Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Not Eggs actly Subtle~Let’s Dish # 54


Good evening, Dishers, and welcome to this week’s meeting.

I hope those who are preparing for Easter have all your chicks in a row, and your eggs colored!

Speaking of chicks, the last time Alma, The Tablescaper,  and I were at CTS, she pointed out this very stylin’ Plus Size chick.


She became the centerpiece, nestled in a bed of paper grass, with eggs and chicks and flowers tucked in.

Easter 2013 007


Easter 2013 010


She lights up via a battery pack that fits in her, umm, bottom!

Easter 2013 013

I made the tablecloth from wonderful fabric heavy weight  from Duralee.  The design has a green and white cord going through .It was a remnant at the Outlet, and at a dollar I hopped to it, quick as a bunny.  :)

Salt and pepper bunnies from Christmas Tree Shop.

Easter 2013 003

Purple flatware by Cambridge, a Cmas gift from Alma, green ruffled charger from CTS, orange dinner from $ Tree, Lime polka dot plate trimmed in white, clearance at HG, $1.60.

Easter 2013 024

Orange stripe salad plate by Syracuse china from the .99 store.

Sweet grosgrain ribbon trimmed napkin with embroidered carrots from Pottery Barn.  Purple ceramic napkin ring by Villeroy and Boch, with a carrot from CTS .

Easter 2013 005

Pink stem from CTS and tumbler from .99 store. Little pink chick stirrer from my friend, Pam, via a thrift shop.

Egg topiary name holder from CTS, as well as the pink ramekins.

Easter 2013 015

The glass egg holder is from WSonoma Outlet.

Easter 2013 001





Definitely an EGGS plosion of color compared to last week’s table!

QRA 020

Do you have traditional foods you always make for Easter?

We always make Babka , as my dh is of Ukrainian heritage.

Bargains 201

table 2193

Recipe HERE

Snow peas filled with crabmeat are a favorite appetizer for the Easter meal.

Bargains 191

Bargains 187

The Egg cupcakes are a must, for the kids and adults alike! Put the jelly bean on right before serving so it doesn’t bleed into the whipped cream.

The yolk is cream cheese icing tinted yellow.  I make some with chocolate cake too.  They are dipped in chocolate, a bit messy for sure!  Recipe HERE

Bargains 213

table 2160

If I don’t see you before then, have a wonderful holiday!

We celebrate all of Easter Week, it doesn’t end on Sunday, that is only the start!

table 2179 (Small)

Happy Easter! I am off to fill 120 eggs we need for the egg hunt!


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I am joining…

Yvonne for TT and Tutorials

Home Girl for Friday Fiesta

Diann for Thrifty Things Friday

Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Jan for Share your cup Thursday

Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday

Beverly for Pink Saturday


  1. Love all of this tablescape, every single dish, glass, napkin, that centerpiece, oh my! Eggsactly what this table needed! Happy and blessed Easter to you and your family, Kathleen. xo

  2. Your tablescape is so very beautiful. I just just love it. You did such a nice job pulling everything together. Your food has me drooling...hmmmm...I think I missed lunch!!! xo Diana

    1. Diana, your gift card went out, so you should have it soon!

  3. Love your eggsplotion of color!! So fun. The sweet chick with the pack in her bum is adorable. I love those napkins and may have to "remake" some of mine! Have a beautiful day and a blessed Easter. Thanks for hosting.. xo marlis

  4. I just realized, I am too early:) See ya later!!!

  5. This is so picture perfect Kathleen. A beautiful table, love the centerpiece! The food looks looks delicious.
    Blessing and Happy Easter.

    The French Hutch

  6. Great to have some "plus-size chicks" around at Easter - makes one not feel so bad about eating all that chocolate! Messy or not, I'd love one of your egg cupcakes - they look so yummy and fun! Very pretty t'scape and the tablecloth is a terrific backdrop - can't believe the price for that material. Happy Easter, Kathleen!

  7. Love all the food you prepare. It looks delicious. Such a cute table. Thanks for hosting.

  8. Love those pretty napkins K, the Babka looks great too! Happy Easter Week, have fun:@)

  9. Happy Easter Kathleen! Your post is gorgeous and delicious as always.

  10. Hi Kathleen, I always try to stop by early to check out your table. I love all your bargains of course!! Those carrots on the napkin rings look REAL!! I have those same HG polka dot plates and love them for Spring. The layers of dishes add so much color and texture. The light-up bunny must be sooo cute at night. Your grands will love that. Happy Easter, dear Kathleen, to you and your family.
    p.s. Thanks for hosting! xo

  11. The mega bunny adds a perfect dose of whimsy to your Easter table. You're filling 120 that has to be an act of true love! I adore your color combination this week. I always marvel at your budget friendly resources....sounds like a destination vacation idea to me! Happy Easter Week! Cherry Kay

  12. WOW, are you ever ready!! Love your sweet little Big Mama chick...she has sass! All your pretty colors play beautifully together.
    The snow peas filled with crabmeat look scrumptious & are so artfully arranged. I haven't even STARTED my baking yet. too busy sewing! LOL
    Too busy to set a pretty table to join in tonight, either. We'll be at family's home, so I ain't doin' nuttin'!

    Have a blessed Easter, Hon,

  13. I am in love with your tablescape!! Bright colors are my fave! Your traditional foods look delish! I am filling 10 dozen of eggs for our hunt too =) Have a wonderful Easter/Resurrection Week!

  14. Kathleen, this is a darling table. And all that food is making me hungry. You are such a fabulous cook! I have the same napkins. They are so cute with their ribbon edges. Thanks for hosting and Happy Easter! ~ Sarah

  15. Kathleen - your color scheme of green and orange is so bright and cheerful. I am seriously in love with those napkins! They are adorable, just as that chick is. Your food looks so good - I have even finished planning my menu. I guess I had better "get with it". Happy, happy Easter to you!!

  16. Hi lovely lady.
    This is so picture perfect Kathleen. I love your Beautiful tablescape, love the centerpiece also, and the food looks delicious. I hope you have a Bless and Happy Easter with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  17. Kathleen..I love your little ruffly chicks in the centerpiece..and all of your food looks delicious...such a pretty table..
    Enjoy your Easter fun to see everyone's preparations..

  18. Who made a replica of me without my permission??!?! That plus-size chick is ME!!!:-) Look look at the look back at me. (Remember that Old Spice commercial?) :-) You went all out in color and texture and fun! This is a really joyous table, Kathleen!!! I have never eaten Babka. It looks good. You know I can't make anything that involves yeast, though. Sigh! :-( I know your family will eat well and enjoy the time spent together. Have a wonderful Easter week, and I wish you and your family Easter blessings!

  19. Kathleen~ Love your not eggs-actly subtle table and your plus size chick centerpiece! :) Everything looks delicious too, love the idea of snow peas filled with crabmeat! Wishing you & your family a Happy Easter!

  20. I bet your grandkids would love that plus size chick! I wish I lived closer so I could pop on over for some Babka. Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter.

  21. Another lovely table, Kathleen! I'm so happy to be here early this evening! Thanks for hosting...I'm still open to ideas for Easter, so I'll be visiting around! Happy Easter to you and your family. I'm thinking about all of you. ~Zuni

  22. love the plus size chick! Hilarious! I also really like the green dot plate and the green and orange palette! Great change from traditional Easter pastels. All your food looks yummy too! Stuffed snow peas please!

  23. Kathleen, I'm so glad you invited me to join your party because when I came over, I got to see Big Mama chick! Wow! Now that is what I call a centerpiece! And I love all the colors you used on your table! You have been cooking up a storm and look ready. I hope you and your family have a blessed Easter!

  24. What a fun table. The chicks are too cute and the foods looks delicious. Have a great Easter and thank you for hosting.

  25. Those cute napkins are the perfect finishing touch to your festive table. I love the touch of grosgrain ribbon. Thanks for hosting, Kathleen. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  26. Love all the bright colors! The food looks absolutely delicious! We don't have any unusual traditional food, just the deviled eggs! I usually like to do potato salad with ham, etc, but it's still a little cool for potato salad this year, even here in FL! Oh, pineapple upside down cake is traditional here!

    120 eggs???? Yikes!

    Happy Easter!


  27. It definitely is an EGGS plosion of color, but I love every bit of it! Those are the cutest napkins. I never would have thought to stuff snow peas...great idea. We love crab salad. Get stuffing those eggs...I helped do two huge garbage bags full of those eggs...took hours, maybe I should say days, like 3 of them!
    Happy Easter to you and Mike.

  28. Your table is so festive, colorful and so beautiful, Kathleen! And so are the foods you prepared. So beautiful and so yummy! Happy Easter!...Christine

  29. Kathleen, I don't know if I missed it, or if my memory is so bad that I have forgotten it, but that table in your header is absolutely stunning! Your table for this post is sooo cute! That chick in her Easter bonnet is so much fun, and the way you mixed all of the fun colors makes this look like a table for a real celebration. You've got it all ~ the fab tablescape and the delicious food. Have a wonderful week celebrating Easter! laurie

  30. Kathleen:

    That chick looks great center stage! And I know you've used them before but those PB napkins are gorgeous!

    Looks like you've got the cooking well underway!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  31. What a beautiful table for Easter Kathleen. I love all the elements you pulled together here, specially the adorable bunnies hopping all over it!! The food is fabulous and that Babka is making me drool..I'm making this one SOON!! Thanks for the recipe and for hosting your great meme. Happy Easter.

  32. I really love this table. Believe it or not, it might actually be my favorite table that you have ever done. (And that's saying something.) It makes me think of Mr. MacGregor's garden in Peter Rabbit. The green plate on the bottom looks like a leaf of lettuce, and the rest just stacks on the theme. I love the carrots (Well, I hate carrots but love your table carrots...) It's all wonderful, and I'm pinning it so I remember who gave me the inspiration.

  33. One of these days I want to shop with you and Alma. You two do find some pretty fun and wonderful things!

  34. I wish I could hop like a bunny up to your house for Easter! All that good food! We are up to our eyeballs in contractors, etc., and I will do well to get a ham sandwich on the table!


  35. Wow ...such a pretty Easter setting with all the cute things along with yummy preparations...Lovely share....Happy Easter to you...:):)

  36. Wow Kathleen, you always do such a great job and your foodie items are always impressive! Love the plus size chick! I really like that tablecloth fabric you's a perfect backdrop. I'm hungry and all that food looks way too good!
    Have a wonderful Easter Kathleen...

  37. Love your table, especially the carrot napkins and napkin rings. Makes the orange in the table pop! Thanks so much for hosting Let's Dish each week! Have a blessed Easter!

  38. Wow! You hit the entire rainbow with this tablescape and I love it! Your "fluffy" chick is darling, made me laugh and I love the napkins and rings. Everything is perfectly "ducky"! I bet it is fun at your house this week...very quiet and uneventful at mine. I still haven't quite wrapped my brain around Easter being this weekend!

  39. Love your big, bad-a** chick, Kathleen :) The carrot napkins are adorable too. One day, I hope to try those egg cakes.

  40. a very Spring-y table! Happy Easter, my friend!

  41. Such a beautiful and joyful table. Love those napkins with their adorable carrots.

    Have a Blessed Easter, He Is Risen!

  42. I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend Kathleen. I've enjoyed looking at the beautiful tablescapes everyone has shared this week, so thanks for hosting the party! I love, love, love those adorable carrot napkins on your table. You always have the most creative things, so I enjoy seeing the tables you share each week too.

  43. Coming by to say HAPPY EASTER..
    Your table is wonderful...:)
    xoxo bj

  44. Your table is certainly an "egg-plosion" of color and love all the of cute bunnies and chicks!!!...Just beautiful! Happy Easter to you and your family!!

  45. Love your Easter decorations! I know you are a very busy lady and your Easter preparations are looking delicious. Your chick centerpiece is a darling and egg xactly right for and Easter tablescape. Have a Happy Easter!


  46. Things got very busy here and I DID forget to link up. I will next week. XO

  47. Kathleen, this is so cute! I just LOVE that centerpiece! Thanks so much for sharing it on last week's FESTIVE FRIDAY FIESTA!! I can't wait to see what you have in store for this week's party! =D


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