Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fresh Peaches & Cream Cake on a Flowery Table

The last day of May, and then June will start busting out all over! The teacher in me wants to say bursting, but the song says busting!  :)

This week's table features the lovely dishes Winchester, by Johnson Bros. my dear neighbor, Arlene, gave me.

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I used a pale yellow cloth, rattan chargers from Pfaltzgraff sale last summer, 2.00.

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The napkins are from my friend Pam who got them at the thrift shop for me.

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Napkin rings are recent from World Market.

Glasses are from the Lenox outlet.

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Flatware is from my friend Susan , Savoring Time in the Kitchen,who sent it to me for my birthday.  I liked it so much I got 8 more place settings as well as the soup spoons. 

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The flowers were a thank you from my friend and I put them in a rattan sleeve that my Mother's Day hydrangea came in.

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Yellow murano glass votive holder.

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Diann is having a Thrifty Tablescape Party, and since the napkins and dishes were free, and the silverware a gift as well as the flowers, I think it qualifies!

Last week I found a sale on peaches, .79 a lb.

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I knew I wanted to make a sheet cake for our beach community Memorial Day picnic Sat, so I bought a lot of them. You know I feel recipes stifle creativity , so I will tell you how the best I can.

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I blanched them, peeled , and sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and some apricot brandy, just  a splash.

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Make your favorite recipe cake or pound cake, and replace the liquid  in the recipe with the juice that comes out of the peaches.

Bake the cake till it is firm, but not fully cooked.  Slather on a coating of peach preserves, then cover the top  with the sliced peaches.

Mix up some cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and a splash of vanilla.

Pour over the cake  and continue baking till the cake is done and the topping set.  Don't over bake.

I made 2 cake recipes and it made one full restaurant size sheet pan and a 9 in round.

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There wasn't a crumb left!

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Peaches and Cream Cake on a little peach plate!  :)

The pears were on sale too, so I used several in our dinner salad.

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I also made 3 large pans  of baked beans for the picnic. That's a lot of beans, but there had to be 200 people there! 

I do them overnight in the oven, low and slow.

I forgot to take pictures of the picnic!  It was a very busy time.

Next week I'll tell you how to make this, my version of Baked Greek shells with feta.  Easy and good!

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I am joining Susan at BNOTP for Tablescape Thursday , Gollum for Foodie Friday, and Diann for Thrifty Tablescape Party ,Friday.

I am also joining Sweet Tooth Friday.

I promised a little give away  for followers to start off June. 

A set of star shaped pancake molds from WSonoma.  Perfect for 4th of July!  Just let me know if you want in!

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Thanks for visiting, and happy JUNE!

If you are having trouble leaving a comment, uncheck the stay signed in box.  It seems to help!


  1. OMG! kATHLEEN, I love those dishes, they're to much of a beautiful thing! The centerpiece basket is beautiful, I love your table...the green glasses and napkins are great too. Now, for the food! You're the best cook I have ever seen!! I think you should have a restaurant...or do you have it already?! My goodness, the food presentation and the looks of it, just makes me drool! I'm to damn hungry now! Thank you for the recipes, hon...
    Have a great week. Love.

  2. Kathleen,I love this setting and the peaches and cream cake - youm! The salad, is this even possible, looks as good if not better, than the cake?! I am so glad to be able to comment but I had internet connectivity issues all dsy today. Oh, yes, count me in for the star molds. xo,

  3. Can you please share the pattern name of the Johnson Bros. plates? They are so pretty!

  4. I love those dishes and you are so lucky they were gifted to you. Love the way you have made them less formal with the rattan additions. Perfect for summer.

  5. Love, love, love those dishes. The napkins are perfect with them. Nice find by your friend, Pam. I can see why you bought more of the flatware, too. They are gorgeous and go so nicely with the dishes and the glassware.

    The peach cake sounds and looks fabulous. And baked beans that are baked overnight...be-still my heart....oh yumilicious!

    Please include me in your giveaway. Stars are my thing so these would be a lot of fun!

  6. Wow, I love this table, Kathleen. The china is so pretty, especially the square salad plate. That's quite the community picnic. The food looks fantastic.

    Toss my name into the hat too, please. I would love to win the star molds.

  7. What a beautiful table setting. I liked to lavender and green in the header photo, too.

  8. The peach cake sounds delicious! Yummy!! I adore your green glassware.


  9. Love those Johnson Bros. dishes! Your table is great. All that food looks fabulous, too. How fun to have a community party like that and what a great idea to do beans in pans in the oven. The dessert looks great, too. I can see why there wasn't a crumb left...
    I have my giveaway that will start tomorrow! Heads up! :0)

  10. Beautiful dishes...they definitely say summer! You baked up a storm for the picnic..bet they love to see you coming. I have a set of the star molds, whoever wins them will love 'em!

  11. Kathleen, the dishes are beautiful. What a thoughtful neighbor to send them next door. LOL All your details are perfect with the colors and style. And your food is amazing. I'd love a slice of the peach cake.
    Star pancakes ~ please count me in on this sweet giveaway. ~ Sarah

  12. Cheerful and delicious! Lovely setting and wonderful menu.


  13. Neat star shaped pancakes! Add me to the giveaway! I love everything patriotic and 4th of July is my fav to decorate, well next to Christmas.

  14. I want in those are so cute!
    And I love those dishes Kathleen, I can't believe your neighbor just gave them to you!
    You lucky you!
    Gorgeous table as usual!

  15. Love all of the great colors on your table K! The dishes, napkins and flatware (love the green) are beautiful! Peaches for 79¢ lb, hope I find some soon too:@)

  16. Gosh you are a busy girl..everything looks great..Happy June to you~

  17. What a beautiful setting. I LOVE those plates. Lucky you to have such a generous neighbor.

    Ahh...the non-recipe lady lets some of her secrets flow free. No wonder they loved it.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Gorgeous post, Kathleen!!

    With the ferry roads closed due to the flooding Mississippi, getting to Illinois for peaches, might be an adventure, this year.:-)

    I used June is bustin' out all over, in my post today, also. Could not help myself...it just happened.

  19. I haven't had breakfast yet and now I want cake. Ahhh. That looks so good. I was just explaining it to my husband and he now has the "I want cake too" face on. Great way to start our day.
    I love baked beans and add hot Italian sausage to mine.

  20. Oh and of course I would love those pans.

  21. Hi Kathleen! Oh, your dishes are so beautiful. I've never seen this pattern. How fortunate for you to have these given to you!
    Your table looks gorgeous and your food! My tiny mouth is watering.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Those are the prettiest dishes I've ever seen in my life. Just stunning.
    Your cake....OMG...it sounds and looks delicious.
    I love any thing PEACH..
    Not crazy about pears but Mr. Sweet loves them.
    Your entire table photos should be in a magazine.

  23. OOO, and I meant to add that, since I won your other giveaway, I won't ask to be in THIS one. :)

  24. Beautiful dishes! The cake looks amazing, Larry would love it!

    Do we have a World Market nearby?

  25. A truly lovely table with so many pretty things. The dishes are fantabulous!!! I know not a word, but it fits anyway. Love the napkins, flowers, goblets, omg i could gush on and on.. And as to the peach cake.. that i can do.. i will have to try that this weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  26. What a GORGEOUS & DELICIOUS Post, as always! I love Johnson Bros Dishes, they have SO MANY different wonderful patterns. I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the edging on yours as well as the pattern. AND the best part about them is they are SO USABLE Friendly. Mine have been staple everydays and survived all three of my sons growing up. Your peach cake looks SOOO GOOD! and OMG I want the recipe for the "Baked Greek Shells".
    Hugs to you,

  27. Hi Kathleen! I am not a big salad eater but your salad looks so good! The peach cake looks scrumptious too. The plates are so pretty, I cannot believe your friend just gave them to you. How can you be so lucky!..Christine

  28. I can't wait for the Greek shells recipe! I'm a savory kind of gal. :) And yeah, my kids think fancy pancakes happen when the batter gets too close to the edge of the griddle and makes one side square. *blush* Thanks! Christy

  29. Everything looks fabulous, as always! you could make a girl forget her diet in an instant! Happy June, my friend!

  30. I have a "thing" for Johnson Brothers dishes. I love them and these are no exception. Beautiful table setting and golly that cake looks soooo good! I think peaches are on sale at the local store here too, I may have to try this:>)
    Love those pancake stars too!

  31. Love the green glassware. All the little details, like the napkin rings really make the table. Count me in on the giveaway

  32. Love the new dishes and they look perfect with the rattan chargers and napkin rings. Pink and green look so devine together. I would like to enter the drawing for the star pancake shapes. Joni

  33. Beautiful table, and those dishes are fabulous! Now I need a pre bed time snack, wish I had some of that cake!

  34. Love, love, love those gorgeous dishes! Anything Johnson Bros. - right? And the food! Oh my, I'm hungry now! ~Delores

  35. Ok, now I'm starving. Can't wait for that recipe for the baked shells with feta, it looks divine. Hope it's easy, cooking isn't my thing, but eating is :) Your table is lovely, those dishes are great, and the napkins are perfect, love all the green--great post!! Count me in on the giveaway!!

  36. The color combination of your table is stunning. Also, you do a phenomenal job photographing food. Are you a stylist? I have not posted recipes because my food photos looked terrible!

  37. Your tablescape is beautiful. I think those pancake molds are adorable. It would be perfect for Memorial Day and July the 4th...even Christmas!!

  38. Kathleen, I had almost forgotten how hungry I always am when I leave your blog! Your food always makes my mouth water. Your tablescape is so pretty. I am still amazed that your neighbor gave you those wonderful dishes, and those napkins from the thrift store look so good with the dishes. I'm so impressed with your "made up" cake recipe. laurie

  39. I have been collecting the same Johnson Brothers dishes for many years. I have combined two Patterns Johnson Brothers Dorchester Pattern, and Winchester Pattern. They are almost the same except for the rims. I found my first set of salad plates at a garage sale and have searched for them on e-bay and antique stores . I now have quite a collection. I love them.

  40. You are such an amazing inspiration! The Peach and Cream Cake looks wonderful. I love the Winchester pattern...gorgeous....and that entire lovely table is thrifted or gifted...wow! Thank you for sharing your outstanding design and culinary skills. Cherry Kay

  41. Hi Kathleen!
    YOur tablescape is so pretty. I love the wicker napkin rings ~ they tie everything together ~

    Your recipes are just mouthwatering.
    The peach cake and the salad! I've been adding fruit to my salads all week. Peaches and strawberries. Pear slices on a salad are great too!
    Those star shaped pancakes look sooo amazing. I smiled when I saw them.
    Smiled again when I read the molds are for a giveaway*
    Count me in too please :o)
    Even if I don't win... I will go find them at WS...they are perfect for summertime!
    *blessings to you ~ always,

  42. You better hide those plates because I want to come on over and take them home with me:-) Love any peach items but unfortunately my grand is allergic to peaches so I my house is peach free for safety sake (he turns blue and requires a 911 call). Ironic that we live in the PEACH state.

  43. What a beautiful table, Kathleen! And your cake looks heavenly!!!!

  44. First, the cake looks delicious! Apricot brandy....Yum. Second, I would love to be included in the drawing...I have a birthday girl on the fourth and this would be special!

  45. I am hoping your tip works, Kathleen, as I won't be able to comment here otherwise -- I've had no luck all week trying to comment on your blog!

    You sure do know how to cook for a crowd and your table looks like a perfect summer day! Everything is beautiful!

  46. Yay!!!!!!! It worked!!

    Please don't enter me in your draw fro the cute star pancake molds .... I already have them, so give someone else my chance ;)

  47. The dishes are so unique, and they found a good home. I'm sure your food is the hit of every party! You remind me so much of my youngest sister. I would be interested in the star molds. Thanks

  48. wow how beautiful. Love what you did with everything. The napkins match really well. Beautiful dishes ! Count me in on the give away. Happy Days! Jules ♥

  49. Kathleen, I am stashing this cake recipe away. When our peaches are ripe on our trees I'll be making this for sure! It looks and sounds so fabulous!
    Thank you for the chance to win those darling pancake molds. They are stellar! I would love to make them for my 4th of July company!
    I think your table is so pretty. LOVE the soft colors and the rattan combination. Very soft with a grounding touch of organics. What great gifts/friends you have. They really blessed you with some pretty things!

  50. Beautiful table with all that green! I have been keeping my eyes out for one of the square salad plates.
    The peach cake sounds so good...I will be making it soon.

  51. YUM! Everything looks so delicious. Can't wait for the Greek pasta how to next week. Yes, I would love to be included in the give-away. My hubby and I started a tradion of a 4th of July outdoors breakfast about ten years ago. We always have lots of family and friends attend. Star shaped pancakes would be so fun! We mix it up a little every year. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. :)

  52. Hurray... I finally got thru to post!
    Gorgeous table - Plates - Napkins and perfect accessories as well. Love the green glassware and flatware.
    Your food is Amazing as usual...my mouth is watering. Lucky - Lucky picnic-goers!

  53. Only the Tablescaper and you would take note of all those chargers. You made me giggle. Twelve of the outdoor chargers were co-opped from my friend Cindy at More Entertaining Women. Re: the PB enamelware plates...I probably wouldn't choose to use them to serve filet mignon to be cut with serrated steak knives, but I wouldn't serve filets to a crowd of 50 anyway! I've used them for large groups numerous times, and they have held up really well. This is their third summer; they still look like new. They are marked dishwasher safe, but I hand wash them...at least so far.

  54. Love the Johnson Brothers pattern here Kathleen - you know the way to a girls heart with all this pink and green - my favorite combination. Lucky you to have such a good friend and a talent for putting together such a beautiful setting.

  55. Hi Kathleen...I particularly like the silverware which matches Steuben crystal I bought at an auction almost 40 years ago! Count me in on the pancake molds...they are adorable. :)

  56. You set a very nice table! I love your Winchester dishes! How fun to live in a beach community!!!! You sure did a lot of cooking. Your peach cake looks great and so does everything elese. Count me in for the star shaped pancke molds:)

  57. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Tablescapes are always Beautiful sweet lady. Love the Johson Brothers pattern, you know I love pink and green Kathleen. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my new Tablescape. I hope you have a Great Weekend.

  58. Amazing tablescape and delicious food! Feel just like sping/summer. I love it. Thanks for sharing.


  59. I could have sworn I left a comment on this post but evidently, I didn't!

    Gorgeous table!! :) I think the flatware is perfect with those beautiful dishes and napkins. I have the same napkin rings and chargers.

    Everything you made looks so delicious. I love pears in salad.

  60. You win the prize for the best food on the Blogs! I always wish I could just dive right in.

    Is there anywhere to find some more little cordial glasses, I wonder? I only have the four. Years ago, when I lived in Texas, Tuesday Morning had great stuff. Not any more. I don't think I have seen them anywhere in a long time. The Cordial did turn out outstandingly well, I have to say.

    I wish I could fix that commenting thing, but Apple says it is built in.


  61. Hi Kathleen,

    This is such a beautifully coordinated table!! The rattan chargers, napkin rings, and sleeve for your flowers look great together. But I have to tell you, those plates are my favorite!! I am a fan of Johnson Bros. dishes, but I've never seen that pattern. They're beautiful -- how lucky you are to have those. I agree with Scribbler, your food always looks wonderful. Please count me in on the star pancake molds giveaway!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  62. You told me to come by and visit, but I had already left a comment on this gorgeous post. But it is nowhere to be seen..... I got lost in cyberspace, I guess. so, here we go again. I love this pattern of dishes!!! The colors are lovely and your flatware and napkins were made for it. As usual, the food looks delish. How do you find the time to do it all?! Amazing....
    I can't believe that Dr. Death finally died. He was one old guy!
    Well, let's stay healthy and well and we won't ever need the likes of him! ;-) Sue

  63. The napkins match your plates beautifully, Kathleen.
    Looks like you had a wonderful AND tasty Memorial Day!

  64. Your tablescape is beautiful and your cake looks delicious! Thanks for sharing. Your peach recipe reminds me of a "peaches and cream" pie that my mother in law loves to make.

  65. I was going to compliment you on the beautiful table setting but I was totally distracted by the feast you prepared!!!

    Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend. Haven't figured out my travels just yet but if I make it up your way, I will be letting you know. I haven't seen Joyce in a while but I'm guessing she's at the beach about now.

  66. You have some nice friends giving you all that neat stuff! Beautiful tablescape! Love the flatware!

    The peach cake looks yummy! Looking forward to the other recipe next time.


  67. Hi Cathleen! Your dishes are gorgeous! Love the pattern and colors. The napkins are so pretty too (and sure put MINE to shame! LOL!)... Your cake looks delicious, and I would love to catch your recipe for shells and feta!! Looks so good, I don't know if I can WAIT!... Hope you're enjoying your weekend! ~tina

  68. OMG! I can't believe someone gave you that set of gorgeous dishes! They are stunning! And the linen napkins are perfect. I love the vintage-ness of them! The whole table is so beautiful and you really oicked the thrifty part of it! And you brought fabulous food to the party! Thank you so much for joining my first TT party! have an awesome day!

  69. LOVE your tablesetting! The Johnson Brothers china is so very pretty. If I'm not too late, I'd love to be in the running for the star shaped pancake molds. :)


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