Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Tables Galore!

I always wanted to put all my Christmas tables in one place! 

So here goes from the beginning, up till 2012, not in order.  Some were simple tables for 2, and you can see when I got a better camera! I can’t believe how blurry they are!




table 1455Photobucket

table 427Photobucket

IMG_4155table 424

table 1455

PhotobucketIMG_3907table 1335 (2)


table 1423

Picture 1251

Picture 1259

Picture 1334

Picture 1203

Picture 973December 2011 207IMG_3786

December 2011 199

table 1429

December 2011 136

Blog Labor 082_thumb[10]Check Cmas

December 2011 233





Blog Labor 109

Blog Labor 082

Blog Labor 226

Blog Labor 228

Blog Labor 126

Dec 2012 177

Dec 2012 083

Jan 2013 040

Dec 2012 279

Dec 2012 241



Let's Dish 1719

December 2011 059

I am sure I missed a few, but now I can review them all in one place.  Helps me to remember what accoutrements I have!

Don’t forget the challenge on Dec 11th, find an inspiration Holiday table and show it to us, then your take on it!

I will be celebrating my blogaversary, I started in  Dec. of 2008.

To celebrate there will be a giveaway  for the party on the 11th.

Hope you will join in!

Thanks for visiting, see you Wed night!

I am joining Kathe for You’re Gonna Love it Tues.

Marty for Inspire Me Tues. 

Susan for Tablescape Thursday


  1. Kathleen,
    This is such a clever idea, dear friend!!!
    I've been going through my photo archives
    and making new folders to store categorized pictures.
    The red wagon filled with biscuits was adorable!!!
    My all time favorite is the blue & white with the Ice Skate Centerpiece!!!
    E X Q U I S I T E!!!
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful and inspiring Tablescapes with us!!!

  2. What fun Kathleen! I enjoyed seeing every table! Now I just wish I was sitting at one of them enjoying your company and food!!

  3. Hard to believe it's been five years of blogging (and tables). Thank you for re-sharing these beautiful tables!

  4. Wow - you are really ready - beautiful. sandie

  5. I bow to the Queen of Tablescaping! Wow how fun to have all the Christmas tables in one place. Looking forward to sharing some of mine with you this month!

  6. AWESOME!!! much beauty all in one place..your tables are magnificent...and full of inspiration..thank you for doing this..
    Love, Mona

  7. I enjoyed strolling through your lovely Christmas tablescapes!

  8. I always love your tables Kathleen but especially during the holiday season. Your creativity is so inspirational! Thank you for sharing your tables at the party this week! I will be featuring this post on my Facebook page today as well as pinning it to the You're Gonna Love It Tuesday board on Pinterest :-)

  9. Wow, I is hard to believe it's been five years for both of us! I just checked, and my first post was the end of October, 2008. I missed my five year anniversary!

    It's fun to look back on all you've accomplished over those years and you've set some fun and pretty tables.

    Hope all is well!

  10. Oh what a wonderful trip down memory lane, Kathleen!!! I can also show DH this post & say "Seeee, you think I have a lot of dishes??!!" LOL

    Some were new to me, like the one with the little wagon carrying buns...Too cute!! I must remember that...Ms. C. would be tickled pink with that idea.

    You forgot to put the tablescape that is in your header, didn't you? I don't think I saw it but I could be wrong. I was counting all your different dishes but got dizzy & lost my place about half way through.

    Just a DELICIOUS post, top to bottom!!
    Thanks for doing this for us to enjoy & for you to remember, too.

  11. WOW! WOW! WOW!! I can't choose a favorite, they're also wonderful in their own ways. Thank you for sharing them all with us.

  12. They are all so unique!!!! Kathleen you are the Queen.

  13. You should make a coffee table book or something from these to set out at Christmas! You can do it through blogger somehow (I'm not sure how). You have the most beautiful eye for tables, and they are all lovely. I was going to pick the white one with the skates as my favorite but just kept changing my mind.

    I have missed all the fun of blogging more than I can express.

  14. Oh, Kathleen! What a gallery of creative artistry! You are truly an inspiration to those of us who love the art of tablescaping. GREAT POST!!!! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  15. Kathleen - it was so much fun to see your Christmas tables! I could not choose a favorite, but I do love the ones where you used plaid. I cannot wait to see your 2013 table!!

  16. WOW - love seeing all of your settings. There is a lot of inspiration here - going back to look all over again!!

  17. Love your recap Kathleen, so many tables and so much inspiration! See you this evening :)

  18. Kathleen, It seems that you have truly created a Christmas Tablescape home place. So many different, and beautiful tablescapes all in one place. Like every one else I am inspired! I just looked back though all of them again and I love them all. I love the playful plaids, I love the elegance of white and gold, I just love them all!


  19. Wow, that was a fun trip to see all your tables of Christmas past, Kathleen. I seem to be drawn to the plaids and those Santa plates with the blue background. I love the little wagon that's holding the biscuits. Thank you for all the holiday inspiration. Hope your hubby is feeling better each day. Still praying... xo

  20. Your tablescapes are stunning - I love them all. Very Very pretty dishes. Thanks so much for sharing.

  21. So neat to see them all in one place - lots of amazing tables! There are so many wonderful tables that it's hard to choose a favorite! And yes, a better camera does make the difference!!!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  22. Oh wow, each one is exquisite. Loved seeing them all in one place. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  23. So many fun and pretty Christmas tables! It's fun to take a look back at what you have created. I often forget what I have to play with. I guess that is age rearing it's ugly head! LOL


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