Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Tables~ Let's Dish !

Good evening, everyone.  Hope you are all well.  I am doing battle with a wicked sore throat and cough since last Friday, it has put a major crimp in my preparations. 

I was unable to do a new table for you tonight, so I will show some from the past.  I know, boo, but sickness has no respect for tablescaping plans!

table 1189

To start, a little craft to use as place cards.

I cut the adorable  face from a roll of ribbon, fashioned a snowperson's body and made a slit in a styrofoam ball.  Something cute that costs very little!

table 472

Perfect with these cute plates from CVS, a chain of drug stores.  I bought them after Cmas one year, for about .50 or less a plate.

table 1429

This table gets a lot of interest from pinners.  There is a red checked tree shaped place mat from WS Outlet and all the plates are from there too.  Very simple and fun!

table 424

A more formal table done with a wicker sleigh centerpiece I made with fresh greens and flowers.  The china is Eternal Christmas by Lenox.

table 427table 425

table 1464

Same china, but this for New Years.  Fresh greens, flowers and pinecones adorned with some glittery ribbon and stars.

table 1458 IMG_1788

My tip for Yvonne's TTT, fill your kitchen island with trays of goodies, and let people help themselves... Plenty of small bites choices like the Rugelach shown here.


Another tip is if you entertain a lot, invest in a buffet server like the triple one you see here.  I got mine from HSN, Command Performance.  Not only is it pretty, but it is SO useful. 

You can cook , and serve in it, and it has 3 separate settings. I have given a few as gifts, and they are always a hit!

I have previously posted the recipe for Mike's Rugelach, type it in the search bar if you are interested.

Your turn, same rules, no word id, dish related post and a link back to this party.

Visit as many as you can, I am way behind,  but next week should be better! 

Thanks for visiting, see you Sunday!


  1. These tables are beautiful, Kathleen. I hope you are feeling better soon!
    Thanks so much for hosting.

  2. Ooh Kathleen, it's not a good time to be sick! I sure hope you feel better soon. I did enjoy seeing all your pretty tablescapes again. Those CVS plates are adorable. I liked the cute place card, too. Great tips for guest helping themselves. I like the 3-part server. Big hugs sent your way.

  3. Hey there, slugger! Sorry you're feeling badly. I have just gotten over a bout of the nasty stuff myself, so I totally feel for you. I hope it passes sooner than later. So I don't totally understand how you made the place card...the snowman's head was the cardboard part on a spool of ribbon and you attached that to a body that you made from white cardboard? Am I close? It is really, really cute and I think I could maybe do this. I am SO bad at crafty things, but this may be something that's actually within my range! :-) I love your infinite dining room table. We're probably in this house for life, so I'll never have a dining room that large. I just think dining tables with long, lush centerpieces are SO pretty!!! Great idea on the kitchen island! Feel better soon!!!!!!

    1. Alycia, the face is actually a face that is on the ribbon, I just cut it out, then made the body from white cardboard.

  4. Love all your tables and tips. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Sorry to hear you are battling the creeping crud, feel better soon. I love revisiting Tables from Christmas Past. I could just stare at your header and be happily transported. I do hope to join next week, I am going to give it the old college try. Get into the Christmas spirit! xo

  6. So sorry you are under the weather. That is certainly no fun, especially with all the million things to do at this time of the year.

    I love seeing all your cheerful and elegant Christmas tables. I am going back to look again before I have to feed Sweet Husband.

  7. I'm sorry your not feeling well lovely lady..hope you get better soon, though, this way you can have a great Christmas in such beautiful tables, I specially love the gorgeous big table with that great sled centerpiece!.. and the buffet counter is to die for..totally YUMMY!!!!!!!! Thank you for hosting yet, another terrific party at Let's Dish.

  8. All your Christmas tablescapes are beautful, Kathleen. Sorry, you do not feel well. I hope you get well soon....Christine

  9. Hi Kathleen,

    Oddly enough, I've had a sore throat for about 2 1/2 days now; I'm sorry to hear you have one, too.

    There are so many neat things in this post. The little snowman place card holder you made is sooo cute. :) I think the peppermint-striped plates and bowls are darling, along with the checked, Christmas tree-shaped place mats.

    The Lenox Christmas dishes are just beautiful; they look so pretty with your gold-trimmed flatware. And you've decorated your chandelier beautifully in that picture. Your trays of Christmas goodies in your kitchen are very festive looking, and I'm sure they're delicious. What fun to come to your home for the holidays.

    Thanks for sharing these tips, Kathleen, and for hosting the party. I really hope you feel better soon!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  10. I hope you feel better soon! If I have seen these tables before, I don't remember so I'm glad I got a chance to see them. The snowman table is just plain adorable, and my favorite feature of all is the gorgeous centerpiece in the last one.

  11. Love your tables and your dessert buffet looks oh so tempting! I feel your sore throat/cough pain! Take zinc and drink lots of fluids! I hope you feel better~ it's crummy feeling bad at the holidays. Thanks for hosting!

  12. Get well soon, no fun being sick for the holidays!

    Your tables are always so awesome.

    Thank you very much for hosting.

  13. Well darn, I hope you get well quickly and feel better by Christmas!
    All your tables you posted look wonderful. Love that long centerpiece on the New Years Eve party table and the island with all the snack foods!
    Thank-you for still hosting!

  14. Ooops, I forgot to put Yellow Rose Arbor in the subject line. It's been so long since I joined in, I forgot!

    Love all your encore tablescapes. I don't remember all of them and doubt others do either, so don't worry about not doing one tonight. I hope you feel better soon. Bummer to be sick during the holidays, too much to do!! Sending well wishes your way!


  15. So sorry you are under the weather for it is not a fun time. I hope you feel better soon!

    The tablescapes you are sharing are so pretty but my favorite is the snowman with the CVS china. You need to rest and take care of yourself so you will be well for Christmas. So thanks for the link party for you are always a wonderful host!

    Thanks, Pam

  16. Kathleen, you can show your old tablescapes any time you want. They are just as inspiring the second time around. This is a horrible time of the year to be sick. I hop you feel better soon. laurie

  17. Awww....I hope you feel better soon. You are such a trooper to carry on the linky party. Your tablescapes are so pretty. Each so different and festive. Thanks for hosting. Happy holidays.

  18. Hope you feel better soon! You always have the prettiest tablescapes & I don't mind for one bit that you showed them again because I must have missed some of them so they are new to me!

  19. Just love seeing your tables.. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting this fun party!! xo marlis

  20. I hope you feel better soon!! I love the WS peppermint plates. I could see them on my table too!! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thank you for hosting!

  21. Hope you are feeling better soon....finally did a tablescape after so glad to be joining the party again...thanks for hosting have so many beautiful tablescapes archived!!!

  22. Alycia and I had the same question. I appreciate your response. I'm so sad that you feel punk. I hope that you're better quickly! So much inspiration in one post. The green tables in the dining room are magnificent. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Merry Christmas! Cherry Kay

  23. Love those cute snowmen plates! Sorry to hear you have a cold, hope it passes soon-take care:@)

  24. So sorry you aren't feeling well, Kathleen! I hope you are soon back in fine fettle! Thanks for sharing inspiration from past tablescapes. I have a new sleigh that would work well in copying your centerpiece!

  25. I love them all; so elegant and full of the spirit; hope you are feeling better soon.

  26. The green tables are incredible and I love a large centerpiece, but I would be making a beeline for that inticing goodie bar! Hope you feel better already! Dianne

  27. Nothing wrong with reruns of your wonderful tables, Kathleen. Fun to see these again.
    Sorry to hear that you are not feeling good. Boo on that! Hope you are better soon. Take care of yourself and get some rest...........Sarah

  28. I always enjoy your reruns, and I hope you are feeling better real soon! I remember the year that my sister got sick before Christmas and she had tons of catering to do. Not fun :-(

  29. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, Kathleen! I did battle with that beast not that long ago. Hope you bounce back quickly.

    Beautiful Ghosts of Tables Past :)

  30. Kathleen, I ♥♥♥ the tables with the green, white and gold...beautiful.
    Hope you are feeling better...not good to be sick when there is so much to do and all those little grands so excited about Christmas.


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