Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Best


Edited to add...

I have visited at least 20 blogs and am unable to leave a comment.  It has me sign in over and over, but then won't post the comment.  Blogger says it is fixing it, but it is days now!


This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day.  It is a time to remember all those who have  died for our country.  I like to also remember those who have served and who are now serving.  How can we ever thank them?

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Unfortunately, it sometimes just becomes the mark for the beginning of summer, or "the season", as they say here.

Rentals from Memorial Day to Labor Day, the season begins.  Picnics, BBQ's , Beach trips and a day off, to go to all those sales!

table 893 Peconic Bay, Southampton, NY

I hope during all those activities we all take time to remember why we celebrate.  Thank a veteran, support our troops, and say a prayer for the families who have lost loved ones.  I know you will.  They are the BEST.

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Agawam Park, Southampton, NY

table 2394

Our friend, Marine  Capt. Chris Meyers, above, will be deploying to Afghanistan for his  third tour as soon as his wife gives birth to their 3rd child this week. Please say a prayer for his safety.

I had hoped to set this table outside, but it is raining again.  I won't complain in light of the catastrophic weather others are having, especially in Missouri.

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Red, white and blue rug type placemats, blue dinner, red salad, and little white covered crock for the Long Island Clam Chowder.

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Stems and water pitcher  by Dansk, starred napkins and mats were from Kohls.  Stars from WSonoma Outlet, they are cookie cutters, repurposed to hold a name card.

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Star napkin rings from CTS as well as the dinner and salad plates.

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Red flatware by Cambridge and the little crocks are from CTS. Blue votives from Walmart a few years ago.

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The cherries are coming!  I saw them on sale for 1.99 lb.

Time to dig out my pitter, I love it!

table 4242

table 4243

and make us a pie!table 4255

Stay tuned!


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Thanks for stopping by!

Joining Susan at BNOTP for Tablescape Thursday.

And Gollum for Foodie Friday.


  1. Love your Memorial Day table and your thoughts about what this all means! We will be thinking of all those serving and especially our son in law who is on deployment. Sensational red,white and blue table Kathleen!

  2. Hooray for the red, white and blue, Kathleen! You set a beautiful table and I completely agree with your thoughts. We'll be thinking of those who serve and those who served.

  3. I love your beautiful table K! Great placemats and I got a chuckle at your Long Island Clam Chowder. Gorgeous pie, wish I had a piece with my coffee right now! One of the things I'd like to make for the first time this year is cherry jam, don't have a snazzy pitter, but I'm sure it will be great! Have a great weekend:@)

  4. Great price on the cherries! They are still very high here. Have a great weekend! Your table is beautiful!

  5. Love your tablescape for Memorial Day. You are so right it is such a special day to remember all those who have sacrificed their lives for us. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  6. What a lovely Memorial Day table. I have not set mine yet, but it won't be as elaborate and pretty as yours! I like what you wrote on the plate. Very, very nice!

  7. Your table looks so patriotic. I love it!

    Happy Memorial Day!

  8. There is nothing like red, white and blue! I love your place settings.
    Have a nice weekend, Kathleen.

  9. A beautiful tribute. Thanks for sharing this reminder. Love that cherry pitter! happy Memorial Day.

  10. Hi Kathleen:

    Great table and great post. Good reminder of what the celebration is about.

    And now I'm wondering why didn't I get those placemats too????? But I did get the napkin rings on my most recent trip!

    - The Tablescaper

  11. A beautiful table and timely reminder! One of the best parts of our small village is that we always take time on Memorial Day to honor those who serve, served, and sacrificed.

  12. Beautiful and patriotic table! Love the little rug placemats.

  13. I love everything about this post, both the table and the words that you wrote about Memorial Day. I strongly agree that it's much more than the start of "a season".

    The table is wonderful! I love all the red, white, and blue elements. One thing that I always love about your tables is the way you include so much attention to detail, right on down to the little plates with the cookie cutter stars. I love it.

  14. Hi Kathleen, This is the first year in a very long time that my hubby and son will not be marching in the memorial day parade in our town. I like the parade and it always ends up in the town cemetery for a ceremony. What is Long Island Clam chowder? Closer to Manhattan or New England? Linda

  15. Well said, Kathleen. Memorial Day is a very special holiday.

    Your table is so festive. Love the red, white and blue. Save me a slice of that pie!

  16. I'm in love with all this patriotic tablescapes and your is gorgeous Kathleen!...I'm also very jelous! There's no patriotic china where I live, but, my next trip, either to NY, or Miami, hey! I'll be going "PATRIOTIC" with my shopping!!! Memorial Day is very special because it makes us stop and remember all the men and women that are in the front to keep us safe! I'm also at TT, BNOTP.
    Lots of hugs!

  17. Hi, Kathleen! Do you remember where you got the cherry pitter? I love cherry pie, but I don't like having to pit cherries by hand. Getting on the highway for GA in about 48 hours. Take care, and I'll talk to you soon!

  18. What a beautiful table to honor our brave soldiers! You did not leave out any any detail, Kathleen. Your garden is looking beautiful!...Christine

  19. Kathleen, Your patriotic table is so festive! Like the star shaped napkin rings and the flower vase w/flags. I grew up in a small town and for Memorial Day there was always a parade that ended on the plaza for a ceremony w/the American Legion, the VFW, and the Nt'l Guard. Back then, I think we were taught to be more respectful of the flag, the soldiers, and the reason we were celebrating Memorial Day. It never signified the beginning of summer to us- heck, I don't think anyone ever took vacations! aahh.... a simpler time. I think I used to hear my grandparent s say that. LOL We are getting rain, too. Last night's storm brought major hail to the area. Ours in my neighborhood were small- only an inch and a half. I saw on the news the terrible damage to cars and homes caused by baseball and apple sized hail in suburbs close by. Yikes!

  20. Your table looks gorgeous. Love the red, white and blue.

  21. What a beautiful and patriotic post! I can't wait for some warm weather to go along with the start of The Season.

    I need to find a cherry pitter like that. I cracked a tooth on a cherry pit once!

  22. Happy Anniversary to you and the Muffin Man! I will pray for the safety of your Marine neighbor and his fellow Marines. God bless all of our heroes past and present on this Memorial day. Did I actually miss a gadget? That cherry pit gizmo is definitely on my list this week. I wish I could find cherries for $1.99 a pound here. I usually eat all the cherries before I get around to baking a pie. I have your napkins and stars out on my table from last year. An actual TS! I had company this weekend and they liked the TS thanks to you. We may be out your way end of July and if so we must meet up for lunch.

  23. Beautiful table! I just got a cherry pitter and can't wait to use it. Love the look of your pie. Cherries! Yum!

  24. Oh love that cherry pitter! I wander if I can get one here, ha...! The pie looks yummy, but the muffins hubby makes, wow! Yeah, my hubby makes Italian bread and you can't get the recipe out of him, because he's grandfather had a huge farm and so hired an Italian family to come and work here (in the 40's) and that's how they all learned it, from the children of this fam.! I hope you had a nice Anniversary anyway. There are lots of chinese and Thai people here and they have delish restaurats. Have a great weekend. Love.

  25. Everything looks wonderful...and the pie..ummm!
    Got my gift card yesterday...:))
    Thanks again, so much.
    xo bj

  26. Hi Kathleen,

    This is such a nice post -- wonderful reminders of the meaning of this holiday. All your photos are just great! Your table looks so festive AND patriotic; the cherries look luscious, and your apple pie with the American flags looks magazine worthy. Thanks for sharing!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  27. I love the sentiment of your post as well as the table setting. I love red, white and blue, and stars, too, so I am one happy dishaholic looking at all these wonderful table settings. Yours is, as usual, in the top of my favorites. Now, if I could just have a piece of your cherry pie....

  28. Kathleen, hope you are having better luck with leaving comments. Poor blogger, they are sure having a tough time. I couldn't leave a comment then I unchecked the "keep me checked in" box and it worked. I told Joni about it because she was having fits too.

    Such pretty placemats and that ruffled dish in the center of the table is fabulous. I know you are right, I can't complain about the rain continuing as people are really having terrorizing weather. Thanks for reminding us.

    I did stop right away and say a prayer for Chris Meyers. May he be blessed to return safely.
    Happy Memorial Day.

  29. Wonderful post, Kathleen, and a good reminder for us to stop and think about the reason for this holiday. Your table looks very patriotic -- I especially love those napkins and the little covered casseroles!

  30. I love, love, love your Patriotic theme! It's so beautiful - please post this in my Patriotic Linky party. Have a blessed Memorial Day weekend!

  31. Hi Kathleen just checking to see if I can leave a comment

  32. SUCCESS! Great post, I did email you when I couldn't post, that cherry pie looks gooood!!!xo

  33. Hi Kathleen!
    Your Memorial Day tablescape is great! You always do such wonderful decorating!
    I was JUST thinking of cherries this afternoon. I thought I saw them at our local Hannaford, but was mistaken, I'm looking forward to them so much. Last year's cherries were some of the best I've ever had. I like the idea of a pitter... the only way to make a cherry pie!
    *have a Happy, Happy weekend*

  34. Kathleen, there are so many fun things to see in your tablescape - and so many truths in your words. Thank you for taking time to remember rather than to jump into "the season." We forget far too easily... Happy Memorial Day

  35. What a lovely tablescape and beautiful pie. Love the message on the plate, very touching. Thank you so much for sharing and wish you a wonderful memorial weekend.

    By the way, I'm hosting 2 Giveaways on my blog, please stop by to enter when you have a chance. One for $50 Thrive products and another one for baking molds and more.


  36. Hi Kathleen. Just checking to see if I can leave a comment for you. I've had it with Blogger and am switching to WordPress (self hosted) in the next few days. I'm too nervous that something will happen and I will lose my blog. I would be sick if that happened.

  37. Sorry to read you're having the same issues with Blogger than I was dealing with last week. Mine are finally fixed. They have really dropped the ball these past few months.

    Your wonderful RED-WHITE & BLUE tables look spectacular! Gorgeous settings & so very appropriate.

    Have a GREATful Memorial Day!

  38. Very festive tablescape, Kathleen! And...gotta love that pie! I hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend...hugs...Debbie
    PS...When you only post once a week (due to grandbaby overload) you've gotta make the most of it! lol

  39. Hi, sweet lady..hope you've enjoyed your holiday today. We sure have.
    xo bj

  40. Hello Kathleen~ I've got a favor to ask...I would like to invite you over for a visit to see a very special post I've written. I would love it if you could take a few moments to stop by.
    Thank you sweet friend,

  41. Hi Kathleen,
    Oh Yes, I'm experiencing the blogger pain too. It's been like this for about 3 weeks here. At one point it had also tapped into my regular Email. and sometimes I can't get into my OWN blog other than going in through someone else that left me a comment. UGH! At least they told us though and I Thank Them there SO we don't think it's us and call in "The Geeks"!
    Happy belated Memorial Day to you. Do you recommend the cherry piter??? Is it really worth it???


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