Sunday, February 7, 2010

Silver Sunday~Sweet!

This is the last week of Silver Sunday for awhile.  You can find the details over at Gypsy Fish….and lots of other interesting silver pieces.. Thanks for hosting, Beth!

This is a heavy silver (stainless steel) bowl from the Hotel Astor in Times Square, NY.  Long gone!

table 3126

It was used to place on the table with chipped ice, filled with celery, carrots, etc. what we call crudite  today.

I remember when I was a child it was always placed on the table at restaurants….

table 3124 I bought it at a Trash to Treasure sale in Bridgehampton ,NY years ago..50 cents.  It is such a good weight, I have used it for many things.

Hotel Astor info here…

The next is the kitchen silverware we used growing up..engraved with a C.  My mother saved Betty Crocker coupons and sent away for it.  It is Wm Rodgers…Memory pattern.  The baby spoon was used by all her grandchildren and great grandchildren.  I guess they are over 50 yrs old..

table 3120

table 3122

I also use it in this little bowl with grated cheese..

table 3125

The small ladle in the middle is made in Norway, by TH Marthinsen.  I think it was my mom’s too…

table 3117table 3118

This is a sterling silver bud vase from a DZ sorority ball from college.  It is engraved..and has a little dent…it has survived many years!  :)

Finally, these little “silver” hearts that I use in my tablescapes.  I got them in  a closeout store that is no longer!  They were 3 for 1.00..They are still shiny after 10 years.  I have lots of them…Many uses!

Here, have a few..Belgian Truffles…

table 3128table 3129

table 3130   

table 3128

I would love to hear what your favorite silver polish is!  I will tally the results…please mention it in your comment.

Don’t forget Laurie’s Party this week..details on the sidebar…

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What wonderful pieces, Kathleen! I love the Hotel Astor bowl - what a great find. I remember my mother saved Betty Crocker coupons too! Your mother turned hers into a beautiful set of engraved silverware! The baby spoon is adorable. I couldn't wait to see the serving spoon from Norway, the detail on the handle is beautiful. The heart candy dishes are lovely and your sorority vase. Great post!

  2. I forgot to tell you my favorite silver polish! Hagerty Silver Foam :)

  3. That Hotel Astor bowls seems like a wonderful piece to have for the history and the uses it can serve. Will it hold ice and champagne? How special your silverware collection is too! Of course, you had to tempt us with those Belgian chocs! The heart-shaped dish is gorgeous and I remember seeing them on lots of your tablescapes - so perfect this time of year!


  4. Oh, you have some neat stuff there Kathleen! I like that they were all bargain finds, but worth much more now. And the memories, how special! Cindy

  5. Nice collection of silver, Kathleen. Of course, the flatware is my favorite! Cute bon bon heart dish.
    I use Wright's or Weiman's silver cream.

  6. Kathleen, I LOVE your Astor bowl and your mom's kitchen silver-those are treasures! I use Wrights silver cream. Is there a better one? By the way, we're in NC now. Originally LI and then the Hudson Valley in NY. The Island is loaded with our relatives and friends-we may be back!
    xoxo Pattie

  7. Ahhhh, what a sweet and special baby spoon, Kathleen. Your mom's ladle is beautiful ... It reminds me of another patten that I've seen. ... What a great deal you got on the Hotel Astor bowl!

    3 for $1.00 on your silver hearts. WOW, I've enjoyed seeing on your different tablescapes, very versatile. ... I rarely use or polish the silver we have. I had to look to see what we use. I had a can of Never-Dull and a bottle of Amway brand silver polish.

  8. Hagerty for me..Twinkle in a pinch..I tried MAAS cause so many people raved.. not me so much..

    Look at all those C's:) What a collection..I have 2 budvases like yours..similar..not at all the the top has broken off..I think mine were used as candlesticks holders one too many an eve~

    I knew you would have nice pieces~

  9. Kathleen....thanks for stopping by. I believe the pattern for the old silverware is Queen Bess Tudor by Oneida. Hope that helps.
    My favorite polish is Wright's in liquid form...I don't care for the paste!
    Happy SS!

  10. Love the hotel Astor bowl, how neat and the silverware is such a treasure. Your little heart dishes are so unusual and I just love them. I use Tarnx to get the bad stuff off and then polish with Wrights silver polish. Seems to work great. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Hugs, Marty

  11. Great post Kathleen! I have to say my favorite polish is the Cape Cod Wipe, and also Talk of the town wipes, which are harder to find but work as well. You just rub the cloth on the item and buff away. Easy as pie!

  12. I love the old pieces. I have a few but I polish them rarely. I should use them more. Thank you for the truffles. Just what I needed after the Christmas season of eating nothing but broccoli and carrots...ya right.

  13. I married in 1972 & received many pieces of silver. I love bringing it out for family gatherings, etc. My most prized silver possesion: my sterling silver flatware that my grandmother started giving me when I was a year old. How many 9 yr olds have 8 place settings of silver? My sister had a set, too. On Sundays, Mother would use one of 3 sets (including hers) for lunch. When I married we were fortunate to add service pieces & ice tea spoons, which ever Southern Hostess must have! My favorite polish is Wrights, but also use the aluminum foil & baking soda method with hot water in the sink. Really fast & easy if item is not too tarnished.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  14. Great vintage silver pieces Kathleen. Ina Garten always likes to serve her sauces and dips in pretty silver bowls and that is what I thought of when I saw your Hotel Aster bowl. I usually use Hagerty's to clean the silver or Cape Cod cloths, but in a pinch, you can use a dab of toothpaste to remove tarnish.

  15. Hi Kathleen ~
    I am catching up , as I haven't blogged for a week ! You have been busy !
    I love the groundhog post and under the cloche - is too funny !
    I am so ready for football today - don't care who 87 year old grandma LOVES football and loves manning so she is hoping for the colts...she really wants Manning to play for the Broncos, LOL ! I am cooking baby back ribs in the slow cooker today - they smell so good..have to make that salsa/cheesy dip with hot sausage and some other foods that are not "diet" foods, LOL ! I love your silver and those truffels - those are my have to polish silver ????
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  16. You really have some unique pieces. I love that bud vase. I don't have a favorite polish...I've only just started bringing home silver items. Blogging will do that you know!


  17. Hi Kathleen,
    I'm glad you got in a Silver Sunday even if it was the last one:))
    I love your hotel silver....what a treasure.
    I have to tell you I never polish silver. I like it tarnished but I never use it for food. Just for decorating. Is that bad?
    ps....thanks for the truffles!

  18. What great pieces and the memories -- those are dear! I have a glass bowl exactly like yours!!!!!! (and another same pattern but a bit different)

    My favorite silver polish is Maas -- I just found it and it is AMAZING! And I've tried them all!!!! I will never use anything but Maas ever!

  19. Ah, Kathleen - I hope you also dodged the snow bullet. My brothers in Centerport and Stony Brook didn't get any -- neither did we.

    Love your Norwegian ladle -- I have some Norwegian silver and pewter, some old family pieces, some newer. It's all beautiful.

    Silver polish -- I usually use Wright's cream; it's gentle and a lot of my stuff is silverplate and can't take a lot of polishing.

    Ummm... truffles. Yum. And I love your header! Great table. :-)

  20. Such happy little hearts!

    Wrights cream

  21. Kathleen, these are some great silver pieces. I love anything "hotel". Hotel stuff is always pretty AND so industructable! Did those silver hearts come with stands, or did you just right that up? So pretty and what a deal on those. Your mother's flatware is beautiful and I love that it is monogramed. (We used to be able to buy almost anything by saving coupons). I can't say that any silver polish is a favorite, since I hate t polish silver. When I am forced to polish my flatware, I use Hagerty's. I've always read that the dip polishes (which do an amazingly wonderful and quick job of it) will damage the silver, so I don't use those. Every polish I have ever tried smells like rotten eggs, my hands, my apron, and my countertop are covered in black when I'm through. Yuk! laurie

  22. What fabulous silver pieces, Kathleen! I love the hotel bowl, your silver hearts are so sweet, and the vase and silver flatware are stunning. Precious baby spoon!
    Wonderful Silver Sunday post!

  23. K:

    What great silver pieces you have--I don't have a favorite but I know my wedding silver takes lots of elbow grease!

  24. Hi Kathleen! What wonderful silver pieces and love the stories behind them! Love that little baby spoon.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Hagerty!

    You have some beautiful pieces! I love the silverware with the C and the sentiment of the years!

    and that bowl from the Hotel Astor, that is a great piece!

    I think the silver with the C should be here, C for Carol!

  26. I can't believe you got those silver hearts 3 for $1.00. I would have bought a bunch to use as place cards for my table. I guess I use toothpaste a lot...nothing expensive like dollar store stuff. I was just reading in the March issue of Country Living that if you put a piece of chalk with your silverware, it helps to keep the moisture out. Thought I would pass it on.

  27. have so many lovely silver pieces. The little spoon is darling and also the BC your mother collected is very pretty.

    The Hotel Astor bowl is a wonderful piece of 'Old New York'.
    I remember it well from when I worked in the city. Also, it brought back memories of when my Aunt & Uncle would dine their for special occasions.
    My favorite silver polish is Wrights. Do you remember when they used the Pink Liquid Glass Wax?

  28. Your silver pieces are beautiful, Kathleen, especially so with the history that goes with them.

    I use Haggarty's also and have a bottle of Wright's Silver Polish in my cupboard that works well. Either of those and elbow grease is a good combination.

  29. What a lovely post. Your silver pieces are beautiful and it was fun to hear the story behind each piece.

    I use Wright's Silver Polish.

  30. Hi Kathleen, gorgeous pics. The truffles pic is just breathtaking!!

    Barb ♥

  31. Hi Kathleen,
    I love your silver pieces. I shall go back for the history of the Hotel Astor. My uncle used to work at the Waldorf Astoria and I think I may have some old glasses from him. I will have to look for those. Great post, and I love your mom's silver. My mom gave hers away years ago because she didn't like polishing it...can you imagine. And as I recall I always polished it. Oh well... Enjoy your day.

  32. I love silver, just wish it was not so hard to clean, I see a recommendation for it, I wrote it down!!~ You have beautiful pieces!!

  33. Hi Kathleen,
    thanks for stopping by!
    I love Southampton. We used to take my son out there all the time to this little private beach next to the big one(I forget the name). Now you need a permit to park there.
    I should look for some of those photos & do a post about it.
    I love your doll cake. My mom used to make those for me.
    Have a great day!

  34. Hi Kathleen!

    I don't remember the Hotel Astor, It is such a shame it was torn down for an ugly office tower. Hopefully the Landmarks Preservation Committee, formed after the loss of Penn Station, would prevent the loss of a beautiful and historical building like that.

    I am sadly deprived of both china and sterling silver. I do like copper and have lot of that. :-)

  35. Kathleen, what sweet pieces of silver you've shared. How special to have pieces from your mother and that vase from college. I like to use the Wright's Silver Cream to clean silver, but to really polish pieces I use Wenol metal polish. Hagerty's is also good. I use Hagerty bags to store silver trays.

  36. OH MY...just love the ss bowl and I bet you used this plenty of times!

    The small ladle is adorable. I have a small silver ladle too and use it all the time.

    Just gorgeous pieces, each and every one is a treasure.

  37. Hi Kathleen! Thank you for popping in to see me. Now don't turn your back for too long - you may miss that gorgeous silver bowl!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  38. All of your silver pieces are very beautiful but my personal fave is that hotel bowl. No advice on silver polish from me..I have no silver :)

  39. As you know Ms. Kathleen, I think it is all beautiful!!! (and I loved the red and white tables in a couple of other posts!) I will ONLY use Wright's Silver cream. Any of the others are too caustic for silver plate. I went on a polishing binge over the weekend (the weather is awful for Texas), so things "sparkle" around here at the moment!
    Thanks for posting,

  40. How did I miss this???? What a great post. You've got some lovely items. It's great how you put the silver heart on the pedestal.

    Favorite polish, hmmm... don't have one right now. I loved that pink paste, but they don't make it anymore. I have to look through your comments in greater detail to see which comes out on top.

    - The Tablescaper

  41. You're ALL heart!

    I have a few of those lovely pieces, so maybe there's hope for me yet. Nah.
    I'll just ogle yours.


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