Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer's Not Over Till the Calendar Says So!

You won't see any Autumn decor here.  I am not pulling out those crisp Fall day recipes either!  It's summer, and the kids don't go back to school here till the 7th.  19 more days to wear your flip flops and enjoy the season!

My table today was inspired by this cloth I got at the Duralee Outlet for $1.00, called Caribbean.

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A bright plaid with orange, green, pink and yellow.

Yellow ceramic flip flops from CTS, last year.

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The pineapple is the sign of welcome, so welcome to my back yard!

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I had 3 of these food screens from CTS, so the table is set for 3.

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Ruffled yellow charger, CTS, orange dinner, $ Tree, lime ruffled bowls, a gifts from my friend Karen, years ago.

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Yellow napkin held by a big bright pink flower napkin ring.  Diann at The Thrifty Groove sent me these and some other adorable napkin rings you will be seeing in the future!

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Yellow flatware by Fiesta.  I got it when The Tablescaper and I went shopping last time.  It's from Tues. Morning and was 6.00 a place setting.  Macy's is selling it for a lot more, A LOT!  

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Bright green hurricane, .39 cents from CTS, with a tall yellow candle inside.

Orange glasses from CTS, 90% off, were   .22.  And the orange pitcher is from WalMart a few years ago at the end of the summer, .50.  I grabbed a bunch of them in different colors.

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Lemon and Kiwi shaped candles, don't remember where I got them, years ago.

So put out your pumpkins and leaves if you must, but I will enjoy the big chunk of summer that is left!  :)

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All of these flowers came back from last year, they seeded themselves! 

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Since I had a pineapple, I made some chicken salad  with bow ties and served it in the shell.

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Chicken breasts  baked and cut up, season, snow peas, bow tie pasta, onions, mayo, juice from the pineapple, and a shake of powdered mustard. Lots of fresh ground pepper , too!

A good summer lunch, or a side with something from the grill!

Thanks for visiting, be sure to go catch a wave before the F_ _ L  season starts!  :)


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Look at those rosy cheeks and smile.  He's my favorite youngest gson!  :)

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, Gollum for Foodie Friday. Diann at the Thrifty Groove, The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, and Stone Gable for On the Menu Monday.


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Please check your settings . Thanks!


  1. I am just like you Kathleen! I will squeeze every last minute of summer, I hate when it ends!
    Love your gorgeous table and all your great deals!

  2. I'm with you! I'm a summer girl, and I certainly don't want to wish it away! Beautiful table Kathleen!

  3. Oh, how pretty and colorful and happy!

  4. Amen Girl! It ain't over till it's over! I was really getting nervous about everyone talking about Fall so early...even though I love Fall...

  5. With 101 here in Texas I can't even think Fall decoration. Flip Flop's are here to stay for awhile. Love the bright colors of the table.

    Cathy's Calamity Cupboard

  6. That is a fun, bright and colorful table! I love the little flip-flop candle holders! The surrounding flowers and the table...are "happy"! Gorgeous as always, Kathleen.

  7. I'm still enjoying summer also. We have one more pool party planned for Labor Day Weekend. I love the flip flops and the bright colors!

  8. Love those Caribbean colors and your cute tablescape. Gosh, school has been in session for about two wks here already. Why they start so early is beyond me.
    Cute photo of your grandson.

  9. Your impatiens look beautiful! This weekend mountain gal is also a summer girl (even though you have to listen to me talk about skiing in the winter). Beautiful table Kathleen!

  10. Forgot to mention that your favorite youngest grandson is so handsome!

  11. Fall is still at least a month or 2 away here in Middle TN. Loved your tablescape & the chicken salad made me want to have a second dinner. Yummy.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  12. Sunny summery perfection! Love the bright colors.

    I love fall, but since I work at school, I'm ok with squeezing every last drop out of summer.

    I can't believe your impatiens came back. I didn't even know that was possible!

  13. What a great summer setting! Beautiful table, stunning outdoor, yummy food...just awesome. Thanks for sharing. Your header is very elegant!
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  14. Great table. The plaid is wonderful and pulls it all together. I can't believe how many colors you've got there (including the orange plates I had to twist your arm to get) and how well it all goes together.

    And I'm with you, no fall yet. There's plenty of time for that - three whole months. I'm hanging on to summer as long as I can.

    - The Tablescaper

  15. Oh yes, Kathleen, keep it summer as long as you can!
    LOVE this table -- where is the Duralee outlet? You know more outlets than anyone I know. We were at the beach house weekend before last and stopped at W/S in Riverhead on our way home -- slim pickings!
    I did get some nice kitchen towels and a grill basket for Mr H so that's good ... but I wanted exotic wonderful stuff to just tumble into my cart. And it did not.

    Next trip out -- probably our anniversary weekend of the 27th. this weekend, no, b/c Howard has to stay close to home b/c of work.

    Oh well.

    Anyway -- this is such a fun and happy table; and I cannot believe those impatiens seeded themselves. I've heard of that -- never had it happen!


  16. Love love the idea of using food covers at place settings.. It's totally cool. Glad you got to use your flatware too and that it came out of the car.. LOL.. your table is so wonderful.. I love the tablecloth. A perfect backdrop. .. as for me, after all the heat.. bring on an artic cold front!!! ;-) xo marlis

  17. I'm with you! It WON'T be fall until the middle of September, so why do people find it necessary to RUSH away our lives?

    BTW - - - that flip flop candle is just plain adorable!

    I'll be wearin' me some flip flops until my toes start to freeze.

  18. Fun table K! Love the great plaid tablecloth and how cool that you and 'Scaper used the same flatware this week. Enjoy the rest of summer:@)

  19. Yes..keep summer alive! Love the bight festive colors..
    I ALMOST bought a board at the $ store($2.00) very similar to how your little one is photoed..I was with J.. I didn't buy it..
    It's amazing when you get excited and say look wouldn't this be cute?

    A girl is shop with:)

  20. If you lived on the prairie you might be wishing for fall and cooler weather! Your table certainly speaks of summer...very pretty in the bright pinks, yellows, oranges and greens. You have such a knack for sniffing out the bargains, Kathleen!

  21. What a fun table! I love all the colors!

  22. Wow, what a festivity of color...just so fun!!!

  23. I just love how you took the colors of that pretty cloth and brought them out with all your dishes. Beautiful! I am a desert girl so am longing for fall but I sure do enjoy all the colors of summer.

  24. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your Beautiful Tablescape sweet lady, all the colors on your table, also love your dishes !!!you did a great job putting it all together!!! We all need the fall cool weather~~ Iam summer out right now!!
    I hope you have a great week with your family.I hope you can come visit me.
    XXOO Diane

  25. I am hanging on to summer too!!!! With both hands:):) Your table is fabulous in a beautiful yard and what BARGAINS you found!!! I was just at CTS today and didn't see such lovekly bargains:):) XO, Pinky

  26. Your impatiens seeded themselves and came back? Amazing with all the snow you had last winter but maybe it was good insulation!

    Your table matches the flowers beautiful! I love those cheery colors and I'm not ready to say farewell to summer either. Our schools start September 1st but I like September 7 - after Labor Day.

    Love that surfer dude :)

  27. Such a happy Summertime table, Kathleen! Your bargains blow me away each time I hear about them & often make me want to cry, 'cus I'm missing out. :*-( Waaaaaa!

    Such a thoughtful gift from Diann in those napkin rings. Aren't fellow bloggers just the best?

    I'm impressed with your impatiens return. I will try to remember not to pull mine out when they die & maybe I'll get some more next year, too. I was surprised & thrilled to have my dianthus come back.

    Beautiful table & I couldn't agree more about not rushing Fall. If we cool off a little, I may get out to ENJOY some late summer weather soon. Its been too hot to eat outside for 2 months now.


  28. I agree...there is NO WAY I'm giving in to fall just yet!!! Summer is still in my heart and head. Heck, it's still over 90 WAY I'm putting up the shorts and flip flops just yet! Great table with lots of fun color!!!

  29. As much as I love fall, and I do, I don't want to rush it. Last year, I felt as if I rushed it and then was kind of sick the fall decorating too soon.

    Imagine, being sick of fall. NOT this year.

    I love your happy summer table. Those flip flops are adorable.

  30. Such a fun Summer table. It's the perfect combination of bright and fun!

  31. Love those beautiful colors! This needs to be in FL!!

    I want the yellow flatware. Can't believe I was in Tuesday Morning today and didn't even look for any flatware! I did see the ballet dot tablecloth Cherry and Rett have.

    I'm with you - it's too early to start with fall! Of course, it won't be anywhere near cool here in FL until at least the middle of Oct!

    Great tablescape!


  32. This is a really pretty tablescape, Kathleen. I love the plaid tablecloth and the flowers napkin holders. Your grandson is absolutely adorable!

    I'm so glad the humidity is gone iof only all this rain would stop.

  33. Lovely table, such beautifully set.

    Karin Şen Cankan

  34. Kathleen, such a cute & colorful just shouts Summer!
    You found so many great bargans.
    Those pitchers and glasses are wonderful...I would have snatched up several too.
    Great pic of your little DGS - he's a cutie.
    Love Chicken Salad, and yours looks so good. I like the idea of serving it in a Pineapple.

  35. Adorable and colorful table. Love it all..
    Your grandboy is so cute.
    xo bj

  36. What a fun summer table Kathleen! all the bright colors look beautiful. I have to many summer tablescapes still in mind for summer to be over! LOL I love chicken salad and this is a nice little twist that I will have to try soon! thanks for joining TTF and have a fun weekend!

  37. So cute! And I love the table settings and everything in there.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

  38. Hello, Kathleen, so good to see you! I am just getting to a few tables, and wow! Yours is SCREAMING Summer. (And you just gave me a couple of great ideas!) I am with you -- school didn't start till after Labor Day when I was a child. I don't know what is going on with the early start dates. The kids are already in school here, and have been for a couple of weeks. Of course, when I was a child, back in prehistoric times, there was no AC, and we probably would have suffocated if we went back to school in August.

    I looked on down on your blog, saw the chicken salad and all the other wonderful food. You are such an inspiration. I have been kind of lazy lately, I am afraid.


  39. Hi Kathleen,

    This is such a wonderful, cheerful, SUMMER table. The colors look very tropical, but homey too. Does that make sense? Anyhoo... your lawn is so pretty, no wonder you aren't ready for fall. I was at my parents' house on Friday, and my mom has bunches of volunteer Impatiens just like yours.

    I love your table, and your chicken salad looks good enough to eat :) Happy Seasonal Sunday.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  40. Your table is so cute! You are so lucky the impatients reseeded. That chicken salad looks delicious.

  41. We haven't had much of a summer here (no complaints from me because I like the 70 degrees days) but a few very hots days have done their dirty work and leaves are beginning to fall. I love these coming months so have to really try not to jump the gun with fall colors and decorations. It's hard to believe school starts in just a few days.

  42. Maybe I'm experiencing sundown syndrome with the seasons but I'm with you...keep the summer coming! I love the sun, colors, cookouts, flowers, popsicles, fireflies, outdoor swings and vacation days.

    Love your festive table! Happy summer.

  43. You're right, it's still summer and I'm going to enjoy every minute ot it. That's easier to do here than in Houston!
    I love your touches of whimsy on this table, and it definitely captures the season.
    Hope you enjoy reading The Help.

  44. I love it! I am getting ready to set another summer-themed table this week, too. I like to enjoy the seasons while we are in them, but some of these autumn posts have made me feel cooler, LOL! It has been HOT in the South recently!

  45. Love this bright table, Kathleen.

    No autumn here, quite yet. Not quite ready for Fall. I did put out white ceramic pumpkins and a bright green one, because I couldn't find what I was looking for, so used them!

    I wear flip flops till the snow flies. J wears shorts till then, too.

  46. I'm back again to tell you that I FINALLY tried your watermelon with feta, onion, and balsamic splash over the weekend. It got four enthusiastic thumb's up. Thanks!

  47. Happy you still have the summer theme; we are just in August and Fall and Winter seem to last forever.
    Great photos,

  48. Kathleen, I don't know where to begin, the colors in your setting. I am in a tropical paradise mode just looking at it, the salad, I would inhale it, BJ mentioned something about popovers over here, I don't see them, but I would inhale a couple of those too! Your gson is so cute, he looks like a cherub! xo,

  49. I hope you enjoy those last few days of Summer, Kathleen! I am getting ready for Spring over here and am getting so excited about it!

    I will bookmark this post and try your salad in December...when it's hot and summery over here and snowing in your part of the world!

    Take care and best wishes for a fabulous week.

  50. Love the table and most of all I love the photo of the little GS. I was in Macy's and found a Fiesta platter sitting on the top shelf on their markdown corner. I actaully yelled out "SCORE" when I saw the price. Sales lady told me she would hold it for me and to come back the next day as it would be marked down again. So for $8 I now have a big colbalt blue platter. I thought of you carrying that platter all the way home:-) Now I actually need to cook so I can use it!

  51. Wow, you lucked out with those flowers coming back, Kathleen! Sometimes the annual dahlias will come back for me. Your table coordinates so well with your yard {which looks gorgeous, by the way}. Love the brick path I can see in one of the pictures.

  52. It was 99 today so summer here is a far cry from being over.!
    I bought a jar of lemon curd today and it is so good, I am just beside myself. I don't know what to eat it on so I am just eating it with a spoon, right out of the jar...and I am gettin' SICK...

  53. O, I just remembered..I have scones and popovers in the freezer and the lemon curd will be so good on them...guess what I'll have for breakfast in the morning..if I'm not so sick at my stomach from eating all this rich, sweet stuff by itself...
    O and I notice your flag on your date and time is at half staff alert..Libya?


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