Saturday, June 23, 2012

Set Another Place at The Table! Baby Arrived!

Our dil and son had their fifth baby yesterday!

Eamon joins his sister Lily, and brothers, Michael, Seamus, and Declan.  We are blessed!  7lbs. 11 oz.  So far so good!

I'll add a pic tomorrow night.

We celebrated with a Strawberry Smoothie, made with my new Ninja.

Let's Dish 893
If you have a Ninja, and use it for things other than smoothies, I would love to hear!

It came with a big cookbook, but haven't had time to try it yet.

It also has a shredding blade, so I am anxious to try that too!

Let's Dish 894
I think I will bring it with me tomorrow when we go to meet our new grandson.

 I can make sno cones for the other 4.

Oh, the winner of the gift card for the AT THE BEACH table challenge is

ELAINE in Colorado
Please email me your preference , HG or Target, and your address.

Next month's  challenge will be a DESTINATION. July 18th!
A city, or state, or country, or just your back yard for a picnic! 

Trying to keep it broad, that way more people can join in.  

I know all the Texans will be getting out their Lone Star accoutrements, lol!
I love NY, Paris, Italy, Florida, anywhere, your choice!  Take us away!

Thanks to all who joined Let's Dish and left comments . 

 I visited everyone and enjoyed your take on the theme!

A few still have not disabled the word id, I really don't think they know they have it.

This Wed. there is no theme. 
 Show us your table, or collection or new table related  bargain. 
 We love seeing it all!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Congratulations on the new baby, I think I guessed it was a boy! I love the names your son and DIL pick, too. And congrats to Elaine in Colorado. You will be a busy grandma the next few weeks. xo

  2. Congratulations! What an exciting time! The smoothie looks so yummy! I never heard of the Ninja.

  3. Congrats, you are one blessed grand!! How exciting, I adore grand-babies! Loving the smoothie and I don't have a Ninja, but my friend Steph does, so maybe I'll get one too, lol..

    1. Fabby, wait till I try a few things and do a review on it! I got it from QVC , flex pay, so it is only a little each month.

  4. Kathleen, congratulations to your son and DIL and to you, dear one! Yes, you are blessed and so are they to have you as a doting grandma. Slainte' with a yummy smoothie!!!!

  5. Congratulations! I love the children's names!! It's funny but there are so many beautiful names in the world and each generation seems to all pick the same top 10.

    Enjoy your family time with your very special delivery.

    1. Thanks, Jo!
      The children are named after some of the relatives. Eamon for my dad's oldest brother.

  6. Aw, congrats on the new baby! Glad everyone's doing well:@)

  7. congrats on the new addition. such a happy time.
    shake looks good.

  8. Congratulations to you and the entire family! I can't wait to see his photo,

  9. Congrats on your newest little member! What a sweet blessing they are.
    Your smoothie looks so refreshing!

    I really hated to miss the Beach Challenge last week but we were on vacation and I just wasn't able to get it done in time. Congrats to the lucky winner of the gift card.

    I'm having my very first blog giveaway, hope you will stop by!
    Have a wonderful night!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  10. Kathleen, what terrific news! Congratulations on the newest family member. I'm so happy to hear that all is well. Having a good time in SF, but little time for the computer. Will hope to be back posting and visiting as usual next week. Sorry to have missed Let's Dish this week. ~ Sarah

  11. Welcome, Eamon!
    And congratulations Kathleen and family. I love all their names...

    A Ninja! Anxious to know how you like it using it. The smoothie looks yummy.

  12. Hi Kathleen,
    To answer your question, yes, the Christmas Inn is in Pigeon Forge, only I didn't know it was an Inn or hotel, just thought it was a huge Christmas
    store, and saw it on the way into town, and said now, I might like to go
    there one day, and forgot all about
    So when you asked I looked it up and sure enough it was a guess
    the store might not have been as big as I thought!! lol
    Have a great weekend, Blessings, Nellie

  13. Oh Yea, and congratulations on your new grandson,
    he is a good size baby. Hope Mom and Baby are both
    Enjoy those smoothies, we have a magic bullet and love it, and make smoothies with it all the time,
    great for making homemade salad dressing as well.

    Bye now. Nellie

  14. Congrats on the new addition to your family! I have a cousin who is the only girl with four brothers~ ay yay yay :) Love the brothers names!

  15. Congratulations G-ma Kathleen -- what a wonderfully named group of grands. I love seeing big families -- such a blessing! Enjoy the heck outta all 5 of them :)


  16. Congratulations:) Oh will be busier than ever:)Lily will have her protectors all lined up:)

  17. Congratulations, Kathleen! I love all those Irish names! Enjoy that baby! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  18. Hi Kathleen! Congratulations on your newest little bundle of joy! Hope Mom and Baby are doing well. I love the names. When I was a kid all my family called me Lily--that was the best my younger sister could do with my name, and it stuck. Most of my family and many childhood and college friends still use that name for me! Oh I'm so excited for you! New babies in the family are just the most joyous thing! Linda

  19. Congratulations! I am so glad all is well. You really have a houseful now! I am so happy for you and your family.

  20. Congratulations on your newest! What a lot of helpers they will have too. Oh and congratulations to my sister Elaine for winning the gift card. Too bad my birthday has passed or maybe I would have gotten a nice gift out of it!

    Robin Flies South

  21. Congratulations! May he have a long, healthy and happy life!! xoxo

  22. What a blessing to have a new little one in the family! My congrats to you all. Looking forward to pics.

    Susan and Bentley

  23. Another beautiful baby boy! So happy for you and your family. Looking forward to new photos of the little one. I love the next theme party...guess where my destination will be?? Paris maybe! Let's Dish, my fav party since I get to play with all my dishes! Hugs, Linda

  24. Congratulations on your new little grandson. How sweet it is! Blessings on all of you...
    I couldn't read what the next months challenge is. The color just disappeared for me. The only word I could make out was Destination...
    Have a great Sunday Kathleen!

  25. Congratulations to all on the birth of Eamon...Lily still reigns as the only princess among her handsome brothers!

  26. Sending along happy wishes to all on the arrival of the new little one. Lily will have a lot of "protectors" along the way.:)

  27. Congratulations, Kathleen! There's nothing more exciting than welcoming a new baby to the family.

  28. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson, Kathleen. I hope that there will be baby photos to see soon?
    The smoothie looks delish

  29. Congratulations to the entire family, Kathleen! Great news!

  30. NO WAY!!! Thank you SO much!!! My husband just cut me off from dish spending and you have thrown me a lifeline!!!

    But, a gift card kind of pales compared to a brand new grandbaby! Congrats to you and your family! I don't have one of those yet. :(

  31. Congratulation! A new baby is sooo exciting. I know you will enjoying holding that sweet little (well not so little) baby. Enjoy every second of it. Love to you, Ginger

  32. Congratulations to your family, Kathleen!!!!

  33. Congratulations on a new sweet life to love.♥ I can't wait to see pictures.

  34. Congratulations!! I love big families and am always excited to see an addition to one. You must be over the moon!

  35. Congratulations on baby Eamon! Great news :) Looking forward to pictures.

  36. Congratulations to you all, Kathleen. I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see photos of baby Eamon.

  37. Oh Congratulations!!!!! How exciting. I know you are all so happy and so Blessed. Hugs, Marty

  38. What happy news, Kathleen! I was thinking about you/your DIL and son/all of you recently, then saw your father's day brunch post and I saw a big tummy :)--I was hoping it was hers, and that all was well. Blessings to all. ~Zuni

  39. Am so thrilled for you!! It is so fun to have a brand new grandbaby!!! Congratulations!!! And my best to the parents! Hope to post soon. Since our trip to Alaska I've been unable to get to my blog. Hopefully tomorrow. Again CONGRATS!!!

  40. Congrats on the new grandson Kathleen, how exciting is that!
    Congrats to the winner too.

  41. Hearty congratulations on a new little one. Oh, I just love having a baby around.
    Congrats to your winner. I know she is thrilled.
    I can't read what your YELLOW words it a senior thing? or are my eyes going bad....or is it a special code for someone?? :))
    I don't wanna miss anything so you'll have to tell me what you wrote here...:(

  42. Congratulations! That's wonderful and exciting!

  43. Congrats on the new baby at the table :-) How fun! And congrats to my buddy Elaine! I am off to go visit her right now!

  44. Congratulations on the new grand! I love smoothies!!!

  45. Congratulations, to all, Kathleen, A new baby just makes everything extra special. I enjoy smoothies too.
    Enjoy those grandchildren! Thanks for sharing.

  46. Congratulations on becoming a grandma again!! I still haven't gotten to use that wonderful word in my life yet as my 2 sons are not cooperating with grandbabies !

  47. What fun... a new baby to play with this summer. Congrats.

  48. CONGRATS! Glad to hear mother and baby are doing well.

  49. Very happy for you, Kathleen! Glad to hear all are doing well. :-) Sue

  50. Congruatulations on your growing family! Grandma is such a special name for special people.

  51. CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your newest grandson Eamon, Kathleen! He sounds like a big healthy boy and I know he will be much loved by you and your entire family. Best wishes always!


  52. So happy for you!!! Congratulations all around!

  53. Beautiful table! Love the desserts. Thanks for hosting!

  54. Congrats! And, set another place setting!


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