Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Goodies .. ......Tablescape Thursday

The last Thursday before Easter...Holy Thursday,
and the beginning of Passover. My wishes for a sweet Passover
for those of you who are observing.

I have been baking in preparation for Easter Sunday.
Yesterday, I made Cheese Danish and Cherry Cheese Danish..
It was a first for me..I usually leave anything with yeast to my DH, but I wanted to try...


Here's the dough, waiting to be filled..


Here they are ready to be baked...only put 2 on a large cookie sheet, the recipe makes 4..


The one I made with cherries opened up...I guess I didn't pinch it tight enough??
It looked like the kind Entemann's sells..



Here's the recipe for the Cheese Danish..

Cream Cheese Danish Coffee Cake

From ... Home Cooking Magazine

1 c sour cream
1/2 c sugar
1/2 c butter
1 t. salt
2 packages dry yeast (4 1/2 t.)
1/2 c warm water
2 eggs beaten
4 c all purpose flour

Over low heat in a saucepan, heat butter, sour cream , sugar and salt until
warm and sugar is dissolved. Cool to room temperature.

In large mixing bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm water.

Mix sour cream mixture with yeast, and add beaten eggs and flour. You will have a
very soft dough.
Put in fridge over night to rise.

Turn dough out onto a well-floured surface and knead 6 or 7 times. Divide
dough into 4 equal pieces and roll each piece out to 12 X 8 inches. It is sticky, flour your pin too.

Spread 1/4 of filling on to each piece and roll jellyroll style from long
side. Pinch seams and ends to seal. Place seam side down on buttered baking
sheet, I used silpats.. and cut X's in top. (About 6 X's) see pic
Danish should be slightly flat, and about 3 1/2 to 4 inches wide and about 12 inches long.

Cover and let rise until about
double in size -approximately 1 hour
Bake at 375 for 20 to 25 minutes or
until golden. Let cool on wire racks,

2 packages 8 oz. cream cheese
3/4 c sugar
1 egg beaten
1 t. vanilla extract
1/8 t. salt

Filling: To make filling beat together cream cheese with sugar, add egg and
vanilla extract and salt


2 1/2 c confectioners sugar
1/4 c milk
1 t. vanilla extract
sliced almonds.

Combine the first 3 ingredients for
glaze and drizzle over loaves with toasted almonds .

My notes, I brushed with egg wash before baking..
Put 2 loaves on each large pan..
I put the almonds on before baking.


It is a shame this magazine ceased publication, but as I mentioned yesterday, their recipe box is still on line till May if you want to copy any recipes.
For those of you who know Annt, this is the same recipe she uses, so you know it is good!

Tablescape Thursday...


Please stop in at Susan's blog, Between Naps on the Porch to see the other entries this week.
Thank you Susan for hosting,,,and check out her event for tax day, April 15th...I don't know how she thinks of these events, LOL!

I won't be having Easter here, so I decided to do a little table for just the 2 of us tonight...I used my lavender toile dishes from Neiman Marcus...but really from my friend Marigene...I love them, and I am wondering if someone who does TT has far haven't seen them in lavender..


Lavender under white battenburg..

Plum napkins April Cornell
Alabaster napkin ring, WmSonoma ..I added a porcelain egg from Villeroy Boch
Plum stems, TJMaxx
Water thin..very old, they were my mom's, they have a rippled shape..
Silver chargers, Pottery Barn.



The lavender toile pitcher was a gift.
The glass eggcups are WmSonoma.
The eggs are wood and hand painted by a friend. I incorporated them into a cut glass bowl from Mikassa and flowers for the centerpiece. I turned another cut glass bowl over to give the centerpiece a little height, and put those battery operated votives inside..which you can't see...:(





I used a white napkin here with a sprig of lavender...just to see it with white..

I am sorry these pics are so dark, I only realized after we ate that a bulb was out...


Have a sweet night...thanks for coming and please come back for Foodie and Flashback Fri..I have some more Easter baked goods to calories...:)



  1. Your tablescapes are AMAZING!!!

    You must have a gazillion dishes!!

  2. Oh my goodness Kathleen. All my senses are coming alive here. I think I can smell those danishes!!!And my eyes are getting such a treat, too!!

  3. Kathleen, another beautiful table! Yum, the danish looks fantastic!

  4. Kathleen - simply gorgeous as usual! Really love those dishes, I hope you are able to find more of them.
    As I have said over and over - you have such a great talent in putting pieces together and every piece you have is outstanding!

  5. Hi Kathleen!
    I LOVE your lavender pretty! Beautiful tablescape! Thank you so much for letting me know I had the wrong link up...I guess I must have been multitasking again!
    Happy Easter!

  6. Love those lavendar toile dishes with the silver chargers and the April Cornell napkins. Just spectacular!!!!!

  7. Danish still looks good in this post!!!! I don't think I've ever been to that website or gotten the magazine. I will definitely go peruse. You KNOW I love this tablescape!!! Everything is beautiful.

  8. Beautiful table and YUMMY looking treat. Happy Easter!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  9. Your lavender and white is so unusual and so pretty. And my mouth is watering over those pastries.

  10. Another new color combination tonight...It's very pretty...But the prettiest thing is ofcourse that cheese/cherry danish...I have copied the recipe and can't wait to try it...I have all the ingredients in the house!!
    Happy Easter....Sue.

  11. I love your lavender toile dishes. Everything looks so pretty. Love the centerpiece too. I want to bite into that gorgeous danish! Yum.

  12. I have always wanted to make my own danish, yours looks fabulous! Great table too.

  13. Very nice table and your danish is delish! I think I will try it... Happy Thursday!

  14. Love your lavender dishes, the napkin and the sprig of lavender (alas mine is not blooming yet!) The egg on top of the napkin ring-- perfect!

    What a great table.

  15. Delicious pastry and delightful table!! Beautiful!

  16. What a really lovely table and I love the egg napkin rings.

    Have A Great Table Scape Thursday
    from Roberta Anne

  17. What a springy, pretty post ... I love cheese danish and yours look perfect. The cherry one looks pretty tasty, too. Does this mean Mike no longer will be making yeasty products?

  18. Hi Kathleen! Can I just come over? Wow, your table is gorgeous - love your gorgeous dishes and the food! Oh, the food looks so good! Happy Easter!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Kathleen, what a beautiful table. I am still looking for more of those plates.....I need them!

  20. Your tablescape is a dream in purple, lavendar and white. So pretty! I can't believe you made those danishes! I'm so impressed, very inspiring!

  21. Beautiful table, Kathleen! The Danish look delicious, you did a great job!

    Happy Easter!

  22. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful table you have here. And of course your danish look so delicious.

  23. i love them both,but.....the little girl in me adores those top dishes.they are so springy and so Easterish.i love them.but both TT are fabulous...ann

  24. Gorgeous tablescape. Love the eggs on the napkin rings...and precious to have your mom's glassware. Happy Easter!

  25. Kathleen,
    ooooh I LOVE that you used your lavender dishes for your early for two Easter table. It all looks wonderful. Happy Easter to you and your loved ones dear friend.

  26. Beautiful table, I like the difference in the usual pastel colors with your purples, pretty!
    Your baked goods look so yummy.
    Linda Q

  27. I want a bite of that danish so badly! Lovely tablescape. laurie

  28. I love the lavender toile plates. I love lavender, but you don't see much of it around & I don't have any personally. But I love it! Your danish looks so yummy. I'm not a baker, but I would love to give the recipe a try.

  29. Kathleen, I love everything toile but the lavender is very striking. Marigene has great taste :-) The cheese danish looks sinfully delish. I always love seeing your beautiful tablescapes.

  30. I've been on the lookout for some plum-colored dishware for awhile - yours is awesome!! Gorgeous tablescape!

  31. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Cheese Danish recipe!

    You lavendar plates and egg napking rings are perfect for Easter! Pretty!

  32. Beautiful! Have a glorious Easter weekend!

  33. Hello Kathleen, your posts have me in total drool overload lol, not only with your delicious recipes and food photographs but your tablescapes and those divine lavender dishes, I saw those on the NM web-site but there were no details of how to buy them. They look so gorgeous both with your plum and your white napkins and those wonderful egg napkin rings, the whole table is a total feast for the eyes, Happy Easter weekend, Kathy

  34. * How DEEEEELIGHTFUL, Kathleen! ~~~ Your purples are soooooo pretty, soft and fresh~~~ How wonderful, too, that you have your Mom's glassware! No doubt your evening for two was verrry romantic! So glad you shared! Thank you!Linda *

  35. the dishes, the linens, and the napkin rings. Also those danish look yummy!


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