Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Recipe Challenge...

My friend, Suzy, has challenged herself, and all of us, to try one new recipe within a week of receiving a new cooking magazine.

I always mark the pages, clip or copy, but somehow never get around to trying all those new recipes...I have a lot of them.

Monique, a friend at La Table de Nana..is one who sees a new recipe and runs with it.
Last year, we both ordered cookie cutters that could print a name on a cookie.

Hers came out great..mine..well let's just say the cutter is in the bottom of a drawer somewhere.
It was so frustrating I almost threw it in the garbage..:( but I couldn't..it was an expensive cookie cutter, and I may try it again.....someday..

So first I tried Avgolemono Soup that Carol posted on her blog....you can find the recipe there, and other good things too..


And next I tried Cheese Danish from Home Cooking magazine, which unfortunately has ceased publishing. The HomeCookingRecipeBox.com will be available till May, so you can still go there and copy any recipes you may like.


I'll post the recipe for this tomorrow..
Thanks for visiting!


  1. LOL - I've thrown things in a drawer a number of times vowing to never use it again! But I eventually do..give it another try you may surprise yourself.

  2. Bravo!! And what..no capers? :-) I really need to try that soup. Get the cookie cutter out. Make one that say SPRING! (Does it come with exclamation points?)

  3. I tried a new recipe last night in fact! I get in ruts and really have to shake things up once in a while. Your soup and Danish look delicious! :D Jewel

  4. Kathleen, I NEED that danish right now with my coffee. It looks fantastic! And the soup too.

  5. Good for you, Kathleen, taking up the challenge! and LOL, you were nice not to mention that the soup was an acquired taste :)

    Keep trying with that cutter, send the ones that don't look so good to me, I bet they still taste amazing! Too bad I don't have one, then yours would look stupendous against my baking skills, Monique's I'm sure are magnifique :) What's the cutter look like?

  6. That danish looks delsih! I didnt realizer that Home Cooking went under. So many good ones. Glad I saved all my magazines!

  7. Kathleen, I remember your struggle with the cookie cutter but I thought one of the end products turned out well.

    The danish looks wonderful... were you happy with the taste?

    I enjoy reading yours, Carol's, and Suzy's challenges.

  8. I was trying to do the new recipe thing once a week too. I am failing miserably. I tried several this weekend, but forgot to take pictures! uggghhh. Good thing. They did not come out well. I love your table settings. I found a tip in one of my magazines to use paint swatches as table place settings. They made them look fun and cool.
    As for recipes, I am like you, so many, good intentions, no time!

    I love your blog.

  9. Looking forward to the recipe for the Cheese Danish, Kathleen! Hubby loves it and I've never made it. Maybe I'll surprise him one Sunday :)

    I hope you give your cookie cutter another try too, your gkids would love it! Great picture of the soup in that pretty bowl!

  10. The soup looks just scrumptious. I love soup recipes...wonderful comfort food.

  11. I see your pics now!!! You used that bowl just to tease me huh? lol That danish looks WONDERFUL. I'd love to give that a try.

  12. I missed this! Make the Ina cookies:)

    Plus..who cares about the cookies? look at your Danish:)


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