Monday, August 16, 2010

Tabletop Bargains~ WS for .45?

Last week The Tablescaper and I went shopping.  We jumped in the Bargain Bus and headed WEST.   Our first stop was the Dollar Tree.  I am saving that for another time.

Next stop Savers, my very first time! My friend Marigene at In the Middle of Nowhere always finds good things there.  I never heard of it till she mentioned it!

And then on to  Christmas Tree Shops.

table 4556

Empire weighted sterling…table 4569

4.99 Savers

table 4570

Next, 5 little Teddy Bear Napkin Rings, complete with original price stickers of 2.49 ea., 5 / 1.99

table 4558

Green napkins…4/4.00

table 4560

I thought they might go well with these plates from Villeroy and Boch I have.  You can see them in a tablescape here.

I also got 8 of these mini cornucopias for .99.  Cute for napkin rings or place markers.

table 4564

table 4561

Green frosted glass bananas, 1.49.  I thought I would use them to hold cole slaw or a chopped salad, but Mike thinks they are for Banana splits!  1.49

Cute aluminum lidded bowls.  I got 4, they were 1.99 ea. 

Moving on to Christmas Tree Shops…

table 4567

Made in Portugal soup bowls 1.00, moo cow milk pitcher 2/1.

table 4572

Aqua plate .84

Cotton valances .47 cents.  I can get 4 napkins out of one.

The aqua napkin rings were .25 at WSonoma outlet…

and the tan napkins were .49 less 10%

table 4571

Hope you enjoyed the shopping trip!  And I bet your feet don’t even hurt!  :)

What would you have bought?

Part 2 next  week!

Please join Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. You get better prices from W-S than I do at the thrift stores!!! Lovin' the napkins (yes all of them!), and the candlesticks are very pretty-enjoy:@)

  2. Great deals Kathleen!
    I love those little cow pitchers and I would have grabbed those so quickly!
    We have a savers around us but no Christmas Tree Shoppe, I sure wish we did!
    Funny how we gals get a kick out of seeing other people's deals. It must be a female gene of something.

  3. What a great set of treasures. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. You can bet whatever I bought wouldn't have been on sale. I have no luck, Larry said, the entire store could be on sale, except for what I grab! You did great! Definitely put banana splits in there if I ever come to visit. NOT COLE SLAW :) Bananas Foster would be ok, too!

  5. Great deals! Thanks for stopping over and commenting. I wish I had a Christmas Tree Shop near me, but then might be dangerous!! :)

    I'm a new follower!

  6. I am SO jealous!! I'm dying to check out a Christmas Tree Shop. We don't have one nearby. Awesome deals!
    xoxo Pattie

  7. Do you think I can convince my husband that it would be cost- effective for me to fly up and shop with you? :)

  8. Great finds at great prices!!!
    I like shopping with you...didn't even leave my chair!

  9. Kathleen, you find THE BEST BARGAINS! What deals you got on some great stuff. I'm just a little jealous - actually a LOT jealous, but I was trying to not say that. I don't think there is a Savers near me. Shoot! I guess I'll have to come up there and visit you! laurie

  10. I would have bought it all too. Wow, you really did find some fabulous bargains. I love it all. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  11. Kathleen, great bargains! Can't wait to see the new "scapes" with all your finds. I need to check out the Savers here. I've never been.
    Have a great week. ~ Sarah

  12. Other than Dollar Tree, don't have any of these options! What a deal on the silver candlesticks!

  13. I might have bought them all. I've started thinking about fall and the holidays and definitely need a trip to Christmas Tree. Thanks for stopping by Buttercup's. I definitely think I need another trip out east soon. Your blog is great. Will definitely be stopping by again.

  14. find such wonderful deals. It always amazes me! Lovely.

  15. I can not believe the deals you are getting there. I just may weep. I have lamented before how when they mark something down for clearance here they take 10% off if we are lucky and then they wonder why no one buys it. I love to shop in the US

  16. I'm telling you, you have to be the QUEEN OF THE do get the best things. I surely wish we had a WS outlet close....I love every single thing you bought.
    Very nice....

  17. It was so much fun being there with the Queen of Shoppers!!! Who else could I have spent all of those hours pouring over every little thing with? We had a ball.

    While at Costco today, I slipped into Savers. Nothing new, but I did have to pick up some amethyst cups and saucers that I passed up last week.

    Can't wait to do it with you again!

    - The Tablescaper

  18. A day of retail therapy with a friend is the best! You got some nice bargains.

  19. I'm with Laurie=- I'm a lot jealous of all your finds! LOL Never heard of a Savers Store. I do need to hit the $ Tree- it's been ages since I've been there. I LOVE the rooster napkins in the header photo. Where did those babies come from? Mr. S is doing very well, to answer your question. Health is A-OK, still working on the knee flexion so he can get it to at least 90 degrees. Little hard to go upstairs without it. Otherwise, it's two footsteps on each stair, like he does it now. It will come eventually...
    lots of hugs to you, my friend- Sue

  20. I love your finds, Kathleen...especially that little cow pitcher! I haven't seen one just like that Lovely new header, too! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  21. "Last week The Tablescaper and I went shopping" Waaaaaa, I wanna come too!!!!

    I want those candlestick holders!!

    I want that cow milk pitcher!!!

    I want the banana bowls, too!

    You did GOOD, Lady!!

    Can't wait to see them all in their proper places on upcoming tables.


  22. Beautiful sterling candle holders. Looks like the two of you had a wonderful and successful day! I keep hoping for a CTS or WS outlet near me..sigh.

  23. I might fill those green bananas with cream cheese covered with red pepper jelly and serve it with rye crisps on the side. Great for Mexican many times. Also pink dip, which is Picante blended with cream cheese in a blender, would look pretty in these bowls, too....for a pink and green touch to those gorgeous white & black Villeroy & Boch plates. You scored some great gets on your shopping trip. Thanks for stopping by my post and meet Miss Peg Nappy. Cherry Kay

  24. The Bargain Bus, I love it!
    The Savers I go to has so much nice stuff...I would go there every day if I lived closer. The candlesticks are great, and a great price, too. I have to agree with Mike, those are for banana splits!
    So when does the Bargain Bus head out on it's next shopping expedition?

  25. What great treasures you found. Love everything!!


  26. Wow those are great deals. We don't have either of those. However I looked up Savers and put in my zip code and it brought up Value Village which IS local. I've been there a few times but need to go back. I love a treasure hunt.

    I'm with Mike..Banana Splits!

  27. I can't believe the bargains you find. I wish they had a Christmas Tree shop around here. Why do they call it Christas tree shops if they sell all kinds of things?


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