Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let's Dish # 18 Destination Challenge

Hello, Ladies, I hope you are staying cool!

It reached 95 here by the Bay, and the humidity was brutal!

I had planned an outdoor table, featuring these.

Let's Dish 1050
But, it is even too hot under the palm trees in a tropical paradise!  I came back in, rescheduled that table and I am taking you to somewhere air conditioned!

Tonight when you link up. please put the name of your blog, followed by your DESTINATION!

Guess where we are going?  Start spreading the news!

Let's Dish 1037

NEW YORK!  I know, it is not  a great destination for me, as I live in NY.  But I haven't been on a vacation in 25 years, so I have nowhere interesting to take you!

Tonight we will dine at a lovely air conditioned restaurant in NYC.

Let's Dish 1047

I filled a silver compote with water and floated some white hydrangea and white lobelia as the centerpiece. 
Let's Dish 1044

Candlesticks by Mikassa, stems Waterford Lismore.
Let's Dish 1043

I used my mirrored chargers, black plate and scene from NY salad plate.
Let's Dish 1049

*Black cloth with a black and white topper.

My tip for Yvonne's TTT party!
The topper is a square scarf from the .99 store, gives the table an extra pop.

Let's Dish 1039

The salt and pepper shakers are crystal skyscrapers , we have a lot of them in NY!

Let's Dish 1048
I used white napkins with a black fringed sheer overlay.

Let's Dish 1045
Silver napkin ring, glass butter domes.

Gold trimmed flatware.

Let's Dish 1040 
Let's Dish 1033
I can't wait to see where you are taking us tonight!

Let's Eat!
Since it is so hot, let's just eat cold things!

A nice ice cream soda with homemade ice cream...

table 2643 
 table 2649 
table 2640
Homemade cookie ice cream sandwich...

table 2652
And some cookie sicles, made in this.

table 2638Take your pick, or have all 3!

My gkids prefer store bought ice cream to my homemade!

Thanks for coming to our weekly meeting of Let's Dish!


I visited all entries who left a comment.  I may be slow, but I get there!

Please leave a comment, and link back to this party. Have fun on your travels!

Table info:
Scarf as Topper .99 store, I gave Alma one too!
Salt and Peppers by Shannon, CTS
NY scene plate HG clearance 5.00 for 4
Silver compote, bought this week at Savers, black as coal!
Napkin rings CTS  Black sheer napkins, Century 21  99 cents

I am joining Yvonne for TTT
Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Diann for Thrifty Things Friday
Gollum for Foodie Friday


  1. Oooh, so dramatic, with the black and white theme! And how neat that you have those skyscraper salt and peppers! Great tip about using the scarf as a topper! Thank you for hosting!

  2. Love the dramatic black and white contrast. Neat NYC skyline plates, but you didn't tell us where you got anything! I was with you on the shopping trip for the fringed napkins. I still haven't used mine, but I love them!

    - The Tablescaper

  3. It's too hot here to sit by the water & under the palm trees too! Love your crystal skyscraper S&P's and your elegant black and white NYC tablescape! I haven't visited NYC in over 20 years~ I'm overdue a trip! Thanks for hosting :)

  4. Love the black and white-great plates and I love the s&p's! I would love some of your homemade ice cream. We broke a record in the city today, 101 degrees. Wacky thunderstorms just passed. Crazy lightening. xo

  5. Love this table Kathleen! Wonderful destination interpretation.

    My interpretation is sort of like me...a tad broad.;-) Busy trying to finish home prep by Friday so we can get the sign in the yard, I borrowed from the old Back Porch Musings destination is relation.

    Thanks so much for hosting Let's Dish!

  6. Very chic table, Kathleen, just as NY is known for. I love it, looks elegant too. I love the black and white and love your S & P shakers and the napkins and rings. Oh, and I want some of the yummy looking ice cream and cookies!...Christine

  7. What a great table, Kathleen! I love the 99 cent topper. I would love some of your homemade ice cream. Thanks so much for hosting.

  8. Kathleen, you know I love a NY visit! Great looking table full of sophistication. Those crystal S&P are wonderful. The black and white theme always makes me smile, and I like the idea of mirror chargers. I've made a note of that idea. ;-)
    That homemade ice cream sandwich looks delicious. I'll have one of those!
    Thanks for hosting........Sarah

  9. I probably cannot afford dinner at your fancy NY restaurant, but that ice cream soda is calling my name! Love your table. So pretty with the black and white and silver and crystal. Cute NY plates and skyscraper s/p. The napkin-overlay-ring arrangement is just gorgeous. Thanks for hosting, and for coming up with the great idea of a destination challenge.

  10. This is absolutely gorgeous! Your creativity makes me green with envy.

  11. Start spreading the news... your table is fun! Love the black and white, I really think it highlights the sophisticated side of NY! The white of my choice is a flag, I've waving it at Mother Nature, wishing for cooler days:@)

  12. It's hotter there than it is here in FL! Whew!

    Love the black and white with the NYC theme, just beautiful!

    I'll have some homemade ice cream, love it!

    Thanks for hosting!


  13. You did that as a second idea????


    Gorgeous, and it has such a urbane feel to it - just like a posh NYC dining spot.

    Best part was that ice cream. Suddenly I must. have. some.

  14. I'm spreading the news....I'll be visiting NYC next week :-) The topper is so neat - the square scarf is very clever. I rarely eat ice cream, but I prefer mine homemade. When I was younger, I preferred the mac & cheese in the box over my mom's homemade and cheese. They say our taste buds will change about three times during our lifetime. I know mine have. LOL

    Love the theme! I hope it's not too hot in NYC next week.

  15. Oh, poo! I didn't read the part about adding our destination until after I had already linked up! I'm so sorry! FYI, we're going to India at my place. Whaddya mean you haven't been on vacation in 25 years?!??!!! I thought I was bad! I don't go a lot of places because I can't stand to fly!!! Besides that, I actually love being at home with all my creature comforts. I suppose if I could just twinkle my nose a la "Bewitched", I would go more places. I've never been to New York, so thank you for spreading the news...and the calories of the yummy desserts! (It has been 100+ for 2 days in a row now, and we're expected to hit 109 in a few days....with still no rain in sight!!!) I love those NY salad plates!!! Really cool!!! And the napkins...SO pretty! Really unique and fancy schmancy...just like New York! :-)

    1. It's true! No vacation in 25 years!
      Hope you get cooler weather soon. We are supposed to be better by Fri.

  16. I love your New York table! I have not been in the table setting mood lately... and now I am missing it a little! Your scarf topper idea is a great tip! New York would be a great destination for me!!! Very very stylish table!
    Thanks for sharing this useful tip with us at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS!

  17. So sorry, I missed the directions to put the destination in my title. Love your gorgeous glitzy NY table!!

  18. Great table!
    Just give me some homemade ice cream sandwiched between those cookies.

  19. Your table is so chic & elegant! NYC is a favorite for me.

  20. Kathleen.. oooh New York.. Another favorite. your table certainly grabs everything that epitomizes NY. It's spectacular. Thanks so much for hosting. xo marlis

  21. OH! Kathleen, once again you have set a very eloquent table in a magical city! The sweets look absolutely scrumptious especially the Ice cream soda overflowing with sweetness. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Gorgeous table. Now I have the words...Start Spreading The News running through my head...New York....New York....see what I mean? lol You did a wonderful job and it IS too hot to do anything outside. xo Diana

  23. What a pretty table! Love the black sheer napkins and the S&P set. Thank You for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful night!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  24. Hi Kathleen,

    Long time, no see. :) Boy, your table is sooo elegant. Wow!! It's all gorgeous, but my favorite things are the centerpiece, the ruffled candle tapers, your sheer napkin overlays, and the darling crystal salt and peppers. The skyscrapers are so unique! This is a really great idea for a table; it's definitely too hot to dine outdoors. It was about 95 degrees here today, as well. Ugh.

    Thanks for hosting Let's Dish, and I'm glad I could finally join the party.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  25. Love your sophisticated black & white table, so elegant, so NYC.
    I'd love to try your homemade ice cream, do you think it might melt before it arrived in France?

  26. I think you made a great choice and stayed inside! We were going to do ours outside under a window box but the heat and then rain changed the plans.

    I love your NYC table. It's exactly the "feeling" that I get when I think of that place. Sophisticated and kind of sparkly. My favorite little part is the set of skyscraper S/P shakers. That's just perfect.

    And I do believe I would love to make cookie sicles, too.

    Hope you are safe and those storms didn't come your way!

  27. Beautiful! My youngest daughter just got back from visiting NY! She said Mama, it ain't the country! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  28. Love the black and white...your salt and peppers are my fave. I was able to go to NYC twice on business....what an experience!! Loved every minute.

  29. What a great table! It is so elegant and yet so much fun. As for the palm tree flatware...I want it, love that!

    You haven't taken a vacation in 25 years? Vacation is my favorite...I start planning the next trip on the way home from the last trip. I'd go nuts without leaving home!

  30. Love New York...a great destination....just love your plates and the scarf is such a terrific idea...gorgeous table Kathleen, as always!!!

  31. Very creative! Nothing compares to NYC for dinner anyway, it's a great destination. Stay cool!

  32. Loved the black white and the crystal combination.its a awesome destination table.Happy to be part of Let's Dish.thank you.

  33. I love this NYC table, Kathleen! Very classy and chic. I also love that mint ice cream soda! YUM!

  34. OMG! Your destination is my very fav in the world!! Your table is so chic as our beloved NYCITY!!! Your dishes are stunning and the S&P shakers are adorable, I'm bringing an entire NYC everything next time I go..which hope it's soon. The food looks wonderful, as is your table..wish I was sitting there, eating the delish food out of those fabulous dishes. I din't have internet for almost 3 days, so I'm very late and I'm so happy you didn't have the party closed, lol.. Thank you for having me.

  35. I have great memories of trips to New York, but it's been so many years. Thanks for the cyber journey and for hosting us. I don't think that the restaurants of New York can hold a candle to your culinary talents. Cherry Kay

  36. NY is on my wish list to visit! Love all the special touches, the scarf was a great find. Thanks for hosting!

    Cathy's Cupboard Calamity <;)

  37. Love your New York tablescape! The tip on using a square scarf is a really good one. The s&p skyscrapers are very cool and just perfect for your theme!

    I'll take one of those dipped cookie sickles, please. Yum!

  38. What a gorgeous table! So elegant. Love those skyscraper s & P shakers, and oh those napkin overlays are gorgeous. Great NY plates too. I'll take all three of those delicious desserts, please. Can't wait to see a scape with that flatware. laurie

  39. I know you haven't been 'on vacation' for 25 years but you do live in prime summer vacation territory. If I can get away once during the winter, I'm a happy gal. Love those dark, rich colors on your table.


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