Monday, March 8, 2010

Tabletop Tuesday

I am joining Marty at A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday..

Just a few of my Irish things..

table 3335


This is a Peggy Karr plate.  Do you know about her?  I didn’t either until a few years ago.  My friend, Cynthia, has a huge collection of them..amazing collection, and got us all interested.. If you look closely you can find the four leaf clover…see it??

table 865

Check out all the amazing designs.  I have one rectangle plate, and one that Cynthia sent me…

I wish she would do a guest post here and show you her collection!

table 3271I made some Popovers for you…Some Northern hospitality…:)

table 3270I made them in a molten lava pan…I got the recipe here, Carol’s , There’s Always Thyme to Cook… via Ina I believe..

table 3325

With some butter and jam?  Blueberry from Trader Joe’s..

table 3330Have a cup of tea, too…Always time to have tea with a friend..:)

Yesterday was my birthday and I bought myself some cooking/table related gifts…I always know just what to get me!

I’ll show them to you soon!

Thanks for coming…and I renewed my membership with Mr. Linky today, so he better be ready for the party on the 16th.. Hope you are coming!


  1. Happy Birthday! Isn't it funny how the best present can be the ones we get for ourself!

    Love all your Irish items. You sure do have a lot.

    That pop over looks yummy. I'll be right over! :)


  2. Love your table top and plate. I had to look all over for that 4 leaf clover. Now that song is stuck in my head!!!! I have never had popovers, but yours look wonderful!

  3. Happy Birthday to a real sweetheart! I hope you had a wonderful day!

  4. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kathleen, happy birthday to you. I hope you had a wonderful day.

    Love the looks of those popovers. Wish I could "popover" for one with a cup of tea.

  5. Oh wow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I wish I was there to give you a big Birthday hug.

    Your frame, baby shoe and angel are just stunning. What beautiful pieces.

    Now as for the Popovers, wow, I would love to have one and a cup of tea. They look wonderful.

    Hope your day is a great one. Hugs, Marty

  6. Happy Birthday! And thanks for celebrating with all of us! I could pop a popover in my mouth right now!!~

  7. Happy Birthday - I can't wait to see what you treated yourself too :)

    I love all of your Irish pieces and yes, it took me a while to find the 4-leaf clover but find it I did! The popovers look fantastic - they are a favorite here with honey butter.

    Looking forward to joining you on the 16th.

    Isn't it true that we always know just what to buy ourselves....Let me guess you got dishes??...Come on don't keep us guessing....Post!
    Your popovers look wonderful....and I love the white plate in the last picture....

  9. What pretty things, I had to look a few times for the 4 leaf clover, but I finally see it :)

  10. I love all your St. Patrick's Day stuff! The little frame is so sweet. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Happy belated birthday Kathleen...I just love all your fun Irish items and your popovers and tea look devine :)


  12. Happy birthday my dear. I hope you did something fun and that s and dil came through with something amazing! Love all of your treasures.

    - The Tablescaper

  13. I love popovers and haven't made them in ages. I'll have to look for my popover pan now!

    I love all your Irish pieces. I didn't find the 4 leaf clover - I'll have to go have another look.


  14. Happy Birthday to you friend...I love buying my own birthday gift! lol That little picture frame is adorable and the popover looks fantastic! Hope you have a great week! ~Picket~

  15. Happy Belated birthday. Ooooh, b/d shopping. I can sooo relate! Your pieces are very pretty!

  16. I have a large Peggy Karr Christmas platter. I love it! Her things are all wonderful.

    This is all so pretty and the popover looks so wonderful. Nicely done!

  17. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Kathleen!

    Your Irish things are beautiful!

    Thanks so much for the popover. Haven't had one in ages!

  18. Oh my goodness, the baby shoe is too cute. And yes, I found the four leaf clover! Wonderful.

  19. Hi Kathleen,

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Your Irish items are beautiful, and your popovers ... well, those like like a li'l bit o' heaven right here on earth! Gorgeous photos as well. Nicely done!


  20. A belated very happy birthday to you, friend! What wonderful Irishness you have at your house! That plate is gorgeous, and I love the Irish vignette on the table. I'd sure like to pop over to your place and have one of those popovers. They look so delicious. laurie

  21. Evening, Kathleen! Oh, your Irish tabletop is just adorable and that plate! I've never heard of her so I'll have to go and check it out. The popover looks so delicious!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. What a cute Irish that a picture of you in the frame?

    Those popovers are best looking I have seen in years! I never hear of anyone making them, anymore...they are so good.

  23. Happy Birthday Kathleen! I remember your Peggy Karr plate, it is gorgeous and looks so Irish with the shamrocks. The popovers make my mouth water! Very pretty Irish tea setting too. Can't wait to see your bday presents!


  24. Happy belated birthday Kathleen! I will be away the 16th but I'll be autoposting my St. Pat's post and i hope I can pop online on my son's computer to drop in the link on Mr. Lonky..when will you have that on your blog? Will it be there the night of the 15th?or the morning of the 16th?

    I love popovers! these looks so yummy!

    ♥ Pat

  25. Happy Birthday!

    Your decor is sweet and I spotted the 4 leaf clover!

  26. Of course I meant Mr Linky ..not Mr Lonky!

  27. Happy Birthday Kathleen!
    Those are the most perfect popovers I think I have ever seen! And your table is lovely... save a seat for me! I'll have a cuppa Earl Grey, please.

  28. Happy Birthday! The plate is beautiful. I found the 4 leaf one!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  29. Oh, I wish I was in Ireland...but since I can't be there now, I am happy to be in your bloghouse. I love those popovers! I'm posting your party on my sidebar--can't wait! I am going to semi cook something for a change.

  30. Happy Birthday Kathleen..
    I'm so happy you found yourself the perfect gift and I agree, no one knows what we want like we do. The table setting is lovely and the pop overs look super yummy..I so want to join you for your party and I'm posting it on my sidebar. We cant have enough IRISH, can we..

  31. What a delightful gathering of Irish items, Kathleen! I was not aware of Peggy Karr, but you can bet I'm going to investigate more.

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I can't wait to see your presentos you found for yourself. :D

    The popovers look really yummy, too!

    I'm excited about your party & have been photographing all week long.

  32. Kathleen,
    Happy Birthday (even a day or two late). I celebrate the whole month! Hope you got yourself some neat stuff.

    Love your table and the plate is gorgeous. Great popovers.


  33. Your tabletops look so beautiful. Please take a minute to pop over to my place too. I would love to have you at Terra Del Sole (Land of the Sun).

    Your Irish items looks so delightful.

  34. Kathleen, what wonderful looking popovers ... They definitely "popped". :)

    You know I love your PK platter and the hydrangea definitely enhances it.

    I hope you have a wonderful turnout for your St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl. (And yes, I read your comment about guest blogging.)

  35. The popovers look scrumptious! I made some once -- they turned out well. I think I might have used a muffin pan? You are right -- they are not common in the South.

    It's time to try them again!


  36. Pop overs!! They so remind me of my aunt in Ma. She used to cook those for us. Cool dish!! Hope you had a wonderful B-day.

    nannykim at

  37. Oh, wow those popovers look fantastic! Well everything you cook looks fantastic. Like you Irish plate, how neat.

  38. Those popovers looks tasty!!! You certainly have a lot of Irish in your collection- beautiful clover.

  39. Your popovers look delicious! And the lacy plates are beautiful!!
    That was a cute story about your grandson! :-)
    I'm having a giveaway on my blog, so be sure to stop by.

  40. Happy birthday sweet lady!

    The tablescape that you have posted this week is so utterly charming and pretty with all those cheerful greens and Irish motifs!

    This is my second time ever joining this delightful meme. Precious Marty's, 'Tablescape Tuesday' is such a pleasurable treat and a joy to partake in!~ I so enjoy meeting as many of you, my fellow participants, as I'm able to visit!

    You are most warmly invited and welcome my dear lady, to visit my little tea party 'in my little corner of the blogging world' as well my dear!..,

    This week's theme is a little bit 'dream-like', with partly an Alice In Wonderland 'feeling';(although it's not about that lovely story per se)~It is just that my post for this week is rather whimsical in nature; a ladies Spring afternoon tea, set in my dressing room closet,(next to my dressing table)..,It's been alot of fun!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

  41. You have so many beautiful Irish things! Love the baby shoe!

    Yes, I know about the Peggy Karr glass, a neighbor introduced it to me a few years ago, she collects it. They sell it at a shop at St. Augustine!

    Those popovers look delicious!

    Happy Belated Birthday!


  42. Don't we always know just what to get for ourselves??? LOL. I love that PK plate but I'll be darned if I can find the 4-leaf clover!

    Delicious and perfect-looking popovers!

  43. So sorry I missed your birthday, dear one. I am so far behind on my sorry. I've had so many things going on...painting a room, doing lots of basketball cheering, grandmotherly things right and left....whew...I'm gettin' too old for all this!!

  44. I've never, in my entire looong life, made popovers...I just have to give them a try. These are so luscious and beautiful.


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