Friday, October 29, 2010


I like white wicker.  Not the new all weather kind, the old kind that has to be on a covered porch and embalmed with a few coats of Krylon every Spring.

DH does not like wicker.  He says it is uncomfortable and makes him itch.  Really?

All of my pieces are at least 10 y o, some are 20 or older. 

Some I bought, some are anonymous donations, ie, somebody wanted to ditch it.

I have shown you this, but my dear cousin gave me this great chair and  a matching sofa.  She got it at the museum sale out here, but when she moved she had no use for it.

Picture 808

The ottoman opens for storage.

Last week while I was sick, my friend Pam spotted some things she thought I might like up for grabs by a neighbor who was moving.

Picture 807

Bar table and 2 stools

The little 3 tiered stand  against the wall was also rescued by my friend Pam from the dump!

Picture 805

Side table

Picture 806

An octagon shaped hamper, great for storage out there!

Another neighbor saw this sitting on the road side, and dropped it off while I was sick.

Picture 809All of it needs a good cleaning, and some work, but that will wait till Spring.  As you can see the leaves are falling and there won’t be much porch sitting ! We are starting to pile the furniture up to cover for the winter.

table 2577 

You have seen this before, but in the free category, the rocker brand new complete with cushion with a sign, FREE! It was pale pink, so a few coats of Krylon , and that was it! (the sign was done by my talented friend Kay from the Holidays forum)

Linda at A La Carte  is having her first meme, Junkin’  Finds.  I think some of my wicker qualifies. 

I am also joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things.  Wicker is one of my favorite things!

Thanks Laurie and Linda for hosting!

And thank you for visiting!

Blog Labor 290_thumb[5] HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


  1. I love your wicker. How great that your friends know where to send rescued wicker! The bar table and stool is very cool. Thanks so much for joining my first meme Junkin' Finds!!

  2. That is so wonderful that your friends brought you those new (to you) pieces! I love the bar table and stools. The base of the table looks beautiful and sturdy.

  3. It was great that they thought of you, looks like your spring projects list is off to a good start! Happy Halloween Weekend:@)

  4. My hubby frowns on wicker too but I've always thought it was really cool. You have some lovely pieces. Happy Halloween to you!

  5. What sweet friends you have! I love wicker...I have a mix of indoor/outdoor. Love all your pieces!

    Hope you feel better with each passing day!


  6. I love wicker too..old and new.. OLD I favor but don't have much..mine's about 20 yrs also.. the heart chair one of my daughter's had in her room..where it is now I have no clue..I have the mini rocker also..And the porch stuff..but I love your chaise and ottoman..Just lovely.

  7. Oh I love all of your wicker. It looks wonderful. To me it just screams summer and come and sit. Great finds. Hugs, Marty

  8. Wicker is fun. I do like it but have never owned any. Have no veranda on which to put it!! Lucky you!! Wishing you well! Cathy

  9. Kathleen, how great that your friends brought you all of this wonderful wicker! That's enough to make you get up out of your sick bed! Your porch looks so pretty in its Fall decor! Can't wait to see it this summer with all of that wicker on it. Thanks so much for linking to Favorite Things Sat. (Oh! LOVE that teapot in your header!) laurie

  10. I love wicker! Lucky you for acquiring all those free pieces of wicker! Free makes it even more beautiful! LOL!


  11. Better to be a wicker picker than a nose picker :)

    I love white wicker! Yours is beautiful and looks just perfect at your place!

  12. I'm a wicker picker too! My favorite piece is a chair that my own grandmother dug out of her attic or garage just for me when I was about 13. I have no clue how old it is. I love it.

    And YOU have great friends and neighbors!!! I hope you're feeling a lot better!

  13. I am right there with you, Kathleen with the wicker. I have many of the same pieces but since mine didn't get their spring embalming of fresh spray paint they are looking a bit sad.

    I also have the little chair. It was bought for Abbey when she was a baby 19 years ago. Since it hasn't spent any time outside, it looks great. Maybe she will use it in her child's room one day :)

  14. Your wicker looks good. I got rid of several pieces when I moved here, but still have a couple of pieces - not real old,, but not great either.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  15. Love wicker also - most of mine is natural but I'm getting to the point where it might get some color one of these days!
    Great pieces and great that your friends KNOW your tastes!
    Tell Mike to put clothes on before he sits on them, then he won't itch!! :)

  16. Kathleen, wicker is a favorite around here too. White is my choice of color, but we have some natural and a table in dark green. How nice to have a friend who thinks of you when wicker is available. This is all going to look great on your porch next spring.
    Sorry you were sick. I've been in Savannah and out of touch. Hope you are feeling better. ~ sarah

  17. Glad you are better, but it seemed to pay off being sick, lol!! Those are good friends and neighbors that you have. Love all the wicker!

  18. Such great finds!And I love what you do with them.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. I love wicker too, Kathleen. I think it looks very southern and very inviting. I want to have neighbors like yours:-) Glad you are feeling better...Christine

  20. What absolutely wonderful friends you have Kathleen! Your wicker is fabulous and I know you're going to enjoy all the new pieces next spring.

  21. I'd be a wicker picker too-love your tablescape header-and I adore wicker-I have soooo many pieces of it-especially the antique ones!

  22. Kathleen...I love that homeless wicker pieces get dropped at your house, lol. All your pieces are lovely and what a wonderful porch you have. I too have a fondness for wicker but I have to admit that I tend to paint it black or red...must be the wild child in me :)


  23. Love all of your wicker, and lucky for you to have Pam as a friend. My hubby doesn't like wicker either, crazy as that is. I LOVE IT.
    Love your cute porch too...hope you are feeling better.

  24. You have some good friends out there. I do covet your porch. I would love one but it is not going to happen at our house. Design issues.

  25. I am also a fan of wicker, although I do not own much of it. You have some great pieces. I love your welcoming front porch. I noticed on my way out for work today that we still have the swimming pool and hammock on our front porch. It is past time to get it cleaned up for Fall.

  26. Lucky you to have friends who find pieces and drop them off to you for you to spray paint them and make them so welcoming on your front porch. Glad you are feeling a tad bit better. If I lived closer I would make you chicken soup and a big chocolate cake:-)

  27. I had antique wicker for a few years at a past house and sold all but a couple pieces. I still love it, it just doesn't work where I am now. I love that bar table...lucky you!

    I hope you are feeling better...I have been having a hard time keeping up with people and I haven't been sick!

  28. I have to say that for a minute, after reading your post title, I was sure grinning....

    Wicker is one of my favorite things, too.
    I love all your great pieces..

  29. You have a fabulous collection of wicker Kathleen. Beautiful!!

  30. I'm SO glad you're feeling well enough to blog & just look at all the goodies that arrived while you were sick! Nice friends to find you such treasures.

    LOVE your new header! Thanks, too, for the links to the parties. A La Carte is new to me.


  31. First I have to say you have a beautiful porch. Looks like a wonderful place to sit and relax. You also have some great friends who know what you like! How wonderful of them to pick up the wicker pieces for you. Everything looks perfect all painted white.
    Happy Halloween.

  32. I hope Egor enjoys his lunch! tee hee Hope you are feeling better after your bout w/pneumonia, Kathleen. Love all your "found" wicker pieces. Good friends you have. I would love to have a porch to sit out on. Take care of yourself, okay? Bed rest is still recommended, so take advantage of it while you can. I would!! Chance to read, watch my shows, etc. xo Sue

  33. What deals! And I think they will look just lovely on your porch. Love that too!~Ames

  34. Love your selection of wicker, Kathleen. A good shot of white paint and it all looks like new again. You've got some very thoughtful neighbors.

  35. I like wicker too but I don't have a covered porch or a screen porch to house it - Jayme has some brown pieces on her screened porch and they put on storm windows so they can stay out there all winter.

    I think your white pieces always looks so fresh in your photos - where do you store all those pieces for the winter?

  36. All the "new" wicker is very pretty Kathleen! You have good friends looking out for you! I wish I had a covered porch so I could have wicker too.

  37. Oh my, I love all of your wicker! You are so lucky to get all of the free items especially! That teeny chair is adorable!! You have nice friends who think of you if the find wicker. You are very lucky to have them!


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