Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thinking February~♥ ♥ ♥

I am happy to see January end, one month closer to the start of Daylight Savings Time.  I can stay out longer! :)

I found this Thursday in the WS Outlet.  I have many cake stands, but not a rectangular shaped one.

Jan 2013 062

It was originally 69.00, in clearance for 20, but I had a 20 off coupon, so $15.00.  I can't wait to bake a cake and use it.  Very weighty aluminum.

Anyone planning a dinner party for ♥ Day?

It is pretty empty around here in winter, most of my local friends head to FL for the winter.

I think I will see who is still around and do a dinner party.  We'll see!

I love planning!  I am bugging Alma to start planning her son's graduation party!  She'll have none of it though.

I, on the other hand, have sheets of notes on thoughts for my gson's first birthday.  He is the only one of 5 born in a summer month, so I will have it here. 

So what will I do for ♥ day?

We could start with this very easy appetizer, served on heart plates.
 I have a ton of them, I bought them to use for favors for an engagement party, but we went with something different.

table 550 table 529
I could serve part of the dinner in a heart shaped ramekin from Pfaltzgraff as I have plenty of those.

table 597  Maybe a heart shaped apple tart as one of the desserts?

Picture 1760
Definitely some Linzer Tarts...

And some heart shaped cookies as take homes?

Picture 1761

I must not forget to make the Feta cheese lips for the salad!

Picture 1834

They already think I am crazy, so this will confirm it!

Then there's the table.  Do I do pink...

Picture 1847

or red?

table 3107

That will depend on the number, I don't have 12 of everything! Now if only The Tablescaper lived nearby! :)

table 1740

But what ever I decide, I'll be sure to do it with love,

table 3160

Thanks for listening to my ramblings!

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.


  1. What a great suggestion of ideas. I think my favorite is the shrimp plated to look like a heart. Wouldn't be enough shrimp for my crew, but love it!

    - The Tablescaper

  2. I definitely think you should have a dinner party. You have everything you need in these pictures. I may have to steal your idea for the shrimp...darling! I love your new cake stand...very different and pretty!


  3. I love your ramblings. I am smiling!

    Have a great weekend.

  4. I think your dinner party sounds like fun K! Getting a group of friends together is a great idea for V-Day. How'd you make out in the snow? We only had less than an inch and it was the pretty powdery stuff-love that! Have a great weekend:@)

  5. Hey if you need a fill-in guest, I believe I am free! I am in the same place all year round! Ha! Love all your heartscapes, and of course, your food. I'd be happy munching on a cookie and a cup of coffee. Keep thinking those warm thoughts! xo

  6. Such a cute post, Kathleen. It made me smile (*_*)!!

  7. Lots of great Valentine inspiration Kathleen!

  8. OMGosh, Kathleen- What a wonderful, fun post. I love all the wonderful treats here! I love that cake stand-I don't think I have EVER seen a square one before. It is perfect- xo Diana

  9. Ramble on..........Valentine's, dinner party, dishes, food..............all my favorite subjects. Trying to decide what dishes I want to use this year for our Valentine's table. Love your choices!

  10. Love this post. Your table settings are so cute. It would be hard to pick! I love the Prawns. That's so smart to make a heart with them! Your feta lips are too cute! We never really plan for Valentine's Day as are kids are still young. Maybe we'll have a nice dinner together here! Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. Hi Kathleen, I like the heart shaped appetizer dishes with the shrimp and the apple tart is calling my name! I think you'll have fun with red or pink dishes for your party. I'm thinking I may do a Mardi Gras table next week but I'm not sure yet! We'll see! Linda

  12. Lots of choices, that's for sure, Kathleen! I've hunted high and low (again this year) for heart-shaped dishes/ luck. I love the shrimp appetizer! Thanks for visiting at "P" is for Pink Pancakes! ~Zuni

  13. I love your sense of humor, Kathleen! I will probably make dinner here of ♥ day...why overpay for something mediocre! I think I only have 2 heart plates, big enough for a salad...need to find a couple more a little larger, but hen where would I put them. I want a piece of that apple galette!

  14. MMMMMMwah to you too, Kathleen! :-D I love this post -- so many pretty Valentine images and great ideas. How funny that you're ready to plan Alma's son's graduation party. I hadn't thought about the fact that so many of your friends would be in Florida for the winter, but I guess that's pretty common.

    Visiting from Seasonal Sundays; have a great weekend!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  15. Wow, you have plenty of options to choose from in setting a table (or six!) for a Valentine's Day party! I really love that pink table setting -- so romantic and/or girly for a ladies' luncheon!

  16. Serious plate envy alert! I cannot believe how many heart-shaped pieces you own. Wow! I know that it will not matter which color you choose, your table will be fantastic!

  17. A BIG MUhwahhh back at you Kathleen! I loved reading your post,it gave me a big smile this ccccold Sunday am. I,m a party planner to. I ll be your next follower and as soon as I am feeling better I ll join your party. Gosh you have sooo many wonderful settings and a great eye for putting it down!I ll be back soon. Dianna

  18. So many cute ideas! The pink setting is definitely my favorite! I am doing a Valentine table for my son's Valentine birthday {who is in his 30's} I wish I had some of your heart dishes! I am a new follower and I am looking forward to joining Let's Dish next week. I know I will spend way too much time looking at all the fabulous tables!

  19. I love cake stands, and have collected them for years! I have not seen one like this, and like it very much!.Our plans for Valentines will be quiet and simple. I am still trying to get things back to normal in the house.
    Enjoyed seeing all your Valentine's pretties, especially the plaid dishes, and heart napkins. And the food, what can I say! I always seem to come by when I am hungry, and would love to reach in and take a bite. ~smile~
    I know you are going to enjoy planning your grandson's first birthday, and it will be very special, and hope you will share some pics.

  20. I love your new cake stand and all the lovely pics! Blessings, Tammy

  21. Great cake stand find! Looks like it fits a half-sheet? I am also looking forward to saying goodbye to January. One step closer to daylight savings and spring! Love the feta lips :)

  22. OMGosh Kathleen, Your new cake stand is fabulous! If I'd seen it first, I'd have had to arm wrestle you for it. :) I can see it used for all sorts of things. Thanks for the Valentine's Day inspirations. I've been racking my brain trying to think of something to decorate with for Valentine's Day. Love the feta cheese lips, and the cookie cutter. Mmmwah, to you, too.

  23. Cute post...You have lots of hearts! I am also anxious for January to end - isn't it a long, long month?

  24. I remember every single one of these!!! I'm especially in LOVE with the JUMBO shrimp in those heart shaped dishes. I think it was brilliant to serve them like that. I hope I can remember to do it for DH this year....our 26th wedding anniversary is Feb. 14th.

    Thanks for all the wonderful ideas you share, Kathleen. You are an amazing & wonderfully creative domestic engineer.

    Warm Hugs,

  25. Love month is upon us, almost! Great ideas....I just told a friend that I need you, I am having a Mardi Gras themed dinner next month....I do have beads!

  26. Whatever you decide to do for Valentine's Day, I'm sure it will be nothing short of wonderful for whoever gets to sit at your table! You always have such creative Valentine's Day food and tables! The feta cheese wild!!!

    I am just fawning over that rectangular cake stand!!!!!!! Why aren't there more of those around??!?! A LOT of people have rectangular (homemade or store bought) cakes they would love to display on one!!!

  27. I'd sure like to be on that guest list! What a wonderful deal on the cake stand. I like planning too, but we so rarely entertain anymore. It just doesn't happen here the way it did in our last town. Oh well, maybe the next town!

  28. I will be happy to see January end in the hope February will have better weather. Valentine dinner is always at home as years ago I learned the hubby didn't think ahead about going out. More than once we drove around for a couple of hours only to find everything full except McDonald's. I think it might have been done on purpose as he likes to eat home more than out.

  29. Your treats are amazing Kathleen! I will cook for the wto of us, as usual for Valnetine's..or hubby might even, lol..Great deal for the lovely cake stand too!

  30. The options are absolutely endless, I tell you!
    What a great cake stand. Love. It.

  31. I think that you are fabulous whatever the month! You are amazing!!!

  32. The party plan sounds delicious and pretty. Go for it, Kathleen! I know you enjoy cooking and setting up...Christine

  33. I have nothing at all suitable for Valentine entertaining. As much as I like St. Valentine's Day, pretty much all I ever manage to do is make and send out cards. This is one holiday that always gets away from me. The five family birthdays in January following so closely after Christmas is probably the reason for this. If I were to decorate though, I think I'd go with red rather than pink.


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