Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mid-January Red and Black~ Let's Dish!

January blahs...what to do?  Too soon for Valentine's Day!

The photo in my header is from Jan. 2011.

You can see the details here. It was the first time I made the rose cupcakes, and the directions are linked.
They are on the green footed plate in the top right of the picture.

I don't want you to think I am jumping to St. Patrick's Day, although I have been thinking about the 5th Annual Blog Crawl!

Next week is the SNOW~ICE~WINTER CHALLENGE, so I didn't want to do something on that theme.
I bought this red and black check tablecloth at Kohls before Cmas, and this flatware from World Market.  I hadn't used it yet, so today was the day.  Very dreary, cold and rainy,  but we escaped the snow that many of you got.

Dec 2012 277
Red and black checked tablecloth, black place mat, red square plate, white salad, and red covered bowl.

The red square plates I have used a lot, and they are by Pfaltzgraff, they were 1.00 in one of their on line sales.  I have them in yellow too.

Dec 2012 278

The flatware is from World Market, as are the little red covered bowls.
Dec 2012 282
Dec 2012 279
Short black glasses hold votives, they are from $ Tree.

Black napkins with some dried baby's breath tucked in.

Dec 2012 280Black goblet from Pier One, and black footed ribbed glass from Pfaltzgraff, both several years ago.
Dec 2012 281 
The centerpiece is my Lion's Head Tureen from WS Outlet, filled with hydrangea, sprayed black and some baby's breath .
Dec 2012 276
My tip for Yvonne's TTT is to dry your hydrangea and spray them any color you want.  I have done gold and silver for Christmas centerpieces, and red for patriotic holidays.

I didn't make anything new this week, so I will show something for ♥ day from the past.

Picture 1855
These are small heart shaped cakes.  Use a cookie cutter to cut out part of the cake. Dust with confectionery sugar. Fill with cherry pie filling.
 You could be really decadent and dip the cake in chocolate before you fill it!

Eat the part you cut out, you deserve it!  :)

Picture 1854
The Tablescaper and I went bargain hunting at CTS yesterday.  We did well!
Dec 2012 270
How about this 60x84 Nordic looking tablecloth.  The snowshoes and skis are embroidered.
Dec 2012 272
I think Debbie at Mountain Breaths
would like it!
It was a whopping .98!  I'll show some more of the bargains we found in this weekend's post.

Now let's see what you were up to this week!

The details...
One table related link, no word id, and a link back to this post, PLEASE. If there is no link back, your entry will be deleted.

BLOG NAME FIRST, you have unlimited letters to describe your entry.

A comment is always appreciated, and I know so many of you make a great effort to visit the entries.

If you don't have time to visit some of the others, I would rather you not link up.

One of the biggest complaints I hear about parties is that bloggers take the time to link up and visit, but they don't get many return visits.  I know that is not the case here.

Thank you for understanding.

Thanks for stopping by, and see you this weekend for Bargain Show and Tell!  :)

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thurs.,
Diann for Thrifty Things Fri
Gollum for Foodie Friday


  1. The cloth is amazing, Kathleen. Your red and black table is wonderful. I might have to make a stop at World Market and have a look for the flatware.

    1. Pat, they aren't that well made, imho. I would be afraid to put them through the dishwasher!

    2. I have some flatware like that too. Strictly just for fun.:-) And glassware. Hand wash only.

  2. Lovin' your red and black tablecloth K! Your setting is perfect for such a damp, bone chilling day:@)

  3. Anything black and red makes for a great masculine the tablecloth...and the flatware.
    I am anxiously waiting to see what you will do with the new tablecloth...the snowshoes are pretty cool.
    Thanks for hosting.

  4. Lovely table! Very hard for me to pick one favorite element out of all of them, but I really love the black goblets.

  5. Beautiful red and black table. I specially love the embroidered tablecloth. Thank you for hosting, this week's Let's Dish.

  6. What a gorgeous Valentine tablescape...I love it! I love your individual cakes, esp part about getting to eat the little heart!! Have a wonderful day....hugs, Penny

  7. What a wonderful black & red table~ perfect with the Nordic flatware! Oh to have a CTS...what a buy on your tablecloth! I'm anxious to see what other bargains you found :) Thanks for hosting!

    1. Mary, do you have that cloth? I know I saw it somewhere! I know you have the flatware, saw it in your recent potato soup post. :)

  8. I remember your black hydrangeas, I think you used them for a Chinese New Year tablescape. Love the new cloth, the embroidered one is different. Those chocolate hearts look very yummy. xo

    1. I know I have used them before! They are starting to shed! I didn't save any last Fall, so this year I will have to spray some new ones. They come in handy as fillers! And the price is right! :)

  9. I love that flatware - I saw those at World Market while I was Christmas Shopping for others - kept having to tell myself to focus on the task at hand and quit finding stuff for me!! The chocolate cakes look delish! would love to eat the centers!!

  10. Hi Kathleen! Your header table is gorgeous! I am really into all the green around these days after green was named the Pantone color of the year! I never knew about spray painting hydrangea. They seem so delicate when they dry, but that is a great idea for using them during the winter, when I start wondering why I saved so many. Yum, the cake looks so good with the pie filling. I'm off to eat my chili now, but I'll be back to visit ALL the links! I try every time. You are lucky to have missed the snow, although we only got about four inches. Not too bad! Thank you for hostessing! Linda

    1. Thank you Linda, and I really do appreciate those who make such a good effort to visit. You know how we feel about Link and Runners, LOL!
      Glad we missed the snow, makes life so hard for the disabled.

  11. Fabulous tablescape, Kathleen! My favorite are the cakes and flatware, both so pretty!...Christine

  12. Such a fun and happy table. Love the sweet cakes. Probably a good thing we don't have a CTS close by, you girls sure found some great bargains. Thanks so much for hosting. hugs ~lynne ~

  13. I love the tablecloth! Did they have more? We never get those cute tablecloths at our CTS. LOL I'll be back after I link up.

    1. It was the only one I saw, but you might find one at yours. Look in the clearance section.

  14. You and your Christmas Tree Shop bargains!! I am going to VA at the beginning of February and I have already realized that I will be driving 1.5 hours to Richmond, the closest one, so that I can have a CTS experience! Hope I can find some fun things. Love the red, black, and white, so vibrant and inviting. The world market flatware to sooo darn cute too. Love the little cake idea! Thanks for hosting. Joni

  15. Loving this tablescape, Kathleen! The color scheme is so pretty! Thanks so much for hosting this great party!

  16. I love your black and red table, Kathleen! The tip on the hydrangeas is a great one. Thanks so much for hosting and I hope you have a happy week.

  17. You came up with a great table, despite your claim of lacking inspiration! That wonderful flatware is so unusual! Love the tablecloth, too. Thank you for hosting!

  18. I am really into the black and white and red this time of year! Love that tablecloth and those covered bowls are really sweet. Thanks for hosting each week. I've been away from home so much this is the first tablescape I've done in months! It's good to be back! Hugs, Linda

    PS Love your tip about spraying dried hydrangeas...great idea!

  19. Love your new tablecloth! Your black and red tablescape really cheers up a cold and dreary day!

  20. You know I would have bought that cloth! I've seen the nordic flatware from World Market, and considered it for my ski party, but it's not available on line. Thanks for the tip on spraying the hydrangeas.

    1. I got mine on line, Debbie, but a few months ago.
      Once stock gets low, they don't offer it on line.
      You are not missing much, I am not pleased with the quality.

  21. Hey there, Kathleen! You and your fabulous bargains!!! What am I going to do with your??!?!!! :-) That World Market flatware is pretty slick. I could think of 1,001 uses for it here in the Midwest where ski resorts abound just to the west. I'm glad the snow missed you. We only got about an inch or so here, thank goodness. I'm still on hiatus, but I hope to be able to join your party next week. The theme sounds great, and I miss posting with you! I hope you're having a good week. Take care!

  22. You live in the land of magical bargains!...Yep, I'm certain that it's true. Your tables cape is a great shot of color for a cold winter day. I want to take a road trip and go bargain hunting with Alma and you. Maybe Alycia would make the trip with me! Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  23. I always dry some hydrangeas at the end of the blooming season, but I never thought about spray painting them. I love that idea, and I'm betting it will happen at my house, too. Any tips?

  24. Kathleen, I love that flatware! Your table looks great, but I am sooo coveting that flatware. I also want one of those cakes. Yum! You're vintage table cloth is adorable. laurie

  25. You know I'm lovin this table. ;-) Your little cakes are adorable, and this entire table is such a happy one. Your new flatware is cute and that tablecloth is going to be fun for a future table. Eager to see how you use it. What a buy!
    Had trouble linking up tonight. It kept giving me an error message. Finally success! Headed to bed now, but will be back tomorrow to visit all the links. Love this party! ~ Sarah

  26. That flatware is so cute! And I really love the new CTS tablecloth. Thanks for hosting Kathleen.

  27. Great table, Kathleen! Those are my high school colors & I LOVE red with festive! I love all your contrasting layers & all the special pieces that coordinate so well. You're GOOOOOOD at this, Girlfriend!

    The cherry filled chocolate cake is making my mouth water. I LOVE cherry anything!!! Yummo!

    Warm Hugs,

  28. Beautiful tablescape! I love the flatware and that dessert! Wow, so easy but looks spectacular!! Thanks for hosting! Blessings, Tammy

  29. Lovin' your flatware...the table is so pretty.
    I linked a teascape this time...hope that's ok.

  30. Love it all! Thanks for hosting and stop by and link up to centerpiece Wed if you haven't already! Hugs, Karim

  31. I just love your black white and red! This is a perfect transition into Valentine's Day Decor! Thanks also for hosting this neat link party! I've been seeing some really beautiful tablescapes there too! Have a great week! =D

  32. I love all the inspiration I get here, Kathleen. The red and black is great. My dining table is so lonely right now. We finally took our 6 chairs to get re-tied, stuffed, and re-upholstered. They were in sorry shape after 36 years of wear and tear. Hopefully when we get them back it will inspire me to do a fresh scape!! Blessings...

  33. What a fun and festive table! Hope all's well!

  34. I doubt this will go, but I do love this table and wanted to say so. I meant to tell you that the pink flatware I won on your giveaway last year went to Santa Fe with us! I found a big batch of paper plates, etc at CTS that looked so good with it.

  35. Your table is stunning as usual. I LOVE to see all the wonderful things you do and I've missed it all the past 2 months because I haven't been blogging . Hopefully I'll be back with a post tonight. Kathleen you are just so talented and creative and everything you do is amazing. And I love your header. Am SO looking forward to your March blog crawl. It will be wonderful. Thankyou my friend for missing me. Your comment meant alot to me. Love, N.

  36. Your cakes look yummy and pretty. I immediately noticed you set your glasses the "french way". I had not noticed this before my post before last titled french copycat tables cape. Funny, how you look at something and see a detail you never noticed before. Also, I actually read one of my coffee table books that talked about french customs and this detail jumped out at me.

  37. What a beautiful, embroidered tablecloth! Debbie would love it and I know Debbie wants that flatware too! Beautiful table, as always, Kathleen. Those cherry cakes would be perfect for Valentine's Day!!!

  38. What a bargain on that tablecloth! Oh my! I love, love that flatware. It looks like a wonderful winter sweater. I never get in a World Market since the closest one to us closed a few years ago. I think we may head to St. Louis to Trader Joes tomorrow and if I remember correctly, there is World Market very near there-as if I really need anything else. I can't quite motivate to set a table recently, but I'm starting to kick myself back into blogging gear!

  39. Hi Kathleen! Thanks for the visit to my post on the DIY napkin rings. Since my comment reply is not working properly I wanted to stop over and answer your question on the metal ribbon. The ribbon came from HL in a small package and was part of their Christmas decor. Blessings, Tammy

  40. I like the red and black table scape. Great for January. The tablecloth is perfect and the sprig in with the napkins is a nice touch.

  41. Popping back over to say Thank you for sharing your pretty table with us at TTF Kathleen!


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