Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Second Time Around Tuesday & WFD

Diane at A Picture is worth a 1000 words sponsors Second Time around Tuesday..
you can post your thrift shop or garage sale finds...stop over and see the other treasures! Thanks, Diane for hosting..this is my first time..:)
In my case I went dumpster diving in my son's drive way. They had moved into a new, (old) house and were replacing things...like the kitchen chandelier..

I have a little 12x12 gazebo on the deck, and it was the perfect size.
All I did was spray it with black rustoleum...it was beige metal..


I put citronella candles in it, and it glows softly on a summer night..

Here it is dressed up with some wisteria for a garden party..



What's For Dinner..
I was in the market and they had pork cutlets on sale for 1.59 a lb. That is a bargain here.
I pounded them out, and made a stuffing of chopped apple, celery, onion and a little bit of bread crumb. I rolled them up dipped in milk then crumbs and put on a sprayed pan.
Drizzled a bit of oil over the top, and baked them..we had the with pierrogi, asparagus, and sliced apples done with cinnamon and a splash of apricot brandy..
A very economical meal...and tasty too!




Thanks for visiting....see you tomorrow for Outdoor Wednesday..if it isn't still pouring..:)


  1. Yummy!! And beautiful as always!

  2. I have heard of more people finding old chandeliers in the trash and have refurbishjed them..yours looks great! Hopefully your son didn't ask for it back...
    The stuffed chop looks good..great idea!
    How old is your wisteria? I have heard they take a long time to look nice ;(

  3. Oh I like this in your gazebo. I have something similar for mine but sad but true in Washington State it doesn't get dark early enough to enjoy added lights too often on the deck in the summer! :0)
    Your dinner looks yummy!!

  4. Kathleen...it looks fabulous! You are soooo smart to think of using it there...love it! Yummy food, too! :-) Susan

  5. I loved that chandelier from the first time I saw it. Great reclaim and it looks fabulous at Cuisine Kathleen!

  6. I remember when you showed us the chandelier, I thought it was great looking then and now on Second Time Around! Great idea in the Gazebo, it looks perfect!

    Dinner looks great! I hope we get sun so you can have an outdoor Wednesday!

  7. Chandy is as beautiful as ever. I copied your idea for our gazebos too.

    Your stuffed pork cutlet sounds wonderful.

  8. I wish I had something to hang a chandelier from outside!!! I love yours and the others I've seen. Great post and your pork cutlets look delish!

  9. Kathleen, that chandelier was a great find ... and with Rustoleum it should never rust. :)

    Your pork cutlets sound tasty ...

  10. Ok now I am on the hunt for an ol
    chandy to put outside!!!


  11. Kathleen, this post is so cool! And that chandelier fixup is awesome! Love it!

  12. Love your new chandelier! I need one too! But I'll find it sometime this summer at a garage sale.

    Your new blog colors and design are really nice..my favorite so far.

  13. Hi Kathleen,
    I love your 2nd Time Around find! It looks great.

    Sorry to be so long getting around this week...computer troubles!

    Thanks for being a part of 2nd Time Around!


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