Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Going Green~ Tomorrow ‘s ♣ Blog Crawl and a Question

Hello, Ladies, just reminding you about the party tomorrow!  Hope you are going to crawl with us! Only new posts, no repeats, please!


table 696


table 1993

IMG_0278 (3)

HOP to it, I’ll be waiting!

real Irish

So, my question is…

7999dfe681fc61f4308b53415c1273adribbon wrack

Does anyone know where I can get this EXACT ribbon holder? I have been searching with out luck.

See you tomorrow, stop by for some fun!


  1. I found this Ikea hack Kathleen http://www.ikeahackers.net/2011/08/new-use-for-bygel-wire-basket.html

  2. Or this? http://www.burtonandburton.com/store/productDetailForm.asp?Page=1&CatID=38&CollID=66473

  3. I have never seen wire ribbon storage rack like that but I sure would like to have one. See you tomorrow.

  4. Have fun..not exact..I see someone else found too..:)


    1. Thanks, Monique. Retta said she thinks the gal who posted it got it from a store going out of business. :(

  5. I am wondering if that rack came out of an old Ben Franklin store? It reminds me of the one in the store in my hometown. I am planning on joining in on the fun tomorrow! I have a post ready to go!

  6. I've never seen a ribbon rack like that one, but it would be a great piece to have.
    Looking forward to the Annual Crawl. My post is ready!

  7. I have a ribbon rack similar to that but shorter......got it from a wholesale floral supply co., don't remember the name but think it was in the mid west. Will have to go through my supply list.......

  8. That is an amazing ribbon rack, but I am no help. I'm all ready for the crawl link up tonight. Your desserts look fabulous. :)

  9. Oh no, I can't find the link for the party! I am really trying!!

  10. oops..thought today was the crawl...see you this evening....


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