Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Year of the Rabbit~I am SNOW Mad!


Oh, I was going to have a wonderful table for you for the Chinese New Year.  A big dragon going down the middle of the table spewing fire was the centerpiece. Real flames , HOT! 

It was going to be fabulous! :)

But the Monster Storm that most of the US has been having, just threw water on that idea.  Lots and lots of it, ice, sleet , snow!

So the table had to be scaled down. Get it dragon, scales,  :)

I decided on black and red for the linens.

Picture 1735

I got these fan plates in HG a few years ago in the clearance aisle.

Picture 1722

The chargers are from Pier One and the black plates from Mikassa Outlet.

The stems are from Pier One.

Picture 1730

The little tea cups are from CTS, and the flatware too, by Cambridge.

Picture 1731

The covered Lions Head bowls are from France by Apilco, via WSonoma Outlet. That's for my Frenchy friends, like Debbie, Confessions of a Plate Addict, and others. 

The little white square dipping sauce dishes are by 10 Strawberry Street.

Picture 1727

The centerpiece is a red satin Chinese take out box from Pier One with some dried hydrangea I sprayed black, and some chop sticks. 

Picture 1717

The red satin napkins are from Pier One and the black wood napkin rings from CTS.

You know this is make believe, satin napkins with spare ribs, not a good idea!

Picture 1728

I read it is customary to give out red envelopes with money in them  to BRING good luck.  I think an envelope with money in it  IS  good luck!

Picture 1724

I have a place set for my friend, Carol.  She is not Chinese, but she boosts the economy of her local Chinese restaurants by ordering TAKE OUT, a lot!  :) Her blog is called There's Always Thyme to Cook.  I think she should change always to sometimes. :)

For dinner we are having crispy fried shrimp with honey walnuts with  rice and snow peas. ( I made something different for you, Carol)

Picture 1695

Picture 1694

These are 10 to 15's.  The sauce is made with soy sauce, scallions, duck sauce , mirin and water.

Dredge the cleaned ,raw shrimp in seasoned  flour.  Brown quickly  in some oil.  Remove shrimp to a plate and keep warm.

Drain off the remaining oil.  Add the wet ingredients and scallions and simmer.  

Make your rice, and before serving add the warm shrimp to the sauce .  Serve over the rice, with the snow peas and crispy walnuts.

Picture 1696

Tuck  your napkin under your chin, and dig in!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday and Gollum for Foodie Friday.

and Cindy at My Romantic Home.
Thanks for visiting, and I have an invitation for you.  Come back this weekend to pick it up!


  1. Your tablescape is stunning and I love all of your fabulous dishes. Red and black is always so pretty I think. How fun to have the chop sticks in the flowers. Now as for dinner, I am so hungry and this looks soooooooooo good, you totally have me drooling. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

  2. It looks so yummy! Even with the storm, you did a great job!

  3. Kathleen...your table is fabulous and the food looks devine! I love your centerpiece...that sprayed hydranga is genius as is the chopsticks. Loving it napkin is tucked in ;)


  4. OMGoodness this looks SOOOO good! I love shrimp, wamnuts and rice so I will definitly try this!!! Thanks!!! XO, Pinky

  5. Hope you are surviving the winter storms in your area! This wonderful tablescape is enough to warm your heart and the food looks so yummy! I'm glad you didn't get out to capture the dragon as I really like the centerpiece you created with your fab hydrangeas!


  6. Lovely!
    Red, black and white, my three favorite, and lucky colors. And I'd feel luckier still if I were to receive a red envelope...

    Kathleen, in the Chinese horoscope, I am the Rooster—surprised? In any case, your Shrimp Dinner would have me crowing.

  7. You are one very talented lady! The table setting, the food, that painted hydrangea was a stroke of genius! Wish I was your neighbor!!
    :-) Barbara F.

  8. What a great table and I think the food looks awesome~

  9. I think you have surpassed yourself with this tablescape Kathleen,I have never seen such a stunning tablesetting! Black and red is a great combo!
    Hope the snow disappears soon!

  10. Gorgeous table...amazes me how using the same colors we have totally different looking scapes! I would love some of your dinner...Chinese is one of my favorites.

  11. What a beautiful table K! Lovin' the red, black and white and the fan plates are just so perfect-enjoy:@)

  12. Such an elegant, beautiful table. Nothing like red and black! Very imaginative, too. You outdo yourself every time.


  13. Love your Lunar New Year/Year of the Rabbit table! Everything is just perfect. The name of the post is killin me...Snow mad!
    I know I go stir crazy mad if it hangs around too long. Right now you have made me hungry with that good looking food.

  14. I am very impressed with your tablescape! The take-out box with the black hydrangea is brilliant! I might have to remember that for next year.

    Hope that awful weather clears up soon, for you and for us!

    Best wishes,

  15. Hi Kathleen, You make this recipe sound so EASY so MAYBE I'll try it, although if my family finds out that Chinese can be made at home I'll lose out on a free night of take out! Your table is so elegant! Usually when we have Chinese it's because I can't cope with cooking, so there's no way the table is going to look so beautiful! I am so sick of the snow and now ICE and RAIN. I have buckets and towels strewn around my house. Sorry we missed out on the fire breathing dragon! Send him here to melt the ice, if you can spare him! Linda

  16. Storm or no storm I'm Coming!!! Hey and we can all use a little Good Luck(wink,wink)... Do you still have a W.Sonoma outlet down there??? Lucky You... If so we can go spend "Our Good Luck"!!!
    Your dinner and table are Gorgeous!
    Thank you SO much for sharing,
    Hugs to you,
    The Other Connolly

  17. Gorgeous table, Kathleen!

    I loved your snow day story!:-) I just emailed my old school friends about school dismissal for weather. They can't remember snow days either.

    Sign me....Pat from the Snow Me State. Yes, I actually heard that on the news today.

  18. Pretty magnificent tablescape! Chinese food is my favorite cuisine so I am really liking your dinner :)

  19. Oh wow both the shrimp and the table are soo great looking. I'm so hungry now. I love the fan plates. Your dragon isn't missed as you set this table so wonderfully. Red, black and white are one of my favorite combos.
    ps. search french fry cones/holders/servers (3 options) and you can find some to order.. sadly World Market sold out!! Thanks for coming to visit and leaving your kind comments.

  20. Yum and love the black and red. I did an Asian post too but it is not posting for some reason maybe will show up tomorrow. I love Asian food.
    I need to hang out at Home Goods more for the great tableware.
    Marie Arden Pink Living

  21. Hi Kathleen! "A little snow" didn't stop you from doing an amazing job on your tablescape and fabulous dinner!
    I always smile reading through your commentary... What fun!
    Your table is really great... love those fan plates and the black/red/and white color scheme.
    Thank you again for all the blog fun over here. We'll definitely still have snow for the Snowman Movie!
    Are you rooting for a special team this weekend?
    *Have a wonderful weekend! ~Maria

  22. Beautiful tablescape love red and black and the food look yuuumy. Stay warm...thanks for sharing...Pat H

  23. Dinner invitation? Thanks so much for sharing this ... A beautiful table and yummy food!

  24. Oh Kathleen, you always make me laugh! I love this post title, and your wit is showing throughout the commentary. The black and white Chinese table is so pretty. Love those fan plates. Happy Year of The Rabbit! laurie

  25. Red, black and white is my favorite combination. Happy Year of the Rabbit to you!

  26. Dragon, scales....Kathleen, the snow is getting to you. The table is great, but the food looks so good I wouldn't care what it was served on.

  27. Hi, Kathleen! I know what you're talking about with this stupid snow/ice storm! We got hit with 12 inches of the white stuff over a thin layer of ice. Fun....NOT!!! Thank goodness we have a saintly neighbor who came by at 9:00 at night to clear our driveway PLUS clear the entire cul-de-sac street!!! Smooth sailing! Your table is so pretty! I'm having a Chinese New Year luncheon here tomorrow IF everyone can get here. Here's hoping the streets and highways are clear enough! I went red & black, too. I love what you did with it! Those Pier 1 stems are gorgeous! I don't remember seeing them ever, but you know how that goes! ;-) Hey...have a great Super Bowl week!!! Ramon and I will be partying at a neighbor's. Super Bowl party for me!!! :-)

  28. Fabulous table Kathleen.
    The color combination is just stunning.
    Your food looks so delicious.
    Chinese is one of my favorites..
    DH doesn't care for it so I don't
    get to enjoy it too often.
    Stay warm and safe - only a little over 6 weeks left till Spring!!

  29. I hope you have left overs as I'm coming over to eat them! Yum! I love the black and red color combination. Happy Year of the Rabbit!

  30. Thanks for the special dinner, hahaha! When do I get my money envelope?

    That is one stunning table, Kathleen, really so pretty! You should come to my house, you can get takeout and paper plates! Not sometimes. Most times, LOL!

  31. Absolutely beautiful!! Love the black, red, and white, the fan plates, black goblets...well I love it all! Great job, even with the storm!!


  32. I absolutely love this, Kathleen. I think it is so much fun, and LOL! about your friend and the Chinese takeout. I love it, too.

    This table is just fun and festive, and I want to come over and eat with you. If I promise not to mess up your napkin, would you feed me???

    I have had one crazy day with my computer. I might be shut out for several weeks. I am back on tonight, but I have tto take it to the Geeks in the morning. They want to send it away. Sigh. Whatever will I do? I will be in withdrawal. They are talking THREE weeks. I need to have the keyboard replaced because certain keys stick all the time. Sigh. It's from pounding them into the next century was I blog. LOL!

    Happy Chinese New Year. My BFF is a school media specialist, and she said that she had all of the Chinese students in the media center today celebrating.


    Sheila :-)

  33. You really went to a lot of trouble and it shows. Everything is just beautiful and I don't even miss your fire spewing dragon on that table. That recipe really looks doable and that's a real plus. Happy Chinese New Year.

  34. Strikingly beautiful! This really makes a statement and so does that food! Yum! thanks for your visit and sweet words. :)

  35. So creative! And you have made me hungry. I have to stop looking at your blog late at night.

  36. So well done! It was wonderful with or without the dragons. I hope that the snow cooperates long enough for your friends to join you. Thank you for sharing your lovely, sophisticated design. Cherry Kay

  37. Sorry to getto visiting so late, but puter was acting kooky last night. Hope it's better today.

    Fun table! Love the centerpiece! Such creativity, right down to the hydrageas sprayed black. Neat black stemware, don't remember seeting that before.

    - The Tablescaper

  38. Your black and red table is dynamite, Kathleen. Love the drama of those bold colors.

    I'm still laughing over your groundhog post from last year. That little guy under the cloche is the funniest thing ever.

  39. Kathleen, LOVE your table, especially the sprayed hydrangeas. Hope you are staying warm and don't have cabin fever. Check out my posts today--a little something for you :)Happy year of the rabbit. I think I will be hopping like one this year!

  40. Wow! Beautiful table, Kathleen! I'd love one of those red envelopes too ;)

    How to you make the crispy walnuts? This sounds delicious!

  41. Delightful post, Kathleen! Maybe you can do the fire-breathing dragon centerpiece NEXT year. . . . Your table looks wonderful -- those fan plates and the black/white/red color scheme make for a definite Asian feel, and the food looks fabulous!

  42. I love your creative Chinese New Year tablescape! I had to look and look and look at your centerpiece! Its so intriguing! I'm glad you posted how you made it! I always have to spray paint flowers for Halloween cause I can't find black flowers. I also used what I had on hand around the house, however I'm not snowed in! Thanks for visiting my Chinese New year tablescape! Happy Chinese New Year!

  43. Love your post; Happy chinese New Year! My daughter in law is chinese; she will enjoy reading this; thank you. From what I hear the Rabbit will make the world a better place.

  44. That shrimp dish looks wonderful and it goes so well with your Chinese tablescape. Love it all, Kathleen. Youyr black stems are very pretty...Christine

  45. The food looks great. I could just pick the shrimp out of mine and do great. Remember, the only way I like shrimp is those little tiny popcorn thingys or in a cocktail.

    I do believe you have a beautiful setting for every single holiday. Goodness...where DO you store your dishes?

  46. Lovely tablescape Kathleen,and those goblets are gorgeous! What a neat idea for the centerpiece and I love how you used the chop sticks in the centerpiece and napkin ring too.

    You make the most wonderful looking food! What a wonderful meal to enjoy!


  47. Hi Kathleen - gimme a double portion of that delicious shrimp. Beautiful table!


  48. You didn't miss a single detail! What a striking table! Stop by if you get a chance. I just posted my BEST tablescape ever!

  49. Stunning table, Kathleen! The food looks as wonderful as I KNOW it must taste (well, I don't actually know, but I'd love to find out!). What a great idea to spray the hydrangeas black! I'd never have thought of that, but I'm certainly filing your idea away in the 'must steal' category. ;)

    Bye for now ...

  50. Kathleeen, what an amazing table that you set. Black hydrangeas and everything! You have such a great assortment of dishes. I love those little black and white ones. I would never use a red satan napkin -- but they are so pretty. Hope the weather calms down for you. Joni

  51. I love the tablescape in red and black. Love the dinnerware and the centerpiece and that all looks delish:)

  52. Your table is lovely and so is the food! I think I know what I need to do for tomorrow night's dinner...takeout. Have a great Friday.

  53. Gosh, Kathleen. This is one of your best EVER! (Say, did I just say that about your last tablescape?)
    No kidding. There's something special about this one. Maybe it's the color combination, or the neat fan plates or the little dipping bowls. I just don't know.
    The centerpiece is wonderful. Only three simple elements, but it makes such a statement.

    Now, about the food... Holy moly. It made me want to hop in the car head on over to The New China Gate where we get the best take-out.

    I see that you brought out your fuzzy critter for Groundhog Day again. He claims to be abused, but he looks pretty well off to me.

    Happy New Year.

  54. oh my goodness, I luv the red pop of colour and the recipe is amazing, major drooling here.
    Please participate in our linking party every wendnesday.
    Have a great weekend,

  55. I have not eaten breakfast yet and now I only want to order in take out:-) When we lived in San Fran we would go to the New Years parade which is amazing. I just read your groundhog post and it made me laugh out loud:-) Nervous to hear you were going to shovel off your roof. Hire someone to do it next time. If you can even find someone these days to do that. You really must have tons of snow. Yikes! Now that I see your husband makes bread I am jealous since my husband only makes bread crumbs all over my kitchen floor:-) Stay warm.

  56. Hi lovely lady. I see you did one more Beautiful Tablescape for us !!! your recipe is just to die for !! Sorry to hear you are having lot's of snow !!! Hear in Houston we are shut down because the roads having Ice on them !!~~Im not going out !!!! Good day for making my Napkins for my Tablescapes. I have been one of your followers for a long time and love your Blog sweet lady.I hope you can join me also.I hope you and your lovely family keep warm today.
    lol Diane

  57. Love this color scheme! It is so bold and energizing. I am laughing about the Chinese take out comment. Stay safe and warm!

  58. Love your tablescape, Kathleen, and I especially enjoy how you show not just a pretty table, but the food as well. You're a great cook! And homemaker and decorator too!
    Blessings, Beth

  59. I love the tablescape. I gave my huge red and black Asian set of dishes to my sister. They eat sushi all the time and I'm the only one at my house these days that likes Asian food. I knew she would use it so much more than I ever would. I love your goblets and the Mikasa those too. The food looks amazing...

  60. Kathleen, your table is stunning! I love the centerpiece and the red/black combination. That shrimp sounds delicious!

  61. Lurve the hydrangea spray painted black!!! Classy, Kathleen... The table looks wonderful all done in black/white/red. Those are the colors I'll always associate with a Chinese restaurant. I love me a spicy, garlicky flavored Chinese dish!
    :-) The spicier the better....
    Hope you're staying warm and comfy inside during all this harsh winter weather. It snowed and sleeted here again, today.

  62. My biggest question is, where do you keep all of your stuff? I have an overflowing pantry, a "hoarder"-esque garage and every closet, nook and cranny filled to the brim; and I don't have half of your dishes and decor.

  63. Your table is as beautiful as always Kathleen. I love the black stems and your hydrangea centerpiece. So creative! I have yet to make your walnut shrimp but I need to try it. Looks and sounds so good. Way better than take out lol (of which I do my share).

  64. Kathleen,
    I love this table. I just purchased a black cloth on a shopping spree yesterday thinking black and while would look so sharp, but the addition of red was genius! I had a little giggle when I saw the mad bunny. Thanks for inspiring me.

  65. This is fabulous, Kathleen! I LOVE those frenchy lion head bowls and have been hunting for some myself! Now there's only one problem...I want Chinese, NOW! lol No more snow here...thank goodness! I love Georgia winters...where it's 70 the next day! Happy Year of hte Rabbit!...hugs...Debbie

  66. What a gorgeous Chinese New Year table! Love your amazing centerpiece. Thanks for your sweet visit too.


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