Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cabin Fever Strikes & a Little Give Away

A little poem for you...or a rap if you can supply your own sound effects!  :)

My name is Frostina,

I am into the glam

So different from Frosty,

I'm a stylin'  Snow Mam!

Picture 1369

No button nose for me

Or corn pipes that stink,

Top hats are out,

I'm pretty in PINK!

Picture 1374

The flake in my hair

Matches the one on the glass,

Don't mean to brag

But I'm a Snow MAM with class!

Picture 1375

Cloche covered snowballs

Are part of our meal,

Pink polka dot plates

Add to the blingy appeal.

Picture 1388

Picture 1380

Picture 1382

Please sit at my table

We have sweet Snow MAM soup,

And after we eat,

Through the snow we will troop!

Picture 1406 Picture 1404

Picture 1396

We had a storm last night, about 16 in of new snow fell, high winds, no visibility  and we lost our power from last night till the afternoon. 

It got down to 59 inside, a little frosty!

I was going to bake some cookies to go with our soup...

Picture 1407 But no cookies!

So we will have to eat some I picked at the Pepperidge Farm!

Picture 1408

Speaking of snow, have you seen this movie?

Picture 1410

I know any of you have taught school will be familiar with this delightful story.

Picture 1411

I remember when my gdau was one, she would stop her antics :) and watch this movie with its beautiful soundtrack.

I have a brand new copy, but it is not a disc, so you would have to have a vcr player.

Perfect for those of you with young children or grandchildren.

If you would like to be in the drawing just let me know.

Any follower is eligible .

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, and Gollum for Foodie Friday.  And since it's pink Beverly for Pink Saturday.

Thanks for visiting!

The cast:

Pink cloth and napkins

White chargers Noritake , Pink polka dot plates Cmas Tree Shop, Flake glasses $ Tree, Stems Pfaltzgraf, white flatware, Walmart.

Snowman soup, hot chocolate, whipped cream and chocolate snowman, marshmallow skewer

Snowmen used to hold names from my friend Marsha at Marsha's Garden.

Snow people S&P's and spreaders gift from a forum friend, Pam.

Star mirrors, Pottery Barn Outlet


  1. Such a pretty table - I love the pink/snowflake theme! 16 inches of snow - oh my! Glad your power is back!

  2. What a fun table Kathleen, I read the post with the rap beat in my head! Lovin' the pink snowlady! Snow... it's only January 12th-ugh...

  3. What a cute and creative post! Pink Saturday's gonna love it, too!

  4. Kathleen, what a pretty table; what an adorable centerpiece; and what a fun poem! You have so many talents, and they are showing in this post. I never think of using pastels in the wintertime. This looks so fresh and inviting. I hope your power stays on now. Bundle up and stay warm! laurie

  5. Hi Kathleen,
    How fun was that...? I was a little worried about one of the rhymes...but you pulled it off beautifully. I am still smiling.
    Cute, cute table :)

  6. I love Frostina - what a fun take on the usual snowman tablescapes. The pink is fun and the polka dot plates are perfect for the theme.

    So happy to hear that your power is back on - that was cold in the house.

  7. This is so cute! I love the table and your glam "Snow Mam"! Everything is just darling! I'd love to be included in the giveaway...anything that gets the attention of the grands is good news to me!

    I hate the trapped feeling the snow brings and we don't have nearly what you do. Bring on the sunshine!

  8. Oh Kathleen, how cute!! I LOVE your Snow-Mam and the poem you've written is wonderful and adds so much to your tablescape! Choosing PINK to put with a snow themed table is so unexpected but delightful! Add a few hearts and it'll be perfect for Valentine's! Sorry to hear you've lost your power! We are getting a big dump of snow here too but we are used to it!


  9. What a completely adorable table. I love Pink and this makes me smile for sure!!

  10. Okay...this is incredible. It was 59 degrees in your house and you managed to set an adorable table and get your post up having been without power overnight!!! So impressive.

  11. Oh, Kathleen this is adorable! I would never have thought of snow and pink together. Love it! You're a true blogger - no heat for hours and you still did your post!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Saw the news and had a feeling you had lost power! Glad you got it back, the time I lost it for a week is still very fresh in my mind, we didn't get as much as you did this round!

    Frostina is very cute :) Love that soup!

  13. Hi Kathleen! How much snow can NY get!?
    Glad things are back to "normal."
    Your poem/rap song is fabulous. It has a great beat to it!
    I love the idea of a snow"mam" so adorable!
    Your tablescape is sweet and delightful ~
    I'd love to see that movie with my nieces! They are 3, 6 and 6.
    I hope we get a reprieve from the storms. I had a snowday today and loved it! But, too many loved ones have to drive on days like today and I'd rather have the roads nice and dry!
    Blessings to you*
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. You are so creative! This is a completely different take on a snowman/snow Mam theme. I love all the pinks. Pink is my favorite color. I would never have thought to do this.

    And you're a poet to boot.
    So fun!

  15. Oh Kathleen, Frostina is so cute! You are such a good poet and your tablescape is lovely. We have no snow here and it is so cold and you have 16 inches of new snow? Brrrrr! Do you have your power back? I hope so! Stay warm!...Christine

  16. Hey there!!! LOVE the pink!!! That's a beautiful way to present a snowscape!!! So sorry you were without power. That must have been a real drag! Glad to know it didn't last for too terribly long, though. Stay warm, and have a great weekend!!!

  17. Gosh! Frostina is so fashionable. I love her poofy hat and pink skirt.

    It's sure not fun to be without power when it's so cold. We lost power for about 30 minutes today, but it was 70 degrees outside. (Sorry to rub it in.)

    Nice little rap, by the way.

  18. Your snow mam is the cutest thing ever, Kathleen, and I want those polka dot dishes! Loved the table, and I really loved your poem. You're good, and I don't say that to many people because they don't understand rhyme. LOL! You do.

    I'm having a little drawing for china at my blog, and I hope you will join me. I love your darwing, but I think Cecelia has that already. It's a neat, neat story, and that is a great gift.

    Happy Tablescape Thursday...


    Sheila :-)

  19. It may be cold there, but this table would warm anyone's heart. What a delight! Love the pink polka dot plates and your classy snowmam. She is too cute! And your poetry ~ yes, a true teacher! Of course this is one of my favorite movies. Don't have a DVD though.
    Stay warm and cozy! ~ Sarah

  20. Who would have thought of PINK for a Snow Table...but after seeing 'Frostina' need to explain!
    Love the little ditty you wrote for her...adorable... and your table in 'her honor' is lovely.
    We didn't lose power like you, but we were hit with 27" and more on the way. Grrrr

  21. Too, tooo, toooo adorable. I think that pink snowlady should check out some of the blue snowmen running around tonight! Love the rap too. That soup looked like a chocolate swimming pool that one could just plunge into. Yum.

  22. The pink is a welcome change for the time of year and the snowmam is adorable.

  23. Love the pink polka dot plates. Very creative.

  24. Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness:) I am a new follower and new to the world of tablescapes~ I happened upon these blogspots today by chance and I am hooked~ So creative and charming. A new happy follower of your blog:)
    Much Love,

  25. Ms. Frostina is a beauty, and the pink is refreshing. This would be a nice table for your granddaughter. The polka dot plates are perfect for the theme.

    Happy to hear that the power is back on. Just heard that 48 or 49 states have snow on the ground today.

  26. Happy to see you haven't lost all your whimsy considering all that nasty white poop you received! Love Frostina and the pretty tablescape - bet Lily would love this one.
    59 in the house is way too cold...shivering just thinking of it.

  27. Very pretty tablescape! I love your rhyme and Miss Frostina too! Your snowflake napkin rings and goblets are wonderful!

  28. I'm glad your power is back. We ended up with "only" 8-10 inches here. What a cute table and poem!

  29. Such a pretty and unexpected color table for a snowperson-themed table! Love your creativity! I would like to be in the drawing for the giveaway -- my young grandchildren would enjoy seeing that movie!

  30. Beautiful table. We have had a lot of snow also. But thank the good Lord we have not lost power. Sorry to hear you did. Makes for I mighty cold night. I know my 5 year old granddaughter would love snuggling in and watching that sweet movie. Try to stay warm and safe. Carol

  31. Snow everything.

  32. I was afraid you may have lost power! So glad to hear you're warming up - at least inside.

    Another clever poem and table! The snowman movie sounds adorable, Kathleen.

  33. Fun, Fun Fun! -- loved your snow mam with the glam! it made me laugh! Your winter pics are beautiful and I love the soup too. Joni

  34. Thank you so much for dropping in.. I was a whole lot under the weather until about noon, so I'm just now going browsing and let me tell you.. I love your poem/rap your table and that adorable snow mam!!! Absolutely wonderful. Your table is great, especially with your wintry backdrop. Your table is tops in my book! especially those napkin rings too.

  35. Hi Kathleen- just so loved your sweet table. Miss snow mam is a doll.L-O-V-E the pink polkadot plates. I do remember that film from teaching school love the music so enchanting and dreamy...

  36. Oh Kathleen - heard you guys were hit with the worst of the storm. We only got 9 inches here and were fortunate not to lose power. However, you seem to have made the best of it! Love this sweet table! Pink is absolutely one of my favorite colors, and pairing it with snowmen is charming. Be safe in your travels and keep warm!

  37. I'm so sorry to read that you got hit with another snow storm. I would start to get a little stir crazy about now. Love your little snow mam...very cute. The Snowman is a wonderful movie and I would be thrilled to win a copy of it. I've got my fingers crossed.

  38. Kathleen-Only you would have a rapping snow mam! :)I have the greatest respect for all of you who endure long cold winters! 6 inches of snow has paralyzed us! God knew I needed to be a southern girl! :) At least the bad weather has given me time to get back to visiting my friends and their posts! Love the pink, especially the polka dot plates. I am not familiar with this movie, but I no longer have a vcr. Maybe we can rent it. Have missed you! Take care and stay warm!

  39. Your table is gorgeous! Pretty in pink! The snowman soup looks delicious. Stay warm, Kathleen!
    Blessings and hugs, Beth

  40. I love this pretty pink snowman tablescape Kathleen! It is fit for a princess! Did your grandchildren come over to enjoy it? The snowman centerpiece is so cute.

    I am also getting cabin fever. So much snow this winter and I heard we may get more next week..baaah!

  41. Love your table...and your rap! You have given me so many ideas for my "winter" event next week.
    Winter...yep. We don't have the snow here in FL, so I am going to "provide" it. Your little Miss SnowMAM is the perfect thing to top my tables.
    Thank you so much for sharing....
    Jane (artfully graced)

  42. I looked at the soup bowl for quite a white trying to figure out what that wonderful bowl with the embossed rim could be...then I realized that it was whipping cream! Ingenious! Love the pink for a feminine winter themed table. Thank you for sharing your lovely design. Cherry Kay

  43. What a cute post! You're a poet and I didn't know it;)

  44. Frostina is adorable...beautiful pink and white table and you know how much I like pink!
    Your yard is gorgeous...glad it is there and not here ;)

  45. You have a lovely blog!

    I'm having the very first GIVEAWAY on my blog. Please stop by to submit your entry. Good Luck!

  46. I love that movie! And Frostina is adorable in her pinks! A wonderful snow table in the colors of SPRING!

  47. I loved your post! What creative words and your tablescape was beautiful. I wish you could send some of that fluffy white stuff my way!
    I can't remember if I've seen this movie. It looks like a sweet one. I love all Christmas movies. Happy Pink Saturday and have a great weekend!

  48. Your Frostina is the best. The table looks so inviting and everything is beautiful. I thing the salt and pepper shakers on the mirror stars was over the top perfect.
    Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours and yes, please enter me, Char

  49. Beautiful tablescape. I don't think I've ever seen one so pink and so delightful.

  50. You had me at pink!! The chocolate was the lagniappe.

  51. Poop! I just lost a long, lovely comment to you..TWICE. :(

    Anyway, this table is delightful & I'm so glad I never got around to doing my snowman one. It would have paled in comparison to yours.

    I have the boy version of your centerpiece, ya' know. He's here: /2010/12/deck-halls-party.html

  52. Oh my goodness....I have got to find some of those star mirror coasters. They are fantastic!!


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