Sunday, February 6, 2011

You are Invited! And Some Linzer Tarts

table 3456

It's time to start thinking about St. Patrick's Day!

I know it's early, but I want to invite you to the THIRD ANNUAL ST. PATRICK'S DAY BLOG CRAWL.

The date is March 15th.  Please join me here for the Wearin' of the Green!

You can see last year's party here.
83 people joined the Blog parade last year and we even crawled to Ireland for a few entries.  It is a lot of fun, and this year there will be a give away.  So start thinking!

I'll have a button up soon for those of you who are so kind to display  it!

Today I am joining Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.

My friend Suzy at Kitchen Bouquets is also having a Magazine Recipe Challenge.

My Favorite Thing on a winter Sunday from a magazine is...

Linzer Tarts...

Picture 1753

Picture 1751


You can find the recipe here.

Picture 1755

I think Ina's recipe is easier.I also made some non Linzer tarts, aka known as cookies!  :)

Picture 1763


Please go visit the hostesses of these parties.  Thanks for hosting, Ladies.

Thank you for visiting!


  1. It looks like you are ready for Valentine's day with the great looking cookies. Do you make tiny cookies with the cut outs?

    Of course, I'll be there for the St. Patty's day party.

  2. YUM...I love Linzar Tarts. Count me in for the St Paddy's Day crawl :)


  3. Your cookies look beautiful K, pretty dishes too! Woo Hoo-I'll bring the green beer to your Blog Crawl:@)

  4. Love your Linzer tarts Kathleen and thanks for playing along :-) I know you have all those recipes in your head and don't use a recipe often, so I appreciate the effort! I can't wait til the St. Patty's day celebration. I think I'll do my green scavenger hunt again.

  5. OH OH! Thanks for the warning. I love St. Patty's Day. Your party is the day after my 60th birthday! I hope to participate for sure!

  6. Oooh..Kathleen! Now that looks yummy...and so pretty, too! Wow! Your family goes all out for St Paddy's Day, huh? lol Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie

  7. Hi Kathleen...How did I miss your Chinese New Year post? I have been up to my eyeballs in grandchildren, so I went back and commented! And I DO love those bowls..want some! now I have to head out to the Chinese restaurant for supper! Happy Sunday...hugs...Debbie

  8. Oh how pretty. Look at the way that just fits right into that pretty heart dish! I also love the polka dot pedestal. I'll go get the recipe, but I'm thinking I'm going to have to get a larger heart cutter than the one I have. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. (I can't wait for the Blog Crawl! Of course, it seems that I have been advertising my V'tine party for about a year, so I don't think it's too early at all for you to start advertising!). Love that green family. laurie

  9. I saw corned beef in the grocery ad today, so I know St. Patrick's day is just around the corner. Love your linzers!

  10. This Ina recipe is one of my favorites. I haven't made them in a while. Your photos have reminded me :)

    I want to learn more about the THIRD ANNUAL ST. PATRICK'S DAY BLOG CRAWL. The link to last years party doesn't work for me. Looks like fun!

  11. Great news, Kathleen. I was hoping you would host a St. Paddy's bash again this year. I saw corned beef at Costco yesterday so was reminded of your party.

  12. Oh can you please send me a dozen of those cookies! Those look wonderful.

  13. Looking forward to joining the St. Patty's Day fun!

  14. Yummy...I love sugar cookies but hate the rolling and cutting!

  15. The St Patrick's Day blog crawl sounds like fun Kathleen. I just hope I have enough green doodads to decorate with this year.

    Love your Valentine cookies.~Ames

  16. YUM!! They look so good...I have the linzer cutters but have never used them!

    I'll have to think about St. Patty's, wouldn't be right if you didn't have a party.

  17. Great looking sweets! Would love to learn to make these.
    I was surprised to see those green people; will want to check out your St Patrick's party.

  18. Loved your heart cookies and I sure hope to be there for St Patrick's Day. Have a wonderful week.

  19. Your upcoming party sounds like fun! I almost always like Ina's recipes--and they are usually easy. I'm off now to see last year's party! Linda

  20. Love your Linzer's, Kathleen, they are one my favorite cookies! I'll be there for St. Patrick's! You're friends are looking a little green! Or is it my monitor?

  21. The heart shaped pastries look so yummy and so pretty, Kathleen....Christine

  22. You are so talented Kathleen!
    Those look fantastic!
    I will have to put my thinking cap on for your party!

  23. I think I know those green people. I miss eating corned beef for st patties. They don't make good tufu corned
    But I can eat linzor cookies.


  24. First, may I say WOO HOO to your beautiful pink soft and pretty.

    Second, I thought something was wrong with my computer when that first photo came up..:)))

    The tarts and cookies look beautiful. You should be a professional chef, Cuisine Kathleen. Everything you make is so pretty.

    I am excited that you will have another fun SPD...I had a blast last year, getting things ready.
    Is your snow all melted??
    love, bj

  25. Love those Linzers!! Thanks for dropping in. I might just have to try some this weekend. Thanks for inspiring us as you do!

  26. I have always loved these cookies but chicken out when I want to make them. They look divine!

  27. I do love Linzer Tarts! These are sweet - I think I will make some heart shaped ones for Valentine's Day!

  28. Every cookie is so adorable! So I guess this means I've got to come up with a St. Pat's table. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. Sounds like fun. I checked out last year's.
    I'm in!

    P.S. Is there any difference between a blog party and a blog crawl?

  30. I am far from Irish but love decorating for St Pats Day! I will have to participate in the Crawl!!!
    Lintzer Tarts are a family fav- YUMMMMMMM!

  31. Those cookies and tarts look too pretty to eat! Your photography is outstanding! So happy to have found your lovely blog via Holiday Haven. I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  32. These are so pretty! Your St. Patties day parties are the best. I will have your button in my sidebar slideshow soon. Thanks for adding this post to The Valentines Party. And happy Valentines Day!


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