Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lazy, Crazy Days of Summer

Last weekend it was this…

table 4491

This weekend it is this…much more casual attire!

table 4526

Nana and Grandpa babysitting for our 4 gkids!  The Bay is about 100 ft away, but it is easier to keep track of them here, and there are jelly fish in the Bay!  Ouch. 

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful Summer Sunday! 

In another month or so these summer blooms will be history!

table 4524

table 4552

table 4527

Rose of Sharon as seen through my dining room doors.

table 4553

I HAVE to prune my hydrangeas.  They are growing over the garage windows. 

And look how tall they are getting here!  If I don’t cut them back they will be up to the roof next year.Some people say never cut them…I have to disagree!

Here is a very good article on pruning hydrangea.

I am joining Laurie for Favorite Things, and The Tablescaper for Summer Sundays.  Thanks for hosting.

The Tablescaper and I had a marathon shopping trip Thurs., but I will save that for another post!  :) I will just say my maiden voyage to Savers that my friend  Marigene at In the Middle of Nowhere always talks about, was a lot of fun!  I will go back for sure.


  1. That water slide looks like a lot of fun, I'll bet the kids loved it!

  2. Oh, I'm sure those little kiddos are having a great time!! Keep cool and your flowers are so lovely.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Late... again. ;-) The wedding pics are beautiful... love the color choices. I want those shoes, too!!!

    The gkids look like they are having a grand time!

    Ahhh, the summer blooms... soooo beautiful and your yard so green. I am anxiously awaiting fall... triple digits here in the desert southwest. Fall is my favorite time of year.

    Have a great afternoon,

  4. Oh what beautiful flowers Kathleen!
    And look how fun it is to be a kid!
    I want to be one again!
    Can't wait to see your goodies!

  5. One weekend at a wedding and the next weekend wet! How cute.

    Love the flowers, but am looking forward to cooler weather.

    It is so hot and humid here.

    So who do you know from Atlanta -to look at those bloggers and I do wish you could have come.

    It is a long drive from where you are.


  6. That is quite the water blow up piece of play equipment! Very cool. I bet you score big with that one! Quite the weekend contrasts. Bet you'll be taking it easy after your action packed weekend!!
    Thanks so much for that link on pruning hydrangeas. I need all the help I can get! :0)

  7. I remember the wedding post. It was beautiful.
    Looks like a great weekend this time around too!

  8. Looks like fun! Did you go down the slide too????

    So sorry about all of the difficulties linking up.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Summer Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Lovely photos, looks like a busy time and lots of fun times. The flowers and garden look beautiful.

  10. Looks great fun to be a kid at your house :) Not a fan of jellyfish, there were always so many in the bay here, too!

  11. I'm glad my little grands can't see what you have for yours! Mine are happy with the little snake thing that attaches to the hose...of course at one and three, they don't know about those big things yet! Looks like fun:)

  12. Oh Kathleen, I'm sure not showing my grands this post! What fun your grands must have had! Your flowers are beautiful, and I love the drapery fabric in your d.r. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things, and I hope you are getting some well-deserved rest. laurie

  13. Hi Kathleen! It looks as though you have a delightful summer Sunday on a beautiful day. Don't you just hate the thought of all the flowers going away in the next month? I noticed today that chrysanthemums are showing up at the nursery so I guess that's a hint.

  14. Hi Kathleen!

    I'm on the west coast tonight ..on vacation :)

    I love that water slide and pool! I'm sure your grands loved that!

    Was the Savers in Bayshore? My brother told me about one that opened up there.

    Thanks for the hydrangeous link!

  15. You did have a wonderful weekend! Good for you!!! Wishing you a grand week! Cathy

  16. How fun, makes me wish I was a kid again. Your flowers are gorgeous, Kathleen...Christine

  17. Beautiful wedding photographs! I love all of your photographs, looks like a fun summer and I love beautiful flowers too!

    Have a great week!

    Nancy's Notes

  18. Loved your photos -- and your grandson IS adorable. He would make a dashing match for our grandgirls!


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