Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Villeroy & Boch Toy's Fantasy~ Let's Dish #38

Good evening!  My blog is 4 years old this week, time flies.

I hope everyone is pleased with their progress on holiday preparations.  I am not done.  Outside is, but inside has a long way to go!

Tonight I am using Villeroy and Boch Toy's Fantasy.
Dec 2012 019
Notice all the detail, fluted edges and red trim.
Dec 2012 004
I used a green glass charger, and green and red napkin ringed with pip berries and mini pine cones.  It is a small candle ring, .50 from Cmas Tree Shop a few years ago.

Dec 2012 003
The soup bowl has a snowman scene done in coordinating colors.

Dec 2012 013
The tablecloth is an off white with a muted red pattern.  It is lined and has a cording edge.  It was 5.00 in Savers.

Dec 2012
Dec 2012 013

The green flatware is from World Market, and the green BEE glasses are from Cmas Tree Shops, 1.00
Little red gift boxes hold the name card.

Dec 2012 007

Since the china pattern is toys, I used a mini red flyer tricycle on some fresh greens as the centerpiece.

Dec 2012 014
Two little felt bendable elves are riding.  I got them in PB last year after Cmas, for 1.00 each.
Dec 2012 006
Dec 2012 009
A matching boot cookie jar from V&B.
Dec 2012 010
There is amazing detail on the toys.

There used to be a Villeroy and Boch outlet here in Southampton.

 They had a basement clearance area, and I would wait for the 75 off after Christmas.

Dec 2012 011
Dec 2012 026
Dec 2012 005
Dec 2012 020   75% off the lowest price...I sure miss that store!
My tip for Yvonne's TTT party is about windows.
Dec 2012 022 I used heavy weight Dansk dish towels to make this for the kitchen window for Christmas.
Dec 2012 022
I sewed a co ordinating stripe with the check, then added  tassel to the point.  I only have one large window in the kitchen, so it works for me!

I haven't found the doo dads I usually put on the window sill, they must be in the next bin!
Dec 2012 024
It looks festive with my kitchen tree.  Little copper pot ornaments and gingerbread boys from WS Outlet.
Dec 2012 025 table 394
table 395

This is something easy I make often.  Puff pastry cut with a rolling lattice tool, filled with a poached pear half, stuffed with cinnamon and nuts.

I didn't want to send you away hungry!

Your turn!  Please remember to get rid of your word ID.

I enjoyed visiting everyone last week and saw you are embracing the holiday mode!

Please link back to this post, BLOG NAME FIRST, leave a comment, and visit as many as you can.  I know most of you do.

There will be a drawing for a gift card after the Dec. 19th post to celebrate my biggo blogaversary! :) Just leave a comment and you will be entered if you are a follower.

Link and runners will get coal  in their stockings!  :)

Your turn, let's see how you are decking your tables!

Thanks so much for visiting!
I hope everyone who was under the weather last week is feeling better!


  1. Well now...I am in love!! What a wonderful table and kitchen! Absolutely beautiful and dessert, too!

  2. Congrats!!! wow Kathleen that is fabulous. I love your table. Those dishes are so endearing. The tablecloth is perfect as to not take anything away. super job on the valance for the kitchen too! Loving your tree.. What size? xo marlis

    1. Thanks, Marlis!
      The kitchen tree is 3 ft, but I think I could do 4. I will wait till they are marked down though, and do the 4 next year.

  3. I have kitchen Christmas tree envy~ so adorable with the copper pans & gingerbread ornaments! Love your V&B at the table! Thanks for hosting!

    1. Mary, I can't imagine that you do not do a kitchen tree! You do everything up so grandly!

  4. I am very, very jealous of that tablecloth and the price you paid for it. Want to know just how jealous I am? I am calling William Shatner at Price to book a flight out there to thrash you!!! Man, that thing is pretty! I love the cording on the edge AND the pattern. The fact that it's cream instead of stark white makes it extra desirable. Lock your doors, Kathleen. I'm coming for you! :-) And as if that wasn't enough, you spring those fabulous dishes on me! I feel faint!!! Very, very pretty table! Happy hunting for the rest of your kitchen decor. I thought you would be almost finished with your decorating. OK...I don't feel so bad now! I spent most of today doing nothing but decorating with the music blasting. My kind of day! :-) Have fun!

    1. The outside takes a long time as I am flying solo! I do up the porch, even a tree out there. I am slow, getting too old for old this decorating!

  5. oops! My mind drifted (that happens a lot lately) and I didn't put my name on the link!!

  6. Hi Kathleen, you've created such a pretty the dishes, the elves and the $5.00 tablecloth. Your kitchen tree looks so festive. I'll try to share my tiny one next week. Thanks for hosting and happy decorating the rest of the house.
    p.s. the pear dessert looks super scrumptious!

  7. Those little bendable elves are so adorable!! I love all the green, the green goblets and the flatware. The VB dishes are so detailed and beautiful. It is such a happy table that anyone would liek to sit at. The pear dessert tasted delicious -- thanks. Joni

  8. I am loving your Kitchen Christmas tree, best one I've seen! And of course your table and the dessert. I will try to share soon, Christmas is not my thing, used to be but no more. I better end now before three ghosts appear! xo

  9. Oh, I forgot... Congrats on 4 years!! Hooray!!!

  10. You find the best bargains! Can't believe that tablecoth!! Love your table - the Fitz and Floyd and that green stemware!

  11. Oh this is just lovely, Kathleen, one of my favorites! I love Villeroy & Boch and they close their store in the outlet that I frequent. Those plates are amazing. I love ths shape. Congrats on your 4th. Time really flies when you're having fun...Christine

  12. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging...thank you for all the help and tips you have given me.
    Beautiful table...those plates are adorable and look so nicely on the green chargers.
    You know, I have never used my lattice cutter, in fact I almost tossed it a couple weeks ago, but didn't!

  13. Love your dishes!! That tablecloth was a steal and so pretty! How fun are your elves as the centerpiece. What an adorable tablescape! You got some great deals!! Happy 4th Blogiversary!!
    Miss Bloomers

  14. One more thing....I love your plaid valance and how it ties into the bows on the tree and the tree skirt. Great job!

  15. A gorgeous setting K! Of course the kitchen tree caught my eye immediately! I've picked up a few new ornaments this year and told the boys I've added to their inheritance, they're thrilled-not:@) Have fun decorating!

  16. Congratulations on you bog anniversary; a wonderful accomplishment; I see how much work you put into your presentations. I love teddy bears and enjoyed seeing one on the first plate...and those elves are a delight.

  17. How adorable! I've never seen that pattern before. Love your tree and window treatment, too!

  18. Congratulations on celebrating 4 years. You are one of the first blogs I found and followed. ;-)
    This is a darling table. I bet the grands think this one is fun. Thanks for your gracious hospitality and friendship, Kathleen............Sarah

  19. Oh everything is so delightful. Love it all!!

  20. I'd miss that shop too. Are you kidding me with the price of that Villeroy and Boch? Amazing. Great theme for a table! Everything looks beautiful!

  21. I have really admired those dishes for a long time Kathleen!
    What a fun and whimsical Christmas table!
    Your tree is so cute and love the idea for the window covering too.
    p.s. I have a real tree, come see if you can!

  22. I just love your table and those dishes are wonderful! Thanks for hosting.

  23. Hi Kathleen,

    I'm going to have a long comment tonight because I LOVE this post!!! That table is so pretty, and your dishes are such beauties. Villeroy & Boch dishes are so nice; my MIL has the "Basket" pattern, which she's used for her everyday dishes for years. Your pattern is so detailed. Your tablecloth is really pretty -- what a bargain at $5.00. I also love your salt and peppers; where did you get those? Your centerpiece is perfect for this theme (the bendable elves are adorable) :-D

    Now for the kitchen; you did a great job with the curtain. And your kitchen tree is darling; my favorites are the copper pot ornaments. Last of all, the pear in puff pastry looks delish.

    It looks like you're getting everything decked out for the big day. I look forward to seeing more next week.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  24. Your house is really looking festive! Nice window treatment! Wonderful kitchen Christmas Tree! And I am love with your dishes. I have never seen those before. It is too bad all those great dish outlets have gone away, isn't it?

    Thanks for hosting - hope all is well now in your world.

  25. I love your V&B dishes Kathleen! What a terrific price too! Your kitchen tree is too sweet. Congrats too on your 4 years!

  26. I'm late, but I finally got here. Thanks for hosting. I LOVE those dishes, and that cookie jar is absolutely amazing. The centerpiece is so clever and fun. laurie

  27. I feel like Scrouge this year as all my Christmas decorations are already packed away for our move. All I have is a Christmas wreath on my front door and a pointsettia plant on my dining room table..sigh. We have been very busy sorting and packing. It takes longer than I thought! I can't even bake as all my baking pans are packed --thank goodness I can see so many pretty Christmas secenes on blogs like yours, Kathleen!

  28. I have a confession to make. I have resisted buying a whole set of Christmas dishes, because I have never found ones I really liked. Nothing has been special enough. But, I would love to steal yours! Your whole table is special, and definitely appeals to the kid in me! Congrats on 4 years!!!

  29. Love your window treatment and tree in the kitchen! Congrats on four blogging years (and many more)! The dishes are adorable. I really like that tablecloth that you found at Savers.

  30. Good morning, Kathleen! Such a festive table! The dishes are adorable and the playful centerpiece is perfect with them. Your kitchen window valance is lovely with the points, the tassels and the plaid colors. Great idea.

    Next week my blog will be four years old too. I don't think it was long after that I found your sweet place. I remember making a crab dip you featured and still enjoy making it :)

  31. Love the table and the tree! Everything looks so magical. Congratulations on 4 years. That's lots of wonderful tablescapes and tips. Good for you!! Thanks for hosting Kathleen.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  32. Your centerpiece is adorable and I love that tablecloth! Thanks for hosting your party Kathleen.

  33. Such a great tablecloth and cute tablescape. Pretty dishes with a whimsical centerpiece is so much fun. you have such a creative spirit. Thanks for hosting.

  34. Hi Kathleen, what a fun tablescape. I love the details on the plates and the cookie jar. And the tablecloth is just perfect. Thank you for hosting.

  35. It's looking a lot like Christmas there, Kathleen! Wonderful table and I do love all of the detail in the dishes and cookie jar. Cute idea about the valance!

    I've been wanting to make those pears for a while too :)

  36. Kathleen, your tree is adorable and so is your fun, happy table!!! Your kitchen is full of Christmas magic!!! Thanks for hosting!

  37. I love anything Villeroy and Boch! Really cute centerpiece with the elves all over the tricycle. I love your kitchen tree too, everything looks wonderful!

  38. Stunning V&B dishes, Kathleen!! This tablescape is gorgeous, I even showed Alejandro your dishes and he love them too! The centerpiece it's so clever and whimsy, I love the cute tricycle. Your kitchen is so warm and festive, I'd love to be there eating your yumminess. Thanks for hosting.

  39. Such a fun that little tricycle. I just can't imagine where you keep all these dishes...and does it wear you out to get everything out, set the table and then put it all back? You do have such lovely things.

    All my fun dishes are packed away for awhile so I won't be doing many tablescapes. Hopefully, a few little snack tables, tho.

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello, sister friend.
    xo bj

  40. ANOTHER fabulous table, Kathleen! Love those plates, so cute. And that tricycle is adorable. The gree glasses and flatware are perfect. Thanks so much for hosting. XO, Pinky

  41. YOur table looks adorable. What a wonderful set of dishes. I too miss that V&B store! It would be fun to hit their sale this weekend...if only it weren't so far. Cute little elves at work!

    Good to be with you on Monday, even if you weren't up for shopping. I'm a bit concerned. The Queen of shopping wasn't up for shopping. LOL!

    - The Tablescaper

  42. Hi Kathleen.....beautiful decorations but that kitchen tree is the best!! the little copper pots and your window treatments is very all looks great!

  43. Happy Blogiversary! It's been 4 years? Time flies :) It's been a fun four years, looking forward to many many more posts! Your kitchen looks very festive!

  44. Happy Bloggaversary! Mine will be three years old soon. I can hardly believe it, either.

    I love your table, and the idea for the Tips party is a great one too. I currently don't have any windows in my kitchen. They're just "nekkid". Need to fix that.

  45. Such a pretty table. I love the toy theme! Those plates are wonderful. You are so lucky to have a CTS near you! Such bargains!!! hugs, Linda

  46. Oh I love your tree in the kitchen. Your table is beautiful also. I will try to link up this week.


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