Sunday, December 7, 2014

Copycat Christmas Table Challenge on Wed. Dec 12th

Hello everyone, hope you are making progress in your holiday preparations.

Just wanted to remind you of the challenge Wed.

I have been searching the net for a table to copy.  I think I found one, and it is a rather simple one!

Last year I did this one for the challenge.

The inspiration pic was from the WSonoma Catalog.


I can’t wait to see what my small band of merry women come up with for the challenge!


039December 2011 134


Picture 1210

Picture 1260



table 386 (2)table 396

table 384 (2)

table 373

Just a few  look back tables.

See you Wed. night!


  1. I had the exact same issue. This post helped me 100%! You can message me if you need more help as I just did mine a few weeks ago and it is still fresh in my memory.

    1. THANKS, KATHE! I think I got it, but I had to change so many passwords, etc. Grueling!

  2. Glad Kathe could help with your question. I'm still searching for a table to copy and not spend any extra money! I think I've found the one!


  3. I love your challenges, can't wait til wednesday!

  4. Hello dear Kathleen. Love seeing all these great tables and what a fun challenge. I'm hosting 7 of the Mennonite Girls Can Cook and their husbands for a party this coming Sunday so those will be the only tables I'm setting this week. I'll post the photos from the tables after the 14th of December. I hope you and your dear hubby are enjoying good health this Advent season.

  5. Sorry, Kathleen. I don't have a clue as to how to make the change. Sorry about the hack thing. I worry about that all the time now since it's been happening with so many different stores. You'd think they'd figure out how to beef up the security enough to put a stop to it. We can put a man on the moon, but this?

    I love it when you do the copycat challenge! I am looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. Some people hit it right on the head!! I've still not been able to find a tablescape that I can copy without having to spend any money. The "not having to spend any money" part is big around here right now, so I have to keep looking. Hoping I can find something tonight so I can start on it tomorrow.

    Have a great night, and I'll see you back here on Wednesday!

  6. What a GORGEOUS collections of beautifully appointed tables, Kathleen!!! I especially remember that Green Irish Santa cute! You have such a wonderful variety, it is very impressive!!!


  7. Beautiful tables, Kathleen. Looking forward to all the tables for Wedn'esday's challenge. I don't have one yet, but hope to play along. '-)

  8. Enjoyed the look back at some of your Christmas tables! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for this year and what your "challenge" table turns out to be. Not sure I will have time to create one myself but will enjoy checking out others.

  9. Thanks for the fun, looking forward to the challenge Kathleen!

  10. Kathleen, You have so many beautiful Christmas tables to look at in this post. I Remember the Irish table. In fact my Irish Santa music box just started playing When Irish Eyes Are Smiling while I was writing this comment. Spooky, what do you think that means? Wow! If I had not already told the person whose table I chose to use for my inspiration I would have to switch to trying to replicate your Irish table (that would really be a challenge). Your challenges really are so much fun!!! After six or seven weeks of cruising on Pinterest I decided to create a table based on one that I had bookmarked a couple of years ago. I kept coming across it pinned to so many boards and it was like it was calling me to try and create my table in the spirit of my inspiration table's long admired beauty! I have everything for my table sitting in bins on my living room floor right now. What a mess! I should take pictures of the mess too!!

  11. If I'm going to get anything together I better get busy. I'm challenged just to decorate this year!

  12. I remember your Irish themed table!!! I think your blog or Alma's was the very first blog I read, ever. I think I even commented that I wanted to pin it, but at the time I didn't know how. Lol. I've done a lot of learning! These are some gorge tables! Can't wait to see what everyone links up.

  13. Kathleen, it was so fun looking at your previous Christmas tables. They are all beautiful, but my favorite has to be the red and white candy cane one! I'm working on a Christmas tablescape this week and I'll have to agree with Candy-my dining room and hutch are a mess right now! Hope I get it together!

  14. I'm glad I stopped by, what fun! can't wait to see all the pretty tablescapes, I've got to start finding a table to copy lol!


  15. Hi Kathleen, You have such a wonderful collection of REALLY PRETTY dishes! The Christmas dishes in your header are my favorite -- some of the prettiest I've seen. I also love the ones in the first picture of the post. Great Christmas tables, one and all!

    I'm looking forward to participating in the copycat challenge tomorrow night. I've already got my table put together -- just have to take pictures tonight. :) See you then!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  16. Enjoyed seeing your pretty tables! I just ordered the Heritage Bundt pan after reading your post, can't wait to try it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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