Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lenox Holiday~Let's Dish

Good evening, Dishers, hope your holiday preparations are nearing completion!  :)
After our party Sat., you can see it here, I needed a few days to catch up. 
Dec 2012 091 Dec 2012 110Dec 2012 138

Today I am off to finish the shopping.
Last year the Lenox Outlet had a wonderful sale, and I picked up 14 dinner plates and cake plates to give to my dil and son.  I got 4 for myself, and maybe I will add a few this year.
Dec 2012 180
I wanted to keep this casual and simple , so I didn't use a cloth, just these felt wreaths I got at the dollar store.
Dec 2012 181
Dec 2012 166
Green flatware from World, bad experience with them last week, I will save that for a later date!
Pom pom napkin from Tues Morning, with a tassel and some greens and baby's breath as the napkin ring.
Dec 2012 172
Ceramic spoons from WS were a recent gift, and I decided to use them as place markers .  The name is easily wiped off.
Dec 2012 168
A pretty plate for our bread, also a recent gift.
Dec 2012 173Green glasses by Gorham via Lenox Outlet, and salt and peppers are by Spode.
Dec 2012 175  Some mini poinsettias in a pretty container with greens and flowers added is the centerpiece.
Dec 2012 183
Dec 2012 177
A matching Lenox votive was also a gift.

Don't forget there is a gift card give away for followers who leave a comment.  My little Christmas gift to one lucky follower.

Winner will be announced the 26th, so you can shop the after Cmas sales.
Let's see what you have this busy week!

Please put your blog name first, and link back to this party.
 A comment is always appreciated!

I know everyone is busy, but please try to visit as many as you can.
Thanks for stopping by, I do appreciate it!

Joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, Yvonne for TTT


  1. LOVE your sweet Santa's in the chair!!!
    The table looks amazing as always, and the twin S&P's are on my table in Texas!!
    Still looking for you to come down this-a-way :^)
    Hugs to you and please have the most bless'd of Christmases and new years!!

  2. Hi Kathleen,

    I saw your previous post on Sunday, and I have to tell you, that first picture of the Santa Babies just makes me squeal!!! They are absolutely adorable and precious. Don't you feel so blessed?

    Your table is lovely. My MIL has that Lenox pattern, and it really is a classic. I love the matching votive and also love your new green wreath plate. What a pretty gift.

    I hope you're over your sore throat and having a better week.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  3. Your setting is pretty K, fun napkins! What I love about the Lenox plates is, not only are they classics, they keep adding new serving pieces to the collection-enjoy:@)

  4. Your wee ones are adorable K..

    I wish you a Peaceful Christmas with your dear family..Lots of kisses and hugs from your little ones..

  5. My head is just about to explode from idea overload! Still, I'm going to need to store that idea about writing the name on the little ceramic spoons in my human memory chip. I LIKE it!!! I wish a Lenox Outlet would open near here. Oh, wait...maybe I don't! We'd be so poor I'd have to stand in the soup line. least I could eat my soup out of really pretty dishes! :-) The fact that you're shopping at warp speed tells me you must be feeling better. Hooray! See you tonight for Let's Dish! I usually get around to pretty much everyone. (Of course, many of them I've already visited because I'm a follower so I don't go there again, but when all is said and done, I hit at least 75% I think.)

    1. Alycia, you are among the best visitors. I see your lovely comments all over ! I don't know how you do it!

  6. How charming! You did it again Kathleen! (and what a treat to see your little cuties again!)

  7. Kathleen, those Santa babies just melt my heart! That little pose of them is just the cutest ever!! I love your classic Lenox dishes and they look great on the $ Tree felt wreaths. Those ceramic spoons are wonderful for place settings. I wanted to stop by early and check out your pretty table. See you tonight!

  8. Those felt wreaths are great with those is the flatware. I love your seat markers!

  9. So pretty. Love lenox dishes. cute napkisn and the green flatware looks fabulous. Love those green goblets. thanks so much for hosting.have a blessed and merry Christmas.xo marlis

  10. Love those red wreaths. They are so cute. What a very creative idea to use the spoons as a place card. What kind of a pen did you use? One for a white board? Beautiful table...thank you for hosting. :) Merry Christmas.

  11. My Lenox Holiday is packed away. The only thing I used in that pattern was the set of four napkin rings.

    Your table is beautiful, Kathleen. Thank you for hosting!
    Merry Christmas!

  12. Hi Kathleen, I started a comment a couple of hours ago, the door bell rang. Then I started something else, made dinner and suddenly remembered my half written comment. Please tell me you have done the same thing.
    I can't remember exactly what I said but it was something about your being a genius. I was drooling over the ceramic spoons used as place markers. I do remember I was bemoaning the fact that we don't have a Lenox outlet near us. I so love that Christmas pattern. It is probably the most elegant pattern made. IMHO! I do know you make us all believe we can do it... a beautiful table and you teach us that we can use dollar store items along with the loveliest finery.
    I had better hit publish before I wander off!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. xo Ginger

  13. I understand you being exhausted! I couldn't believe the wonderful party you had.

    The table is gorgeous. I never got the Lenox plates, but see them all the time and everytime I am so tempted. Their beauty and quality just can't be beat. I hope you do get some for yourself. What a clever idea to use the wonderful wreaths as placemats. You seem to know a lot of great gifters! Isn't that so fun that they know what you love. Those spoons are incredible as placecards. Hope you continue to get everything done that you need to do. I have been in bed with a chest cold and it is getting old!!!

  14. My daughter has Lenox Holiday and she must see this post. You have some beautiful pieces!! Thanks for hosting!

  15. Kathleen~ I love your felt wreath mats framing your Lenox plates! The spoon as a place marker is so fun! Thanks for setting a place for me :) Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  16. I still love Lenox, I have to amuse myself with my Spode. But this year I have beautiful Mikasa Italian Countryside to add to my dishes. Your table is stunning. Love everything about it. Happy to be joining you this week. xo

  17. Your table is simple but so pretty, happy and it evokes a home C'mas dinner, which I can just imagine, you been such a chef dear Kathleen. I love the Spode china and those adorable felt wreath place mats! Love those spoons as place cards too, very pretty and clever of you..lovely. Thank you for hosting and have a blessed and happy C'mas. I love the pictures from the celebration!

  18. I wish we had a Lenox outlet close to is here cause I love their dishes. Yours are really pretty. You grandkids are jus the cutest...Christine

  19. Beautiful, Kathleen!
    I have a bowl of that pattern.

  20. Hi Kathleen, Getting back into the holiday spirit here and I'm joining your party tonight. I'll be visiting everyone! I have been having so much trouble typing with my finger but I've learned how. I will definitely be going back to see all the older posts too. My mother used that Lenox pattern since it came out--I think in the 70s. It is truly beautiful. And those babies!!! Cute as can be!! What a picture in the Santa outfits. So sweet. Makes me very happy. Linda

  21. What a sweet series of photos --the babies and children are so adorable --thye put a smile on my face! I love your pretty Christmas table!

  22. You can't go wrong with that Lenox pattern. I am so jealous you still have a Lenox Outlet. Our's closed years ago. I love how you used the spoons for place cards, so clever! Thanks for hosting in the middle of the busiest of all times. Dianne

  23. I really enjoyed this post. Tomorrow for sure, I am going to hit up $ tree and see if they have any of those wreaths. I added six salad/desserts this year to my six dinner plates from last year. I wish we would get some of those fabulous outlets you have access to!

    Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas with all those adorable grandchildren! I really envy you.

  24. Using the spoon as a place marker is so clever! These dishes are just so pretty! I have 3 sets of Christmas dishes so I must stop but these are tempting! I also love the red wreath's as placemats! Big Hugs, Linda

  25. This is lovely! Lenox Holiday is such a beautiful classic pattern. I would love to hear more about the salt and pepper shakers and see a close up when you get the opportunity. Merry Christmas!

  26. So pretty. I love the spoons. Great idea! Your grand babies are beautiful. Merry Christmas!!

  27. The Lenox Holiday sets a beautiful table, and those little holly spoons make darling place cards. Cute idea!
    Still working on editing my photos and creating a post. Will link up asap..........Sarah

  28. What adorable pictures with Santa! Love the idea of the spoons used as place cards and those dollar store wreaths as mats. How did you ever get so clever? laurie

  29. I have these Lenox dishes but so far have not had time to set my table! Your table is just lovely. Wishing you a Merry Christmas...Ann

  30. What a beautiful table! I love that Lenox pattern. And such sweet little grandchildren! Wishing you a very happy Christmas!

  31. Your table is beautiful! I, so wish, we had a Lenox outlet near us but it's probably for the best that we don't! LOL! Thanks for hosting!

  32. I love the Lenox Holiday pattern and was so excited several years ago to find four place settings at an auction. It's definitely a classic, and so versatile! Casual elegance (as you did this week) or over-the-top elegance ... Holiday knows how to do it all! Merry Christmas to you, Kathleen. Thanks for hosting such a fun party.

  33. Lennox holiday pattern is so pretty. I have admired it for years.
    Your table is decked out beautifully. Love that green plate.
    The spoons are so cute, especially with the names. Merry Christmas.

  34. Hello Kathleen,
    Honestly, I drool and adore your bread plate and the flatwares. They are one of a kind in my eyes. You have a great collections.

    Have a great w/end ahead.

    /CC girl

  35. Love your Christmas Lenox! It's always so festive and elegant. Great place mat and a bargain too!

    So fun putting the name on the spoon. What kind of marker did you use?

    - The Tablescaper

  36. Very pretty! Great idea to use the spoons for a place marker. Love that!
    Merry Christmas, Kathleen!

  37. What cheer seems to exist at your house, Kathleen, and I am grateful for that. I've been a little slow the last few days and missed your link party, but I will be back. Here's wishing you and yours the happiest of holidays.

  38. Hi Kathleen! Oh, your table is just gorgeous! Love those pretty dishes. Everything looks so lovely. How sweet your little grand was the baby Jesus! :)
    I wish you a wonderful blessed Christmas.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  39. Hi Kathleen!
    Your table is so pretty and cheerful for the holiday season. I love all the wonderful bargains you shared in this table. And how fun the photos of the grands are ( read your other post)! I hope to get my act together in the New Year and do more tablescapes. I miss doing them but, at the same time, I just haven't been up to it. thank you for sharing all this fun Christmas with us at TTF. I wish you and your family a fun, safe and very Merry Christmas!

  40. I'm able to get my Lenox plates out for dinner tonight and Christmas brunch on Christmas Day. I love that pattern! How lucky you were to find them at the outlet. I always try to pick up a piece or two at TJX on sale after Christmas. All I have left to do is finish wrapping the presents!

    Merry, Merry Christmas, Kathleen, and the very best wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2013!

  41. Wishing you much Christmas joy on this very Special day! I've enjoyed all your tables this year.

  42. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful new year.
    xo bj

  43. Merry Christmas! Currently driving through snow storm to get home after spending Christmas Eve and early morning Santa tree with our grandsons. So many good ideas an this table. The spoon place card is outstanding. Is that they're actual purpose? You've inspired me to pick up some of those felt placemats. Thanks for hosting us! Cherry Kay

  44. So pretty! I wish we had a Lenox Outlet. Debra C

  45. The Lenox makes such a beautiful setting, love the idea of using the spoons as place names..genius! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  46. Looks like a wonderful party! The kids make things more fun :-) Beautiful table setting.


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