Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cozy and Warm~ Baked Stuffed Pears

It snowed again last night.  Not a lot, just enough to make the roads icy.

Picture 1345

More expected tonight, so I guess we will be in for a few days.

My washer died Cmas Eve, it was 10, and was always a good friend.  10 is how old in washing machine life?

Our new one came today.  They had to bring it from the road, they weren't sure about getting in the driveway.

We did our maiden load.  :)

Talk about blogging about nothing!

But it is Laurie's  Favorite Things Saturday and The Tablescaper's Seasonal Sunday, so I must!

We can sit by the window, have a cup of coffee, and have some warm stuffed pears.

Picture 1360

Picture 1361

This is a red pear to match the mat .  :)

Halve it, remove the core, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.

Stuff it with nuts, raisins and a crumb mixture.  I had some left from when I made an apple crisp.

Bake at 375 for about 20 min.

Serve warm with a little whipped cream, or ice cream.

Picture 1351

You can also do it vertically.

Picture 1362

I hope those of you in the cold climates are warm and cozy, and those where it is warm, well... aren't you special!  :)Thanks for stopping by the woods on a snowy day!

Picture 1350


  1. I need those napkins and those dishes...they would look most lovely in my dining room and the food looks right up my alley. Stay warm! The look of snow is so beautiful, but even in California where I live the weather is chilly at around 40 degrees!

  2. Hey Kathleen! Pretty setting, I have the pig creamer. Snowed all day in Philly, so far 3-4 inches, light fluffy stuff thankfully! Stay warm and cozy:@)

  3. That pear looks yummy!
    We are suppose to get snow here starting late tomorrow afternoon. I could have gone all Winter without snow and or ice. Pretty pictures.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Hi Kathleen,
    Those pears look mighty good, I have to say!!
    Nice red vignette as well, very pretty.
    It looks like a good thing to be doing with the
    weather you have there. All that snow sure looks
    Hope you are having a Happy New Year, so far!!
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. That last comment cracked me up, Kathleen! LOL! Love it!

    I actually got out for the first time in three weeks. I was afraid I was becoming agoraphobic. ;-) Got out, and had a tire that had a nail in it. So off to the tire store after the grocery store. Now, I'm exhausted. There ought to be a law about nails in the street, for crying out loud. I think it came out of the dumpster in front of my neighbor's house. Yeah, they and their contractor did it! ;-)

    So several hundred dollars later, I'm good to go. A rather expensive outing, I'd say, but oh, it was good to be outside. We are having nice temps, but it's slated to get cold.


    Sheila :-)

  6. Oh, and I forgot to say how delicious that pear treat looks! I'll be right over...


    Sheila :-)

  7. It is cold here! brrr! Thanks for sharing your warm and cozy dessert!

  8. Ha! So glad the delivery could make it on the icy roads. That looks like a lovely way to spend a cold afternoon. Love the dishes. We are cold here and they are threatening us with some snow tonight...

  9. That does look warm and yummy! I've never really used pears much,but I love apple crisp.

    When you get tired of those red plates, I want my name at the top of the list of who to pass them on to, okay? LOL


  10. So glad the new washer came. Life without can be miserable.

    I've never heard of a stuffed pear. Is that a Cuisine Kathleen invention? It look marvelous. Just the ticket for a snowy day.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. Oh, this looks yummy! I'd love to join you in your cozy house with that snowy view out your window. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  12. OMG, is that ALL the snow you got??? "I'm in an Igloo up here!!! WOW, and LOOK at that delicious baked pear, OH MY, I AM going to make some of those! Did you ever stuff one with brie??? AH a new washer!!! That's Yummy too, Does that make me a Bonifide Housewife??? AND did you get a new dryer to match???
    Hugs to you across the Sound,

  13. I like blogging about every day stuff, and you've done some of that today. After my last washing machine and dryer lasted 25 years, I fear the new one won't even last 10---so I hear. Loved your tablescape with the skates and your year in review of 'scapes. All so lovely!

  14. How beautiful everything looks with snow! Stuffed pears sound sooooo wonderful. And love the photo you have for your header, such a bold use of a color.

    (p.s. my guess on the ratio of washer to human years is 1:10). ;)

  15. Kathleen...I always love using the red pretty. Speaking of pretty, isn't the snow....if you have nowhere to go, lol. We bought a new washer and dryer last year....old ones were 12...wanted a front loader but just couldn't reconcile paying the asking price. Enjoy your new washing machine :)


  16. Your table looks beautiful and the red and white is so cheery in the winter. I love pears and may try this tomorrow. A new washer is pretty exciting to me. I couldn't sleep when I got my new dishwasher in the fall and I did a blog post about it, too. Hope it gives you many happy washing years.

  17. You have white on the ground and white on the pear! The pear looks wonderful and so does the place setting. So warm and inviting.

  18. I love your snow photos, Kathleen. Our snow didn't stick, but I'm not complaining. Your stuffed pear looks delicious! I also love the red dish and napkin/placemat. After I put Christmas away I missed all the red in my house.

  19. Oh my goodness, LOVE that cup/saucer/dessert plate! LOVE the red! Also, great napkin to match. Anything red is my absolute favorite.

  20. Love your pears! You can do a few 'maiden' loads in my washer too if you like!!
    The dishes in your header are still one of my favorite of all your dishes!! (That and your Horchow lavendar ones)

  21. That pear thingy looks really yummy, Kathleen. Something warm like that would be good on a cold weather like tonight. It is supposed to snow but we'll see. I haven't actually seen it snow here. It did last year one day in Feb but I was in FL with my daughter....Christine

  22. Dropping back by, Kathleen, to wish you a Happy Seasonal Sunday! I decided to join you all today. I'm still laughing at your last comment, and you are going to hate me when you see my sunshiney post. LOL!


    Sheila :-)

  23. Enjoy the new washer! I love red napkins - do they also come in black? You'll see why I am asking on this week's Tablescape Thursday ;o)

  24. The snow is beautiful even though it's a giant pain to try to get around in it. Your new header photo is so pretty. I use a lot of red too and alway admire your lovely red dishes. You were lucky to get a new washer so quickly. Old ones just love to konk out at the worst times.

  25. Still feel a pang of jealousy every single time I see those plates!

    The pear looks delicious. Yummy on a cold day.
    We've been getting unusually cold weather here, but it's supposed to warm up by Tuesday.

    I'd love a front loader. Is that what you got?

  26. Festive and yummy Kathleen! I just had a peek at the previous post too.
    Your really know how to 'do it up' :)

    Best wishes

    Jeanne xx

    Thanks for stopping by and saying hello :)

  27. Hi Kathleen! We are expecting some snow tonight...yikes! Now you are making me want to bake a bunch of goodies in case the power goes out! Hope you are warm and cozy today!...hugs...Debbie

  28. these pears seem to be very TAsty...have a nice Sunday, hugs, Flavia

  29. I love all of the red dishes I see on your blog today. Delicious red pears, beautiful new header with red dishes and I also see a red house across the street! You've made my day :)

  30. Yummy! Kathleen you have BEST sounding recipes. Mmmm....:)

    Happy New Year sweet friend!
    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  31. If this is a post about nothing, then I want more! Delicious pears, dishes and place setting. Beautiful and serene snow. A new washer. Being cozy and at home. My kind of post!

  32. Hi Kathleeen - what a wonderful way to spend a snowy day indoors. Sorry to hear about your washer. Mine is a very well used true friend too. As always your recipies look delicious - and that little plate, cup and saucer - I love them. In fact I have the same ones. LOL
    We obviously have the same good taste!

  33. Snowing here too. That's a rarity around here. I'm IN LOVE with the red and white!

  34. The pear looks wonderful Kathleen.

    It's pretty chilly here and they are predicting snow for tomorrow evening. We are taking care of errands early in the morning, just in case.

  35. I was trying hard to concentrate on the pear, but I was so smitten with those dishes! It all looks lovely, and the pears look delicious.

    We're predicted to have snow here as well. It's rare here so we should all pretty much go ape at the first flurry.

  36. That pear looks so wonderful. I also love the header ---- the tablecloth and napkin make my heart flutter. As did the placemat under the pear.. Send the snow this way!! sorry about the washer.. but don't you love the new one?

  37. Your red dishes are one of my favorites. I always enjoy seeing them. - Perfect napkin and placemat to go with them too.
    My mouth was actually watering while reading your 'How To Recipe' on those pears. They look so good.
    Your place outside looks like mine..lots of snow and some icy.. Ugg How many more days till Spring?

  38. Kathleen, you are a hoot! I am just smiling all the way through your post! It's snowing here in Ark. too!! I'm sure we won't have the accumulation you have, and right now, I'm enjoying it - but that won't last if it hangs around long.) I just love that china and have coveted it since the first time I saw it. Those pears are making my mouth water. I usually leave here with a smile on my face and my mouth watering (not a good combination - I end up with drool on my chin!) Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  39. No snow here this week, thank goodness. It's just cold and gray and icky. I'm finally done purging, now I have to get busy picking paint colors and decorate my OWN house, for a change. It's like the cobbler's children who have no shoes! Glad you have a new washer and can do your housewifely chores easily. Wouldn't want you using the old washboard. LOL -That wouldn't leave any time for cooking yummy desserts! Stay warm! ~ Sue

  40. Hi Kathleen!
    Oh, those pears look so good. I make stuffed apples but, I haven't tried stuffed pears. I am going to have to try this. Your whole table setting looks so pretty!

  41. Kathleen, Your baked pears look scrumptious, and your dishes are so pretty! Your snowy scene is lovely too (it looks about the same out my window!)
    Blessings, Beth

  42. Yum -- looks like a wonderful treat for looking out the window at a cold and snowy winter's landscape! Love your pretty header.

  43. Ten doesn't seem too old even in washer years! Hope you like your new one. Yummmmm! That pear dessert looks so good and especially on those dishes! Love your header and how it is inspiring me to think about Valentine's (even though I'm still very much in Christmas mode!)


  44. Love your new header!!! When did you do that? Love those plates!!!!!!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  45. Pretty, delicious and tempting! We got mostly ice here in our area.

  46. Oh you have ANY idea how badly I want to go shopping with you?? I'll even volunteer to drive in the snow!!! We got dumped on, too. Yuck! I'm sick of winter & we've got 2 more months of it yet.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ those plates & the pretty toile you used with them, too. I also loved the tour of all your tablescapes this past year. I missed seeing some of them & you truly have such a wonderful talent for this fun artistry.

    Thanks for explaining how you made this yummy looking pear as well as your chicken pot pie recipe. I may try that Friday for my sisters visit. I've never made a pot pie from scratch.


  47. Your pears look delicious -- and how I'd love to have a bite on this wintry night! Beautiful pics, as usual. My washer just died, too, and the new set is being delivered tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the maiden load, as you so aptly put it. :-) Sooooo many beautiful vintage linens to launder -- and I can do most of them in a front loader!

  48. I bet this tastes every bit as good as it looks! I love the toile/checked towels...I have some too. Such a pretty setting. The snow scenes are beautiful too.



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