Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oh Say Does that Star Spangled Banner yet Wave…

Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

table 2749 table 098 table 3014 All of these pictures are of Peconic Bay, Southampton, NY

If you have not seen this on youtube, you may want to watch.

I found it very moving! Thank you to all of you  who have children, spouses or family members  serving.  I keep them in my prayers.

A special prayer for Major Chris Meyers, USMC who served in Iraq and is now in Afghanistan..His parents, wife and children eagerly await his safe return…


Click on the thumbnail  that says watch again..

I am joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday. 

Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Very touching. My prayers go out to Captain Meyers.

    Great Outdoor Wednesday post, Kathleen!


  2. I was lucky enough to be able to clap hands for, and shake hands with, a platoon of soldiers returning from Iraq in an airport once. It was very emotional!

    God bless and protect Captian Meyers!

    ♥ Pat

  3. Great post. God bless Captain Meyers.

  4. I love this! We are a military family, and one of my most favorite things is going to see a movie on a military base. In every part of the world, no matter what base you're on - it's always the same. Just prior to the movie starting, everyone in the theater rises and stands at attention as they play the National Anthem. It brings tears to my eyes every time.

  5. This is a lovely post and wonderful photos.

    However, I thought I was going to see a tablescape for Memorial Day. LOL Goes to show you where my mind is all the time...dishes, dishes, dishes. :)


  6. Perfectly beautiful.....
    I have not had enough blog time lately...So glad that I stopped by..Be sure and stop by main blog and read about a miracle.

  7. Keeping Captain Meyers and his family in my prayers!

  8. Lovely photos and a very moving video that brough a tear to my eye. Thanks for sharing it.

  9. that was such a lovely and moving video, thanks so much for sharing it. We all need to be so grateful for our military and their families for what they sacrifice for us!!
    It is so hard on them all emotionally and in every way.
    God Bless America and our Wonderful Servicemen and women and their families!!
    Blessing to each of you, Nellie

  10. Beautiful Kathleen! I am long overdue for a Hamptons visit! And not to worry - it was windy by us too. We just really wanted to go.

  11. God Bless Captain Meyers! Great post, thank you, Kathleen.

  12. Lovely post, Kathleen! Will keep them all in my prayers!

  13. What a great video - very touching and makes you remember all of the men and women overseas.
    Will say a prayer for Chris and his family for his safe and speedy return. All of my relatives are back now stateside, we've been very blessed that no harm came to any of them.
    Thanks for such a great post...we all need a reminder now and then.

  14. Thank you for posting the video . Very touching and a great reminder of all our military men and women and how important their service is for our freedom and safety. What a sacrifice they and their families make for all of us.

    And a heartfelt thank you and positive thoughts and prayers to Major Chris Meyers, USMC and his parents, wife, and children ...

  15. Kathleen, that video brought tears to my eyes. My prayers go up for Major Meyers and his family. what a touching post. laurie

  16. Thank you Major Meyers for serving for our country. Prayers for you and your family as they miss you as well.

    Great post Kathleen.

  17. Yes, lots of prayers for Major Meyers.

  18. Wonderful post, Kathleen. Hats off to all of our servicemen!


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