Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, Friday, and flashback...

It is good to be back..due to kitchen construction, I had to disconnect my 'puter..and then, not being a techie wizard, couldn't get my wireless keyboard and mouse to work! I could read, but couldn't "talk". Very frustrating..:)

Gollum graciously hosts Foodie Friday on her Designs by Gollum blog...please go check the other entries..
And Suzy at Kitchen Bouquet has been having Flashback Friday..
Thanks, Ladies!

Tonight we had roast chicken, Hasselback Potatoes and glazed carrots.
This recipe for the potato is a bit different than the one my friend Susan or Foley did, it uses parmesan and panko. They are really good..





I made one with the skin on, one peeled...we liked the peeled better, but both were good!

Here's the recipe.. www.what's cooking

8 long baking potatoes
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1/2 cup bread crumbs*
3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 teaspoon paprika
Coarse salt, to taste
2 teaspoons fresh parsley, minced

* Learn how to Making Homemade Bread Crumbs.

Preheat oven to 450° degrees F. Oil a large shallow glass baking dish.

Peel the potatoes. Place on a cutting board and cut a narrow slice from the bottom of each potato; discard the slice (this helps the potato lie flat and not roll). Place two long handled wooden chopsticks on each side of the potato lengthwise. Use a sharp knife and slice each potato crosswise, making 1/4-inch apart slices, cutting down vertically. The chopsticks will prevent the knife from cutting entirely through the potato. As you peel the potatoes, drop them into the cold water to prevent discoloring.

NOTE: Potatoes may be prepared in advanced to the above point. Place potatoes in cold water (to prevent discoloring) until ready to bake. To bake, dry potatoes well.

Place the Parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon olive oil, paprika, and salt in a food processor; process until blended. Brush potatoes with the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil and pat the bread crumb mixture on top of each potato. Place potatoes in the oiled baking dish; cover with foil and bake 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake an additional 15 minutes. Remove from the oven, sprinkle parsley on the tops and serve.

Makes 8 servings.

I used Panko for the crumbs. They are crunchy on the outside and creamy on the inside...The chopsticks tip worked well for the slicing...I microwaved mine a bit before slicing, then baked in the oven.

I guess this is flashback as I made the trifle for Easter and DH made the Babka...I know it was only last Sunday, but it seems like a long time ago after this past week!

He tried this new recipe, it was good, but we liked his old one better..
Babka is a yeast bread, to me it is the Polish version of Irish Soda Bread...
Nancy, if you are reading, we still didn't try the recipe you sent me, due to the renov in the kitchen not much cooking this week! A lot of sawdust salad, :)


For the trifle I made a white cake, cubed it, and layered it with vanilla
pudding, strawberries and whipped cream..






Thanks for visitng, have a great weekend..


  1. You have had a long week! Glad you're back! Those potatoes look great! I like the different twist you put on it!

    Would sawdust be considered fiber?

  2. These potatoes are something I would like to try. I have had trouble finding Panko in my little town, but I see that Amazon sell it by the case. I guess I will be using it to bread everything!

  3. Glad to see you back up and running! Dinner looks great. I think I like your version of the potatoes. I will give them a try. Crumbs make everything taste better. Your flashback is perfect to me. And so pretty!!!! Those look like humongous strawberries. I'm heading over now to add your link onto the rest on my FF/FF post!

  4. Yay - you're back! I know it hasn't been a fun few days in your kitchen but I hope the dust has settled. Are you happy? Can't wait to see pictures.

    If love your version of the Hasselbacks! I'll bet the panko tasted wonderful and you don't need a skin with that crunch.

    The trifle looks amazing and I am copying and pasting the recipe pics for the bakka!

  5. Hi Kathleen - That babka looks great. I've got to practice better shaping techniques! I ran out of time and energy and didn't take additional pictures before ours disappeared! I do want to try the chocolate version ala 'Seinfeld'. Printed out the cheese danish recipe. That looks fabulous. Can't wait to try it. Also can't wait to see your renovations! Hope your Easter was wonderful. Nancy

  6. Every dish looks wonderful. I especially like Trifle made with white cake instead of angel food cake.
    The panko potatoes is a dish I will make for my hubby.
    This was my first visit to your charming blog. Thank you for sharing your recipes.
    Come for a visit, I'd enjoy the company.

    Sweet wishes,

  7. For someone with so much dust in the kitchen you are still producing some yummy menus! That babka is calling my name.

  8. Really looks wonderful...have a grand day. I'm off to do Saturday things...Cathy

  9. Potatoes and all look lucious!

  10. Oh my goodness! That potato just looks luscious...and now you know my weakness. it's not's yummy food like this!

  11. Kathleen, I imagine that not being able to "talk" was very frustrating.

    I really like the idea of the Hasselback potatoes with panko and parmesan.

    Interesting that babka is the polish version of soda bread ... looks very tasty.

    Glad the dust has settled.

  12. Kathleen, those potatoes look amazing. It has been a while since I made those potatoes. Now I have a craving. I like mine peeled too.

  13. Going to have to try the potatoes your way..I love anything with panko crumbs!!
    Glad you are back on I just need to catch up!

  14. Pretty tablesetting & delicious food! The trifle looks so tempting..just have to make one!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Kathleen, those potatoes really look good - were they really crispy/crunchy too? I bet they were a great combo with the carrots & chicken.

    I love your flashbacks...Easter does seem like longer than a week ago - it was a busy week for many. What is your recipe for sawdust salad...sounds intriguing, LOL! I never tire of your sense of humor.

  17. Kathleen, you are so good, making that nice dinner while recovering from the kitchen work. The trifle and Babka both look so good!

  18. Your food always looks so beautiful as well as sounding so delicious. I'm definitely trying that potato recipe. It sounds like something my husband and I would really like. laurie

  19. The pause in menopause has lifted...for the moment brain cells are in motion. I found your email and realized my mistake. I was so confused but now it's crystal clear thanks to your note.
    I appreciate your stopping by my humble blog too.

    Sweet wishes,


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