Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Plaid Tidings for 2013~Cozy & Warm!

Happy 2013!  Best wishes for a blessed and healthy new year!

Reminder! Some still have the word verification thingy, please remove it before linking to Let's Dish! Thanks! I know some of you don't realize you have it.
Also, put your blog name first when you link, thanks!
I love plaid, and since my Secret Santa knew that, she bought me 12 plaid plates at Pottery Barn Outlet.  They were running a deal of the day sale ,$ 4.97.  I am my secret Santa!  :)

Dec 2012 244
I intend to use them through the winter, and play up the green for St. Patrick's Day!  Plaid isn't just for Christmas, and this setting would work all winter.

Dec 2012 234 Perfect for a cold and snowy night weekday dinner!

Dec 2012 237
A cotton cable knit throw is the first layer of this cozy and warm table.

Red  ceramic charger from PB, plaid dinner, white pierced edge salad from Cmas Tree Shop, henceforth CTS, :),  and red glass textured  bowl by Aroroc  The flatware is by Cambridge.

Dec 2012 250

I layered a white ball fringed napkin with a plaid.  Both were from Tues. Morning.  The green cloth napkin ring is braided with a button, .25 from CTS.

Dec 2012 248A lantern on a scrunched plaid mat, with some fresh Baby's Breath is the centerpiece.

Dec 2012 241  The red stemware is from CTS.  Little covered bowl and pitcher via HG.

Dec 2012 246
Dec 2012 245
Dec 2012 236
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

MY TIP for Yvonne's TTT...

When teaching children how to set the table, tell them the word  BIN.  It will help them remember that the B lade of the knife, goes IN, B IN.  :)

Also if you are taking a peek at  something, you S EE it, so PEEK is to see, spelled with EE like sEE, not EA,!  Always the teacher!  :)

Please keep the families of the children murdered in CT in your prayers, the months and years  ahead will be so difficult for them.

****The JANUARY CHALLENGE will be on JAN. 23!
****SNOW, ICE, WINTER  is theme!
Now all you Southern Gals,  think COLD!  :)

The winner of the $25 gift card is Debbie at Mountain Breaths!  Send me your address, Debbie, and it will go out in the mail!

Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment!

Your turn...

One Table setting , (dishes, glassware, silver, etc) related link, BLOG NAME FIRST

NO word ID permitted, people won't leave a comment when they see it, too time consuming,  and I want you to get visits and comments.

A link back to this party.

Don't forget to be a follower so if there is a give away you get in on it!

Your turn!
I am joining Yvonne for TTT, Susan for Tablescape Thurs.
Diann for Thrifty Things Fri.


  1. You know I relish a table set with plaid. Great buy, Kathleen. I saw these at PB this season. They set a gorgeous table. All the better that they were a great deal. Gotta get a post created if I want to join in this evening. ;-)
    Thanks for hosting each week...........Sarah

  2. I picked those plates up and put them back down in TWO different stores after Christmas. Sigh. I do love them, but I REALLY do not need them. Plus, I just reorganized my dish storage, and I know there is not room for any more! I love what you've done with them, though! Great idea, to include that warm throw on the table!

  3. Happy New Year, Kathleen! I was wondering who your generous "Secret Santa" was! Great table, I feel happy just looking at it. I will see if I csn join the next Challenge! xo

  4. You are a very generous Secret Santa!! Good for you, these dishes are beautiful and you have set lovely table! Happy New Year!

  5. Thanks for the dish alert, Kathleen--I've been wanting plaid dishes forever (I'm off to an awful start on my new year's intention to buy less, give more...). AND the best news is that I called our local PB outlet and they're now $3.99 each! Can't wait to get there. Lovely table; the cable-knit throw is perfect. Happy new year!! ~Zuni

    1. That is great, Zuni! I had to pick through what was left the week before Cmas . It was hard to find 12 that weren't damaged.
      Good luck with your hunt!

  6. Love your plaids, Kathleen! Happy 2013 to you and yours!!

  7. Love your warm and wonderful winter table. Hope your new year is wonderful!!

  8. I am going to remember the cable throw table cover. Genius, Kathleen.
    Wonderful table!

    Will get my thinking cap on for January 23.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Make sure it is a warm a wooly cap! No sun hats allowed! :)

  9. Hi Kathleen, I have said it before--oh for an PB outlet store near me! Those plaid dishes are really pretty but I resisted thinking I could get them on sale, or maybe the deer in snow they had paired with them. But they are gone and really I don't need them. You will be able to use them all winter. Plaid is so versatile. It is cold here today and your table looks so cozy and inviting with the throw and the red flatware. I'll start planning my January challenge table. Santa left me a new camera lens to play with, good for closeups! Happy New Year! Linda

    1. I wasn't going to buy them, but I missed out last year at CTS, so for the price, I went for it!
      Deer in snow? Look out the back door! Very life like, lol!

  10. Lucky you Kathleen with your plaid plates and your Secret Santa! No outlet nearby here, I paid full price for a set of 4 and was glad to have them! Love your cable knit table covering warming up your table! Wishing you a Healthy & Happy New Year!

  11. I love your new plaid plates K! They are beautiful and I agree, plaid can be used year round. No problem thinking about cold here today! I will say I was pleased to see that it was lighter outside after work, so that's a good thing:@)

  12. Happy New Year Kathleen! Love that you are your own Secret Santa - what could be better! Those pretty plaid plates are perfect (say that 3 times, fast!) and you are right, they will work well into winter and St. Pat's Day. I'll be linking up my Christmas 'scape this evening!


  13. Heck, yes that plaid will work like a charm clear through winter! It will look great for a St. Patrick's Day table!! It looks great here with the cable knit throw. What a cool....I mean WARM idea!!! I like the way you used the white to break up the saturation of color on the table. A bit of white really goes a long way like that!!! Congratulations to Debbie! She is most deserving!!! And as for you being your own Secret Santa....silly rabbit! That's hilarious! I'm on designing hiatus this week, so I won't be joining the party tonight. I'll come back and visit as many of the posts as I can, though. I always love to see what my fellow bloggers are cookin' up! Happy New Year, dear heart!

  14. Kathleen I love those plaid plates! This whole table is so warm and welcoming. Love the knit throw as a tablecloth! I've marked my calendar for the challenge!

    hugs, Linda

  15. Love your plaid dishes, Kathleen, and the idea of a throw for a table cover is so smart! I can't find Linky?? Happy New Year! laurie

  16. Oh my word, I was just meandering through my house today thinking that I wanted to involve some wool, some how some way, into a tables cape, and've already done it. I love it! Dang....I want a Pottery Barn outlet. The plaid plates are fantastic. You and I have the same Secret Santas...ourselves! Love the tables cape. I've always been a fan of underestimated line of designs. Thanks for inviting us for a peak and for hosting us. I'm already plotting for the January challenge. Happy New Year! Cherry Kay

  17. As always so beautiful, Kathleen, the knitted throw is a lovely idea! Your plaid plates I love too! Thanks for sharing ideas too.
    Wishing you a most blessed and Happy New Year.

  18. Love that cozy knit throw! You are so creative! I bought the same plaid plates at Pottery Barn in New York City since they gave me a $20 voucher when I made a purchase in November. The voucher had to be used between 12/26 and 1/1 so I lugged the plaid plates back on the train ;o) I had to look through the entire stack just to find six plates that didn't have scratches on them. I will be careful when I wash mine! They were 50% off. I plan to use them for a dinner parties since I already have four plaid plates from Target and they match nicely.

    I'll be thinking of a table for January 23rd. Perhaps using my plaid plates ;o)

    Thanks for the gift card! I'll email you my address.

  19. This is just the coziest homiest prettiest table -- so inviting. I do love my plaid PB plates, too. I plan to use them the rest of the winter. I like the way they mix with everything red green & white. I wish PB would make some correlates that do not look Christmassy, don't you? And I also wish I was close to an outlet! Hope you had a good New Year's Eve!

  20. Kathleen:

    They look great! Love the cable throw. Makes you want to snuggle up!

    - The Tablescaper

  21. I just reread that you were your own Secret Santa...lucky you :)) Thanks for hosting!

  22. Happy New Year Kathleen.. Your table is so lovely.. Smart to be your own secret santa...

  23. Love those plaid plates!!! Your secret santa is amazing. I love the cable throw.. what a great idea.. plaid and cables.. my absolute favorites. totally. Thank you for sharing your pretty table with us. And for hosting this lovely party!! xo marlis

  24. I do so love a plaid table, yours is so inviting. Thanks so much hosting. hugs ~lynne ~

  25. I love the plaid plates, Kathleen, and yea for the deal! The cozy cable knit throw is perfect for the wintry setting. I always look forward to your party. That's wonderful for Debbie in winning the gift card. Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year!!

  26. Oh I'm mad about plaid! Great finds as always Kathleen. Thanks so much for hosting each week! Happy New Year wishes to you & you're family :-)

  27. What is not to love about this table?? It makes me feel all warm and cozy and like I want a big mug of hot chocolate. The plaid is wonderful, and I agree that it can be used for so much more than for Christmas. I really love the sweater look under the thing and that little button on the napkin ring the best of all.

    I know I say this often, but I really do love your table style.

  28. Plaid plates to die for! Such a warm holiday table. So glad to finally have a tablescape so I can join in tonight! Thanks for hosting. :) Pam

  29. Your cozy plaid table is very inviting! I love the sweater table cloth too. Have a Happy New Year!

  30. You hit a home run with the cable knit cloth! It's the perfect foundation for your warm and cozy plaid tidings tablescape. :-)

  31. Plaid plates are so charming, cozy and did great Kathleen! I'm loving the tablecloth in the sweater look, that is awesome and've set a fabulous table. Have a blessed 2013 and thank for hosting this great party last year too!

  32. Beautiful table, Kathleen. Love your plaid plates, the colors are just perfect too. You are so lucky to get so may fabulous ones at good prices. happy New Year!... Christine

  33. Love the PB plaid...and the cable knit on the table is so very pretty!! must love your "Secret Santa"....

  34. Great plaid theme, love the dishes! The cable knit throw is perfect (and such a unique idea!) Those napkin rings are neat too!

    I didn't get my scape done in time, hope to join you next week though. Love the challenge idea of snow and ice, maybe this Florida gal can come up with something by then!!


    P.S. - I LOVE your LIVE Nativity!! Can I have them to add to my collection!!

  35. P.S. (again!) I wish your Secret Santa would be my Secret Santa too!! I need one! Guess I'll have to do what you did!


  36. I love the cable knit throw as a tablecloth!! Also love the red flatware and the red stemware!! Of course crushing on the plaid plates!! there is such thing as a perfect gift!

  37. The cable knit throw is ADORABLE!! I love everything about this table! Thanks for hosting!

  38. What a warm & welcoming table, Kathleen! I LOVED your idea of having your own Secret Santa...Hahaha! Good thinking.
    That cable knit throw was a brilliant touch that I never would have thought of doing.

    I've seen every one of your beautiful tables in my inbox this year & enjoyed each one immensely. You amaze me at how many different styles you can come up with.

    I'm already working on my tablescape for Jan. 23rd. It should be easy to think "Snow/Cold/Winter" since it is only 5º here this morning.

    Have a Blessed & HEALTHY 2013, Hon.

  39. Thank you for the opportunity to link, Kathleen.

    Ooh, I love this look. The plaids are a favorite of mine, and your idea to use the white coverlet was brilliant.

  40. Hi Kathleen, This is the first time I have linked with your party. Your plaid is a real winner with me. I adore your tablescape so much. Warm and cozy is definitely your plan to welcome your guests. I love that you are your own secret Santa. I really relate to that. HA!

    Wishing you a wonderful 2013.

  41. LOVE the plaid Kathleen! I never put my plaid napkins and tablecloth up with Christmas because I like to have a Robert Burns supper tablescape. :D

  42. Forgot to put that Robert Burns Day is January 25th!!!

  43. I love your secret santa gift! LOL Your entire table looks wonderful and wintery. It has such a fun cozy feel. Thank you for hosting Kathleen. Have a fun day!

  44. Kathleen, I love those plates. I actually bought 10 of them when they went on sale, but not as good price as your sale. I also go the Deer in the Snow plates, so I dropped a penny or two at PB. I love that you paired them with the cable knit throw which suits them perfectly. Thanks for hosting. Dianne

  45. I adore your plaids -- thanks for hosting every's such fun to see all the creative tablescapes for so much inspiration.

  46. Kathleen, I had a good giggle at your secret santa... now the secret is out!!! What great dishes. I'm gong to use red plaid next Christmas... our PB outlet did not have these lovely dishes.
    Thanks for the other great tips!!!!
    I have not set a table lately... but will have one very soon!!!
    Happy New Year!

  47. Congrats to Debbie! Your table looks so cozy with that cable cloth on it and I love the plaid dishes :) Your Secret Santa has good taste! It was really chilly here last weekend but I see a little warm up on the way, thankfully.

  48. Hi lovely lady.
    What a beautiful Christmas tablescape! I bet your guests felt very special sitting down at this stunning table!I hope you and your family all had a wonderful New Year.
    XXOO Diane

  49. Kathleen, I just love, love, love this table! Well, to begin with I adore plaid. I didn't get these dishes at PB because I thought it might be too much with the plaid tablecloth and now I so regret it!!! What was I thinking? I could have mixed it with other tablecloths, or even with a cable throw like you did! I marvel at how well your napkins match the plates, too! I have a very similar cable throw which I'm going to be eyeing very differently going forward . . . Happy New Year!

  50. I LOVE your plaid dishes. This would be perfect for Valentine's Day too with all the red.

  51. .....just watching the news...sure hope you weren't on that ferry....


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