Thursday, February 4, 2010

Foodie Friday~Are you ready for some Football?

I don’t follow it, but I thought I would repost some things that would be good for Super Bowl Sunday…

table 1713

Eggplant  Mini Pizza.slice eggplant, dip in egg, then Italian crumbs and fry till crisp.

Add a dab of sauce some mozzarella and bake..

table 1723

Little Calzones…

Canned biscuits pressed flat..fill with sausage, mozzarella, ham, spinach and cheese, what ever combination of fillings you like..Press closed brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame seed.  Bake till golden..


table 124

Baked Crab Spread….

recipe here…

table 911

table 913Recipe here…

And something very easy, but always a hit..

Chicken tidbits…

table 3116Cut your chicken cutlets into bite size pieces.  Put a mixture of flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder, an  envelope of chicken broth, like Herb Ox  and whatever else you like in a plastic bag.

Shake the pieces till coated.  Put some oil in a large pan and fry till golden brown.  Drain on paper towels.

Serve with Sweet and Sour Duck Sauce…Never any left on the plate!

Hope your team wins!

Please join Gollum for some more entries …Thanks for hosting Michael Lee!


  1. OK Kathleen ...what time should we be at your house on Sunday? :-) Everything looks so good!

  2. Ohh, Yum! My guys would love this food! I will have to try all of these ideas! Perfect timing for football!

  3. Kathleen, this all looks sooooo scrumptious!

  4. Kathleen, all of this looks delicious, but I would never have thought to make mini clzones in canned biscuits. Thanks for a great idea! I've done my last 2 posts on Live Writer, and I've just got to say, I'm lovin' it! Thank you so much for encouraging me to try it. Wish I had done it a long time ago! laurie

  5. Everything looks delicious, Kathleen. I have been roaming around looking for recipes for the Super Bowl party my daughter is having. It looks like she may like most of these (I know I do). Thanks so much!!


  6. Do chicken and ducks get along? I love the sound of this recipe ;) Everything you've share looks great!

    Thanks for the computer wishes - still having issues tonight :(

  7. Oh, Kathleen... I'm coming over to your house right now! Honestly, you have me starving over here. What great recipes. YUM! You always tempt me with what you're cooking, and this is definitely tempting... from the crab dip to the little pastries to the chicken tenders with duck sauce and the eggplant pizzas!

    Happy Foodie Friday...


    Sheila :-)

  8. P.S. Love your cute header! Great tablescape! :-)

  9. Ya know once you leave NY Duck sauce as we know it is non existent. I am not kidding. They did not put it on the table when we lived in San Francisco and when we asked for Duck sauce it was not the same. Don't get me started about the crispy noodles to dip either:) I can't remember the last time I had a calzone here in my area either. I need a trip to NY:)

  10. So yummy, Kathleen! I would like to try that crab spread....Christine

  11. Everything sounds/looks good, but the eggplant mini pizza really stands out for me.

  12. Oh Kathleen! You had me at the eggplant pizzas, then the calzones and it all went downhill from there. It's 11PM and now I'm starving. Looks like a great spread. I don't watch football, but I do eat!

  13. Hi Kathleen,
    Yummy. I started at those darn eggplant and now I am hungry. I can't wait to try those. I love eggplant. Of course after continuing my scrollwork it has occured to me that it all looks delicious. I will be trying some of these for Sunday. Thanks...there goes the diet again.

  14. Oooo, yummy!! Two things that definitely go together, fried and football!!
    Have a great weekend,
    Suzanne :)

  15. Well I am not ready for some football, but I certainly am ready for the food! I would love everything you shared! I have made the eggplant, and it is wonderful.

  16. Although I am normally not a big football fan, I will PARKED in front of the tv for the Saints! This all looks so good. My guys will have to have wings, but those calzones would make them very happy! Love the eggplant too!

  17. I don't follow it either. You and I can sit in the other room and talk and laugh about life.
    Oh yes, and bring the appetizers in with us please.

  18. Kathleen, love your new background ... so bright and fresh looking AND easy to read.

    Yes, we're ready for football, but mainly ready to watch the commercials. It isn't football watching in our house without cheese and crackers with summer sausage and bread and butter pickles. ... I would love the chicken pieces.

  19. You know me, Kathleen. I'm going straight for the crab spread. I love recipes like these. I could make a meal out of grazing. Costco was packed yesterday with people buying cocktail weanies and frozen meatballs.

  20. Oh, wow! everything looks fabulous! We are going to have SO many leftovers this weekend with all these new recipes to try....
    xoxo Pattie

  21. hello! wow...for the first time, my family may choose to move away from the television, if they knew that lovely buffet awaited them!

    Beautiful imagery...great camera use!

    Please stop by and participate in my giveaway, I would love to see you there :)

  22. Kathleen these are great recipes! I grow eggplant every year and I needed something new. I love the idea of dipping them and frying them and putting some yummy marinara sauce on them. Great.

  23. Super yummy looking, Kathleen! I don't follow football either but LOVE hockey (you know us Canadians!)and I'm sure those snacks would be great while we watch a you deliver? And where's the "football tablescape" to go with your munchies, EH?


  24. Ummm..these sound great.
    Our son and daughter in law have a SUPER BOWL PARTY every year. Mostly our church group and a few extras..everyone brings something gooood to snack on and I am taking a Cherry Almond Bar thingy, Chex Party Mix (the homemade kind) and now, your little calzones. They look amazing and something different than the regular pig in the blankets..Thanks, sister friend, for the great recipe. I'll send you a photo of them when I get them ready on Sunday.
    hugs,..o, and I don't do football either but all the grands bring their favorite board games and we play all the time the football players are playing..:)

  25. Kathleen, it all looks wonderful. I wish you lived closer so I could crash your party. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  26. Yum, Yum, and Yum again! I love the idea of eggplant pizzas!


  27. All I really care about on Super Bowl Sunday is the food (and the commercials). I do think this year will be good and be an interesting story. I would love to go to a party with all of your items being served.


  28. I'm seeing ......'s :) Fun look to the blog and I loved seeing all your party snacks for game day or anyday. The only thing I like about super bowl is the food and the commercials as well. I need to try those mini calzones - they are too cute.

  29. Kathleen I think your menu will
    'Steal The Show'!
    Love the easy 'finger food' recipes. Never made 'mini' calzones..usually Big ones...
    I've got to try your recipe making smaller ones...great for the kids.
    They LOVE finger I'm sure you know.

  30. Those look delicious! I just found your blog through Serendipity. Your LI comment caught my eye. I'm on the island too. Have a great weekend!

  31. SO what time should I be over? You're having better nibbles than we are! Larry's grilling again. haha, just kidding, we have about 2 inches this morning and still coming down, you shouldn't have much more than that this time, the worst seems to be passing us by hopefully.

  32. I hope the snow doesn't keep people from coming to your SB party, Kathleen! These offerings look absolutely wonderful. I'm totally there on that version of eggplant. We had 6 plants that produced TONS of it last summer. I sure could have used that recipe back then. ~~filing it away for later use~~
    Thanks for the yummies & have fun!

  33. I'm with Joyce...I could use a good calzone or a good slice of pizza for that matter...never had NY duck sauce though....In the middle of our tea yesterday Joyce stopped and said...."I wish Cuisine Kathleen was here, we need to make a trip to NY and see her"...Can you imagine the three of us let loose in NY...Bring on the shopping!

  34. Oh everything looks delightful! Thanks for sharing!

  35. Oh Sue, do come for a road trip to NY - but I want in!!!

    Kathleen, can you imagine the fun we'd have? Notice how I'm including myself (ahem).

    All of your food looks delicious. I'm not into football either, but the food on the other hand, now that's a different story.

    - The Tablescaper

  36. Hey, K.
    Hope your day is going good.
    I've been meaning to ask...what grades did you teach in school?
    My son, David, is an AG teacher but after about 5 years, changed his line of work. He keeps his certificate current, however. His wife, Kathy, taught for 20 years in elementary..she is now the elementary councelor. Their daughter, my oldest granddaughter, is an ele. teacher as is her hubby.
    ANYway, just sayin' I made the little calzones and they are soooo cute!! I know my bunch is going to love them. And...don't 'cha know i will be blogging about them!! :O)
    Thanks again for showing them to me....

  37. Kathleen

    OK, I may have to come by you for Super bowl, you know how to do it right! And, I'll root for whomever you want if you feed me!

  38. WOW..what a feast. Love the crab and corn platter, how cute is that!

  39. What a spread!! Can't see one thing I wouldn't like... now THAT is a problem!
    Love the little silver hearts...

  40. I believe I just gained a couple of pounds just looking at all the wonderful food on your blog.

  41. Delicious Offerings!
    And I'll be stealing the Crab Spread on my way out. Thank you.


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