Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's MOvember, No Typo :)

Do you know about MOvember?  I saw a little story about it on a news show, but it wasn't till  I saw my son that I put it all together!
Just as October is the month for Breast Cancer awareness, November is for for men's health, prostate and testicular cancer.
People pledge donations for clean shaven men who grow a moustache, or "MO" for the month.
I had never seen my son with a stache, so I was a little taken back, but when he told me why, I thought it was a great cause.
So far he has raised over $5,000 !
To give him some MO support, I found a moustache candy mold, and Tgiving Day all the kids posed for a picture with their dad.
Tgiving 2011 009 Here are his 2 youngest with their MOs.
If you know someone who is taking part, I hope you will support them with a donation if you can, in honor of your grandfathers, fathers, brothers, sons, uncles, nephews and male friends.  It is a worthy cause to keep the men we love healthy!
We spent Thanksgiving at my dil's sister's home.  Last year as a newly wed she hosted for the first time, and this year she graciously agreed to do so, this time, a few months pregnant!  So next year another little Pilgrim will be with us.  She did a lovely job on the tables for this large crowd.  There were too many of us to fit in her dining room, so it involved a lot of carrying things up and down to the entertainment room.
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I found these plates for the kids last year at a sidewalk sale at The Pottery Barn Outlet.  I had to be aggressive down right pushy :), as other nanas wanted them for their gkids too.  I wish I could have grabbed more, as the family is growing!
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.50 cents each, full size plate.  I think I will look on ebay for a few more!
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Lemon Cream Cake made in the Heritage Pan. I used Ina's Lemon Cake recipe and made a cream cheese icing that I swirled through.
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Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie with Caramel, in a gingerbread chocolate crust, delicious!  It was from a small ice cream store on L.I.
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Carvel turkeys for the kids...and donuts too.
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I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, the weather here was wonderful, another blessing!  I can't remember a better Tgiving weekend with 4 days in a row of sunny above normal temps.  Perfect for that touch football game with the kids.
I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday and
Yvonne for On the Menu Monday.
Now on to Christmas!


  1. I did hear about Movember! Your chocolate mustaches are cute...Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. You swirled a cream cheese icing through a cake? That is genius! I've made Ina's lemon cake many times, but this just never occurred to me. (Love that pan, by the way.)

  3. I did not know about MOvember! Thanks for sharing that info. Your grandsons are so cute. Looks like you had a wonderful day. xo

  4. :)

    The kids..Jacques has always had a mustache..once he shaved it off and I did not recognize him..i asked him to put it back on:)

    Again..why did I never buy that Heritage pan? Everytime you and or Susan show a masterpiece..I regret day~

    Kudos to everything~

  5. Oh, I am a lemon lover! IS the recipe available? Where did you buy the cake pan? Your family certainly had a wonderful selection to choose from.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  6. Love the dessert groaning board. Very nice. My husband and brother are prostate cancer survivors and early detection is a blessing for all men. Susan

  7. Love the cute mustaches you found! Good for your son raising money for such a good cause. My nephew has done it before ...No Shave November! The thanksgiving dessert spread has me hungry.

  8. Great cause, good for your son!
    Kids are adorable! Looks like a wonderful time for the holiday!

  9. The lemon cake in the Heritage pan sounds wonderful. Did you swirl the cream cheese icing before or after baking? I love the grandchildren with their mustaches! Early detection is a blessing for all men. The turkey plates from the PB outlet are adorable!

  10. All of the newscasters on one of our local TV channels are participating. I didn't know what was up until I finally heard one of them discuss it. VERY worthy cause! The kids looked cute in their chocolate mustaches, and your daughter-in-law's table was fabulous!!! Looks like you guys had a wonderful, wonderful day. I'm thrilled for you, and wish you and your family many, many more!

  11. Love the candy 'staches, Kathleen! The boys looks very handsome in them ;) My husband had a mustache for 20 years and, when he shaved it and surprised us, the girls didn't recognize him but he looks so much younger without it.

    What a fabulous feast!

  12. Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving K! The kids are cute in their 'stashes and congrats to your son for raising so much money for a great cause! Love your lemon cake, it's so pretty. And yep, this was a spectacular weekend-just beautiful:@)

  13. Cute boys with those MOs. Glad to hear your Thanksgiving Celebration was filled with family fun.
    Have a great week ~ Sarah

  14. Sweet little guys in their staches and for a great cause.

    I can see there were fun Thanksgiving times with your family and lots of GOOD food!

  15. Hi Kathleen, I did not know about Movember! You think I would since my dear hubby has prostate cancer. Thanks for the info & much appreciation to your son for his incredible kindness in raising so much money for such a worthy cause. Blessing to you & yours!!

  16. I saw a little piece about Movember on the news over the weekend...wonderful that your son is raising so much money toward such a great cause.

    The dessert table looks yummy!

  17. So cute:)
    You got a lovely space here.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  18. Your cake sounds wonderful with the cream cheese icing swirled through!!! Adorable mustached boys :)

  19. I never heard of Movember but it is about time and a great idea! I do not like hubby with a mustache though!!

    We had wonderful weather , the 50's and I had all of the doors and windows open with the oven going all day!

    Your desserts are beautiful and the little turkeys so cute and fun. What a pretty table, too. I'm so glad you had a good holiday, Kathleen!


  20. So glad the weather was lovely for you. The food looked like it could make you forget about bad weather. Love the mustaches! Katie and I are off to North Carolina tomorrow. See you in about 2 weeks!

  21. I was at the grocery store the other day and ran into a neighbor and her 22yr old son who was growing a mustache. And he told me about the Movenber movement and what he was doing. I was so VERY touched and I'm so glad Kathleen that you posted about it. It truly is a very good thing!

    Your dessert table is so inviting but your lemon cake with the swirled icing sounds and looks so good. Also your beautiful table setting and those darling plates for the kids. I don't blame you for being 'Agresive' (smile...ok pushy)to get them. And for that price...Wow! Will look for you on TTT and On the menu monday. Both are wonderful!

  22. OOPS!! I mispelled Agressive...was typing to fast. Also I meant Seasonal Sunday. I love that site too. Such great things!!

  23. Love the MOustache support and the special plates for the Grands! From the looks of your feast, you had a fantastic Thanksgiving celebration.

  24. How nice of your son to grow a mustache for such a great cause. And his kidletts are adorable!
    Your desserts look divine! I LOVE your bundt! Perfection... and so is the pumpkin ice cream pie! Thanks for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY and sharing your wonderful post!

  25. Kathleen,Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgving. The kids plates are so cute. Pat

  26. I didn't know about MOvember--good cause! That chocolate moustache mold is too cute -- it looks a lot like my husband's real life!

    Your dessert table was "abbondaza" Kathleen! WOW!

  27. I have never heard about Movember, what a great idea! Those chidrens turkey plates are the cutest things, I would be hunting more too!

  28. I've never heard about MOvember but those little guy looks darling. Your table is so pretty! I'm so glad you popped in. Unfortunately my little granddaughter won't be with us for Christmas. They live so far away from us. I get Skype pretty hot! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  29. Her table was lovely, and I smiled as usual at your signature whimsical touches in both dishes and food.

    I'm glad you had nice weather in your neck of the woods. We have been hot and balmy. What?? Yuk.

  30. That sounds like a wonderful idea!

    J always grew big beards for winter to help keep his face warm while working on lines. He never had a mustache until the Spring after we met, he shaved the beard and left the mustache and has had it ever since. He has a very strong jawline. The mustache softens it.

    I love the mustached g'kiddo's.

  31. O, the little handsome dudes are so cute with their MO's....:)

    So glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving. We did, too.
    xo bj

  32. Everything looks wonderful! I would have posed with the stache too! My 17 year old has not been shaving this month too, now I know why. He kept telling me it was no shave November! I don't think his reasons were as noble and his is just creepy peach fuzz! I may have to sneak in his room on Dec. 1st with the electric shaver.

    Your plates are adorable and so perfect. It is hard to know how many to plan for isn't it as the family grows and grows. We had 2 new grandbabies announced over Thanksgiving.

    Also, I would love a slice of the lemon cake. That looks fantastic! What a lovely meal you prepared.

  33. Oh Kathleen, those candy mustaches are just a hoot! You are such a creative cook. That cake is beautiful! Everyone was impressed with my cornucopia cake. I did a butterscotch rum cake. Next year, I want to make something that isn't so dark. I was surprised at how easily it came out of the pan. I'm going to enjoy that cake pan for a lot of years. laurie

  34. I'd never heard of MOvember until now! Great cause.

    Your cake, and whole dessert table, looks divine!

  35. Hi Kathleen,

    I didn't know that November is Men's Health Awareness Month, but hats off to your son for raising so much money for this worthwhile cause. Your grandsons' candy moustaches are so funny! :)

    That lemon cake is making my mouth water. Lemon and cream cheese are two of my favorite food groups. ;)

    Yes, we did get our tree the day after Thanksgiving. We got home and discovered it was a wee bit too tall. The whole episode could make for a funny blog post. Hope you have a great week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  36. What a cool idea for your son to grow a mustache for such a great cause. Your grand-kidlets are just adorable with theirs too.

    Add me to the lemon lovers in the the effect of that bundt pan...very pretty!

    Our weather has been spectacular, too but I hear we've got some snow coming tomorrow. Phooey! Doncha' wish it could be mild all winter long???

    Stay safe & warm & don't work too hard on all that painting stuff.

  37. Wonderful spread! And cute little guys with mustaches.

    Speaking of mustaches, my boy also had one, a real one. I noticed it a few weeks before his 13th birthday, as I religiously rubbed off what I thought, was chocolate milk from his upper lip.

  38. That's some spread you folks had, and i bet those mustaches didn't last long before they were eaten. Richard

  39. Your grans are so cute with the candy moustaches. What a good cause, maybe that's why John is so busy and does not want to take off. The table is just stunning, Kathleen. I love the table cloth and napkins. All those desserts look irresistible,...Christine

  40. Looks like a wonderful celebration! Brave young women to host a big crowd pregnant.

    - The Tablescaper

  41. I have 3 of my sons who grow the Stach to support this cause every year. That lemon cream cake is calling my name.

  42. Your little guys are so cute with their candy mustaches. Prostate cancer affects so many families and we must do everything we can to help find a cure. That's quite a dessert table. Love the lemon cake and pumpkin ice cream pies. Our dinner was wonderful too. What a blessing to be with family.

  43. That explains men not shaving..interesting and a good cause. I make Ina's lemon loaf all the time but never thought of putting it in that pan. Having a joint cookie exchange with my daughter next weekend and inviting the blog gals...wish you lived closer.

  44. Oh darlin' your spread is simply magnificent. That pie is pure masterpiece in itself!!!

    Looks like ya'll had a happy day!

    God bless ya and have a wonderful weekend!!! :o)

  45. haven't posted in awhile..hope you are feeling ok and are just busy...:))

  46. I didn't see this either! First: your little grandboys are just too cute with the candy mustaches, so much fum! Your plates are adorable, do get more! The food looks TDF yummy, it must be fabulous to go for Thanksgiving to your house with you been such a talented chef!! I didn't know that Nov. is the men's awarness month, wow, so glad I do now. Happy Holidays my dear friend.


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