Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seasonal Sunday

Today is a perfect Fall Sunday!  Sunny, crisp, great for all the Trick or Treaters.  We don’t get many here.

On the other hand, my son’s neighborhood gets 100’s.  No  kidding, it goes  on all day!

Picture 826

My 4 gkids are up there at a neighbor’s getting their treat.

Picture 827

My 2 youngest, Batman and Robin.

Tomorrow starts November, yet I still have a few roses blooming.

Picture 814 The window boxes are still going strong…I left that warning sign in the pic so you wouldn’t fall out the window.  :)

Picture 811

The mums bloom amongst the summer annuals that are on their way out!

Picture 812

Perfect for a Seasonal Sunday, fresh baked blueberry apple muffins baked by the mister…

Picture 732

Hope the week coming up treats you well!

I am joining Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper.


  1. Sweet little ones enjoying collecting some treats! Beautiful roses. I noticed a new blossom on my clematis yesterday, but I don't expect it to last much longer. We are expecting a low of 28 tonight. My Knock-Out roses are still happy.

    Boy, I have been hankering for a muffin and there have been so many on blogs tonight. Yours look delicious!

  2. Kathleen, your little Batman and Robin are precious! How fun to trick or treat all day. Bet they get bags full of goodies. ;-) We've only had two ring the bell so far.
    Your muffin photo has me going to the freezer to pull out some coffee cake or a pound cake loaf. Looks good!

  3. Kathleen, your grands look so cute! We had a pirate and a princess here this year and they went trick or treating with their friends. They received heaps of goodies too!

    I just had to tell you I love that 2nd last picture with gorgeous tree. Do you decorate it for Christmastime? It is so beautiful!

    Best wishes and happy week,

  4. The pink rose is gorgeous! I may have to try my hand at those one of these years..

    The gkids are so cute..wish they didn't grow up so fast! I had some really cute ones tonight - turned off the light at 7 -

    Good job on the muffins Mike!

  5. Roses still in bloom here too. Batman and Robin will be enjoying their treats all week! The muffins look great...tell Mike :-) I just turned out the lights...our neighborhood is very popular for the treats. No tricks!

  6. S & D make a pretty cute Batman & Robin :)

    We had a hard freeze on Thursday so no more blossoms for me but yours still look gorgeous. Wish my mister knew how to make muffins.

  7. My roses are still blooming, too. Batman and Robin are so cute!!

    We've had about 30 trick or treaters here tonight. It's a nice night compared to some Halloween's.

    Happy Halloween!

  8. Oh my those roses are amazing. Love the kids pics too.

  9. Cute little goblins!! Pretty flowers!

    I laughed about the warning sign! LOL!

    Your mister bakes muffins?? I'm impressed!


  10. I can tell the kids had a great time. Not a single trick or treater came by here, but if course I wasn't home. Thanks for the prayers for my mom. She seems fine now but they are doing more tests in the hospital, not sure if they will release her tomorrow yet....Christine

  11. Oh, so wonderful that you got to see your grandkids trick or treating! So much fun.

    Any chance your mister could teach my mister how to bake muffins???

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. The gkids are adorable! This year I went through quite a few bags of candy, ok, I ate some, but we had more than we did the past couple years!

    The roses are beautiful! We're finally getting a chill, Kathleen, bundle up!

  13. Your grandsons look so cute.
    It was nice you were able to join them.
    Did you get treats too?
    We don't get any Trick or Treaters here either.

    Yummy muffins from the 'MR'...I guess they could be considered as your Halloween Treat!

  14. Batman and Robin are precious!! I am glad you are well enough to join in the festivities. I like the idea of trick or treating earlier (especially on a school night :) We had about 10 tonight. Of course, I turned off the light at 8:15!

  15. I love the trick or treaters. I really enjoy seeing all of the costumes that come by here. We had some "interesting" ones to say the last. Your yard looks great still. Love your blue spruce! I want one.

  16. Wow, the warm season goes on a long time in your neck of the woods, Kathleen! We had so much rain in September, I ended up pulling out a lot of my flowers then! Have to admit, I love the cool fall days though. Sure would love one of M's BB muffins - look super delish! Should have known, you'd have "Super-Heroes" for grandkids!


  17. This year was probably the fewest kids we've ever had. I think that it was a Sunday had a lot to do with it. But we still had a lot of kids. Definitely over 150.

  18. Your grandboys make a dashing duo!!! Love your other pics too, those roses are beautiful!

  19. Looks like you had a great day and a beautiful day. sandie

  20. What cute kids! I can't believe you can still have blooming flowers this time of year. How lucky are you. I would know just what to do with one of those muffins.

  21. I love to see all the little children dressed up for Halloween. So cute

  22. That is the cutest Batman and Robin I've ever seen ;) We were gone all day yesterday so I don't know if we had any Trick or Treaters but we usually only get less than 10 each year. Last year only 5, I think.

  23. Batman and Robin are so cute! Our neighborhood is one of those hundreds and hundreds neighborhoods, too.

    Love your other pictures. Imagine still having a rose...

  24. Batman and Robin are adorable! I hope they collected lots of candy :) I loved Halloween as a child.

    I couldn't believe we actually had candy left over this year! I usually run out in a couple hours. I think there were more parties than "Trick or Treat" in my neighborhood this year.

    How are you feeling Kathleen? I hope you are on your way to being back to 100%!

  25. Batman and Robin are adorable! I hope they collected lots of candy :) I loved Halloween as a child.

    I couldn't believe we actually had candy left over this year! I usually run out in a couple hours. I think there were more parties than "Trick or Treat" in my neighborhood this year.

    How are you feeling Kathleen? I hope you are on your way to being back to 100%!

  26. We had snow..Such cute pics Kathleen..You're sounding good too:) Bravo.

  27. I LOVE that the kids go trick or treating in the daylight. Nobody goes out until after dark here so all the little ones are up way too late. My daughter had 100's of kids too. They must come from miles around.

  28. How funny some people get 100's of kids and we get nobody....well there was that one poor little girl in our sub division...the lone child maybe around 4 in her cute little costume...nobody else on the streets....we passed her coming home from our Anniversary dinner at the Varsity....yes, that would be a hot dog soon as I got inside the house I raced around to find candy....looked in the couch the medicine to the Boss' chair there was a box of Cracker Jacks and 2 stale Tootsie Pops....luckly the poor little thing must have known what I dug up becuase when they got to our house they walked right year I'll buy a bag of candy and if no kids come I'll eat it myself....My personal sacrifice for the happiness of that little girl.

  29. I was so sad that I didn't have any treat or treaters. I miss the days of passing out goodies to the little ones. Looks like you had lots of fun.

    Plan B

  30. I just love your blog picture! Hasn't this weather been beautiful?
    And your roses are so gorgeous!
    Enjoy the sunshine and blue sky!

  31. Cute Batman and Robin! I don't know if it's just me, or if others are having this problem. When I click on your name in my comment section, I get a "not available" message for your blog. I went back and clicked on your picture for Fav. things link up to get here. Your rose is gorgeous! I can't believe it still looks that pretty, and of course, your muffin has made my stomach start growling. Yum! Hope you are feeling well. I know it's hard to get your strength back after being sick that long. The muffins should go a long way toward giving you strength. laurie

  32. With two teenage boys all I ever get are scary monsters. I miss their younger days.
    Everything looks so wonderful over here :-)


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