Monday, April 19, 2010


Last summer, I saw these big green plates in Pottery Barn…But they were too much..

I went back the next week, it was a few dollars less and I weakened..

table 3761I only bought 2..because they were big and heavy and I knew they would be very hard to conceal from the Dish Policeman..:)

Then I had “should have bought more remorse”.  I went back and now they were back to full price, although supposedly “on sale”??

I mentioned this to a sales lady at Pottery Barn Outlet, and she said, “Wait, they will go back down.”  Not!

And worse, they were all gone..So I will have to be happy with 2!

I put it on a pedestal, it worked..So it would be good on a buffet filled with cookies or finger sandwiches..

table 3763 Don’t you love the texture?

And then I used it for to serve dinner…The Big Salad..

table 3764 Spinach, chunks of chicken cutlets done in a little terriyaki sauce, red onion, feta cheese, toasted pecans..

I had cooked some extra rice last night so I made rice patties instead of rice balls.  Beat the eggs, salt, pepper, grated cheese, mozzarella, parsley, garlic and minced onions.  Mix in the cooked rice.  Make a patty and pat some seasoned bread crumbs on both sides.  Have a scant amount of oil good and hot in your pan.  Quickly brown on both sides…Remove and keep warm in the oven..don’t let them dry out..serve with some marinara on the side. 

table 3769

I use Fat Free Raspberry dressing on mine.  The man who never gains a pound?  You don’t want to know!

table 3766

I do love this plate..

table 3762It’s called Chrysanthemum..I is huge.. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Beautiful!! You have a Dish Policeman too? Mine does find dining on my "finds" to be delicious so it all works out in the end. Hey, they are my therapy and I'd be spending a lot more if I actually saw a therapist!

    By the way, your photographs are amazing. I'm working on mine but have a lot of snapping to do before I even become close to what you do.


  2. What a great plate!!! It was worth the splurge. They are magnificent.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Kathleen you never fail to make me smile!

    I think $8 was a steal ..too bad they were all sold out.

    Your rice patties looked so good!

  4. Hi Kathleen! OOOH! I love that gorgeous plate. I've never seen one like it! I'm like Pat, I think $8 was a good price! Love it elevated like that! Your salad looks beautful and I'm sure it was so tasty!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Looks beautiful and one of my favorite colors....

  6. Oh I love the plates too! Gorgeous!

    I wonder if they have any at my Pottery Barn;)?


  7. Kathleen, I just love the plates! Your salad looks so delicious and I plan to make the rice patties, they sound delicious also!

  8. There are no dish police in my house because my guy likes to snowmobile and quad so those items cost thousands. I could buy one heck of a lot of dishes before I hit that mark.
    Your salad looks divine. I love spinach. Pecans. Oh ya. I usually add dried cranberries into it too.

  9. YES! I love them. I know what you mean with the "I should have bought more" feeling. Now I try to buy "more" and if I get the "Oh I wish I only bought two" feeling I can bring them back.

    Funny thing is...I've never had that feeling. I am always happy I bought more rather then less LOL

    Don't you hate that darn plate police? I have one too. My sister says my plates have taken over the whole house. I thought about it and have to say "Is that really a problem?" :)


  10. Yes, these plates are pretty special. Who knows there may be more to come in your future. You never know. The salad is calling my name. Yum! It looks delicious.

  11. I like the dishes a lot. They work perfect as serving dishes. And the rice patties look wonderful!


  12. That is a gorgeous plate - the salad looks super - the type of meal I like!

  13. Kathleen, that is a great plate! I would be happy with two :-)

  14. I'll keep an eye out for these for you, Kathleen...they are beautiful plates with such wonderful texture & color variations.
    The salad looks yummalicious & your rice cakes are very interesting sounding. Never made those but will try doing them very soon. Thanks!

  15. I wonder if all your other plates are feeling left out:)? Truly..and LOVE this plate..I don't blame you~

  16. Love those dishes - and your dinners! You always serve up something delicious here!

  17. I do love that plate, Kathleen. It's large enough so you can use it as a servingi place, and at least you bought two. Whenever I go back to try to buy more of something it's always sold out. You would think I'd learn.

    You chicken salad looks delish.

  18. The plate is great and what you served looks pretty darn good, too.
    Rice patties...great idea. :0)

  19. I have one od those dish policemen, well I could also count my father in that because he and my husband band together, lol!! LOVE the plate, and the salad. Yum, yum...looks so good and I can probably fit that into my diet!!

  20. Yummy display! Love Pottery Barn.

  21. I love the plate too, Kathleeen, love the texture, color and pattern. And I love the food!...Christine

  22. Okay what world is your Pottery Barn in?? I have never seen anything there for $8.00!!.....The plate is how you put it on a pedestal...and your salad looks delicious...

  23. $8 is not too much. I have a dish policeman too....

    The plate is absolutely beautiful. I am a Pottery Barn girl....

  24. I love that plate too! And for 8.00 can't beat that!~ The meal looked delicious! I am glad you like my new kitchen redo:)

  25. but the dish police doesn't check your trunk, does he? LOL, at least you got two! OMG, I know all about that I should gotten it remorse!

    Salad looks great! Love the cutlets, so will Mimi :) Wonder if she'll like mine better than yours? LOLOL!

  26. Beautiful! I love it - it's a great plate. I had to laugh about the dish policeman - I sort of have one of those, too. It seems most of us do. LOL

  27. Love that pedestal, but that salad is just fab. Oh, yes, I am the famous Nina that shops with Debbie @Confessions of a Plate Addict. We do have a ball together. When we arrive at GW, I "case the joint" and skim the surface. Debbie looks in between, searches underneath. We make a good team of thoroughness with our different shopping techniques! Linda

  28. Beautiful plates, Kathleen. Could they be used as chargers? I like that you made one into a pedestal...perfect. I can't believe the 'Dish Policeman' would complain about them...just stuff them in the cupboard and act like you have had them for years! Whatever you do, make no eye contact or he'll know they are new! The food looks and sounds delicious, too.

  29. Looking at your beautfiul pictures when I am hungry is torture!

  30. I agree with you and the rest of the commenters, that place is beautiful and elevating it what shear genius. Did you just happen to have the perfect pedestal? Amazing. Your dinner certainly deserves and $8.00 plate! Thanks for sharing it.

  31. Num,num,num, Kathleen! And beautiful plates too! Is your dish police named hubby? hehe. Oh, but look how good he get's to eat! Cindy

  32. Great dish and you should not ahve passed it up!

    Does hubby know he is the Dish Police? Haha!

    I do it too--"You mean you never noticed this before???" :0)

  33. That plate is gorgeous Kathleen! Would have been worth it to buy more even at full price but now that you can only have two, they will be all the more special to you! Your salad is so yummy looking too!


  34. Okey Dokey - what did I miss? I love "The Plate" too - but you put it on a pedestal in one pic. I don't just happen to have a pedestal lying around my house. What did you use (or buy, or sneak in past the policeman) as a pedestal - I need some help here. Yes, I LOVE that plate!

  35. I LOVE this plate and I sure would have bought at least 2 of them.

    I have a plate cop in my household. Too bad he doesn't look in the laundry room that's where all the good stuff is!

  36. Thid is a beautiful plate! Sorry you didn't get more. I've done that so many times, I've started just going ahead and buying when it doubt, then returning them if I change my mind (or the dish policeman catches me! LOL!)

    Your food looks delicious!


  37. Hi Kathleen,
    They are gorgeous plates, so very lovely and that salad looks mighty fine too!! lol
    I love those flower type plates. Pier one has a lot of those, and I think be still my heart and want to buy some but then think where in the world are you gonna put them girl!!
    Sometimes you just have to love them from a far!! lol
    They do look nice on the pedestal
    so would be great like you said on a buffet table as well.
    Have a great day tomorrow,
    Blessings, Nellie

  38. Love the plates! I just came across your blog, and I have to say that maybe tonight wasn't the best time to look because now I'm absolutely STARVING!!!! So many yummy-looking things here! :)

    Love the blog!
    ~ ~

  39. love the plates! & would love to know what all's in that salad! LOL

  40. Those plates are gorgeous! $8.00 sounds like a great price. Love the idea of rice patties. That looks soooo good. laurie

  41. You did splurge but it's beautiful plate! I'm sorry you didn't get the others but then the dish police might have nabbed you for sure!

  42. thanks for visiting, I came back for a second look & there they were..the ing. LOL I must of been in hunger mode when I 1st saw it LOL


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