Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Noshes~ National Bundt Day Challenge on the 12th!

November has arrived, windy, cold and rainy!  Brown is an appropriate color for November, me thinks! Clocks go back, and darkness comes so early. I do not like it!

If you think Irish Soda Bread is just for St. Patrick’s Day, surprise!  We have it all year round.  Of course, if it tasted like my Mom’s, one day a year was enough!  It took me many tries to get it the way we like it…moist!  I have had some that made you want to call 911, even an inordinate amount of butter didn’t help! ;>


I like to keep some in the freezer in case someone drops in for tea.



Yesterday was All Saints’ Day, and the first graders had the annual parade.



Each child picks a saint, and recites a short speech about the saint  they are dressed as.


Declan chose his namesake, St. Declan, a Bishop of Ireland.

It’s a nice change from Halloween!

Don’t forget Nov. 12th is the Bundt Cake challenge.  National Bundt Cake day is the 15th, so dig out your pans, show them to us, and do a dessert table setting. You can freeze the cake for Tgiving, or just go ahead and eat it!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Adorable! We had Sts. Day yesterday too and the Catholic schools had many celebs in their honor.
    You cracked me up with the Irish bread situation in the past, lol! Now they look great...wish I could drop by for tea!
    I'll be ready for the Nov. challenge. Have a great week ahead.

  2. What a great idea for a celebration. Hope to join the challenge.

  3. How adorable!

    I find in ours schools..since they have changed to linguistic instead of religion..nothing like this takes place..

    The kids are so cute..St Declan:)

  4. Oh, how adorable they are! I know we celebrated All Saints Day in school, but that was too many years ago for me to remember how, lol. I'm returning from a trip the day before your next challenge. Hope I can get it together to join in. I love a good bundt cake!

    Your irish soda bread looks so delish! I've never even attempted to make it. :).

  5. Kathleen,
    Adorable the way the children participated in All Saint's day, dear friend!!!
    Not only teaching speaking at an early age, but history, as well!!!
    I've seen the KerryGold Butter in the dairy case at the grocer's but hadn't tried any.
    It would be perfect in my recipe for the upcoming Bundt Cake Challenge!
    Again, thank you for the invitation to participate.

  6. Wonderful celebration of All Saints Day. The kids are all so cute. Look at all those great loaves!!
    Happy November to you Kathleen.

  7. Hi, Wonderful celebration of All Saints day. The pictures of the children were just wonderful. We have a 11 year old grandson named Declan, I must show him these pictures. Are you going to share your Irish Bread recipe? Would love it. Thank you!!!!!

    1. 4 C flour
      1 t salt
      4 t baking powder
      1 t baking soda
      3/4 C sugar
      2 t caraway seed
      1 C raisins
      1 egg
      Splash of OJ
      2 C buttermilk
      1/4 stick of soft butter

      Sift dry ingredients. Mix in the seeds and raisins. Add buttermilk and vanilla and mix.

      Add beaten eggs and soft butter, mix..add a splash of OJ

      Put into 2 greased loaf pans, or 1 10 in round. Slit the top with a knife.

      Bake at 350 about 30 to 35 for loaf pans, 50 for round.
      Brush with butter or milk 10 min before removing from oven.
      Check center to see if done, do no over bake..

  8. Home baked bread sounds perfect for the winter blues! Looking forward to next week!

  9. I just love how Declan's school honors All Saints' Day! He looked so cute. Hmmm I think I may just have to dig out my bundt pan and get a head start on Thanksgiving desserts!

  10. Love the sweet celebration for the school. I always enjoy seeing these photos of children and happy holiday celebrations. Hmmm, I wonder if I can find my bundt cake pan. It’s been a while since I used it.
    Happy November............

  11. The childrens school shows are always such fun! I have no clue where my bubdt pan might be since I vERY rarely bake:) Is Let's dish tonight???

  12. Kathleen the tablesetting on this page is just stunning I love the vine on the mini soup tureen and the white square plates they look like lace. can't wait for the challenge I'm all set except for the baking.Susie

  13. Oh, this made me lonesome for little kidlets around. My kids are old and used, hahaha.
    For the bundt challenge, can I use a cake I baked a couple of years ago, but have pictures of? No more baking here -- grain and gluten free, sad to say. I promise a new table setting. :-)
    I think you are getting even more rain than we are! -- Cass

  14. I'd love to drop in for tea :) Love the school photos and Bishop Declan - so cute!

  15. We are back in Houston and though I don't like leaving Maine, I don't miss the short days that last through winter. Dropping in for tea with you would be a pleasure I think.

  16. Like you, Kathleen, I bake Irish soda bread all year round. It's a taste I grew up with and love, and Kerrygold butter is the very best for a soft crust. Thanks for the lovely photos of the little ones at their All Saints Parade.


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