Monday, April 16, 2012

The Good Earth~ Ideas and Arm Twisting! I mean Encouragement!

I thought I would post a few tables I have done in the past with a theme that could fit Earth Day.  I have received  some emails  from some saying they had NO idea what to do!  Come ON! You can do it!  Anything under the sun qualifies, if it grows or lives on Earth, including the sea!

table 973

Garden themed...lots of flowers.

table 2585

Tropical theme, complete with little monkey name holders from PB.

table 2675

Little blue flower pots, floral cloth and watering cans.

table 2883

A little fishy or beachy?

table 4050

Beachy tic tac toe!

Bargains 546

Watermelons are earthy!  Vegetables are  too!

Augyst and dinner dance 334

Bees here, but butterflies, lady bugs, you get the idea!

Everything UNDER the sun!  You all have flowers of some kind, go with it!

Augyst and dinner dance 417

Or apples!

Bargains 528

Or Lemons!

Hoping to see you Wednesday night at 7 PM for Let's Dish Challenge, The Good Earth!  Of course there will be a little give away too!

Please start thinking of topics for next month's challenge.  I'd love to hear your ideas for May! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Joining Marty for Tabletop Tuesday

Shannon for Cozy Home Scenes

Cowgirl Up
Bunny Jean for the Bunny Hop


  1. oh so lovely!! thank you for these beautiful fun!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy earth day!

  2. How pretty, Kathleen- Each one unique and lovely in its own way. I love them all. The one that really makes me smile is the watermelon one- xo Diana

  3. Kathleen,I have an idea, actually a couple, my problem is no budget for props, no place to store the props if I do buy some, stores here do not carry items like I see in other parts of the country, guess we don't do vignettes or tablescapes that much here, I don't know. But I will be joining you! xo

    1. Use what you have, Barbara! I am so glad you will be joining in!

  4. Kathleen, this post is definitely full of inspiration! It's been a busy week here, but I plan to join in even if I have to pull something from the archives. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  5. Such lovely ideas you've shared and yes, so much inspiration too! They are all gorgeous but of course my favorite reminds me of baby bee :)

  6. Fun, fun! Love the lemons and fish! Tictactoe idea is clever :)

  7. Kathleen I did my in a hurry before leaving home for Texas. I wanted to participate! I'll see you Wed! Hugs, Linda

  8. You sure are talented Kathleen!
    Just look at all those gorgeous and charming tables you have created!

  9. Gosh, each of your tablescapes is just perfect, each has such flair, they them all. Thanks, you are so inspiring.

  10. Your imagination has no limits, Kathleen! These are all so inspiring and I will be using a lot of your ideas! Okay?? :)


  11. Oh my gosh Kathleen, this was so much fun! Where do you get all your adorable napkin rings? Those watering cans are simply adorable. I would love to joint these parties, but I'm not sure of the rules. Could you please tell me where to find them. Thanks for your help.

    1. I went over to your blog and left some info, Ellen!

  12. All beautiful and creative but I love that first table, such a pretty tablecloth!

  13. I remember some of these wonderful tables, but not all of them!! LOVE the black & yellow bee one & I CERTAINLY remembered the watermelon one.

    How about a tribute to our Mother's for the month of May??? It could be a table with her dishes or just one single piece, such as a vase or a special candy dish? SOMETHING that she owned & that you treasure simply because it was hers, not because of its monetary value.

    Looking forward to Wed!!!

    1. That is a good idea, Rett. It could even be a table dedicated to our moms, their favorite color or flower as the centerpiece.

  14. These are great! I admit I am really struggling with this one. I have a few ideas but am running short on time. Will you be keeping the link open until Thursday? I am working Wednesday but am off Thursday and need just a bit more time to put it all together in a post. Just wondering when your cut off time is on the linky? Thanks!

  15. Yes, it will reamin open till Fri. Evening! Look forward to seeing what you come up with!

  16. WOW.

    Those are all your tablescapes.

    Just WOW.

    I am so impressed!!!!!!!! You SURE do it well, lady!!

  17. Kathleen, I loved seeing all of these wonderful tables at one time. I don't remember the apple table, but the others are familiar to me. You are an amazing tablescaper! You always add such special details and usually something fun. Your scapes always inspire me. laurie

  18. Such beautiful tablescapes!! I really love the bumblebee and lemon ones...
    Will see you on Wed!

    Have a great night!

  19. I finished my post this evening. Been under the weather and didn't believe I could think of anything. Pearl Buck kept interrupting.LOL So, the post is in draft and I am ready to go. I like it...kind of a pretty one if I do say so myself.:-)

  20. You have no idea how much I want to do this. I even bought some inspiration dishware just for the occasion at the Restore. I'm afraid I might not get to it because of my obligation/busyness that I yakked about on the blog, but I'm still going to try!

    I know what I'm going to do. Just need to put it together.

    When will I learn to just say no?

  21. These are amazing tables Kathleen! Happy, pretty, and sweet!

  22. There's something about those yellow tables that really catches my eyes! I really love that bee-themed table and how the black dotted plates really sets off the yellow.

  23. Big dilemma.... wasn't thinking earth day.. hmmm should I do a different table.. or stay with the Good Earth table I have.. ooh my..big issue.. your tables are soo pretty. They inspire us so much.. cya manana! xo marlis

  24. Wow! SO much variety and so much fun!
    Love everyone of them... Hope we dont have to choose... I couldnt in a million years! Fun visit!

  25. Beautiful tablescapes, Kathleen! You've got such a great assortment of dishes and accessories to pick from. I love the floral one and the lavendar napkins.

  26. many pretty settings. I can't compete.....
    but I surely will love seeing all everyone comes up with. It will be fun. You are an excellent host. :))
    xo bj

  27. Oh my, so much to see and every table is just gorgeous! I would be embarrassed to try and compete. Thanks so much for's really difficult for me to choose a favorite. I adore dishes, linens and stemware and you have a wonderful variety!


  28. NOW I get it!!! I was thinking we had to get all Mother Nature/Hug A Tree/Euell Gibbons/Kumbaya about it! The examples you show here are doable. I may have to pull from the archives at this late date, too, but I'll be here. Shoot....I'm working on something right now that would be really cool for it, but there is a lot of "crafty" work involved that is bogging me down. (I HATE having to do crafty stuff, but sometimes I have to give in!!!) I don't think I could get 'er done, photograph it all, and work up a post in time. At any rate, I'll be here. See ya tomorrow! Oh....yours are all really cool, and I particularly like the beachy tic tac toe!!!

  29. Hello, Pat from BPM sent me here and I now follow you and will be linking on Wednesday with a rare tablescape. Hugs, Olive

  30. certainly have given us all great ideas and encouragement for our tables...they are all so wonderful....See you Wednesday night!!

  31. LOVE everyone of these tablescapes. You are one of the most talented and creative blogger I know. Had not seen the watermelon one before. It just tickled me pink. But all of them are delightful Kathleen!!


    PS THANKYOU for your comment on my blog and your reply. I've been guilty of that the last couple of weeks but will go and see alot this week for sure. Looking forward to linking up Wednesday pm.

  32. I just popped by to see if you got my email. I also posted about one of my favourite teacups today but am not sure if it will work with your party's theme. If you think it's linkable please let me know as I really want to join in with your meme!

    Best wishes always,

  33. What fun tables Kathleen! I already have my "Earth Day" table up.

  34. I love coming to see what you have come up with. You never let me down and you inspire me to take more time with my table setting even we are the 2 of us for our meals. Thank you.

  35. Kathleen,
    I love your table with black and white stiped table cloth. The bea table.
    Love the colors.
    I will see you later.

  36. Hi Kathleen, I'll be there! I had several ideas so we will see what you think of the one I picked! I can't wait to hear the next theme. Linda


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