festive & cheery! I LOVE the red door!!

  7. Kathleen, your decor is just fbulous, so arm & inviting.
    Hope you have a lovely week ~
    TTFN ~

    Pop over for our GIVEAWAY

  8. I bet your house is a delight during the holidays. I have just enough out to remind me that it's soon going to be Christmas, but I've gotten a little lazy when it comes to decorating. It's the putting away that gets me.

  9. Hi, Your home looks lovely, it looks like you are off to a great start and it won't be long until you are done! Happy Holidays!

  10. Your door looks FABULOUS!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  11. I love it Kathleen!
    The door, the wreath, the plaids, never too much plaid, the loveseat, it's all really lovely!
    We got big snow here and it's beautiful but going to turn cold.

  12. Kathleen, it all looks great to me. Love the red door!
    You are way ahead of me. I need to get myself in gear and get busy. ~ Sarah

  13. I told the husband that I really need to start decorating the first week of November! LOL I just can't seem to make much headway. OCD kicks in and I end up doing way too much tweaking. Your own decorations look wonderful, Kathleen. So do you like the red color better than the color sample? I love a red door! Ours was factory painted when we ordered it but the sunlight has faded it a bit. I see a painter in my future next spring! Seeing your horn in the new wreath made me wonder where mine has gotten to! Needless to say, my wreath is not up yet. LOL

  14. No outdoor decor for us this year. Snow has the front of house socked in until April. Snow storm going on right now in fact! I want a red door but I don't think Mr. B will agree to that request :) I hope you have good week! Stay warm! -2 for us tonight!

  15. Your outdoor decor looks wonderful Kathleen! Its a big job isn't it! My problem is I ONLY want to do decor and nothing else! Love your red door, so striking and a wonderful colour especially this time of year. We also got all new exterior doors this fall and went for a very dark black (on the inside of the front door too). I'm loving having the drama of it compared to white. Good luck with the rest of your preps!


  16. Your front door looks beautiful K! Glad to hear that the wreath from QVC works well! The weather sure has been amazing-enjoy:@)

  17. It looks fabulous against that red door. I'm still slogging away at mine too. I don't even do that much compared to some folks, and I don't see how they get it all done so quickly.

  18. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Kathleen I stay behind just trying to keep up with work and home. Add a major holiday such as Christmas and it is overwhelming but I'm trying!

  19. I know what you mean about getting it all done. I'm still working on mine even though we had a party this past Saturday. The bedrooms, and office had almost nothing for Christmas, but few guests went in there anyway...thank goodness. I did put out vases of fresh greenery so it wouldn't look like I totally forgot those rooms. I'm now in the process of reworking the mantel. LOL
    Love what you've done, and LOVE the red door.

  20. I love your new red door! It looks so festive and bright and I bet it looks great with your July buntings too. I always wanted a colored front door but here we have to have storm doors for extra protection in the winter (it really helps with the wind too) so I did get a cranberry framed storm door.

    You are so good at decorating - with winter here I can't wait to stay caught up with blogs and to see what you post.

  21. The red door looks great. Everything will get done, enjoy the process!

  22. Everything is starting to look great! I love your red door.

  23. Love the red door! You really have some great decor! Christmas decorating is up in the air for me. We'll see what happens.

  24. Very pretty, Kathleen, it'll all get done. I think it goes up much easier than coming down :)

  25. I wish I had bought that wreath. I love the lights on a pretty!

  26. You really crated a festive holiday mood. Your red door in so attractive; I love it! Enjoy December.

  27. Your door looks great, Kathleen! I love the red. I'm glad to hear you are having nice weather. We were, too, until today. It has been raining ALL day!

  28. It all looks so wonderful...very festive! Love your plaid!!!

    What "TABLESCAPE PARTY"??? I didn't get the memo OR an email about it & I get all your posts via email now. Musta slipped through the cracks.

    Its crazy busy here, too. Why I try to do so much is beyond me but I just can't stop myself. I'm with Sue...I think next year, I'll have the entire house decorated BEFORE Thanksgiving! (we did have the outside lights up but not on)

    Pace yourself, okay?

  29. Oh my gosh, I LOVE the red door! With your blue/gray home it looks wonderful. At least to these red-lover's eyes :)

    Yes, busy time of year for so many. It would have been hard to do it all.

  30. Hey, Kathleen! I didn't realize we were supposed to let you know that we wanted to participate in advance. I'm sorry. I'm still trying to get a grip on all the parties and giveaways and things. I'm not very bright, so it always takes me longer to figure things out than everyone else! :-( I will definitely want to participate in the next one you host!

  31. kathleen, your front door looks spectacular!
    I LOVE that red! it is in no doubt about its identity, is it? it's definitely RED. Gorgeous.

    You can get battery lights that last? I'm going to have to check this out -- I am SO 20th century.

    And that's why I'm known as "Cassette."
    Hahahahahahah... well, for a moment I felt all French and coquettish.

    Happy decorating!

  32. I love your red door Kathleen!

    Thanks for coming by. I suppose one reason I went off on a tangent in that note about the decorating was because I am a tad tired and the comment hit a raw nerve. I am usually more patient! Because I am tired I am calling the decorating officially finished!! If we are too tired and we don't enjoy,what's the point!:-) I want to stop while I am still having fun.

    Love that battery operated wreath.

  33. You have a welcoming and lovely and festive front door! My best to you! Cathy

  34. Looks like you're off to a good start on the decorating. The high-tech wreath looks fabulous on the red front door. And I'm like you. It is taking me forever to finish.

  35. Your door and front our gorgeous. Between you and Susan at BNOTP I've about decided to paint my red. My husband isn't real excited about it but I'll win. (smile)Christmas will all get done. And you're doing better than you think you are! Give yourself some credit girl!

  36. Your home is looking very festive Kathleen! Love the red door! You are off to a good start, and each day you will add a little more.

  37. It always takes me daaays to get my decorating done!! This is the year I'm not doing as much and it's still taking foreveeeeer!!!!

    Love your new red door and the decorations! Beautiful!!


  38. Darlin', ya can't be further behind that I am. We had a wedding a week before Thanksgiving here on the Ponderosa and I've been runnin' late since.

    I did finally finish deckin' the halls here yesterday and began my candy makin' today. I ordered presents Saturday and all are on the way. Woohoo....

    I so adore your door, girl...what a beautiful welcome to greet your guests.

    God bless and have a magnificent day!!! :o)

  39. Very tasteful decorations on your home, just the way that i like it and not over done. Richard

  40. Your home's decorations for the holidays is gorgeous, I love the way your entrance looks, you're such a great decorator Kathleen. Happy Holidays,

  41. I do love a red front door! Yours looks so wonderfully festive with your beautiful wreath. I had to quit looking at the TGV post because I am getting hungry and it is late. Seems that always happens when I look at your blog ... my tummy is growling.

  42. I love all your tartan plaid! And the red door looks really festive!

  43. I love your red front door, Kathleen, so festive with the wreath and garland. I love your whole porch actually, and I am jealous. I had nothing at all until I went out yesterday and bought a wreath and balls to adorn it with to put on the door.I just did not want to look through all the boxes in the attic just for 1 wreath. I wasn't going to put anything but I was getting embarrased and thinking the neighbors must think we are getting a divorce since usually, I am the first one to put up Christmas decor and all of a sudden, nothing, lol. And I turned on the lights of the 2 topiaries on either side of the door so it does not look as pitiful anymore. You must think I am terrible but John will be alone on all the coming holidays. My daughters are both due in about 2 weeks and are both asking me to help them, will have to divide my time b/w them and they live 2.5 hrs drive away from each other. It's all just happening during the holidays. I told John he can always come to visit of course, if he wants, but he tries not to take off too much because he is so busy and is the only Urologist in town. Just like now, I am up because he got called at 1 AM for a gun shot wound and had to perform surgery and he just got home. Poor guy, he has to get up again in 2 hrs to go back to work. I really do not like to leave him alone b/c you should see the house when I get back, lol, but I have no choice.This is getting too long so I will email you.....Christine

  44. Love the red door! That makes an incredible statement.

    I say take your time and do only what you want to do each year. I learned that from a great book that I read 25 years ago - Unplug The Christmas Machine.

  45. Well, dang. I just finished setting my copy cat tablescape last night. That's what I get for not keeping up with my favorite blogs...that would be yours. I do understand though. Rhett and I are still trying to find a spot of time to do our Tables for Two meme. Someday. Maybe. I'll post it anyway for Tablescape Thursday. Meme or no meme, thanks for the inspiration. I did the candy cane table from Carolyne Roehm's A PASSION FOR PARTIES. At least I started with her table. Couldn't help it...I found myself amending her design to suit my own eye. Cherry Kay

  46. I have so enjoyed wandering through December at a leisurely pace with you. You do the most delightful tablescapes and have a wonderful spirit of Christmas in your home. Your front porch is a pure delight worthy of a front cover of a magazine. Just beautiful! Your neighbors must love the neighborhood!


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