Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Shamrocks are Coming…Hello Dolly ♣

Thank you for your birthday wishes and songs!  I loved them all!

I bought myself these dishes for my birthday.  Actually I bought them the  day I shopped with The Tablescaper, but tucked them away so I would be surprised for my birthday.  :)

TJMAXX…and they are four leaf clovers, not shamrocks….I know…

table 3371I started with a black tablecloth , then an off white and green check mat.

table 3375

Matching napkins, and green cabbage bowls for the soup..

Green glass charger plates by Gorham that I got at Lenox..50% off, so they were 5.00.  They go perfectly with the glasses and this beautiful green glass cake plate from CTS..less than 4.00..can you believe that?

table 3374 

The Tablescaper gave me the beautiful matching platter for my birthday..Thank you, A.!

table 3367I used dark green stems with a bee on them from CTS…

 table 3379

And the pretty Irish coffee glasses I won at Designs by Gollum..Thank you ML!

table 3378

Ceramic shamrock with wipe off marker as a place marker..

I used carnations as the centerpiece the first time…

table 3369But then I felt bad for Paddy.  His cousin starred in a table of Susan’s…so I let him take center stage..

I removed the check mats, and put him in the middle and added black stem glasses…

table 3382table 3384

Well, that concludes Irish tables..except for the one for the party on the 16th..you are coming, aren’t you?  I set in the dining room so we would have more room..:) 

And now for the doll part.

table 3065My  dear sister makes these.  She has made 100’s over the years.  Like this Irish one, or the traditional Raggedy Ann or Andy.

table 3067 

She hand embroiders the face and puts the name on the pocket for Ann, and collar for Andy…The hair is done by hand also.

They are beautiful..I still have the Andy she made for my son over 30 years ago…a wonderful memento..

She sells them and donates all the money to charity.

Or donates them to charities for a raffle…

She is an amazing woman.  Her son was hit by a car and killed when he was 18, and her dear  little grandson is seriously disabled due to a lack of oxygen when he was an infant.  With all that heartache, she still has such compassion for others, and is so charitable…

If you have an little prayer in you for her little guy,Thomas,  I know she would love it..

2045205ce9qainhj2Thanks for visiting, and please visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for more tables Wed. night..

I hope to see you for Gollum’s Foodie Friday..


  1. Your table and your dishes are just wonderful. What a fantastic birthday present. Your carnations are lovely and so is Mr. Paddy. Both tables are just fabulous. The doll is such a treasure. My heart just acked as I read the grief your sister has had. Such a precious angel she is. My thoughts and prayers will be with her and her grandson. God Bless. Marty

  2. Well Happy Belated Birthday Kathleen!
    This just is one of the most charming, fun tables~ I love the shamrock dishes, the Mr. Paddy, the black with the green and how you always have the most perfect touch!
    I am sorry for your sister's sorrow. The raggedy irish doll is just so wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. Happy B'Day to you! Your table is lovely. Your sister is truly amazing and has a great outlook given her heavy burden.

  4. Don't you love buying birthday presents for yourself!!? You did good too...the shamrock (4 leaf clover- lucky!) plates are lovely and so fitting for you with all your Irish accessories! The carnations were nice but when its St. Pat's day you are decorating for, you should have Paddy - he's terrific! I would love to have those cabbage bowls! Your sister is so talented and generous making those cute dolls for charity. Certainly, she is someone to be admired for her strength in the face of adversity.


  5. Love the table girl and the green checked mats are just perfect...love that green cake plate for just $4!!! Your sister is such a sweetheart and what beautiful talent in those precious dolls..God bless her and lift her up...great post sweetie...hope you have a great week! ~Picket~

  6. First of all, they have my prayers! What a heartache for her to go through. My brother was killed in a car accident when he was 18 and my mom never got over it.

    How darling are those tablescapes! I love how you turned the placemats around. I love them that way! I've never thought to do that either.

    What a fun surprise you got for your birthday. I'm happy you hid them from yourself so you would be surprised. LOL

    YES! I'm coming to the party! I'll be there.


  7. Erin go Bragh! YOur table is a perfect salute to the Irish. So festive and well put together!
    Your dear sister. What a labor of love! I prayed for Thomas. I'll put him on my prayer list.
    Thanks for sharing this great table and your touching story about your sister and her giving heart!

  8. I love your beautiful birthday dishes Kathleen! They are perfect for the month of March and for spring. Both tablescapes are perfect, but I do have a soft spot for Paddy! :-)

    I am so sorry to hear about the sorrows in your sister's life. As the dear Sisters would tell us in school, those are heavy cosses to bear. I will certainly keep her and her family in my prayers.

    The dolls she handcrafts are so beautiful! I wish I had a grand daughter so I could buy one for her. You'll have to give me more information about them as I have lots of nieces and nephews with young families that might be interested in them. It's truly wonderful that she donates the profits to charity.

    I'm doing a post for the St.Pat's crawl..a little different, but meaningful, I hope!

    ♣ Pat

  9. Little Miss Irish, that is a cute Irish table, even with the 4-leaf clover plates! Love the cake plate and bee glasses.
    Your sister's Irish Raggedy Kathleen doll is adorable...oh to be so talented.
    My prayers to Thomas.
    Can't wait to see your "real" St. Pat's table!

  10. What a darling doll that your sister made! I've always loved Raggedy Ann. She was one of my favorite dolls. How terrible that there has been so much sadness in her life.

    There's so much to see in your tablescapes. The cabbage bowls and the four-leaf clover dishes are fantastic. I really love all your green glass pieces especially the bee glasses.

  11. Kathleen, I saw the clear bee glasses at CTS but not the green ones. They have your name written all over them! You sure know how to dress an Irish table, and the four leaf clover plates and platter are a wonderful addition this year. What a bargain on the cake plate. Your sister is very gifted, and has put a smile on many faces with her Raggedy dolls. I will always keep dear Thomas in my prayers.

  12. What a wonderful birthday present to yourself! Those are beautiful dishes and all the green glassware is the perfect accent.

    I have a 30+ year old raggedy andy of my son's that I am saving for a future grandbaby to pass on too. Your sister does a wonderful job - the irish version is very beautiful.

  13. Happy Birthday! Those clover plates are perfect for you! Great tablescape with all the pretty green! I like the one with the two little figurines best! ;-)

    Love the Irish Raggedy doll your sweet sister made! I said a prayer for her, and her little grandson.


  14. Beautiful Irish table, Kathleen! Your sister is an amazing woman. Her Raggedy Ann is just beautiful! So creative and so generous. My heart and prayers go out to her and your nephew Thomas.

  15. Where do I start??? This is my favorite table so far..can't even imagine how you are going to top this! I love the dishes and stemware. I have the clear bee glasses but the green are so striking.
    The raggedy doll is so cute - quite the talent..I will keep Thomas in my prayers always.

  16. Those dishes are just wonderful! You set a beautiful table. I have never seens St. Patricks Day dishes. Ever!
    I am so sorry for your sister and I wonder why some people have things like that happen to them. It makes my heart ache. I have had things happen...but (please God!) not to one of my children.
    She sounds like the dearest of people and you are lucky to have one another!
    Love and hugs,

  17. Where do I start?? You just keep out doing yourself with every post, Kathleen!!

    I am so happy you were able to snag those 4-leaf clover plates! Our TJM had only 3 left so I passed on them. ~kick~kick~ I should know better. They're beautiful & how nice of A. to get you the matching platter. I want to go shopping with you guys, too!

    I will say a little prayer for Thomas. Your sister must have a heart of gold. I think its genetic.


  18. Oh, your table is too much fun. The dancers are fabulous. I would love a pair like that.

  19. Hi Kathleen....love the new plates and those glasses from CTS are great....I need to have Nunze run over again on her lunch hour and see what they have new in....do you think I have a shooping addiction when I cross state lines...The doll your sister made is adorable...she is very talented and generous...Looking forward to the crawl next week..

  20. Hi Kathleen...

    First of all, Happy Birthday, dear lady!!! What a sweet birthday present to yourself...I just adore your beautiful shamrock dishes!!! Oooh...and they look great with those beautiful green chargers and green cabbage bowls! The place setting is simply gorgeous...right down to the pretty green checked placemats and napkins! I love it!!! You know, I don't know if I would have thought to do this place setting on a black tablecloth but it's really beautiful! I think it shows off the dishes so well! Love your pretty green glasses too! Hmmm...I'm not sure which centerpiece I like best...they're both great! The pretty green and white carnations are more formal but Paddy is certainly more fun! Hehe! Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous St. Pat's Day table with us, Kathleen!

    Ohh...and I just adore raggedy Ann and Andy! Your sister is a very talented lady! I'm so sorry that she has faced such tragedy in her life! She must be a very special lady...and like you said, a very compassionate person to do so much for others! I have the greatest admiration for her! I have already said a prayer for her sweet little grandson...may the Lord bless and heal that baby!!!

    Thank you, my friend...for coming by for a visit and taking a peek at my Birds of a Feather tablescape...and for leaving me such a sweet note!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  21. O, this is all so pretty, K.
    I love every single thing about it. The little dolls your sis makes...so precious! She must be a special person...just like you!
    xo bj

  22. Just me, popping back in to ask two questions...
    1. Do you have a good EASY punch recipe..just want regular, natural color and I plan to float green sherbert in it...I had a recipe that I just loved and have NO idea where it is...7up and Gingerale??

    2. My mom made my kids little Rag. Ann and Andys and she embroidered I LOVE YOU with a big red heart on the bodies. Does your sis do this?
    Just wondered...:)
    my email...
    for the recipe....I KNOW you have one!

  23. Oh Kathleen, I love this tablescape! I'm really going to show my ignorance, but I thought a 4 leaf clover and a shamrock were the same thing! Those plates are so wonderful. Were you surprised on your b'day? You're so funny. The ceramic shamrcock for a place card is brilliant, and I love your green cabbage bowls and the green stemware with the bees! Everything on this tablescape(actually both tablescapes) is delightful! laurie

  24. Kathleen, this is an absolutely perfect tablescape for St. Patrick's Day. I loved every frame you showed us. It kept getting better and better. I really enjoyed your post. Thanks for your comments on mine. I can't imagine making that much soda bread. You are a better womman than I am.

  25. Kathleen, I got so excited about your tablescape, I forgot to tell you that, of course, I will add little Thomas to my prayers. What a beautiful Raggedy Ann! Your sister sounds like she's just as sweet as you. laurie

  26. I have made a discovery that my cupboard is lacking in Irish goods! You on the other hand are quite well stocked. Very lovely scape!!

  27. Kathleen, Your china is delightful! I don't believe I've seen any prettier. Love the placemats and the salad bowls too. Just gorgeous and love Raggedy Ann. A prayer for your sister and her loved ones...hugs, Beth

  28. I just love your new china. Your table is wonderful.

  29. Hi Kathleen! I'm so glad I stopped to meet you. Your table is so wonderful. It's just makes you smile to look at it.

  30. Kathleen, Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was wonderful! :-)

    Love your tablescape. Everything is so pretty and so very Irish which of course, we love! And I won't tell that those dishes are clovers instead of shamrocks if you won't! ;-) Love the cake stand the Tablescaper gave you. So pretty!

    And of course I have a prayer for your nephew and his grandmother, too. Right now, I'm asking the Lord in Jesus name to bless them both and to bless them mightily! And Dear Lord, bless Kathleen, too, while you're at it! :-)

    Your sister makes the most beautiful dolls, Kathleen, and I think that is terribly kind of her to donate the proceeds to charity. What a sweetheart!

    Wishing you all the best of everything Irish and lots of lots of green in the pot as well as the bank. May your coming year be as special as you are...

    Happy Tablescape Thursday!


    Sheila :-)

  31. Your table is about as Irish as can get! I love it!

  32. I love the crossing of your table runners. Your dishware is charming and so is your commentary. I love your Paddy! You set a charming table. Happy Birthday! Joni

  33. What a fun switch-a-roo tablescape! Love those dishes - great birthday gift! Saying a prayer for your sweet sister and her little sweetie -- Counting our blessings with our four grands as well. God Bless you and your family and hold all those you hold dear close!

  34. Hi Kathleen,Your table and your dishes are just wonderful...I love your beautiful birthday dishes...And Mr.Paddy is the Tops...My thoughts and prayers will be with you all...

  35. Happy Birthday! Your tablescape is fantastic fun...my daughters and I all have a thing for Raggedy Ann..yours is adorable.
    ♥, Susan

  36. And yet another fabulous St. Patrick's table from the house of Kathleen. I'm so happy you like the platter.

    Your sister has had a hard life. I'm sure you've been a great support system to her.

    - The Tablescaper

  37. Happy Belated Birthday Kathleen! Love, love, love your table! I like the shamrock/4 leaf clover dishes and all the special little touches. I have St. Patrick's day decorations all over my house and I am saving them up to share with YOU on the 16th! See you then!

  38. Happy Birthday Kathleen,
    Love this table, actually love all of your St Patricks Day tables. Those dishes are just so cute and your Mr Paddy puts my little guy to shame.
    He looks wonderful overseeing the table though. Too cute.
    See you at your party. :)

  39. Hi Kathleen - Love your post today and your beautiful table. You have a real flair for putting elements together so perfectly. I have green cabbage bowls just like yours and use them all the time.

    I'm sad to read about your sister's loss and about little Thomas. He has lots of prayers coming his way.

  40. I'm back again, just as good my second time around! Love it all!


  41. Beautiful table both ways! Love those dishes and that cake plate! I love these green jewel tones so much! Love those napkins too. The Raggedy Ann dolls! My mom made some for my girls and they are treasures. And what a sweet thing for your sister to do. Definitely some prayers for them both!

  42. Happy Birthday, Girlfriend. I love your gorgeous green pedestal--and what a festive, pretty tablescape. Can't wait till your party.

  43. Kathleen, there is NOTHING on this table that I don't love! Are you near a Lenox outlet!?? Lucky girl!
    Please give us the info for your sister's dolls- I'd love to spread the word about the wonderful thing she's doing to my clients. And I'm thinking my grand-daughter doesn't have a Raggedy Ann.....
    xoxo Pattie

  44. I just saw Michael's note-Happy Birthday!!!
    xoxo pattie and Allie

  45. Hi Kathleen (my favorite name)
    I just came upon your blog since I am new to blogland. Love your settings and will be dropping by again. I am a lover of dishes too. Please drop in to say hi if you are a feline fan. I have a cat-sitting business near Ottawa, Canada and post lots of fun pics and info on cats. I plan to integrate some of my dishes too. Have a wonderful day. Deb

  46. What a beautiful tablescape! I love everything about it and especially those little ceramic shamrocks. Where ever did you find those? We usuall have carnations too. I think they look so pretty. I usually get the tips dyed green but I really like your white. I'm so sorry about your sisiter and the death of her son. What a tradegy. I will say some prayers for her.

  47. What a pretty table. I love the contrast of black with the cheerful green dishes.

  48. What a beautiful and funs St. Patricks day table. I love all the little green clovers. Just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing, and if you have a chance please come by and say hello. Cheers, Lia

  49. The way you add black to the green and white lifts the whole tablescape to a level of sophistication that the rest of us are missing, I think. Really elegant.

    Your sister sounds like a wonderful person who has really come a long way in dealing with such tragedy. Her doll is just beyond cute. If we had any little kiddies in our family I would order, definitely. Maybe I will anyway. I really like the one as shown in her shamrock attire.

    Email me the particulars, and I will send you an order plus a check.


  50. What a pretty setting. I like the checked place mats and napkins. The cake stand is wonderful!!!!

  51. Happy birthday to you! I love both versions of the tablescape...the carnation centerpiece is lovely as is the Paddy figure! Love the china and glassware and LOVE the doll. Blessings to your sister and prayers for Thomas!

  52. Love your table setting. The irish would be proud~!

  53. Prayers and blessing for your sister and her family. How wonderful to have such a talent and to be able to help others because of it.

    I love the table setting...the dishes are wonderful!

  54. Katkhleen, I am finally getting over here to see your dolls... OH!!! I LOVE RAggedy Andy (and Anne too). Your sister does a beautiful job!!

    When I was a little girl I had a Raggedy Andy (my sister had Raggedy Anne) and he was my favorite doll... EVER! I slept with him every night, I carted him with me everywhere I went. He slowly fell apart and my mother fixed him, one piece at a time, and eventually even those fixed bits were shredded to bits. We lived someplace with high humidity and that probably made the fabric break down faster. Finally there was just nothing left of him at all. I sill have a tiny bit of the fabric that was his dear little face, tucked away in a box of childhood treasures.

  55. Great table Kathleen! Love the dishes! Your sister sounds amazing! {Prayers}

  56. Your sister sounds just like you, always gracious and caring.

    I will keep you and yours in my prayers.

  57. Happy birthday Kathleen

    You're such a sweet heart!

    This is fablous and heartwarming and so pretty; love the green and white gingham and the dear rag doll by your sister especially!

    Love and prayers, Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

  58. Sorry I'm late stopping by, but I'm so glad I did! You've done it again, Ms. Kathleen ... both versions are fantastic! Your sister's dolls are amazing as well. It's obvious that talent and creativity run in your family.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  59. I just love your beautiful tablescape. It is so adorable. I also copied your St. Patricot cake and am going to make it right now. I love apricots and your cake looks fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great weekend. Cheers, Lia

  60. Everything is perfect and I can't choose which to love most coz I do love all your dishes.

    Gorgeous... btw, am late coz am having trouble travelling from Stockholm §;-)

    Have a happy day & great w/end ahead.

  61. Fabulous!!! I love the Irish Raggedy Ann. You sister sounds wonderful. And if I remember, I plan on participating in your party on the 16th.

  62. Kathleen, Love your name...it is mine too! But I go by KayC (Kay short for Kathleen and C. is my M.I.). I have lots of cousins named Kathleen and my granddaughter is name that too. Anyhow thankyou for your comment on my blog and I have that sugar- egg recipe if you would like it.


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